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Meaning of or in life

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  tgII Thu 10 May 2012, 03:50

He is discussing the same related insights that Frank O'Collins has shared
in his lectures, the more recent specifically. If the lecture is transcribed - I
don't have the energy to do it - I can post excerpts from it on the same

The problem, if that's what you want to call it, is that AHMED HULUSI
does not provide a legal foundational basis out of our predicament.

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  tgII Thu 10 May 2012, 13:03


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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  seraphim Fri 11 May 2012, 19:45

I just wore myself out doing too much as usual, nothing about the moon, but it did get me off my balance Kapis.
And I'm sure the moon is always affecting us in some ways.
I wonder if its making me have these interesting dreams. And I had a horrible one last night. It's awful what I have to go through in my dreams. I had to witness lucidly the brutal beating and death of a little boy. Can you imagine how traumatizing that is. I had to witness every little thing, the young boys every breath and suffering and movement. Every thing.
I think I'm supposed to be learning something about life and death and maya.

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 11 May 2012, 21:28

Who knows...maybe it's grilling some of the darkness (in the sence of "not being able to see") out of our heads
thats really quite an interesting concept Idea

About 1 week ago, i got hit with a headache that lasted for 36 hours, and i never get headaches, i blamed it on the super moon....ive got to blame something , but somebody else that was around me for a couple days in a work status also got a worse one and had to go to bed , i also noticed that during my one, my eyesight seemed slightly affected like there was a whole lotta tension gathered in the eyes connected with this headache

But by the sunday that had cleared

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 11 May 2012, 21:34

Seraphim - nasty dreams those What a Face

The problem, if that's what you want to call it, is that AHMED HULUSI
does not provide a legal foundational basis out of our predicament.

TG - i think he's a metaphysical ideas thought examining man which is very important in itself , but just as important is the physical welfare link that you mention , and you are getting more and more adept in this area which not many people are concentrating on

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  tgII Fri 11 May 2012, 21:35

Probably right, Kapis, I'm just oriented differently. Yes, the metaphysics are correct though.

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  tgII Sun 27 May 2012, 11:01

Blackbird and Flames, this is for you guys...hang in there...


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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  highnoon Sun 27 May 2012, 23:38

wine and berries is such a bad hangover. thats way too much sugar lol. hell wine is a bad hangover.

theres beer and pizza....ugh, too much glutten.

How about,...hmm...vodka and cheese? I never even tried that. whats a good food and alcohol combo that doesnt trash you the next day?

heaven is all about feeling good, but i just dont see how heaven can be good perpetually giving he ramifications of indulging in certain god foods.

Also....doesnt heaven sound a LOT like the sins of earth...that supposedly send you to hell? why do you get them in heaven, if they're morally bad on earth?


Blackbird....theres ramifications for surrendering/accepting, and also different kinds of ramifications for staying on your feet and to continue making steps forward....personally....I am of the lazy frame of mind. I always thought of success as like a measure for how insecure a person is, how much they want something, compare that from your own take on where they are right now. would you and that person probably agree that they are in the same place. well what are they going for? how much does that differ from the current? theres your grade of insecurity.

Insecurity...is a liability. Insecure people do underhanded things to other people out of fear, they see threats that dont exist. they're paranoid for their own existence. while you're just doing something straightforward, they're strategizing. if they're strategizing, youre opportunity is to also strategize. youre not allowed to be a straightforward person, find out you've been strategized on, and then formulate a response after the hands are dealt and the hand is over. youre not allowed to wage a war in one area, because a covert war was being waged on you in another area. You're supposed to, a citizen, or just human, EXPECT that at ALL TIMES. people are strategizing to make their lives better, which may or may not mean they are directly making plans for you or against you. So therefore, you're supposed to be that type of person also, who is also devising his own plans for oneself and as much to a degree as possible to influence matters outside of oneself, for oneself.

I am just not that type of person emotionally, to be insecure, to think I need to be making strategies, because i think i am strong enough at any givin time, its not an ego thing, its more like, i gave people too much credit, i expected, because of the person i was, and that im a human, that other people, because they are also human, must be similiar to me. truth is nobody is really similiar to me.

I dont have the brain of a rat constantly jittering and on the move to look for scraps which my mind transforms into lies such as notions of prestige. for that, i lose in this life.

But Cest la vie, right? What can you do? i console myself, i just tell myself little fictions that im born to "spectate" whats going on. Im here to relay information back to the spiritual plane. Heh. i dont really believe that, but it does help me to sometimes have little supernatural justifications like im on a spiritual mission etc. its tongue in cheek....you can become crazy if you dont realize its your own brain giving you these things to feel better. BUT. on some subconscious, emotional level, it works. it washes your soul just a little bit and gives you a bit if purity. well at leastfor me.

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 02 Jun 2012, 01:58

But Cest la vie, right? What can you do? i console myself, i just tell myself little fictions that im born to "spectate" whats going on. Im here to relay information back to the spiritual plane. Heh. i dont really believe that, but it does help me to sometimes have little supernatural justifications like im on a spiritual mission etc. its tongue in cheek....you can become crazy if you dont realize its your own brain giving you these things to feel better. BUT. on some subconscious, emotional level, it works. it washes your soul just a little bit and gives you a bit if purity. well at leastfor me.

thelemites may suggest its ones holy guardian angel keeping your spirits up , a hypnotist may suggest its self hypnosis and positive thinking , but the brain is just as stable a source of that jivetalk as anything else, but the point being , that it really can and does work to transmute the spirit component of the soul / self to a positive charge

Alain De botton may in a manner of suggestion interestingly refer to the above move as ... a consolation of philosophy , a tool that is discovered by a seeking mind , a seeking mind that seeks enlightenment and joy for itself, but he would say that the consolation is a medicine to deal with situations where one has been reaching out for something that was desired and the universe had denied that acquisition , do not get personal with the cosmos for denying ones self its desire , use the brains power to console its self with the tool of philosophising , its a very powerful tool, for where some men and woman may commit suicide over a disappointment , and that could be referred to as the absoluteness of philosophy if it had been thought out carefully, and not a purely emotional act of desperation, because i believe its equally possible to philosophaze ones need for ones immediate self demise as it is to console oneself and try again or move on

The bottom line (not botton line (: ) is that the self , the brain does have a lot of say in how one views ones current world interaction , which in turn directly affects how the physical world responds back to one

See how easy it is for me to get suckered into a positive tinkling here, but i then could very easily counter that with something really negative like ................whenever i even get the thought about "be positive" i immediately try and find the source of that suggestion which then leads to a situation where i have broken that holy "link" between me and my mysterious brain or holy angel or whatever which leaves me wondering in absolute isolated angst , what exactly am "I" am i really a free thinking entity , or am i some puppet on the strings of a mysterious brain or angelic or demonic entity .
Who am I said the Who , and thats a momentous question that i don't believe can be answered with any true authority , only models of understanding can be constructed and believed in for a spell, but if one keeps investigating , you may become like a lost ship being swept in a heartless sea, at which point , one must again look for that mysterious link that then miraculously somehow comforts the lost self and quietly feeds it hope again , after which , just like a charging battery, at a certain point of charge, the ego kicks in , and everything is just fine again, top of the world, that little depression didn't really happen , now , purpose has returned , even a metaphysical purpose which can give a deeper sense of belonging to its inhabitant that a physical aquasiion purpose but they work well too, another new girlfriend or boyfriend, a baby , a marriage, a new car, a nerd job, more money , fame , all these things are carrots on the string of the puppet human , to keep them breeding and existing , and while they do that, sometimes unknown to them, they may be doing big favours for others , and also somehow, all this interaction and depressions and joys , and all else , all fits into one big super game controlled by the hidden disguised entities referred to as god , which in themselves can't be concretely identified by a collective of human recognition , because the brain just does not seem to have the conscious recognition faculties to represent this complex equation back to its own self in a manner which allows the self to finally understand the mystery of all this human existence and then live happily ever after in that knowledge

No, there is definitely something very very strange going on here in this human existence , but it is a very very serious strange , and there are very very tough rules intertwined between one and ones destiny , make one wrong move and you will pay dearly , sometimes you get more chances , other times you get rewards , some then say that its all about hard work , that thats the best estimated attempt at acquiring the best existence , others say differently but the final horrible and beautiful truth is that only every single adult self can say what is best for them or not so , which is a learnt skill, add to that this mysterious link called conscience hiding in the deeper recesses of the brain which acts as some form of secret advisor and consoler as you go in your existence , and then you are back at square 1 on the board game

Who am i and why am i

Now there are drugs and drink available to answer these questions too , which if they don't hit people consciously then they hit them sub consciously as they submerge in the drugs and drink knowing that if they don't get answers given to them through the chemical , they at least have the consolation of ongoing oblivion to shut down these enquiries

Then there are the ancient tribal activities of the shamans , they knew that the human brain in its conscious state could not possibly understand "wHo am I" and so they had skills to temporary take that human brain out of its conscious state into an altered state for further clarifications and just maybe, this abstract experience somehow transmuted that ever-expanding nagging centuries old question of who am i from a depressing conclusion into a soulful anticipation

Hey ,this is no direct reply to anyone , i just typed this jivetalk out of my brain that just came back from amsterdam and paris so i have been influenced by the egyptian pin up in paris and the unicorns on the royal palace in dam square in amsterdam , ( first time I've encountered unicorns outside scotland) but also during that trip, i got this spell of aloneness which was at odds with the "brain" and that put me out of synch with the world in a way which i must write about sometime Very Happy

Footnote - In Amsterdams Red light District , in the centre , stands the Oude Kerk (old church) Religion surrounded by the oldest trade , devotion surrounded by lust


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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 16 Jun 2012, 02:46

Further thought on the mysterious link in the human consciousness sometimes referred to as conscience, guardian angel , etc which when added to "Memory" suggests that there are various avenues of internalised private consultations available to humans in their conscious "awake" time

Instinct and intuition may be a blend of memory and conscience guiding the present conscious decisions to the rise of the human being
Delusion and deception may be a misfiring, paralysis or even infiltration by alien component to memory and conscience that tends to misguide the present conscious decisions to the fall of the human being

The thing that caught my attention recently was what sportsmen refer to as "Being in the Zone" which is when they seem to perform their art at its optimum state and without conscious thought or consciousness of time , they seem to be in a heightened state of auto-pilot

This brings 3 areas of interest to my attention about their in-zone status , they are not presently burdened by the peckings of memory nor the weight of time which means none of their present conscious attention is introspective plus they are somehow being guided through physical actions whilst almost being a front-seat passenger in their own performance which allows them to perform to the optimum of their skills without any disturbance from negative thought or doubt or the sense of time passing

However this In-Zone state is always very temporary and cannot be maintained or called upon by conscious will by these sportsmen, they just hope they can get in the zone, and some days they can some they can't , some do more than others , others can't get into it at all .

In addition to the optimum physical performance of skills being engaged , another of the major psycho-physical components of a person who's in-zone , is an emanated intensity that affects the opponent or opponents in a negative fashion , it may be this intensity factor that leads people to perceive the phenomena called aura

I then had to consider what sport gave the best example of Zone fluctuations in the participants and i arrived at Tennis because it is a one on one sport with no direct physical contact but also one of the most physically demanding sports at the very top level, Physical engagement comes from trying to batter a ball of air past the opponent in a certain manner and also outing them with strategies , but the stop/start high energy / rest period process of tennis and the scoring system allows a very high influence of thinking to affect the performance, some players can go through matches without hitting their zone at all

What is it that allows someone to get into their zone more frequently ?
The first thing is intense continuous innovative training in their chosen art which increases their "Memory" of their available skill at any time they need to call on it so this means they don't have to think so much about what their doing as they perform the mechanics of it , its all there ready to slip into this auto-mode

The second thing is a mental skill which allows them to dissipate conscious scan memory and the nagging notion of time specifically the ability to blank out any negative thoughts and simultaneously then allow this zone state to engage

Whilst in this zone state , their consciousness becomes a perfect front seat viewer as they seamlessly display their optimum skills even exceeding these as everything just runs perfect whilst the opponent is locking in to the zone-antithesis, paralysed into introspective doubts , projecting back into past memories of similar failures , and nothing goes right for them

One person locked into the present reality , the moment . transcending the invasion of past memory and the weight of time passing and performing a trained art to perfection and beyond , because perfection is an ongoing pursuit , and in this zone, people exceed what they have previous memory off, so this mysterious thing that almost temporarily posseses them for a performance seeking perfection, also invariably takes their performance to a level that exceeded their known memory of past performance , which then becomes a known memory for them and they then can call on it again in the future as a known memorised skill . But who exactly constructed this new skill ? they off course take the credit , because who else is going to step forward ?

Yes - In the Zone is an interesting place to be , and it can also happen in any pursuit , even thinking , which makes one wonder once more about memory , conscience and influences


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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  highnoon Sat 16 Jun 2012, 05:33

Kapis wrote:Further thought on the mysterious link in the human consciousness sometimes referred to as conscience, guardian angel , etc which when added to "Memory" suggests that there are various avenues of internalised private consultations available to humans in their conscious "awake" time

Instinct and intuition may be a blend of memory and conscience guiding the present conscious decisions to the rise of the human being
Delusion and deception may be a misfiring, paralysis or even infiltration by alien component to memory and conscience that tends to misguide the present conscious decisions to the fall of the human being

The thing that caught my attention recently was what sportsmen refer to as "Being in the Zone" which is when they seem to perform their art at its optimum state and without conscious thought or consciousness of time , they seem to be in a heightened state of auto-pilot

This brings 3 areas of interest to my attention about their in-zone status , they are not presently burdened by the peckings of memory nor the weight of time which means none of their present conscious attention is introspective plus they are somehow being guided through physical actions whilst almost being a front-seat passenger in their own performance which allows them to perform to the optimum of their skills without any disturbance from negative thought or doubt or the sense of time passing

However this In-Zone state is always very temporary and cannot be maintained or called upon by conscious will by these sportsmen, they just hope they can get in the zone, and some days they can some they can't , some do more than others , others can't get into it at all .

In addition to the optimum physical performance of skills being engaged , another of the major psycho-physical components of a person who's in-zone , is an emanated intensity that affects the opponent or opponents in a negative fashion , it may be this intensity factor that leads people to perceive the phenomena called aura

I then had to consider what sport gave the best example of Zone fluctuations in the participants and i arrived at Tennis because it is a one on one sport with no direct physical contact but also one of the most physically demanding sports at the very top level, Physical engagement comes from trying to batter a ball of air past the opponent in a certain manner and also outing them with strategies , but the stop/start high energy / rest period process of tennis and the scoring system allows a very high influence of thinking to affect the performance, some players can go through matches without hitting their zone at all

What is it that allows someone to get into their zone more frequently ?
The first thing is intense continuous innovative training in their chosen art which increases their "Memory" of their available skill at any time they need to call on it so this means they don't have to think so much about what their doing as they perform the mechanics of it , its all there ready to slip into this auto-mode

The second thing is a mental skill which allows them to dissipate conscious scan memory and the nagging notion of time specifically the ability to blank out any negative thoughts and simultaneously then allow this zone state to engage

Whilst in this zone state , their consciousness becomes a perfect front seat viewer as they seamlessly display their optimum skills even exceeding these as everything just runs perfect whilst the opponent is locking in to the zone-antithesis, paralysed into introspective doubts , projecting back into past memories of similar failures , and nothing goes right for them

One person locked into the present reality , the moment . transcending the invasion of past memory and the weight of time passing and performing a trained art to perfection and beyond , because perfection is an ongoing pursuit , and in this zone, people exceed what they have previous memory off, so this mysterious thing that almost temporarily posseses them for a performance seeking perfection, also invariably takes their performance to a level that exceeded their known memory of past performance , which then becomes a known memory for them and they then can call on it again in the future as a known memorised skill . But who exactly constructed this new skill ? they off course take the credit , because who else is going to step forward ?

Yes - In the Zone is an interesting place to be , and it can also happen in any pursuit , even thinking , which makes one wonder once more about memory , conscience and influences

Yomi 153 up, 12 down

A term which came from the Virtua Fighter community, but, for various reasons, including David Sirlin's Web Articles/Book on Playing to Win, it has spread to all fighting games.

Yomi is a Japanese term meaning "Knowing the mind of the opponent", and is essentially an intangible asset required in fighting games. It's the ability to know what your opponent is going to do, and act appropriately. Whether you achieve this by "conditioning" the opponent to act one way, and then acting in another way, or simply work your way into the head of your opponent, yomi is just that: the ability to know what your opponent is going to do.

I was reading Star City the other day and happened upon a review from The Ferrett on David Sirlin's book "Playing To Win" in which he commented:

“There's next to no discussion on how to improve these skills. He mentions that Virtua Fighter champions tend to have great yomi skills and Magic players are excellent at Appraisal, but aside from that you're left with the burning question: If I don't have a talent for yomi, how do I gain it?”

As usual, I thought to myself, “Oh man... how do you teach yomi? Let alone yomi as it'd relate to Magic the Gathering?” The problem with teaching yomi is that it's a skill you pick up via competition and training, where you get better at games with a strategic subset of moves. You learn to recognize patterns, preferences, and tells naturally over time, with the more inherent experience you have playing the game.

But trying to at least explain yomi, and attempting to teach it... it's worth a shot!

Hence the inspiration for this article was born. I'm going to attempt to make a series at helping you see what yomi is, and how you can improve your skills at it. It all starts here, with what yomi really is. So let's define yomi.

Yomi is a Japanese term which straight English equivalent is “reading.” Essentially, “seeing what people would do based on probability and feelings gathered by patterns or perceptions the opponent puts out.”

David Sirlin, author of Playing To Win, I believe had a good definition of yomi: "Knowing the mind of the opponent."

If you want to delve slightly deeper into its meaning, a definition from the Chinese board game Go would be: "The mental process of calculating lines of play." The obvious afterthought of that definition would be: “... and developing a countermove based on the most common line the person is likely to travel.”

The Go definition is subtly different from Sirlin's though; under the Go definition, you're focusing more on the opponents plays for yomi information*. Sirlin's definition opens up picking up tells from the opponent themselves for other information.

*I can say this, because Go is a game of perfect information. Hence reading the opponent gives you no real value. This is also why it's awkward trying to explain yomi in normal terms for Magic.

One of the most important skills you can develop in any sort of competitive multiplayer game is the ability to predict someone's actions. Being able to do so on a consistent basis to any significant degree of success gives you a huge advantage over your opponent. The real question, of course, is how to gain this ability… and then how to parlay it into actual percentages helping you win games. The common link between all of the definitions, and the basis of yomi, is reading the opponents actions, perceiving them, and developing a countermove based on that perception.

For you poker bums, this would be like spotting tells; the only real difference being that you're not necessarily looking at a person themselves for the information. In fighting games, you'll never see the actual player when you're fighting them. Instead, you're going off the data you have about the game and the information you gleam from the opponent's moves. This is also the crucial difference between intuition and yomi. In one you're making a judgment based purely on instinct and gut feeling, not using any normal ration thinking processes. The other sees you calculating the most probable plays for the opponent and picking the one you've perceived him to be doing next.

As for why this is important to you and why understanding and learning yomi can be a crucial part of you game, think about something for a moment. How many times have you lost a close game because you picked the wrong option? Or worse, had games where you picked the “correct option,” yet the opponent had exactly what he needed to stop that?

Ever consider that the other guy already had a clue what you were trying to do, and was just letting you go about your business, content to stop you when you tried your plan?

To put it bluntly: how many more games would you win if you could correctly predict your opponent's moves? Or stop counter-plays against you without scrambling for a topdeck? I'm guessing the number of saved games would be quite high.

Now that I've given you a reason to care about yomi, I'll answer your next question.


Your question?

“Is yomi truly necessary at a high level of play?”

As I stated above, I'd say yes… but it's not as important as in Go or fighting games in general. Mostly because you will rarely be asked to think 15-20 moves ahead, or make a decision in the time frame of 1-2 seconds. In Magic, many people use low-level yomi without even realizing it, and even only thinking a single “yomi layer” ahead can result in trumping your opponent. You may not even be running an actual counter to the opponent's plan in your deck**. In addition, in Magic it's very hard to win without some semblance of a plan. So you're probably already using yomi and not even realizing it.

**That would be a yomi thought if you apply yomi to deckbuilding, choices, and metagaming. Each of those topics could easily have a few articles about them, so for now I'm going to simplify it.

Did I lose anyone there? I probably did. Let me explain about the layers of yomi. First off, if you haven't read Sirlin's piece on yomi layers or the chapters dealing with yomi in his book, please read this.

For reference, here are the Yomi Layers:

Yomi Layer 0 - The initial play and/or plan (Player A)
Yomi Layer 1 - The opposing counter to the play (Player B)
Yomi Layer 2 - The answer to the counter (Player A)
Yomi Layer 3 - A counter to the counter from Layer 2 (Player B)
Yomi Layer 4 and up then repeats until you run out of viable options and loop back to layer 0. In fighting games you'd simply do the original move, but in Magic that's usually not an option.

At this point typically, yomi layers stop; the counter to the second counter from Player B usually doesn't exist in CCGs. The majority of players never get past yomi layer 2, and in Constructed it's rather difficult to create situations where you'll need any layers that are exceedingly high.

Another note would be that if the game structure favors an even number of yomi layers in a significant fashion, the game (metagame, deck, whatever) may be inherently flawed. Why? Because it favors the person with the powerful threat, while also giving him a counter that trumps the answers to the threat. That breaks the yomi series, because it puts an artificial cap of how far ahead a player can think and plan. That's the going theory I have, anyway; it's exceedingly difficult to break yomi down into Magic counter and counterbalance terms.

Since I don't want to freak anyone out yet and use comparisons to Street Fighter to serve my point, I'll show you a true example of yomi that K Prime reminded me of in responding to The Ferrett's little book review. Taken from Flores article, "The Ten Greatest Battles Of All Time," here's his description of the play.

Jonathan Becker (PT Junk) versus Unknown Opponent (The Red Zone)
... I remember glancing over Jon's shoulder and wondering why when he passed his first turn; there was still a Sergeant in his hand... It was only after his second turn, when the opponent untapped, and gleefully sent a main-phase Scorching Lava at the "helpless" 1/1, did Becker's plan become obvious. He responded with Wax/Wane, and had just gone a long way in winning a difficult matchup.

This is a great example to show why yomi is a valuable skill to have. Let me break it down for you. Becker has Ramosian Sergeant, which he knows is a critical piece to winning the match. Becker's opponent either knows via testing or in-game realization that if he kills Sergeant, he's taken away one of the best threats Becker has. Becker realizes this and sets himself up in a position to protect his threat against the inevitable counter (the Scorching Lava). Hence the yomi breakdown of that particular play is as follows.

Yomi Layer 0 - Becker has his threat (Ramosian Sergeant) and realizes the importance of keeping it alive.
Yomi Layer 1 - Opponent realizes the threat and boards in Scorching Lava.
Yomi Layer 2 - Becker slowplays the Sergeant with a land open.
Yomi Layer 3 - Opponent plays his counter.
Yomi Layer 4 - Becker plays Wax/Wane, nullifying the opponent's counter

If we look at it starting from the pure play perspective, then it's only 2 yomi layers. However if we take it one step further we can see another deeper set of yomi being played out from the earlier games. Hence we have the additional set of yomi, which goes up the 4th layer. So, in essence, it's really four or more yomi layers that were broken down. Just not all at once and not all to do with that exact game scenario.

Still, the fact that yomi was exhibited was obvious from the pattern analysis and how Becker deftly countered his opponent's counter with a non-intuitive play from the knowledge that his opponent would be waiting for his threat. That's the power of yomi; and even in the deeper sequence, Becker was only utilizing three levels of yomi! Becker's opponent in-game never got past one yomi layer, even though he made out-of-game decision to board in Scorching Lava as a counter.

The reason it's so hard to define yomi or create higher yomi levels in Magic is that yomi is commonly applied to games with perfect information. In Go you can figure out all of the legal moves each turn in a minute… it's just a question of then perceiving which spots to be the most important to whatever plan. The same goes with fighting games. There are a set amount of moves available to each character, which means once you know them all you know exactly what the opponent can do. This isn't to say you'll never be surprised by a move or action, but it's far less likely than in a game of imperfect information like Magic.

Despite yomi itself not translating amazingly well, I think it's a concept worth delving into. I'll be dealing with the ramifications of limited information and yomi compared to fighting games and similar games in the next article. Then we can work on training your yomi skills… and if people want me to continue after that, the sky's the limit.

Josh Silvestri
E-mail me at: joshDOTsilvestriATgmailDOTcom
Team Reflection

i think a person who is losing often loses a part of his mind or confidence in which they try to slow things down to process what is happening, and if the person who is making the correct plays keeps the fast pace and momemtum going they can just take advantage of whatever options the losing person is choosing.

like in boxing, when you block your face you can get a body shot, so you block low to stop the body shots and then a punch to the face happens. whatever you choose to do you're punished accordingly. and the more you're punished the less you want to choose anything at all. you wish there an option to cover all bases but theres not. you need to break the momemtum somehow with a well placed decision of your own.

but what gets people to "man up" so to speak to start the flurry of snap judgements, how are they starting these series of correct guesses, how do they not fear that they'll make a mistake, how do they figure this first move will start something momentous and they can feed off their own success and feed off of the fear they feel in their opponent?

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 17 Jun 2012, 01:08

i think a person who is losing often loses a part of his mind or confidence in which they try to slow things down to process what is happening, and if the person who is making the correct plays keeps the fast pace and momemtum going they can just take advantage of whatever options the losing person is choosing.
like in boxing, when you block your face you can get a body shot, so you block low to stop the body shots and then a punch to the face happens. whatever you choose to do you're punished accordingly. and the more you're punished the less you want to choose anything at all. you wish there an option to cover all bases but theres not. you need to break the momemtum somehow with a well placed decision of your own.
but what gets people to "man up" so to speak to start the flurry of snap judgements, how are they starting these series of correct guesses, how do they not fear that they'll make a mistake, how do they figure this first move will start something momentous and they can feed off their own success and feed off of the fear they feel in their opponent?

my previous post was definitely caught on a crossroads between the conscious trained will and its evolving power over its own physicality/psychology and others its encountering and then the x-factor component which can be sort of invoked in the self which energises this zone state which is a combination of conscious trained will meeting with something beyond its own immediate reflective capabilities

To try and split my point, a consciously trained will relies on memory and the selective scanning and problem solving from that memory to evolve itself into a heightened state
Whereas this x-factor element which combines with the conscious will during this zone condition is something that can't be satisfactory defined , but what is for sure is that in this zone state , where the conscious will is now a privileged viewer watching the fruits of its own memory instalments and equations and disciplines weave their own optimum performance whilst at the same time being enlightened by performing new original actions that it had no previous memory off "a creative act" which once performed, can then be memorised and reproduced through conscious will discipline , but the question remains , what influence or force led to his creative act ? The easy answer is chance , instinct , intuition , but these answers do not satisfy the occult investigation , they are just comfortable curtains for the masses

What you mention high noon , is indeed very important phenomena and i see what your pinpointing as probably more useful and accessible in the real world as an obtainable skill for the dedicated or self-educated , the awareness and ability to read and affect other participants in ones chosen communication / confrontation to ones own benefit

But it is this x-factor influence that i don't believe can be completely rationalised or controlled by conscious will at this moment, but i enjoy hearing peoples opinions on it , the influence which lurks in and around human consciousness which can supply the sudden insight or creative act which has no conscious traceable path from their memory or will
I can see how the term unconscious was put forth , it allows a nice buffer between what can be presently comprehended and what can't , or sometimes the term god is good enough for others , but it all boils down to one common point , the point where understanding becomes foggy and requires a labelled buffer to leave it with its authority


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Post  highnoon Wed 20 Jun 2012, 12:58

"performing new original actions"

maybe new actions are derivative to enough of a degree that its happening with the expectation that its happened before, and what ends up being different to that action just gets assimilated into the experience. i dont think you'd be sure whats new and different about it. in a real world sense every moment we move into is a brand new experience. how is it that we get through the day facing slightly different factors in our daily lives? maybe these factors that make a new day different from the day before can be thought of as unimportant to getting through the day. i truly feel like if i have a new shirt on, i dont need to learn how to wear it. its new but its not presenting me with any new conditions that i have to consider.

athletes is a different story though. they are doing difficult moves and are processing more data with lots of variables, but it has to be similiar to the shirt.
the zone is this state of mind which selects the best answer during a play that is happening in motion. theres little time to think about whats happening and whats not. thats why passing to the opponent sometimes happens.

can a person pass to the opponent while in the zone? what if the zone is just a state which cycles through data faster yet can still produce bad decisions?

if the zone is an alter of some kind, then it would still be prone to mistakes. our normal self is just an alter...just one that we are usually always in and happen to have cultivated through this particular lifetime.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 23 Jun 2012, 01:23

From what I've observed and heard from sportspeople talking of it, when their in this zone, they don't make mistakes or take bad decisions , its like a perfect lsd trip while it lasts which sometimes presents new creative acts that then can become the norm for others and the self as they are processed rationally practised and memorised

athletes is a different story though. they are doing difficult moves and are processing more data with lots of variables,

I boiled down this zone activity into 2 final choices as far as my rational can take it , whatever one choice i prefer is down to present belief more than proveable and definitive communicatable data

The Spiritual Influence - A human has the ability to channel beneficial, creative or destructive influences through their psyche as in writing a new hit song could be seen as creative , it can't be done constantly , it usually happens in a fine moment or moments of inspiration which could be perceived as being in commune with benevolent spiritual intelligences , this can't be carried out at will, sometimes it may happen once , sometimes many times for others or even no times for some too, but people work hard , take drugs etc in the hope of communing with the inspirational influences.
On the destructive side, somebody losing their temper and their personality changing could be perceived as them temporarily allowing a destructive spiritual influence to channel through their psyche
And both these spirit options could also be explained away in a experiential emotional chance scenarios

A friend put forth to me that in a game such as tennis or football etc there are x or even infinite number of potential moves and shots , and if humans continually perform in these games, there is increasing chances of a new move being created by someone at some time

So a game of chance which can be weighted in ones favour by knowledge and application or a game of spirit communes which can also be weighted in ones favour by knowledge and applications is what we have going down here on this earth as far as i can rationalise whats going down around me in my times

our normal self is just an alter...just one that we are usually always in and happen to have cultivated through this particular lifetime.
I have meta-lawsuits on chance or the spirits regarding my alter state Arrow

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 08 Jul 2012, 02:46

On "WINNING' as mantrad by charlie sheen in recent times , i was considering where he may have got his root vibe about such a mantra
Not to mention Bruce Derns wonderful philosophical insight into lives winners and losers from the superb film "The Driver"

There is a Zen Concept of Winning that in some ways draws parallels with crowleys do what thou wilt and also draws the similar misinterpretations from indulgent emotive perception minus the balancing cog of the rational
Winning being a state of mind that can be attained involving selective and positive thought concepts and allows one to find out what one really wants / needs to do and doing it , it involves extreme competition not with outsiders but with the demons inside the psyche
Winning can't be identified easily in words, its primarily a distilled feeling that is felt as a confirmation of progress in ones clarified and cleansed sanctuary of inner world in the aftermath of an event or acquisition or realisation or creation etc involving the self
Also to do with energy management , if one finds oneself around people that constantly drain ones energy and this can't be corrected with direct effort, then best course of action is to disconnect from these people and seek out people that add to ones energy because energy conservation and generation is what breeds the winner psyche

Sheen may have realised that being around the corporate whores and their demands for so long was actually draining his soul, so he then disconnects from that mob, surrounds himself with basic emergency energy supplies like ... free time, good food , physical exercise, and plenty carnal exercise with females that really turn him ON, and most importantly Rest , no pressure from outside influences to go to work etc, b ut then slowly but surely, sheen didn't actually disconnect from his celeb status , he actually tried to turbo boost it with his very own scripts which worked for a short spell, but then tailed off, and sooner rather than later, sheen had to sign up once more to the corporate whore of entertainment , because maybe finally , what he really likes, is being rich and famous and being in the public spotlight weekly , most people today would envy his position , but is he really winning in his own psychic game, only time will surely tell what state his inner temple is truly in .


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Post  highnoon Sun 08 Jul 2012, 04:12

Yeah i dont know where im going with this. But i was thinking just now about the japanese chef who had his genitals surgically removed to cook and serve at a banquet....it is i suppose a very extreme desire to serve others. but its a very mathematically poor proposition. it takes 20 years to grow an adult human male. they got one pair of junk. and there is nothing to gain by the eaters eating it. its really just cannibalism. it probably doesnt taste very unique at all because its been spiced and flavored. how on earth can a person be so strange and creepy to want to do this?

its like the exact opposite of charlie sheen and what he represents. charlie sheen wants to claim space and fill things with his identity. this chef guy doesnt want to occupy anything...the people who eat his genitals however are big wigs. he is sacrificing his own spirit almost just to give those people one night of adventure. they must be infinitely more important than he is on the ladder of life.

life really only has two directions. expanding or shrinking. amassing or being taken from. i am the most current link in a long line of lifeforms. it could end at me. i could be an evolutionary deadend...or..i could be the start of a legacy where people search back to me when they learn of my grandchildren..

when people search back to genghis khan. they search back to genghis khan. its almost completely irrelevant who his parents were. because his identity starts at him. but some of us have an identity that starts before us and we are an extension of it.

life must be....make the biggest imprint possible while you are alive. and if that is not your prerogative, then death will just fold you back into the universe and behind you in the space that you used to occupy, is a humble footprint that cant even be recognized or appreciated except that in a sense "another human once was".


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Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 10 Jul 2012, 01:33

On "serving others' i recall reading something once regarding the path of enlightenment , i think it was from rud steiner , once a person goes through all the hoops of self knowledge and self realisation , they then from a natural inclination look to be of service to others , because they've gone as far as they can with themselves and now look to assist others and maybe get their greater kicks from seeing some fruits from this philanthropy
Some people are conditioned to serve others blindly from their culture / upbringing and that is their default stage, it might just be a job and they may not enjoy it , and then there is the philanthropic steiner model that get their kicks from assisting others then obtaining feedback through the super-ego whatever

And then there must be a further explanation for this jap fanatic , and i think the answer is that it is a perversion of service to others , in all indulgences of the senses or physicals, there is a line that is crossed which can differ dramatically for many, whereby the act becomes a perverse act , and thats how i would label the jap chefs action , the people that required the chefs testies to eat , well i call them psychos , which is just beyond the merely perverse , its the normalisation of the perverse

Sort of like factory meat farming and even factory fish farming for that matter , which has gone beyond a perverse act now into a psychotic act , at one side of the fence there are hordes of animals / fish being bred for slaughter , at the other end , you have families and individual romanticising this process by going out for a steak before going home to "make love" or having a "sunday roast" with the family by the coal fire. It would be completely different if the family had previously hunted or fished the exact amount of food they required , then aware of the animal / fish life they had taken , sat down to eat it with a completely aware state of mind where that taste of meat or fish just arrived from , and that it once moved around of its own spirit impulses

But the romanticisation is necessary to create a buffer between the slaughterhouse and the kitchen or restaurant table , its a form of sophisticated denial necessary to allow corporate marketing of live feeds

When people think of a steak or fish etc , they tend to think of the taste , the full feeling and then the making love afterwards or just chilling watching tv , they never never ever think pre-steak backwards to where that steak just came from , Why is this ?
The Act of romanticisation is a very high level form of mind conditioning , probably even a necessary one to allow humans to function in their idea of a joyful existence

life must be....make the biggest imprint possible while you are alive. and if that is not your prerogative, then death will just fold you back into the universe and behind you in the space that you used to occupy, is a humble footprint that cant even be recognized or appreciated except that in a sense "another human once was".
The only concept that defys the above conclusion is that of what you do now in this physical existence has definitive effects on how you go / are after this physical existence ends or transcends , but the foldback into obscurity is a humbling meaningless fate from meaningless life that i guess humans don't really like to consider too much (:

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  tgII Wed 11 Jul 2012, 00:18

I read that first sentence, Kapis; there will be no self-realization with the Japanese. If you
serve others it has a huge price tag attached.

May explain a lot about these people?

Kapis, after reading your post above...

Recent experience: Man in Australia I think, put a Youtube up that had over 110,000 views.
The video was his way of protesting about not being able to get a good steak at any
restaurants he patronized in Australia. So in the video the scene begins with him picking up
a steak off the road, apparently to represent road kill. The next scene in the video has him
washing the steak off in the toilet as if to make the statement the meat was being marinated.

The video continues with the steak being thrown into a frying pan and what looked to be
either whip cream or shaving cream sprayed on the steak as well as two raw eggs cracked
and put in the frying pan including the egg shells. It was then flipped once and then thrown
on the floor next to the oven.

When I looked at the video and thought about what I had just seen, I couldn't help but know
that this guy who made this childish video didn't have the least respect for anything re: the
animals, the people who raise the animals, wasted water flushing the toilet, wasted gas
frying the piece of meat. Everything about what he was doing and his reasons why were to
me disgusting.

So I left a couple of comments on his Youtube page telling him what a reprobate asshole he
was for making a childish video like that.

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Meaning of or in life - Page 4 Empty Re: Meaning of or in life

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 12 Jul 2012, 00:25

Its an interesting area of psychology , what level of "thought Striations" are connected to the present area of conscious attention , how much of that is conditioned by society , parents/teachers , genes or by the awakening educated self and its past experiences and how these thought striations shape the depth and scope of perception in every moment

One man looks at a woman and sees another human being , one among many others, another man looks at that same woman and sees/senses something that enchants/mesmerises him

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is one of those expressions that is what it says but also is much more than it says

Makes one wonder about how ones thoughts shape ones very existence and destiny / fate, and by consciously being aware of these thoughts and altering them, one then alters potential fates and destinys, and it also goes to figure that if other people influence ones thoughts, this also potentially directly influences ones fate / destiny

The art of thinking and dealing with perceived thought has never been more serious


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