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Gnostic Media Thread

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Post  seraphim Tue 22 Jun 2010, 21:51

Alright Flames, that's looks real interesting, and I've been doing my own research which will take years, can't wait to watch it. I've always felt Jesus was the real deal. And not because I look for a savior. There is something about Jesus that I can also relate to, instead of the more mythical Beings way before him.

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Gnostic Media Thread Empty Re: Gnostic Media Thread

Post  seraphim Fri 25 Jun 2010, 21:12

From Asharya S. talk:
The Judeans didn't like the Romans at all, the Romans occupied them. They raised Messiahs throughout time to overthrow the Romans.
Philo the Judean ruled the Roman empire!
Plato talks of logos and Philo makes it into a jewish messiah character born in Alexandria, which describes Jesus before he even existed.

Philos books survived because he was rich, (of course tptb wanted his works to continue)
My comments:
Something certainly doesn't make sense, maybe there were people like Jesus who wanted freedom and a Jesus and the makers of the bible or the rulers took him, made him into a myth and tried to make him all the people's savior, while in reality the people like Jesus and Jesus himself were killed, but really behind their religion their was no Jesus, but the real Satan who used Jesus to get people to follow.

But if there was a Jesus who won over the rulers, things would be so much different now. Jesus wanted to create a new religion, but it was sabatoged? The rulers now as back then hated Jesus and made him flee but he was so popular TBTB decided to use him to make THEIR own religion. The God in TPTB religion is completely different than Jesus, Jesus wasn't that God's Son at all, IMHO. Why don't Christians see such a
schizm, a benevolent and wonderful Being as Jesus versus the killer and evil God in the bible. Of course I believe in different God's (possible Beings, physical or not that people call aliens, some good some bad), as well as the Absolute One that is the Source of everything, and that there are benevolent one's and maybe the God in the bible which is taken from other ancient beliefs may have been originally wanting to help people and not evil like the one in the bible.

On another note, not included in the video? one finds the phrase in a few ancient cultures all over the world, the one was made two and then three (reproducing themselves).............
It seems that when the God split the original whole human being, it made the female as the wicked part, to make things even worse for both male and female humans on Earth. This may be why females in many cultures are put down. And have undergone the most horrific things and not just pain, I'm surprised the past traumas hasn't completely broken them down yet.
But people ought to take notice of all that and understand the true reason why females are the other half, males can take full advantage, not advantage of but can be made whole by the female energy. Females have the battery essence, which is part of Spirit. And the real reason and obvious fact why a benevolent God IMO, made it's first creation as androgynous or incorporated both male and female energies.
But still how can one blame another creature, like the female, no matter if it was the devil, Sekhmet, spider woman etc, for your downfall, it is completely one's own fault for that.
As for the split between male and female, in reality the feminine energy is not evil. And actually closer to the first whole human or Being that was created, before the split.

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Join date : 2009-11-18

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