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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Sun 10 Jan 2010, 09:58

you're right about the coadjutor word. It became familiar to me about a year ago.

I also wouldn't know that story because it was a personal story.

guess what i have in my pocket qsc? oh you dont know? man you're an idiot Rolling Eyes

I didnt actually mean you put it in a judaic context as in youre shoehorning it to be that way. but more like the way you described as you were actually doing highlighting someting that already existed. I saw some of the same parallels. I know who did the voice acting, ive seen early sketch art of yoda, and i did know about his master who was basically a snake creature who had powers of battle meditation.

you take too much pleasure in patronizing. but if thats the last time youre going to speak to me then please make it your last and dont reply to this or anything else in the future despite how much you may want to because something i say infuriates you. you've established your superiority times infinite, you're the alpha male, your sperm will reach wombs times 1000, mine will hit only old socks and napkins.

my mother actually was a whore and an institutionalized diagnosed schizophrenic and so was my father(minus the whore part, and technically my other became a whore after i was born after they closed it down), they met at a now closed psychiatric hospital(riverview). i have to live with myself on a daily basis knowing that i dont agree with the terms of how i was brought into this world. and technically i am a mistake, but i cant actually join you on your quest to hate my essence because i actually am stuck in this body and have a life to live and have to do the best with what i can and have to find reasons to have self esteem, but i can understand your point of view even though you meant it figuratively you just dont know sometimes how true it might actually be applicable.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Sun 10 Jan 2010, 10:11

I don't think quicksilvercrescendo is that pissed off, but if he is, good for him, I'm getting tired of people who don't have a clue what they are talking about. Highnoon nobody here hates you, please understand. Just want you to wake up.

I'll give everyone another example of what one says when knee deep..."
about where i am right now on this tsarion issue, as of right now im compiling info. i dont really want to discredit tsarion though or say his research isnt helpful, my goal was never to offend anyones growth, but to simply show you how he uses his work (which is mostly valid) to hide other areas of inquiry, because he works for the papacy.

Really! How horrible my life is ruined. But wait a minute! I should have realized from the get go that it is b.s., now my life is hell and confusion (just an example folks, I don't fall for it one bit) because of the knee deep shit.
Tsarion works for the papacy, uhhhhhh whatever hogwash you say!

Man these people knee deep have got to wake up fast!

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Sun 10 Jan 2010, 10:26

Rolling Eyes

wanna show you something

The Growing Nonsense About Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy on Global Internet.

James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Over the last decade there has been a slow and steady growth of misinformation and distortion about Wilhelm Reich's work, found on the websites of people promoting things such as the Montauk Project or "Trance Channeling" the dead Reich from the grave, to milder mixtures of his ideas with mystical religious ideas. Perhaps the most bizarre and widespread distortions are found in the promotional materials for people selling products such as "chembusters", "holy hand grenades", "orgonite", "orgone generators", "orgone converters", "orgone zappers", "orgone pyramids" and a host of similar things. Notably, they all claim (without evidence) to have made great "advancements", going "beyond Reich", in a manner which makes a mockery of Reich's original solid and authentic natural-scientific findings.

There are "orgone crystal power accumulators" (bearing no resemblance whatsoever to Reich's original orgone accumulator), "orgone pendants" and "pendant-beamers" (again, no connections to Reich), "orgone manifestors", "orgone chalice transmuters", "tachyon orgone Reiki massage throw blankets", "therapeutic orgone wealth prosperity and money pillows", "orgone generators [for] love and sex" or for "weight loss" or "...career, business and prosperity", and "radionics rife orgone tesla HHG zappers", all sold with Reich's name and terms stuck to them like so much glitter sprinkled on glue. Virtually nothing in their materials or construction resembles Wilhelm Reich's original or authentic descriptions of orgone energy-accumulating structures.

Whatever claims these people make to scientific evidence must rely upon research conducted by Reich or the professional scientists who have undertaken controlled experiments with the "plain" orgone accumulator in laboratories, and for which positive results have been obtained, including in universities under double-blind conditions -- see the on-line Bibliography on Orgonomy. In short, the internet "orgone gadget" sellers they have no defendable scientific evidence for any of their "additions" to the "old Reich", whom they claim to have advanced "far beyond".

Upon digging deeper, on their websites and e-groups one finds the people hawking this stuff also making allusions to demons in other dimensions, to large government conspiracies such as "chemtrails", and from there to "shape-shifting reptilian space aliens" who have "substituted themselves into military and key government and UN positions", "taking over the bodies of aircraft pilots and ground crews, and well-known politicians", with the goal to poison their own countrymen and families with toxic chemicals secretly sprayed from the air. They make other references to "ascended masters" and such, and many are factually refugees from religious cults. The devices are promoted for "self defense" against the same demons and space-aliens. The "HHG" term means, for example, "Holy Hand Grenade", and supposedly acts like a regular hand-grenade bomb in some nether-worldly dimension inhabited by demons -- putting one of these on your desk is said to drive away the demons." Some advocates of this madness are refugees from the old mystic Saint Germain "I AM" cult, out of Mt. Shasta, while others more generally espouse "magik" terms which even a dedicated alchemist would be embarrassed to associate with. Reich's name, and his term "orgone", "cloudbuster" and similar terms as developed with specific meanings and used in authentic natural-scientific research are included in their on-line discussions and products they sell, sometimes quite openly to "Obtain Money! Power! Sex! and Magik!", as if there were some direct and honest relationship to Reich, which there most certainly is not.

Taken together, the individuals promoting these distortions drag Reich's good name and work down into a dirty mystical swamp, and little recognizable remains of his authentic research findings, on orgone energy or otherwise. For those struggling to get a clear picture of Reich's findings, these efforts have the result of dramatically muddying of the waters. It is a toss-up to know which is more damaging to Reich's name and work -- the outrageous falsifiers of the CSICOP "professional skeptic" variety, who engage in deliberate distortions as a means to ridicule the man and his work (see for example my article here: http://www.orgonelab.org/gardner.htm), or the "madhouse" internet distorters, whose embrace of Reich provides an equally hideous misportrayal.

At some point in the future, I may write up a more complete disclosure, providing names and websites of the worst offenders, but a simple internet or eBay search on the terms "Wilhelm Reich" or "orgone" will turn up quite a few of them, usually at the "top listings" and also on quite a few of the internet "adwords" advertisements hawking their stuff. A Google search of "orgone" turns up a half-million webpages, with perhaps only 1 out of 100 providing authentic information. Ebay in particular is littered with products abusing the term "orgone", and which have no relationship whatsoever to Reich's discoveries. In a recent survey I made at the time of this writing, eBay was selling 236 items with "orgone" in the title (or 375 in the title and descriptions) -- out of this number a total of Three (3), or around 1%, used the word with accuracy, roughly paralleling the situation on the larger internet search engines.

As a help, the OBRL website includes a special Resource Guide which provides the names and weblinks of most authentic Reich/Orgonomy institutes and organizations, and the very few manufacturers of authentic orgone energy accumulators. Certainly there may be some others we have missed who are not included, but it is a reasonably comprehensive and useful guide for the beginner to consult: http://www.orgonelab.org/resources.htm

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director, OBRL
April 2007


was doing some orgone research came across this site, you might notice this image that may be construed as an owl


so i was curious about this james deMeo character so i asked oxleys forum

got these responses


This guy is an automatic moron for slagging off chemtrails as nonsense. Eric Hufschmid did this in an article about a month ago. The Discovery Channel and the History Channel have confirmed that chemtrails and HAARP exist and are used as part of weather warfare. I remember in the Discovery Channel excerpt, a man collected rainwater from a heavily sprayed area and found much more aluminum concentrated in the water than there should be naturally occuring aluminum in the atmosphere. But then again, Eric was always part of the Jew bashing crowd run by the Order on behalf of Rupert Murdoch. Eric's half sister married Rupert's son. I think we have a topic on this in AGENTS. Murdoch is only a half Jew, but ultimately a Roman Catholic.

Craig oxley

Yes James Demeo is an agent and has shown this many times over many years now

Knee-deep in stuff doesnt mean i am confused or even that i will never read a tsarion book again. Just means i do research and I inquire. sometimes things strike you, sometimes you ask people for answers.

I have reason to assume now that james demeo is a coadjutor.(however i have no allegiance to this cause if somebody can prove otherwise i would reverse this opinion)but, am I wrong to assume this?

guess what TGII, if your reading, I told some other forums(non conspirancy, not alternative about anything in any way) about chlorine dioxide and everybody thought i was talking nonsense. 99% of the people told me that because it was called miracle mineral solution that i had to be stupid to pay the hundred i did to get it, i was swindled. but i know you got my back on that one.....so even if i am a moron, im still smarter than 99% of the population right?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Sun 10 Jan 2010, 19:59

Upon digging deeper, on their websites and e-groups one finds the people hawking this stuff also making allusions to demons in other dimensions, to large government conspiracies such as "chemtrails", and from there to "shape-shifting reptilian space aliens" who have "substituted themselves into military and key government and UN positions", "taking over the bodies of aircraft pilots and ground crews, and well-known politicians", with the goal to poison their own countrymen and families with toxic chemicals secretly sprayed from the air

I wouldn't be surprised at that startling conspiracy like statement, because the government and those abducting aliens are one and the same.
But that's not the point. Whether or not they are conspiracy, you have to understand that you are being manipulated. Don't dwell too much on their stories they put out, they like to create something sensational or controversial to draw you in all to distract you from what is really going on, the really bad things that have been happening and you don't know.

You have to realize that someone wants you and everyone to be a slave. That's who to keep an eye on. Doting on who a person is doesn't get one far nor your freedom, you can pretty much tell who they are by what they say. And if they are conspiratory folks just stay away from them. You know they are because they can't get enough of infighting. And they say with so much pompousness that this or that person is an agent or whatever, like Oxley does. A red flag right there when someone starts saying that.

Knee-deep in stuff doesnt mean i am confused or even that i will never read a tsarion book again. Just means i do research and I inquire. sometimes things strike you, sometimes you ask people for answers.
But you are confused because you label people something that they are not and can't even tell me your reality or what the answers are, why because you are caught in conspiracies, don't turn into those people. Like I said a red flag right there.

Guess what highnoon, MMS is just a homeopathic form of bleach. It gets the job done by killing off anything. So it does work. I plan on doing some research on it to determine exactly if it is a true homeopathic remedy because I want to know how safe it it. The effectiveness is a proven already, not only that but bleach kills almost everything. The maker does charge too much, but got to make some money somehow these days. As long as it works.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Mon 11 Jan 2010, 09:21

an overdue pm

His behavior is very strange. Check the Tsarion thread in Agents. Mister Lister an old board member exposed Tsarion as a liar who said, "Craig attacked me when I simply asked if he could give a source. All he had to say was I can't reveal the person telling me about these papal bloodlines and that would have been fine." But that is clearly not what happened. Tsarion jumped down Oxley's throat RIGHT AFTER CRAIG'S FIRST POST on Tsarion's board and called his info on the Breakspears bullshit without good reason. If Tsarion knows Rome is so bad, then he shouldn't have tried to act like a protection agent by saying this bloodline means nothing - which he did - with the justification that, 'not everyone named Clinton was blown in the oval office, therefore not evey pope from this bloodline is bad.' That's very suspicious of him to do.

I also have a contact who is very into the esoteric and reading masonic rosicrucian books that he can get his hands on. He is also into Tarot and told me there are different kinds of Tarot that kind put you in touch with good or bad spirits when you do certain rituals. he told me Tsarion promotes Crowley and a certain deck that Crowley used which opens you up to malevolent forces. I believe him. Thus, it is clear Tsarion is pimping Crowley bullshit.

As for the Rosicrucians, they were like the Masons. Just another group taken over by the Jesuits. I have some books on the early history of the rosicrucians and many were mudered by the jesuits. I highly doubt there is an independent lodge anymore. Especially in the Bay Area where Tsarion is from. California, the place of Hollywood, is notorious for mind control and masonic activity.

Tsarion acted like a complete bitch when Chris White started exposing the 2012 hoax and some of Tsarion's mistaken readings about bible verses. He even tried to start a blog where he wanted people to post Chris White's personal information including an address and family members. You'll see that in the AGENTS thread on him.

What does Tsarion do after people start criticizing him and defending Oxley? He shuts down his fucking board. He's a prima donna with a princess complex. He has an attitude problem. He was just jealous that Oxley has someone telling him about these papal akenaton bloodlines.

Out of this PM this is the most important thing to be stated.

"If Tsarion knows Rome is so bad, then he shouldn't have tried to act like a protection agent by saying this bloodline means nothing - which he did - with the justification that, 'not everyone named Clinton was blown in the oval office, therefore not evey pope from this bloodline is bad.' That's very suspicious of him to do."

I remember him using the oval office analogy. So at first he attacked the information, whose saying this how does this have any weight?
Then actually goes further and muses with a clinton analogy to try to sell the logic that the idea is silly because his analogy is silly.

then this damage control

" "Craig attacked me when I simply asked if he could give a source. All he had to say was I can't reveal the person telling me about these papal bloodlines and that would have been fine.""

Oxley stated he couldnt, and thats not how he reacted. however the site is nuked i cant go back and study this event by event at this point. Now maybe there is just a personal conflict, and everything got out of hand, but when I personally use deduction that tsarion lets 99% of information fly on his board but that pops up and hes at the scene, then it has to be important. his presence there implies it is important, yet his actions and words imply its preposterous to say, with OR without sources. because he gave an analogy to ridicule the logic in and of itself and sway board members opinions who trust tsarions judgement. if it was such a ridiculous statement and oxley is such a ridiculous christian tard, then why was tsarions presence there. or was this just bad timing on what tsarion chose to read at the moment and reply to. i dont think he reads everything that gets posted. but perhaps people like oxley are on watchlists when they make new posts he gets an email notifcation. maybe not out of to spy on people who say things so he can catch things, but possibly people who he thinks might start trolling because oxley does have christian princibles. hard to say this is speculation.

i just want to know why he was there when the way of the his normal behavior is to not engage people directly who make statements or claims, and the fact remains he did go further than to ask for sources, made an analogy to attack the logic of the statement, and then did lie when he said all he did was ask for sources. if he says we do our own homework and we dont have to listen to him, then his coming in to give oxley a hard time isnt neccessary.

these family bloodlines actually get touched on in the mormons exposed as freemasons videos i posted on this site, walter j veith shows about 9 different seemingly unrelated people, belonging to a larger bloodline family(howland family) bushs, churchhill, franklin d roosevelt, richard nixon, president ford, creator of the mormons joseph smith, emma hale, all having the same great granddaddy.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Mon 11 Jan 2010, 11:22

You have to realize that someone wants you and everyone to be a slave. That's who to keep an eye on. Doting on who a person is doesn't get one far nor your freedom, you can pretty much tell who they are by what they say. And if they are conspiratory folks just stay away from them. You know they are because they can't get enough of infighting. And they say with so much pompousness that this or that person is an agent or whatever, like Oxley does. A red flag right there when someone starts saying that.

It doesnt actually affect my life on research whether tsarion is a coadjutor or not. I dont need absolute proof, however givin time i think i can provide convincing evidence. But this is going to sound bad, but people shouldnt need convincing evidence or absolute proof(like dna evidence) to jump to the other side. They should be looking at all sides and entertaining all ideas. there should be no sides. I am actually not an emissary for jesuit conspiracy, or have any allegiance to oxley. I take whats good from it update my knowledge, when i interprete what i see in the way i did, it enabled me to look beyond. tsarion is an impressive researcher, however i can say thankyou to him and moveon. that is until maybe he writes a new book maybe i will buy it. i dont throw babies out with bathwater. we all know that saying but i think we do this more than we realize.

after iceman made the post on solidic and fluidic personalities, and the person who can do both when the time calls for it, and being able to know which one to use when they actually dont have any information to go by to decide which one is the best choice(intuition), i realized he spoke the most important thing i already knew of unconciously. and i told him hes brilliant and outstanding for wording it like that. i cant really say anything more, the problem is, i sound patronizing to remind people who are 20 years older than me how to engage information. but i thought that that was what the tsarion forum members were partly about, that we had some kindof mastery over our egos. its not exactly enjoyable for me to come here and read everybody fighting, knowing that im possibly pushing my friendships with people (the friends that i have here) to the limit, straining their generosity to be civil with me. but im doing it, and even if i fail, i wont hang my head in shame, i can admit defeat but im not ashamed of how i fight my battles.

its honestly in my heart that when were doing our day to day activities, that everyone is well. i dont think, i hope TG is ran over by a mag rail train cause he made fun of me in a deriding tirade post that couldve hurt somebodies feelings had it not been me.

at the end of the day, i can always learn a lot from everybody here. thats why i accepted the invitation to come here, i like the company i am in. there are a lot of smart people here. but that doesnt mean that things will unfold on a positive note. what everyones idea of a positive note is also different its entirely possible that somebodies idea of a positive note is that i dont return here. i cant do anything about that.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Mon 11 Jan 2010, 21:08

i just want to know why he was there when the way of the his normal behavior is to not engage people directly who make statements or claims, and the fact remains he did go further than to ask for sources, made an analogy to attack the logic of the statement, and then did lie when he said all he did was ask for sources. if he says we do our own homework and we dont have to listen to him, then his coming in to give oxley a hard time isnt neccessary.
If you want to know or find out or settle your problem, so you don't get confused and upset, why not email tsarion or oxley instead of assuming wrong things or things you don't understand. Then you will at least get halfway to what is real, because one or the other is being truthful.
It can be concluded with what they both have done that oxley is the agent himself (Like I said it's a major red flag for someone to be accusing another individual of that, which means they are most likely one themself). I determine that based on what they say and their actions, and you would conclude the same thing, if you did your homework correctly. Wink
It doesnt actually affect my life on research whether tsarion is a coadjutor or not. I dont need absolute proof, however givin time i think i can provide convincing evidence. But this is going to sound bad, but people shouldnt need convincing evidence or absolute proof(like dna evidence) to jump to the other side. They should be looking at all sides and entertaining all ideas. there should be no sides. I am actually not an emissary for jesuit conspiracy, or have any allegiance to oxley. I take whats good from it update my knowledge, when i interprete what i see in the way i did, it enabled me to look beyond. tsarion is an impressive researcher, however i can say thankyou to him and moveon. that is until maybe he writes a new book maybe i will buy it. i dont throw babies out with bathwater. we all know that saying but i think we do this more than we realize.

after iceman made the post on solidic and fluidic personalities, and the person who can do both when the time calls for it, and being able to know which one to use when they actually dont have any information to go by to decide which one is the best choice(intuition), i realized he spoke the most important thing i already knew of unconciously. and i told him hes brilliant and outstanding for wording it like that. i cant really say anything more, the problem is, i so patronizing to remind people who are 20 years older than me how to engage information. but i thought that that was what the tsarion forum members were partly about, that we had some kindof mastery over our egos. its not exactly enjoyable for me to come here and read everybody fighting, knowing that im
possibly pushing my friendships with people (the friends that i have here) to the limit, straining their generosity to be civil with me. but im doing it, and even if i fail, i wont hang my head in shame, i can admit defeat but im not ashamed of how i fight my battles.

its honestly in my heart that when were doing our day to day activities, that everyone is well. i dont think, i hope TG is ran over by a mag rail train cause he made fun of me in a deriding tirade post that couldve hurt somebodies feelings had it not been me.

at the end of the day, i can always learn a lot from everybody here. thats why i accepted the invitation to come here, i like the company i am in. there are a lot of smart people here. but that doesnt mean that things will unfold on a positive note. what everyones idea of a positive note is also different it entirely possible that somebodies idea of a positive note is that i dont return here. i cant do anything about that.

It certainly affects you if believe something about tsarion and have to make an effort to try to justify your own opinion. As I said your interpretation is clouded because you focus on the conspiracies and disinformation. The best thing for you to do is talk directly to the person that you have questions about so that your judgement will be accurate, plus your sources will be direct and not from some conspiracy forum full of lies that you go to.

None of us are fighting here, just one person who has problems, who wants us to fight them. Shocked You are not straining anything with me, I don't fight with people I try and understand them. I thought it was the other way around and you were straining after you cursed at me!
You can come and leave as you wish. If you can't handle healthy criticism or truths it might be difficult for you here.

And on that note just want you to be careful of all the information out there that you tend to lean on. You are already buying into this MMS thing when you go to conspiracy forums and believe them. Experiment on it for yourself and then you will know.
Talk about expensive, a bottle of brand name prescription pills goes for the hundreds of dollars. If you have an effective product with no competition you can price it as high as you like, the problem comes when you get other products like it coming in then the prices goes way down.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Tue 12 Jan 2010, 04:34

I mentioned mms actually because a year or so ago TG educated people on it, and some of us studied up on it and bought it and tried it.

my bringing up MMS, was more or less to show TG that no matter what we think we know in our hearts is true, there is always a paradigm held by others that cannot be broken. the point isnt what its worth, if its justifiable to pay what it costs. i dont actually think its that expensive. i mean for what it actually contains. kindof. but expensive for what does? no.

the point is that you could logically talk to people about mms and they would hold onto any number of ideas to prevent them from even testing it. maybe one idea is "well if its so good, why havnt i heard about it"

then you'd have to explain that the medical industry is the sick care industry, stuff that isnt even conspiracy to us and feels at this point so basic like the sky is blue. thats how powerful ideas are, and to get somebody to see one idea, might involve a process of stripping away layers upon layers of other beliefs. we dont personally need to be told about the medical industry in order to entertain the idea of mms. as soon as we hear about it thats a roadblock that we dont encounter we basically get right to the point of, do i want to try it? we look at the science think to ourselves well ill buy a bit and test it out. were so open minded, beacuse we're prepared ourselves to be openminded, were NOT actually openminded. think of it as a port that has simply been opened on a firewall. giving us a pre-concieved affinity towards certain ideas. were still oppositional towards a lot of other things that we havnt opened the port to, but once that port is opened, it becomes easy to transfer knowledge. its like making a friend and gaining their trust. you dont need to second guess your friends. (this can be dangerous when you have a bad friend)

but at the end of the day we all have to make the choice ourself who we are and what we want to believe. as much evidence and research i have done on the codoh forum (committee for open debate on the holocaust), i still realize that all of the evidence isnt absolute proof, and that people are going to be retarded and extradite others whenever they can for being a holocaust revisionist or denier for probably another 50 years or forever as who knows how obfuscated history might become in the future, the progress opposing the holocaust might all vanish in a new world order. 99% of the people in the world jew or not will call me an anti-semitei if i said i dont believe in the holocaust. i could be put on watch lists or if i told my teachers, they might notify police. who knows. and not everybody who would label me this would have subpar IQ's. theres going to be many peopple with 150 IQ's who would charge me as a anti semite. you think i stand a chance in hell at ever explaining to these people im not anti-semitic, and if you give me 20 hours i can show you some ideas that would have them calm down with accusing me of being racist?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 12 Jan 2010, 14:51

my bringing up MMS, was more or less to show TG that no matter what we think we know in our hearts is true, there is always a paradigm held by others that cannot be broken. the point isnt what its worth,

Ive told some people about mms, and understandably their first impression was negative , as was mine, i carried out my own research, and now in not so sure , i mean im leaning to the more positive about it, but crucially, i have not ingested it in the advised manner, i am sort of trialing and erroring it in my own process which has taken about 6 months, on an off, so in this way, i am 100% fully responsible for any effects of it, because ive put it through my intellectual ringer, ive let it soak through my emotional ringer, and i still have it here ready to take if i feel the need which i have not done immediately recently

I know others will have their own ideas about it that justify their understandings of it or repulsions of it

Yeah thx to TG and also qSc for some really good feedbacks on that

If anyone wants to create a topic on it in the health section please do

Regarding the tsarion disinfo charge or coadjutor charge, i dont disagree that everyone should indeed come under the suspicious spotlight if one feels the need for that , but the next stage in that process , is to investigate ones actual independent feeling / need in the process of understanding where that feeling or need developed from ....before preaching it to others

It is not to go around the internet spreading the "uninvestigated" "feeling" or "need" as an end in itself which seems to be happening more an more , its called on the land , tabloid spin , it has a life of its own, that thrives on "sensationalism" but it has the same heartbeat behind it ... bullshit

NOw imnot accusing You hIgh noon or DramaQueen of being bullshitters

bUt this thread is here to allow you to personally justify your accussations on tsarion and im sure you could both do that in a revealing manner if you felt strongly enough about it.
I would say that to make the accussation public has commited to that strength of feeling

The drama queen has copied and pasted all she could find on the net, now just awaits her own words on the matter or she will have parachuted out with her head held in shame to another website to carry on the "good work" she is doing in this disinfo area of hers , i mean shes quite far away from convincing me, but i cant talk for others

No need to hang your head in shame, you seem to a have a unique original way with your own expression of words , so if you feel like putting the tsar dis or co proposition in your own words , will be revealing of something im sure .

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Wed 13 Jan 2010, 09:27

where has she been anyway. i guess she is feigning regular sleep patterns XD


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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 13 Jan 2010, 23:05

Very Happy sleep laid, and what was the other... oh yeah evidence

Yeah I can see your point, schadenfreude is not the kind of humor that one finds funny when being the subject matter of it. However, it's not a bad idea to learn to laugh about oneself and not to take life too serious all the time, because remember...nobody ever got out alive...

too sorry you don't like my kind of humor

Yeah I can see your point, schmollen is not the kind of humor that one finds funny when being the subject matter of it. However, it's not a bad idea to learn to laugh about oneself and not to take life too serious all the time, because remember...nobody ever got out alive...

too sorry you don't like others kind of humor as well (so ironic Snigger)

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 01 Feb 2010, 00:28

I have just completed my third read of Tsarion's Irish Origins of Civilization 1 & 2.
To accompany the reading of book 2, I also had a thick comprehensive reference book on Egypt to read as well.

Really a great exploration into this time in history and how it has evolved into the power structures we have today.

Also interesting to note in Irish Origins is that Tsarion lists Theosophy as being a secret society in less than a flattering context.
And a less-than-flattering reference to Alice Bailey of the Theosophical and later New Age Movement.
Unfortunately, Tsarion's many knee-jerk detractors fail to see where Tsarion is really coming from in his presentations.
As I said, it is obvious that this work of his has pissed off those who were severely threatened by the information, or were envious that they were not able to do it themselves.

I will also add that in the introduction to his first book, Atlantis/AV&GM, that everything is a theory that he is suggesting for your consideration.
Which I interpret that these are not to be considered facts leading to undeniable and undebatable truths which should now become a part of your intrinsic set of beliefs. As so many of his detractors have accused is his agenda behind his work. He has always left an open door and an out in his work for anyone to take their own opinions, value them and not allow anything to affect what they think. But again, the detractors have missed that message...repeatedly.

Has anyone here read Tsarion's book on Astrotheology?
If you have, please comment upon it.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Mon 01 Feb 2010, 03:49

Haven't read that one.
Also interesting to note in Irish Origins is that Tsarion lists Theosophy as being a secret society in less than a flattering context.
And a less-than-flattering reference to Alice Bailey of the Theosophical and later New Age Movement.
The research is more important IMO, than the references or opinons of this or that group. I will figure out on my own and graciously take what I can from whatever group that I think will evolve my own Being.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 01 Feb 2010, 20:14

Have not got the astro book, but that post just reminded me that i have the astro dvd set right here , but it be a good couple weeks fore i can check that out

The research is more important IMO, than the references or opinons of this or that group. I will figure out on my own and graciously take what I can from whatever group that I think will evolve my own Being.

nice attitude Cool

On the subject matter of this topic, more than 3 weeks have passed, and no personal worded "disinfo dossiers" presented

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Mon 01 Feb 2010, 23:07

  • guess what TGII, if your reading, I told some other forums(non conspirancy, not alternative about anything in any way) about chlorine dioxide and everybody thought i was talking nonsense. 99% of the people told me that because it was called miracle mineral solution that i had to be stupid to pay the hundred i did to get it, i was swindled. but i know you got my back on that one.....so even if i am a moron, im still smarter than 99% of the population right?

I just noticed this now. Embarassed

Look, I warned people, you don't just jump into this shit and start downing
bottles of Chlorine gas without knowing what the hell is going on.

I spent weeks reading all the material, viewed all of Jim Humble's
documentation, bought the book, made contacts with people including
people who had experience with the MMS solution including it in their
routine before I put a single drop of this solution into my body.

People are not researchers, unless you read ALL the material available, view
all the available videos, confer with people, ask questions, source ONLY
recommended sources of MMS, you will not have problems, getting ripped
off or otherwise.

People are predatory. They will rip you off at every opportunity, people
should know that.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 01 Feb 2010, 23:15

Agreed. Did the same thing myself before I tried it.

And only paid $20 bucks for it.
I don't see how anyone could have missed the main supplier of the stuff and ordered it off the few suggested websites linked directly from Humble's site.

But the way, Humble has come out with another chemical and it is called MMS2.
He also has changed many protocols or the directions for MMS use on his site.
A new book is on the way to explain its use.
And new ways to get it down without having to taste it.
I have to admit for the first few months I had no problem downing a ten drop mixture in water, but now I can't stand the taste of even a 2 drop mixture. Humble says its common and is attempting ways to get around the taste.
But now the typical protocols call for low drop mixtures, but taken as often as every hour.
The longevity of chlorine dioxide in the system has changed from 2-4 hours down to 1-2 hours.
So better to take smaller amounts spread throughout the day and more often, than large doses three times a day.
And used this new way for a long period of time...like months...is the most effective against viruses.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Tue 02 Feb 2010, 13:45

manyparticles, what took you so long?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 02 Feb 2010, 19:31

..............it makes the confused look to themselves like they know something everyone else doesn't. And they get it by trying to make someone else's work look ridiculous by focusing not on the work itself, but on some minor comparison to their own belief system, not based on fact but on invective they borrowed from someone else just as misled as themselves. It's always the same old story............

Greetings manyparticles, yeah feel free to say whatever you think, some nice pearls of insight already Smile

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  highnoon Sat 06 Feb 2010, 14:16

dont come and here and refer to some people probably me that im an ant at a picnic, i was invited to this forum i didnt crash a party, but if that invitation is retracted then it can be and will be and ill try to logon one day and the password doesnt work anymore. but just who is anybody to think of themselves as the people at the picnic and the others being ants. thats just more ego centric bullshit proving you might got a shelf of tsarions books but you dont live his philosophy. thats what i noticed if i was to make an observation its that all of tsarions best followers, save iceman, dont really practise the work on the shadow. egocentric dismissals left and right. i did do my research myself, thank you michael tsarion. i think he would support me, and if he didnt hes a hypocrite. he cant say do the own research but hey if you disagree im going to think youre stupid cause you know im right.

but i wont be writing an essay. i dont think i can do it and succeed. i dont lose anything or gain anything to be right or wrong. i still have to eat and sleep everyday and think about what to do with my sex drive. doesnt change my life to be right or wrong, so ill be wrong because i cant prove im right.
and thats not tongue in cheek i cant be right without proving i am, but i dont need to prove i am right for myself. from a pure pragmatic viewpoint. i have nothing to gain even if i could easily convince others im right, because i dont think getting 5 people to see something different is going to feedback into reality and make a difference in my life in where i live. conspiracy really takes up time i could be spending indulging in what life has to offer. if i just go snowboarding, i dont need to worry about chemtrails. i just need to worry if im dressed right and not go out of bounds and when i get tired go inside for a hot chocolate.

it literally takes lifeforce from me to argue whether i win or lose. so conceding now is just better for my health considering i dont believe i have the ability to win either

what really just bothered me was the ants comment, its not even that its insulting but its full of assumptions that myself or somebody else came here through means of stalking down tsarion members for the purpose of harassment. like we sniffed food from the grass and crawled up the wooden picnic bench like an unwelcome ant, when i at least was invited here.

which just proves automatic ignorance of the facts when you make a statement like that. which proves your fucking weak intellect. which angered me. cause right off the bat you can be wrong in your judgement in a post that was CONDENDSENDING TOWARDS OTHERS FOR BEING STUPID.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 06 Feb 2010, 17:34

I, myself was not referring to anyone on this forum...just the usual outlaw scum.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Sat 06 Feb 2010, 22:34

I'm posting this because I'd like to take some kind of responsibility.

dont come and here and refer to some people probably me that im an ant at a picnic, i was invited to this forum i didnt crash a party, but if that invitation is retracted then it can be and will be and ill try to logon one day and the password doesnt work anymore. but just who is anybody to think of themselves as the people at the picnic and the others being ants. thats just more ego centric bullshit proving you might got a shelf of tsarions books but you dont live his philosophy.
I would like to discuss the research with you then.

I'm not a follower, I don't think the people here are followers of tsarion either, but followers of truth. Just that mtsar and other researchers have quality work and take the most from that. Actually what I notice is that the mtsar posters have more integrity than most and as you can tell have strong willpower to not get led falsly by anyone.
thats what i noticed if i was to make an observation its that all of tsarions best followers, save iceman, dont really practise the work on the shadow. egocentric dismissals left and right. i did do my research myself, thank you michael tsarion. i think he would support me, and if he didnt hes a hypocrite. he cant say do the own research but hey if you disagree im going to think youre stupid cause you know im right.

Your observation was wrong, I don't care for the unhealthy ego and I've still got some real interesting things to post on the ego. I've been studying that and will provide some informative things. We all have strong healthy egos here. One doesn't want to become a doormat.
I will have to say that you would truly have to be in your integrity and then others will naturally support you then.

There is absolutely no reason to be angry, no one said you were an ant Highnoon. When calling some of the outlaws ants, that is putting it nicely. While they call mtsar posters horrible things.

By the way, I would like to know where those ants are. Why not come here to discuss, no they want to destroy mtsar's work and forum that's why. And bicker and lie. Why can't they communicate. Don't they want to learn and stop being the living dead, because that is what a lot of folks have become for a long time, haven't you noticed.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 07 Feb 2010, 01:35

HighNoon wrote:thats what i noticed if i was to make an observation its that all of tsarions best followers,
I also have to declare that i follow no one, and never have, in the way you express here highnoon.
JUst because i participate in a forum does not make me a follower in my understanding
To be a "follower" requires much much more in the way of "blinkered loyalty" in my perceptions

HighNoon wrote:
but i wont be writing an essay. i dont think i can do it and succeed. i dont lose anything or gain anything to be right or wrong. i still have to eat and sleep everyday and think about what to do with my sex drive. doesnt change my life to be right or wrong, so ill be wrong because i cant prove im right.
and thats not tongue in cheek i cant be right without proving i am, but i dont need to prove i am right for myself. from a pure pragmatic viewpoint. i have nothing to gain even if i could easily convince others im right, because i dont think getting 5 people to see something different is going to feedback into reality and make a difference in my life in where i live. conspiracy really takes up time i could be spending indulging in what life has to offer. if i just go snowboarding, i dont need to worry about chemtrails. i just need to worry if im dressed right and not go out of bounds and when i get tired go inside for a hot chocolate.

it literally takes lifeforce from me to argue whether i win or lose. so conceding now is just better for my health considering i dont believe i have the ability to win either

Ok thx for your honesty here highnoon, personal feelings apart, looking at the logic of the exchange, you had declared that tsarion may be disinfo or was it coadjutor , i was never clear if you "felt that" or "thought that"
If you had felt that, then it was up to you, if u so desired , to investigate the feeling with your thoughts to see if it could be translated into a word sense that would give credence to your feeling and then even to its disinfo charge
you are saying now that you cant produce an essay that will communicate to others why you feel tsarion may be disinfo or coadjutor but maybe you have come to your own conclusion why you had that feeling , i dont know and i dont like to pry
But i do beleive that "feelings" can be deeply implanted sleepers from early experiences , psychically transmitted and also amplified by attraction or repulsion of a personas words , gestures or appearance
So i guess theres no escaping them Smile

BUt i never ignore a feeling, i always try and search out its root, even at the expense of my ego.

You have highlighted ( through your self expressions) an interesting process in being here that normally never gets highlighted because of the heightened intensity for conflict at its every step ...expansion then contraction , thats how muscles are developed

Although you say you concede, i rather note a more profound demonstration of yang yin expression, not many can stay on the horse for that yin contraction

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 7 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  tgII Wed 10 Feb 2010, 06:59

Everyone, MTSAR interview on Truth Frequency, tune in
when you can, a bit old but worth a listen:

Truth Frequency link here:


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