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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Jan 2010, 19:59

Hello HighNoon, I thought maybe you got it going rough now and just need someone to talk to or vent. What is it that you wish?
It's none of my business but tgII has a right to be mad as hell at many things, and it's your choice not to let it get to you.
you wrote:
my new opinion is that tsarion is disinfo working for a new age agenda, and that christians expousing this while speaking a truth, are not going to find salvation with their protestant christianity.
Well here is a great opportunity at a forum where the admin is very insightful as you noticed and allows other's their voice.
I would like to discuss with you or anyone and debate in a civilized manner on his research and others. It seems that if something gets to you, you need to express that and that's great so instead of saying this bothers me or I don't agree, let's discuss the matters on the research.

The mtsar forum wasn't ruined, there may have been an effort to do that by some, but it's looking good.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 05 Jan 2010, 00:34

I would like to discuss with you or anyone and debate in a civilized manner on his research and others.

This is a good suggestion...regarding his research.

Probably a good idea to start in a somewhat logical and sequential manner regarding the release of his work.

That would be the first book release Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation.

That would mean any sharing, discussion or debate would first require that one had actually read the entire book.

It would also mean that anyone wishing to "debate" it would probably have a "leg up" because it of the very nature of the subject matter and the book's proposed ideas. It isn't a subject of sheer facts and undeniable proofs.

Meaning, if you are completely closed to the possibility of mythologies and alternative histories telling of an Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation...then your "proof" is going to be lacking no matter what is thrown before you...and the subject of debate on the issue for "accuracy" is wide open to many speculations, opinions and corroborating "facts". So are we debating if aliens actually existed or exist or debating the way the work of Tsarion is presenting this possibility based upon his research?

The book also had the stated purpose of providing a theory on the origins of evil.

So tell me...what is your debate on the concept and presentation of Michael Tsarion's first book...Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation?

He first proposes in his book that edifices of science and religion have not done much to answer these questions satisfactorily and that evil has not been sufficiently "dealt with" considering the present human state of affairs.

He then states that he believes the answers lie in ancient records in the myths and legends of pre- and post- diluvian epochs that speak of the visitation of "gods" or "angels". And that many researchers have suggested these were "extraterrestrial beings". And that their visitations led to genetic manipulation and hybridization of man and other earth creatures.

Now, to me, just about anyone can write off this initial intent of a book, as pure..."horsepucky".
Is he saying it is absolutely true this happened or his he saying that their is something to look at here regarding these myths and legends and what they say that is worth considering?

Personally, my first "discovery" that something extra-terrestrial may have hybridized or genetically manipulated humans was when it was suggested to me that I begin reading the Christian Bible. Upon my first reading...I instantly interpreted the Scriptures as telling of angels mingling with men and that even the story of Adam and Eve may also have some connection with genetics. Then there was "God" limiting man's long years to 120, when prior the lived to over a thousand. But is the Bible a book of accuracies anyway to be used a source of reliable information...is it "debatable". Isn't history and all of these myths, legends and stories debatable and faulty to some degree in some way or another?

Later, in my teens, certain writings of the east which are perhaps the oldest books and accounts of man to exist, seem to also indicate technologies and extra-terrestrial visitations.

(This is where most would now go of on their tangent that this is a disinformation artist spreading the NWO alien agenda from a Theosophical base to discredit the Bible/Christians or to lead people toward a New Age religion powered by Project Blue-beam...with Tsarion at the helm and you going along for a ride. Because it is assumed this exploration has no basis for investigation by your own mind and you are too weak to interpret it your own way after reading his perspective.)

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 04:55; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Tue 05 Jan 2010, 01:50

    this is an ironic part of your post TGII because it implies a lot of self importance

Right, now run off and analyze yourself into oblivion.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 01:55

I already do a lot of self analysis, you dont have to tell me.

I have a suggestion for you though, how about you start self analyzing yourself?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 01:57

Michael Tsarion Revisited 2cql4ow

Last edited by Irony on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:40; edited 2 times in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Tue 05 Jan 2010, 02:01

    and keep your hands and mind off little children there yo Timmothy Grass dude, you hear me right.

Ya, right, sure thing.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 02:09

tgII wrote:
    and keep your hands and mind off little children there yo Timmothy Grass dude, you hear me right.

Ya, right, sure thing.

Good for ya! Michael Tsarion Revisited Wjysco

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 02:14

I have to goto a class, ill leave any big parts for later. but i can provide some less than a month old exchanges on tsarion from a place i will link to if asked of me.

For the record i do not know of this specific podcast where tsarion insulted swedes (or any perceived insults) I will try my best to tell people where i am playing catchup, and when i am not and what i can answer, but for now here is some information.

Well spoken and true Eric,

Nobody forget to download the interview, before Hendrik re-edits it, because Tsarion really offended countless Swedes, and even 'athiest' Swedes. Palmgren pretended to ignore what he said, but this will have a dangerous toll on Red Ice forever. You need Tsarion's own words for a future time when he will ask to meet up with you or collaborate. Tsarion is just like Leo! He just cooked his own funeral, and lost 1000's Swedish followers.


I have heard the interview. Henrik isn't a confrontational type of interviewer. If he was he wouldn't attract the wide range of guests that Red Ice has. He pretty much lets the interviewee go on a roll & if they put their foot in their mouth then so be it seems to be his method. In Star-Orion(Osiris)'s case Henrik is clearly in awe of him, but not to the point of championing him per se. Still enough to render him incapable of being quite his usual neutral self & very much in "ah, all is revealed!" mode which led to my teeth grinding a bit in exasperation as much as anything. The video collaborations & far higher number of interviews with MTsar than anyone else no doubt work in both of their favour's: MTsar has a pretty big following - which is of course massively helped along by this invaluable free publicity he gets.

The Calvinism-mentioning interview did seem to be MTsar's clever ploy to try to bash Eric indirectly, especially in the wake of the Liberty "Roundtable" & no doubt MTsar is still smarting from his exchange a while back with Eric. Of course MTsar's plausible deniability would be that he had acknowledged the work of "What's his name? Jon Phelps" in exposing the Vatican. It would be good to hear Eric be interviewed again by Henrik to discuss Calvinism - among other things.

Red Ice does have on too many other great guests - including Eric's two appearances - to make it desirable to boycott the show. I for one will continue to highlight shows that they do which really can help wise up people to things like the EU, the Global Warming Hoax, the Swine Flu hoax, etc... I also think that is not even remotely likely that the Red Icers would edit the interview in an effort to hide anything, the thought seems ludicrous. How did he insult Swedes? I must have missed something.

BTW, Eric: Tsarion is from Belfast, Northern Ireland as I recall, from the Protestant part - not from the Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland - but is non-sectarian (at least regarding the Catholic/Protestant divide).

In truth & awareness -


I used to be very good friends with Henrik when Red Ice first appeared. Several people, not just myself caught Webster Tarpley in sea of lies about his 'Venetian' interview, and Hendrik decided to never have him on again. The difference here is that in Sweden, Calvin is almost like a deity. So your basically insulting the people indirectly. Tsarion said: "Calvin was a Psychopath" That is the first time I heard Tsarion speak of Calvin. I think Tsarion is also trying to keep himself neutral by insulting everyone. Remember that he is a Paki, he is half Irish. He was my friend in 2006. I don't know what happened. After his popularity, he started cutting us all off. And the dirty foul language emails, as said by Craig. I recieved several of these as well. That's why we were at the Outlaw Forum

Dear Troy,

Thanks for the review, and I agree with you Red Ice has some good interviews for which we must "eat the meat and throw away the bones."

And yes, I knew that Michael Tsarion was from historically Protestant Belfast. But as you may have suspected, I consider all of Ireland to now be Roman Catholic as of Ian Paisley's betrayal and compromise with the murderous Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Jerry Adams---the IRA/British Intelligence agent. I know for a fact that the Protestant churches in Northern Ireland are weak and apostate, and even apologetic of their Reformation AV1611 Bible and historic grandeur of their once White Protestant Irish culture, a culture that built massive, seaworthy ships including the Titanic.

This brings me to another topic. I consider Ian Paisley to have been turned many years ago to be a covert Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, Paisley had NEVER EVER stated that the Queen of England is controlled by the pope of Rome and his Jesuits. This is no oversight, but a blatant, froward decision not to connect Benedict XVI to Elizabeth II---that Dame of Malta, Bilderberger and servant of the pope. The question is "Why" would the brilliant, learned and experienced Ian Paisley not make this obvious connection for the benefit of his own Irish Bible-believing Protestant and Baptist people of Northern Ireland?

The reason is simple. The Protestantism of Northern Ireland was to be overthrown by the Jesuit/papacy ruling the Crown and Parliament of England via pro-papacy, Protestant English Freemasonry. That was the Order's secret-but-true policy. The open-but-false policy was to create the controlled enemy of the IRA---overseen by MI5/MI6---that would give the appearance to the deceived Northern Irish Protestants that they were, in fact, under threat of extermination from within Ireland---from the Roman Catholics! And this open-but-false policy was constantly trumped in the Jesuit-ruled BBC via the RIIA. Roman Catholic riots were fomented MI6's Jesuit-directed IRA against Belfast during the 1960s to give credence to this calculated deception. It worked.

Now that Paisley has submitted Northern Ireland to the coalition government with Jerry Adams and Martin McGuiness, he has served his purpose---wonderfully! Paisley enabled the Jesuits to take their final step towards the ultimate annihilation of Irish Protestantism---a most necessary step of there is to be a Roman Catholic European Union under the command of the pope of Rome! English Protestantism is gone; Scottish Protestantism is finished; and Irish Protestantism in now down for the count---facilitated by Ian Paisley!

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric

Tsarion deceives by pushing the New Age religion which is based upon the Ben Asher Hebrew Text. Where he deceives is by making you think the Bible (AV1611) is the same thing as his Egyptian Sun Worship. This is so you'll easily be led into the new religion and their way of thinking. As it all seems to make sense to the awakening.

The problem being that people no longer know the true roots of the Bible (AV1611) and true-Christianity from its start to the Waldesians to modern day. The AV1611 is based on the Ben Chayyim Hebrew Texts of the Old Testament and the Textus Receptus Greek Texts. These have nothing to do with the worship of Horus which the Osirian Pope would now love you to believe. Those aware will never follow the soon to be risen Horus as the final Anti-Christos Pope over the Anti-Christos system. Their desire of the full destruction of Christianity forced as the new age of Aquarius controlled by Satan or the Planet Saturn arises.

Do not be deceived by the Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis and its five most powerful Papal Nobility bloodlines. These are Orsini, Somaglia, Farnese, Breakspeare and Aldobrandini. The later who openly boasts to Nobles of their being the Nephilim. Study their name origins tied to Persia and of course the Venusian (Luciferian) controlled constellation of Taurus and the Tau star in particular, named Al-Deberan. William Cooper warned us all about these deceivers who try to claim everything is of Egypt. All the big names floating out there who are alive and not in a wooden box like real truthsayers, are frauds, Pied Pipers.

Craig Oxley

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 05 Jan 2010, 05:01

But none of this has anything to do with discussing and debating Tsarion's actual work in a logical and peaceful manner.
Seems like there is an incapability for some to be able to do so.
Perhaps these types are best left alone to stew in their cyber-cop roles and obsess over an internet personality they have hugely overly-clung onto for one reason, and now...another.
I see we actually have a few obsessed Tsarion-ites right here....guru-robbed and vengeful for it.

Anything quoted from Eric Phelps and Craig Oxley has to assume the Bible is a completely true story and actual history.
Which, I have found that to be harder for me to believe than the alien theory or evolution.

Also, Craig Oxley has proven himself not to be quite stable, sane or rational and objective for me to really listen to anyway.

And any quotes from those who hang out and onto the Outlaw Forum of Common Purpose don't garner much respect or credulity either...just read the pages of that forum and the sickness they suffer together will quickly be most evident.

So...once we can get out of the knee-jerk-bashing-the-one-who-wronged-me psychological stance, perhaps one can get a state of mind more conducive to overlooking Tsarion's work in an orderly way.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 05:32

I have already started the debate quicksilvercrescendo with the origins of humans in the other threads. With
this kind of work you can't just jump in. But know exactly what you are doing. I am not bringing up aliens at all. Someone already tried to pull that one one me when I was trying to educate some folks. So if a plant want's to get me thrown off and talk about them, no, I'm not going to let them. I know their tricks.
And the most important thing is the work, not the researcher. FOLKS HAVE GOT TO GET OVER THE PEOPLE BOTHERING (which is really their own self who is the root of the problem, and why folks here say I don't care about you or your problems) THEM AND GET TO THE REAL FASCINATING WORK. Most folks here are not interested in other's drama IMO. Folks who want to focus on attacking and all that nonsense and who do not want to learn are not worth my time. As it takes effort to study.

For Uri's info I have had a vision of Seeing a place like Atlantis, and it's only obvious that there used
to be advanced civilizations, I have also encountered aliens in my past life and extreme evil energies as well.
People who are closed minded and only belief in this ever changing almost fake and dense third dimensional reality are pretty sad and not ready to talk or debate about what they refuse to See or understand.

That's all posters like uri do is complain about the researcher. He did that he did this his forum is this way and then start demanding that they know it all and a person they have never met and tell them they are blah blah. It's quite funny to read and that how this person is so bitter saying all that nonsense. Uri is a severely traumatized person and tries to get the anger out at anyone on the internet. People like that have something deep down bothering them, in that case if they can spare the drama and talk out there problems with that person in pm so the people who want to learn can carry on, it's a big setback having people's ego and personal problems trying to ruin a forum. It's great what mtsar did for his forum.

HighNoon it seems that you want to talk of the researcher and I want to talk of the work. If you have a problem with the person talk to them personally as it seems you need to work out things and with tgII as well. Mostly when something is bothering you in another person there is actually something inside of you that you need to face and are not dealing with.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:01


I do read oxleys site because it has a lot of information on it.

but obviously if you have heard oxleys voice, yes it is high pitched, yes he does sound like he weighs 95 pounds. and he can be quite whiney and bitchy and he way too happy to be the guy who said "i told you so" in fact me and a friend make fun of him everytime we see the site has a new scrolling text banner. we liken it to a sergeant in the war getting over the intercom with other divisions, barking out orders and instructions to be followed immediately because the bombs are being dropped. hes a funny character. but i dont really care who is personally interested in the information.

oxleys site isnt really a bible study. i personally dont know that much on the bible. its more of a way do these christian people believe, why? which ones are pretending to be something, and what are they actually? which ones are 33rd degree freemasons (the hour of power robert schuller is a 33rd mason as well as many of those tv christian people, but they're all roman catholic, interesting subject) it was a conflict of interest for tsarion because as you can see on the top of the unhived mind now, most of those pictures have been taken down but hes put up a new one of tsarion himself doing the "triad" claw, or a form of it, as seen in the surrounding photos of the pope and whatnot.


heres a thread with almost 200 pictures of LOTS of different people doing the triad claw in various degrees of obviousness.

thanks tsarion, you taught me about symbolism in the media, except you didnt tell me about the one you do apparently. thanks buddy

Last edited by HighNoon on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:29; edited 3 times in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:12

I assume your above post was not directed at me HighNoon.

All I got from your quotes was what people are doing to each other based on faulty opinions. I'm not interested in that. Nor about talking of or diverting to religion in your last post, I would like to talk about the work. You said that you had some issues with the research and I would like to talk about that so why not, let's get going.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:23

On tsarions work output i have to say that my own opinion of him is that he is a complete authentic researcher in the most professional manner and i find him to be by far, the most engaging public speaker out there on these subjects

This does not mean that i agree with everything his work says , as i dont do with anyones work in this world

Regarding the tsarion persona and its interactions that i have observed and been in contact with , i also dont agree with everything he has said or done .....as i dont do with anyone else in this world

As far as i can perceive , tsar in his professional capacity is doing his utmost to bring mankinds consciousness into a clearer understanding of itself , its deceptions, its virtues and its history

The majority of people ive witnessed attempting to critique his work, have turned out to be absolute buffoons
nitpicking little factual errors etc like they discovered gold, thats really a joke , any large body of research is always subject to little errors, and constant ongoing change as more data arrives to carve new angles of understanding , his area of research is an ongoing equation being solved

But any public person shal expect critique , it goes with the party, but the current charge from many people seems to be that tsarion is a "Disinfo agent" which suggests that he is intentionally putting out work to mislead people for some strange reason

Now apex, i think you are a very insightful mind from what you write , and i dont know if you do or do not hold the beleif that tsar is a disinfo agent ? but there are many who spout this

If you do, What is the evidence ?

Persoinally speaking , i think that is a completly false and unfair charge , but im not here to tell people how they think , and feel free to supply any evidence to that charge

Tsarion constantly says throughout his work, do your own work, dont beleive what he says, so why do people even bother wasting their time with these disinfo accusations ? thats what i dont get, if anyone does not like tsarion or his work, just avoid him , why the witchhunt ? It says more about the hunters than the hunted

Lets just pretend that tsarion was a disinfo agent, then i would say that if people are naive enough to get really wound up and conditioned about one persons work, then they deserve disinfo

Every person is free to compile their own work and try and sell it or convince other people of it , if they so wish

why cant people just listen read or watch tsarions work and think thats a marvellous insight, or thats dosh that bit, and carry on with their own researches ?

theres something rotten in human nature that needs to rowse a posse and that takes perverse pleasure in trying to put good people down (and a good person will not be perfect) but the intent is true.

YOU DRAMA QUEEN suffer from this psychological ailment, you seem to revel in your perception of another persons downfall and use pathetic little ego-quips to try and get under peoples skin, you are not so rosy yourself, i have seen with my own senses lat year, that your word has no iron, you deceive , you misrepresent, you manipulate, your treacherous, your "psychologically disturbed" so what makes you think you are in a good place to "publically" comment and ridicule tsarion ? you just get off on the witchhunt.. yeah thats it , try looking into the reasons for that, might do u some real good
When u participated on tsarions forum i dont remember you posting querys about his work ? did i miss something , and for your own strange reasons, you started spamming that forum like a nutcase .. have you forgotten these things ? conveniently ? yes, i dont beleive your in any sort of shape to issue croticism , because your own house is completly out of order and needs attention , badly

Well thats all i can think of now on my neutral observations , not really aimed at you apex , but may touch on something you might or might not beleive

I would also like to see examples or efforts of what quicksilver highlighted and requested , professional presented critiques based on relevant tsars work , but seems there aint many coming through , because people aint done the homework

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:55

So you have decided to drag the religious baggage into what was starting out
to be a perfectly non foliated board, have you, Highnoon, and whose
that other mental dead beat you dragged along with you, Irony, is it?

Burp...hick up...Michael Tsarion Revisited Beer ...cheers, Highnoon.

College student hey, full of piss & vinegar but short on brains, no wonder
Berhnadine Dohrn turned out like she is?!

I have to pat myself on the back, "the abused children from the MTSAR Board",
got that one right, no wonder MTSAR shut it down, the witless never learn
do they?

Okay, dig right in, where should I begin, what about the 'irony' of it all, the fact
MTSAR practically puts a pic of Prince Philip on his board and then for all the
world to see and in effect, tells him to fuck off. Go for it, Highnoon, or is it
Hightide, no wait, maybe it's highball, I'll be sure to add an extra shot of

Okay, one theological argument and one highball coming right up.

John Calvin, where does one begin, but you can be certain of one thing, it
sure won't be with Eric the 'diamond merchant', or what's that other guy, Oxley?

John Calvin was greatly influenced in his theology by the merchant Jewish
communities in his midst in Northern France. Calvinism was nothing more than
a middle class rebellion [economics] against Roman Catholicism, those are the
wealthy guys behind red robes who have perverted the meaning of God and the
individual's metaphysical meaning of the divine.

"Look, you plebeians get tossed an ideological bone to fight over while we brothers
of the trade consolidate resources and wealth, then when you've exhausted
yourselves, we'll annihilate you through cap & trade 350ppm Co2 laws." Shocked

So it is obvious, well for me anyway, that Zionist Jews (political/economic; some
call them mammon worshipers) would sympathize with Calvinists?
They are one and
the same, Judaism and Calvinism, if they have one thing in common, its that they
do not believe in an afterlife, and they do not believe in the immanent presence of
the the divine. They've stripped the divine to the bone, perhaps the Swedes who
objected to MTSAR comments didn't like being told everything they know about
material possessions were learned from da Joooz, hey, nothing personal, more power
to them.

10 points for MTSAR; 0 for Highnoon; and minis 50 points for Irony.

Am I the only one who learned anything from the last two or more years on the
MTSAR Board?

Remember the revolutionary Jew Al Salinsky, remember what he said, "rub the soars
of contention raw"
, sounds to me Highnoon, you have been Judaified more than
you even know.

They are both religions that are solely concerned with the here and now, with
material existence. To some, this philosophy may be perceived as a great
breakthrough in the emancipation of man from the slavery of superstition. To others,
however, these religions can only be seen as the utter defeat of man’s sublime
and eternal nature
, and inevitably the cause of the destruction of all of history’s
great and magnificent civilizations.

So what's it going to be, Highnoon, sublimation of the divine or mammon worship?

Oh shit, my wife lost her diamond ring.

Onward Christian soldiers!!!

MTSAR just flipped Judaism on it's behind or haven't you recognized this yet,
highnoon, so why drag religious doctrine and his ancient confrontation into
this board and then personalize it with self-absorption?

Well, in case you forgot, I'll try to rephrase it for you, there's no such thing as
Jewish ancestry, anymore than there is such a thing as Christian ancestry or atheist
ancestry. Judaism is a religion, which can only be adopted, not inherited.

But wait, aren't Jews turning it into a racial thing you ask? Damn right they are, and
that's what the Seig Heil screaming Nazis did as well.

Anyone want to bet me Calvin was a Sephardic disguised Jew? Hey, I like Jews,
let's just not make it a racial thing like the early Christians did by persecuting them.

Last edited by tgII on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:06; edited 7 times in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 06:55

not important

Last edited by HighNoon on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:32; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:09

You better, Hignoon aka highball, I just edited seven times for accuracy.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:19

Thanks for the musings, but remember that guy who came onto tsarions forum with all the math, not keith but that other guy from croatia i believe and he said time was being programmed?

remember that site i linked you on goro adachi and you said it was interesting stuff.

see any correlation between worldwide synchronicities and time being programmed?

theres a reason why antisionist from the unhived mind, who is a lot more diplomatic than you, but i guess not as funny, takes an interest in that site in particular, because it quantumly (or whatever you want to call it) justifies what this saturnalian papacy is up to. and how dates times locations add up into perfect geometry to predict and show in hindsight, a schedual or a timeframe for things to come.

i live in the city that in 5 weeks the 2010 olmypic games will take place, and i am a little bit afraid judging by what the synchronicities would suggest (an earthquake). thats the scary part is that we are told about false flags that mossad might have done. but dont understand the esoteric side of it all. we dont understand at all how the other dimensions interact with ours, but we're victims to it, and my research would indicate the possibility that the papacy has something to do with these time codes and it benefits their progression or changes to come in the future.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:28

HighNoon you are not making any sense at all. TgII is talking for real getting down to what's happening around us in this world and making complete coherent sense, it would be nice if you wanted to join in on the truths.

I respect tsarions work as well, in fact most of what i learned i will keep. the disinfo part, its not so much that we need to be wary of what we were taught, but be wary of what tsarion taught that doesnt allow us to learn what we dont know about right now. i edited my last post in this thread. ill repost it this time with the picture

Alright then, it's actually the disinfo part that you don't agree with. Well, what is the disinfo part in your opinion so that we can discuss it. You said you wanted to talk of the research too.
But is seems you have a problem with Tsarion and to be specifically wary about him and what he teaches and that he's not allowing us to learn? I'm not interested in that at all, or if he is the devil or Shiva. You have to realize that too, it doesn't matter what his personal beliefs are or if he doesn't care for Jews or this or that, we need to focus on the research. You talk about religion and philosophize about it, but we need to get down to what's really going on.
And then you say you would rather talk of Oxley's research, which I don't read. We both have read tsarion's and need to focus on that. It seems that you support some of Oxley's work.

Now it seems that you want to divert to Oxley's work that doesn't interest me so will we be discussing your issues with tsarion's work, not him? Or would you
rather not.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:34

not important

Last edited by HighNoon on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:32; edited 2 times in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:37

Michael Tsarion Revisited J7696s

LOL, he's one of the Captain Obviouses out there.

TG Ice Dude...your polemics never saved the day huh, nevermind..just try to stay of the drugs.

Rose Kelly, seriously girl, if you have been abducted by aliens and have "visions" of Atantis it's getting absurd to tell people that anybody else than yourself needs some professional help. No I am not closeminded or anything, but I think you got a serious mental condition that needs to be taken care of.

Alistair, you got it right at last...revenge tastes sweet. Witchhunt..hehe, kinda sounds familiar...let me guess, ahh yeah that was it...you had a bloody big taste for it yerself while in charge at the Mtsar forum. Well you got what you deserved, we're even so to speak. And remember, better never wrong a pikey like me...ey. You never Gno how much you will fuck yourself up.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 07:53

Iceman just to get professional and personal and circumstantial evidences done with. and to establish a base . i dont really have a problem with most of tsarions work.

the problem is michael tsarions work unintentionally and intentionally safeguards other subjects, which doesnt mean i have a problem with the work itself. which isnt a problem with the info directly, but some of the information does seem wrong. also my problem is with him on a professional and personal level, im leaning 90% that hes disinfo

there is a lot of small circumstantial evidence that points to it, the pictures, triad claw and mano cornuto now as this irony person just posted behind me. tsarion and his kicking of oxley from his forum and the story behind it.

while oxley was being a douche and i probably would have kicked him off too, its not the point. the point is that tsarion lied about the importance of the somaglia, aldobrandini and breakspear families as if they have no involvement or weight whatsoever and that it was a making something out of nothing to even bring them up, and if you do bring them up, to have sources for saying such things, its as about the most politically correct way he couldve handled it without alerting anyone to the potentiality that there was any ulterior motive to put tape around that information.

oxley in the meantime has made a subsection dedicated to several main papal bloodline families.
http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/index.php?showtopic=6944 as in this one thread.

so tsarion was concerned when oxley made a claim. but if it was a false claim who gives a shit. dont misconstrue this is false claims should be ignored, but why is there a shit givin about this one supposed false claim? how many false claims were thrown around the forum on a daily basis, how about that one guy who made the entire page long 2012 space galactic center post? Where was tsarion for that guy to dissect and press on that poster because im sure tsarion could have said something to pick with with all that was said and for the fact that tsarion does sometimes talk about that subject? no because its not important? because it was too long, tsarion was on a laptop that couldnt make the page load? which positive excuses that excuse him should we make here? i think the not important excuse it the best one to go with. we can all agree that long 2012 post is baloney or at least unverifiable. but if its not important, are we to assume oxleys information is?

as this was going on as oxley was about to get banned i actually took a screenshot of oxley editing a post and emailed tsarion the pre-edited post, who replied to me saying thankyou because i thought i was doing the entire forum a favor by catching this oxley guy red-handed before he edited his post. i say oxley guy because at the time i didnt know who he was or what branch of information he represented.

but in general the tsarion forum disliked oxley so much because of his mannerisms, that what was taking place wasnt seen for what it was. thats my opinion. also nobody missed the information, that is, that it wasnt being posted anymore went unnoticed because nobody read it anyway and nobody liked reading the way it was written. i guess thats why i went looking for it because after oxley left i wanted to read more on it and wasnt getting it anymore on the mtsar forum due to his being banned. but for most or all, just an eyesore removed. also it was dripping with christianisms which nobody has the time to dissect or look past because they already have belief systems in place and think that to validate the information involves validating christianity in a metaphysical sense. but we already know that christianity exists in a temporal sense so therefor it exists even if it is wrong. i guess it also comes down to we dont want to know things that dont hold our interest. i personally dont research to entertain myself but to gain a great understanding.

so i guess my problem is more to do with tsarion as a person but ill make that thread at a later date hopefully in the near future and we can take it all there and start dissecting some of his work because dissecting him as a person or for his professional integrity, is really opinion.

and even the picture evidences dont really prove anything, at least not the mano cornuto picture because you have to take into account how much tsarion likes his rock music, but the triad claw. i dunno, it counts for something in my books.

is michael tsarion disinfo? no just a coadjutor imo. thats why the deception works because its not lies hiding truth as much as it is truth becoming over-important to the point youre not seeing other things anymore. also the kinds of people who would see tsarions work have an affinity for the information already beforehand, so thats why you iceman, would hold tsarion in high esteem because you had prior experience and can validate his work because you can compare it to what you think. therefor conflicting information not only has to make you feel happy, but puts you in a place where you think that there is an A or B, that only one research subject can exist at a time. tsarion as a person, is using his work to distract from the work of such others as craig oxley. but that doesnt mean that tsarions work conflicts with oxleys work or someone elses, it only conflicts in the sense that it puts you off because you think it HAS to conflict, theres also a lot of easy grounds to dismiss oxley as a person annoying text aside. hes not a very good ambassador. i just happened to be one of the few people to find his work interesting his character aside, otherwise i wouldnt have ever chased the carrot after it was pulled away from me and i wasnt able to read the updates he used to make. tsarion banning oxley made one person read more than he was already reading.

the thread on tsarion


https://2img.net/h/i105.photobucket.com/albums/m202/anunnaki_2006/MichaelTsarionJesuit.jpg triad claw

http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/40-Christ.jpg triad claw

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/El_Greco_038.jpg/393px-El_Greco_038.jpg triad claw

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Carlo_Crivelli_-_The_Virgin_and_Child_with_Saints_Francis_and_Sebastian.jpg/510px-Carlo_Crivelli_-_The_Virgin_and_Child_with_Saints_Francis_and_Sebastian.jpg triad claw

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/La_Vierge_au_lys.jpg/409px-La_Vierge_au_lys.jpg triad claw

triad claw, which is only alerting, but its still something to question his integrity. if i need to link as to what the triad claw is ill do that

Last edited by HighNoon on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:46; edited 7 times in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 08:22

Highnoon, but you see this is not a conspiracy forum here and folks here want to learn. No we do not want people to instigate divides now do we? Or make things personal as you seem to be doing. So you are now saying you don't even want to talk about the research. We don't have to debate it if you don't want, how about just talking about it and what part of the research you find disinfo. Oh and no need to make a new thread if you don't want to talk about it.

Uri, I answered your questions about aliens and visions, because I knew it was a trick of yours and you would later try and diss me. For all the truthseekers out there, this is how the nutters out there get you. Let this be an example and don't get diverted with there deviousness, they will question you like this to throw you off and make others think you are the crazy one. Let me see, should I get on your level and tell others that you astral travel, and interact with demons! That must make you evil.
Anyway what I experience personally, has nothing to do with other's work.
Get over your problems quick already. No one wants to hear your bashings on other people or researchers.

Oh and as for hacking into others accounts and using there name for me due to your vindictive personality, and all just because I called you Kerstin M. Shows the world who you really are.
Would you like for me to be spiteful like that and give out your real last name. Would you like for me to turn hateful like you are. Get rid of the demon that's destroying you inside.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 08:45

highnoon wrote:
so i guess my problem is more to do with tsarion as a person but ill make that thread at a later date hopefully in the near future and we can take it all there and start dissecting some of his work because dissecting him as a person or for his professional integrity, is really opinion. and even the picture evidences dont really prove anything, at least not the mano cornuto picture because you have to take into account how much tsarion likes his rock music, but the triad claw. i dunno, it counts for something in my books.
Smart move. You originally said you didn't want to. Then you go back and edit it all out and say you now do, but not on the disinfo part but just to dissect his work? Alright I started with the origins of mankind/womankind thread already. We can continue there, or you can choose what you oppose or that you say sounds wrong.

I don't think anyone here would like to discuss Tsarion or anyone personally. Do you mean you want to make a thread about your problems with him. Because if you want to vent, I got the freestyling thread for that.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 05 Jan 2010, 08:48

I have to compile things. It is going to get done, I think we all can benefit to refine what we know and just talk about "tsarions" work because we all spent time learning it.

this entire thread is just freehanded after the original post. and there is no structure with people posting and not even caught up with what they want to get caught up with, i dont want to just start talking about tsarions work on page 3 of a post that doesnt have a logical reason to start becoming about tsarions work.

oh you made one? ok ill be there now

im not trying to leave that out ive already said it in previous posts here i was just trying to make my last post seem more structured.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:17

Uri, I answered your questions about aliens and visions, because I knew it was a trick of yours and you would later try and diss me. For all the truthseekers out there, this is how the nutters out there get you. Let this be an example and don't get diverted with there deviousness, they will question you like this to throw you off and make others think you are the crazy one. Let me see, should I get on your level and tell others that you astral travel, and interact with demons! That must make you evil.
Anyway what I experience personally, has nothing to do with other's work.
Get over your problems quick already. No one wants to hear your bashings on other people or researchers.

You are funny Kelly, what trick are you talking about. That MTSAR is obviously a Freemason?

Michael Tsarion Revisited 2cql4ow

Last edited by Irony on Tue 05 Jan 2010, 09:41; edited 3 times in total

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