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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 18 Apr 2010, 16:11

Since the subject was being spoken off, i just thought of one more mtsar contradiction

He has stated in his talks how certain works are hard to source because certain authorities may have kept them off the market or whatever

But in a sense , the same gripe can be applied to his old forum , people used that as research option, especially the people who had posted a lot of sweat on it. That option was removed without any explanation .

But i guess everyone is working on their own shadow plays , point my own shadow contradictions out if they are in vision to anyone Very Happy

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 12 Aug 2011, 13:22

Thought you might be interested in this radio talk:

Michael Tsarion Age of Manipulation II

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 18 Aug 2011, 17:30

This Tsarion article is very valuable to me because it expresses in his writing many of my own intrinsic thoughts and feelings regarding philosophy, religion, nature and the nature of man towards these subjects.

I re-read it often because pondering it over becomes a meditation and something new is gleaned from it every time I give it attention.

Lately, I have been transferring files from my seven-year-old computer onto my new laptop and seeing how much information I have compiled.
I have only owned three desktops since the mid-nineties and each one has inherited the files of the one before it.

My opinion is...Wow, What a bunch of shit I have in here!
I am going through the file of conspiracy bookmarks and links which is also subfoldered with UFO and aliens.
And none of this really pays the rent.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 19 Aug 2011, 09:08

45 minute charge?
That is the worst charge time I have ever heard of.
My wife's three year old Dell laptop gets at least 2 hours.

But that is the reason why I bought the ASUS brand.
They have long battery life and power-saving options that can extend a charge. I am getting about four to six hours charge depending on what I am doing. They offer a battery upgrade which I am told can go 8 to 10 hours.
If you decide on getting a new laptop, check out ASUS website to read about the features. Reliability is most important with a laptop as is warranty. And ASUS seems to be tops with both. This is a great quality machine and these chiklet keys are really nice to pound on...and they are so tight around their edges that crumbs and debris just doesn't fall into them. Not to mention that the keyboard, mousepad and handrest portion of the laptop is not plastic but aluminum. Solid with no flex.
The top of the lid of the laptop has the rubberized coating that is much more scratch resistant and adds a bit more durability.

If I had to pick a second place brand based upon reliability it would probably be a Toshiba.

Tsarion was useful to me in that I had finally found someone that was thinking many of the same things I was thinking.
And because no one around me was doing so...I felt very lonely in the world.
Now...I realize more and more are starting to become aware and interested in things other than just what is in front of their faces.

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Fri 19 Aug 2011, 09:09; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 19 Aug 2011, 09:12

Doesn't it have the options to conserve battery power and switch to integrated graphics rather than use the higher end graphics card

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 20 Aug 2011, 00:04

Ive read the updated mysterium article , its grown a lot since i last saw it , took me over 2 hours to read.
When speculating about the mystery of being and even the history of being , there are very few people whom will ever see eye to eye on the particularities of certain perceptions and interpretations of previous philosophical speculations
There are certain threads of thought that i relate to very closely and there are other speculations of thought that i have my own ideas about

But this is the area of study that always magnetised me the most - the 'nature' of being or even the 'nature ' of non-being

There are very few people tackling this subject in public nowadays , and i guess thats because its the most important subject of all, that gets in the way of everything unless you have delegated its concern to supplied religious dogma or even the infinite chasm of self-ignorance that is an epidemic force these days


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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 20 Aug 2011, 15:02

If there is a hidden higher spiritual creative intelligence called "Nature' or "God" or other terminology , the interesting question is whether or not it operates through impersonal, immutable . inviolable laws that one either gets in line with or suffers the consequences .
or if indeed
this benefactor spiritual awareness operates and responds through a more personal persuasive manner, whereby it can be "petitioned" not through 100% acts of pure conscious prayer directed at it , but by a combination of personal or philanthropic actions coupled with a minimal but authentic potion of subconscious prayer .
It is then impressed by specific achievements / innovations / efforts and rewards them in kind

These are the kind of thought equations that i am grappling with on an ongoing engagement with the intention of increasing pleasure and quality of my own existence and even those i come in contact with Cool


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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Sun 21 Aug 2011, 21:21

not much else to do but sit somewhere or roam somewhere. also not much else to wear either but sandals and robes. lot of free time and no weed, and ugly chicks who dont shower. plus the chicks were greek chicks. imagine the pit hair on those bitches. "why is the world like this uggggghgh" was probably the start to socrates.

philosophy is kindof a sickness. I have a friend when he gets high he asks really straightforward "deep" questions and then i sit there utter only enough words cause he's my friend and i want to be respectful but nothing illuminating is being thought of but he acts like hes been on a journey from the thought process. its really sad. and if thats the way everybody out there thinks than i dont mind AT ALL that philosophy is not uttered all the time.

i was thinking that the secret is definately true. Whatever you think literally happens. you think of porn...you watch it...you think of cutting the grass...you cut the grass...you think of saying hi to your nieghbour...you say hi to him....Its like giving reality commands! life is literally like /open C: drive, program files, eat apple. and when you get malware on your harddrive you need to cleanse that shit and get rid of all the bad registry. or POP UPS will happen. BAD ONES like. MALWARE is like negative thoughts being brought on by somebody elses negative programming?

now this is crazy shit.

you sit around wondering..why am i vibrating like this and why is he/she vibrating like that? am i really vibrating at a strange frequency that is causing strange thoughts moods? Deep breathes...alright im in the zone now. hey this stranger came up to me and started a conversation why is that? did my deep breathes change my frequency to allow their frequency to hum with mine or something? whats going on here?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Mon 02 Jan 2012, 02:03

Michael Tsarion with a new perspective; this is an interesting development:

Now, after you have read through Michael Tsarion's new forum site (the comments
are great) at the linked site above, allow me to introduce you to the (wo)men
who made the events of September 11, 2001 possible:

    Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Wpid-3wMt4
    "Anyway, keep exposing the CUNTS of history and their false
    goddess made up masks."

Note: the caption under the image isn't mine, I took it from the comment section
off Michael Tsarion's new forum site. Disclaimer: Because I didn't want to provoke
any militant man-hating radical feminists into a titty uproar.


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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Mon 02 Jan 2012, 06:33

Hi tgII, was there another earthquake in Japan? Hope things are ok.

In the upcoming oh so wonderful golden age of revealing, I think the illuminati female is more of another era in beginning. The ancients of India have mentioned the patriarch, matriarch, god/goddess cycles. The age of Aquarius being female is not a surprise. I can see how the patriarch will have to go underground and support the female illuminati. Or else maybe the real Mother of them all is a female and lets them play in their cycle ages.

It's amazing how things repeat themselves. And with folks always pitted against each other and duality.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 02 Jan 2012, 21:07

i know a couple guys that might pay to be in that cart above Twisted Evil

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Mon 02 Jan 2012, 22:09

the artist confuses me. the story that is being told in the direction of everyones heads is damn hard to figure out. what are the women looking at. red one is looking to her left and looks to be in a state of arousal. the one beside her is also looking to her left but slightly in a different angle and looks to be confused or concentrating hard. the guy is looking to his right so whatever they are looking at is either too scary for him to look at also or theres something better to the right?. and whys the girl in the back also looking to the right.

What is going on where we cant see Sad

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 06 Jan 2012, 01:01

tgII wrote:

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Wpid-3wMt4

i know a couple guys that might pay to be in that cart above

Yes because the picture itself depicts a typical male phantasy...captured by a group of voluptuous amazones..*lol*

If it were really about female domintation then a women be seated in the cart and the man would be pulling the cart like an ox.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 07 Jan 2012, 01:34

Yes because the picture itself depicts a typical male phantasy...captured by a group of voluptuous amazones..

Not quite, id want a chinese woman , a thai woman , a japanese woman, a blond woman , a brunette woman , and maybe even a red headed woman plus an indian woman to complete the fantasy , but it would be a free movement gig , no captured or dominants allowed , 7 ? , as a one long nighter I'm sure its a possible Razz

Anyone remember that funny scene in ENTER THE DRAGON where the madam takes the selection of chick into the Darkies(sorry the coloured gent) bedroom , and she asks him to make his choice .
He replies , I'll take her.......and her...and her...and her...LOL priceless

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Sun 08 Jan 2012, 18:33

exactly, FUCK THE ILLUMINATI...no matter in what color, shape or gender they come...it's just another lame distraction.. Wink

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 11 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Wed 11 Jan 2012, 17:23

The Doggon say that they were visited by androgynous females and that they were of the water. Now that it is the time of Aquarius and the media wanting females to be either male or female it matches up with who the Doggon called the Nommo?
Androgynous beings are not male or female though, so how could the Nommo be female. Perhaps they looked female. I definitely think female when I can't tell which gender. Not only that all fetuses in the beginning stages are female.

It's interesting that the textbooks claim that mammals including humans came from amphibians.
And that in Lemuria there were supposedly self reproducing beings.

Since we know we have a physical Creator(s) that can control us. By making us sexual creatures, a male and female, to reproduce to make more slaves, plus dumb us down genetically. Or creating an Eve or Mother to make more of its kind and then the male or Father for genetic diversity. The question is does this Creator also control what happens to our souls or non physical as well.

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