Meaning of or in life
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Meaning of or in life
Worth a new topic i thought , some initial parameters and wild swings in my simple talk
After the necessities of food , shelter, family , friends . are taken care of , some consciousnesses begin to crave something uniquely more (the arousal of the anagogical sense ) , and some are more than happy to commit to an established doctrine , but it is the former that i belong to which includes looking at established doctrines and importing what may seem harmonious at the time for the self
The Meaning of LIfe - To discover and make sense of new revelations about ones relationship with existence , to reveal and gain wisdom of the secret influences on consciousness , both positive and negative , and then to use that knowledge for ones own elevation of being and even some others if they be likewise engaged
What is existence - consciousness of the physical plane and ones place in it, consciousness of something other than the physical plane
The physical plane - That which one is borne into , the material reality
Beyond the physical plane - The imagination , the dream realm , the meditative realm, other realms, before birth and after death .
The relationship to existence is dramatically influenced by environment , family , friends, lovers , wealth
Hours become days become weeks become months become years , and then it starts all over again and again and again , and pretty soon one feels that one is going around in circles .... Where is the progression measured, in aquiring this meaning in life
There are 2 simultaneous paths being taken by everyone whether they like it or not , the public path, which is how their persona develops and interacts with other personas in work and leisure , and this area can lead to much pleasures or griefs and educations .
and then there is the private path, how a person deals with their own reflections of consciousness , the hall of mirrors , and it is in here that many people get driven bonkers and turn to drugs or drink or get depressed or get crazy or get further enlightened
There are people that excel in groups and there are people that excel alone , but in actual fact everybody is alone in their consciousness, and yet there can be a feeling that this is not so , even when alone .
There are at least 2 types of consciousness , consciousness that observes and experiences through the senses its own consciousness under its direct awareness (the conscious I ) , and consciousness that observes its own consciousness in a detached observance unaware of its present detachment from its conscious I, like in some peoples dreams
On the second version above, is it possible that ones consciousness has been taken for a walk by something , a dream dimension walk, there could be connections with other active energys positive or negative in the dreamings
The path of the lone wolf is interesting because it has advantages and disadvantages , the disadvantages could be that there is something essential in the manipulation of energys created in groups not available to the lonewolf but that would also be a viceversa
The path of the group persona (example, a mason ) is also interesting, they have the apparent security of following an established path, but where is it leading them and what control do they exercise over that destination once the wheels are set in motion and they are always sublimated to someone / something , is this sublimation an essential act in disciplining the ego . Is public ritual something so powerful that only a few understand its true transcendent ability which may even bypass the selfs conscious will , without the selfs conscious awareness, such is the depth of the bypass , a bypass of sublimation only to be energised at critical moments in judgements should they arise at a future date.
Does sublimation to public ritual like the masons create / invoke a subconscious sleeper archetype deep in the self which can be activated by "Knowing Masters" should this activation be required for the mason that may be contemplating their own journey and this sleeper archetype (which has a root of fear) immediately arises in the junior masons consciousness and engulfs the rising doubt before the doubts can set sails.
As was mentioned , a human does its work and plays , expending energy, some of this expenditure is enjoyed by the human , but a lot of it is not .
If a human finds themselfs ine day alive and simply performing as a puppet , by sleeping , working , playing , relating, but no deep meaningful joy or experience is being extracted from these cyclical activities, and it can find nothing to look forward to in a faith based snapshot, the persona is then defined by others as being depressed or disturbed and offered some chemical additives or physical promptings to try and change their state of experience .
Many artists who have searched for meaning in existance have retrospectively spoken about long periods of personal torment in the psychology before making sudden breakthroughs into some new interpretation of meaning or expression .
So torment seems to reside at the end of one type of interpretation of being which has become static in its potency to energise just like a creature shedding one skin that has served its purpose
The persona is through the physhological interface of torment awaiting the breakthrough into another type of interpretation of being that inspires them , they can do this on their own or they may be kickstarted by some encounter with another being , but when that breakthrough is made , its like the turbocharger is suddenly switched in .
Those whom get trapped in the torment are sort of encapsulated within their own isolated static confines of depression (which does perpetually generate its own self-destructive stimulation ) which slowly but surely saps their dynamic willpower eventually can lead to terminal decline of their conscious i and they become the prey of the current societal wolves that await in the shadows
So torment can be viewed as a positive sign that one level of understanding is completed and now an effort is required maybe based on faith first (a cultivated psychically induced faith ) before knowing to get to the next stage of development .
I tell myself this in a tormented fashion
After the necessities of food , shelter, family , friends . are taken care of , some consciousnesses begin to crave something uniquely more (the arousal of the anagogical sense ) , and some are more than happy to commit to an established doctrine , but it is the former that i belong to which includes looking at established doctrines and importing what may seem harmonious at the time for the self
The Meaning of LIfe - To discover and make sense of new revelations about ones relationship with existence , to reveal and gain wisdom of the secret influences on consciousness , both positive and negative , and then to use that knowledge for ones own elevation of being and even some others if they be likewise engaged
What is existence - consciousness of the physical plane and ones place in it, consciousness of something other than the physical plane
The physical plane - That which one is borne into , the material reality
Beyond the physical plane - The imagination , the dream realm , the meditative realm, other realms, before birth and after death .
The relationship to existence is dramatically influenced by environment , family , friends, lovers , wealth
Hours become days become weeks become months become years , and then it starts all over again and again and again , and pretty soon one feels that one is going around in circles .... Where is the progression measured, in aquiring this meaning in life
There are 2 simultaneous paths being taken by everyone whether they like it or not , the public path, which is how their persona develops and interacts with other personas in work and leisure , and this area can lead to much pleasures or griefs and educations .
and then there is the private path, how a person deals with their own reflections of consciousness , the hall of mirrors , and it is in here that many people get driven bonkers and turn to drugs or drink or get depressed or get crazy or get further enlightened
There are people that excel in groups and there are people that excel alone , but in actual fact everybody is alone in their consciousness, and yet there can be a feeling that this is not so , even when alone .
There are at least 2 types of consciousness , consciousness that observes and experiences through the senses its own consciousness under its direct awareness (the conscious I ) , and consciousness that observes its own consciousness in a detached observance unaware of its present detachment from its conscious I, like in some peoples dreams
On the second version above, is it possible that ones consciousness has been taken for a walk by something , a dream dimension walk, there could be connections with other active energys positive or negative in the dreamings
The path of the lone wolf is interesting because it has advantages and disadvantages , the disadvantages could be that there is something essential in the manipulation of energys created in groups not available to the lonewolf but that would also be a viceversa
The path of the group persona (example, a mason ) is also interesting, they have the apparent security of following an established path, but where is it leading them and what control do they exercise over that destination once the wheels are set in motion and they are always sublimated to someone / something , is this sublimation an essential act in disciplining the ego . Is public ritual something so powerful that only a few understand its true transcendent ability which may even bypass the selfs conscious will , without the selfs conscious awareness, such is the depth of the bypass , a bypass of sublimation only to be energised at critical moments in judgements should they arise at a future date.
Does sublimation to public ritual like the masons create / invoke a subconscious sleeper archetype deep in the self which can be activated by "Knowing Masters" should this activation be required for the mason that may be contemplating their own journey and this sleeper archetype (which has a root of fear) immediately arises in the junior masons consciousness and engulfs the rising doubt before the doubts can set sails.
As was mentioned , a human does its work and plays , expending energy, some of this expenditure is enjoyed by the human , but a lot of it is not .
If a human finds themselfs ine day alive and simply performing as a puppet , by sleeping , working , playing , relating, but no deep meaningful joy or experience is being extracted from these cyclical activities, and it can find nothing to look forward to in a faith based snapshot, the persona is then defined by others as being depressed or disturbed and offered some chemical additives or physical promptings to try and change their state of experience .
Many artists who have searched for meaning in existance have retrospectively spoken about long periods of personal torment in the psychology before making sudden breakthroughs into some new interpretation of meaning or expression .
So torment seems to reside at the end of one type of interpretation of being which has become static in its potency to energise just like a creature shedding one skin that has served its purpose
The persona is through the physhological interface of torment awaiting the breakthrough into another type of interpretation of being that inspires them , they can do this on their own or they may be kickstarted by some encounter with another being , but when that breakthrough is made , its like the turbocharger is suddenly switched in .
Those whom get trapped in the torment are sort of encapsulated within their own isolated static confines of depression (which does perpetually generate its own self-destructive stimulation ) which slowly but surely saps their dynamic willpower eventually can lead to terminal decline of their conscious i and they become the prey of the current societal wolves that await in the shadows
So torment can be viewed as a positive sign that one level of understanding is completed and now an effort is required maybe based on faith first (a cultivated psychically induced faith ) before knowing to get to the next stage of development .
I tell myself this in a tormented fashion
Re: Meaning of or in life
Heavy duty words, will have to let that sink in.
From the Lao Tse quote.........that's always been true for me.
From the Lao Tse quote.........that's always been true for me.
Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees.
He lets go of that and chooses this.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
Its always a pleasure to find examples of "scientific reason " revealing aspects of being that challenge the established perceptions of physical reality and prompt one to reconsider certain rigid meanings in life
Re: Meaning of or in life
Excuse the dissection, but it's so incredible isn't it, how energy is manifested right in the brain!
Mix light and electricity and you have matter!
It's unimaginable to think that everything we see (including the other four senses) is in the brain, what we see is not out there according to the video, the sense of sight is lost without the brain working.
In other words, if our brain can't see it then it's not there. Light flows from objects we see and goes into the brain and it's all transmitted by electrical signal! So what we observe are electrical signals, or energy, not matter or objects. For me that is true.
So whomever has control of the signals and light, controls our senses. I believe that's why we are only allowed certain rays to reach us. We used to be able to pick up all the spectrum and perceive better, but not any more.
So our brains do not confront the original matter outside and we are misled to think it is real matter outside of us according to video. Is it all energy then? And why if we change our perception the world then changes in our mind.
Ideas exist only in the mind. It is deceptive to believe our ideas exist outside of our mind. And our perceptions are highly biased by habit or what we like.
It's a very interesting theory in that the whole is all inside. And we are part of the whole. Everything already exists inside.
!!!Go figure....
Mix light and electricity and you have matter!
Statements of some scientists posing that 'man is an image' everything experienced is temporary and deceptive and
this universe is a shadow, seems to be proven by science in our today. frederick vestor?
It's unimaginable to think that everything we see (including the other four senses) is in the brain, what we see is not out there according to the video, the sense of sight is lost without the brain working.
In other words, if our brain can't see it then it's not there. Light flows from objects we see and goes into the brain and it's all transmitted by electrical signal! So what we observe are electrical signals, or energy, not matter or objects. For me that is true.
So whomever has control of the signals and light, controls our senses. I believe that's why we are only allowed certain rays to reach us. We used to be able to pick up all the spectrum and perceive better, but not any more.
So our brains do not confront the original matter outside and we are misled to think it is real matter outside of us according to video. Is it all energy then? And why if we change our perception the world then changes in our mind.
Ideas exist only in the mind. It is deceptive to believe our ideas exist outside of our mind. And our perceptions are highly biased by habit or what we like.
It's a very interesting theory in that the whole is all inside. And we are part of the whole. Everything already exists inside.
If the brain is just a downloading tool, who is it that senses for real if it's not the brain. Where is the I? The soul.
The perceptions we observe may be coming from an artificial source, oh noIf the thing we acknowledge to the material world is merely comprised by percpetions given to our soul then what is the source of these perceptions. Matter does not have a self governing existence by itself but a perception, so is must have been caused. Perception or signal was created continuously outside, if not would be lost.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
Excuse the tangent, but it's very important to understand how electricity is a key or what is needed to get out of matter, not just to perceive it.
No matter how bad things get, I always remember life is not who I am. It is someone else's reality and making all the
suffering, but why and what for. The Buddha said life is suffering, but it doesn't have to be that way, it is dictated
by an oppressive dream maker who induces false realities containing hell on us. And that doesn't mean a person doesn't have to take responsibility!
The brain is like a downloading tool I believe, and a lot of those things that may not be real. But a person's higher self is not there brain and can exist outside of the brain or body, and awareness we keep is not located in the brain but somewhere else in the body I feel. We do not only consist of a brain as the video said, maybe in this realm though.
People were made to be magical and they can't so when they dream, that is when they can create perhaps. Maybe we sleep because our soul needs to get out of this realm not just to recharge but that's where it belongs out there, not trapped here.
Folks are supposed to manifest their own reality, like the God Beings. But the creature animal placed inside takes over, which is not the real "I" at all.
So I am a dream and not real in this reality!![Surprised](
No matter how bad things get, I always remember life is not who I am. It is someone else's reality and making all the
suffering, but why and what for. The Buddha said life is suffering, but it doesn't have to be that way, it is dictated
by an oppressive dream maker who induces false realities containing hell on us. And that doesn't mean a person doesn't have to take responsibility!
The brain is like a downloading tool I believe, and a lot of those things that may not be real. But a person's higher self is not there brain and can exist outside of the brain or body, and awareness we keep is not located in the brain but somewhere else in the body I feel. We do not only consist of a brain as the video said, maybe in this realm though.
People were made to be magical and they can't so when they dream, that is when they can create perhaps. Maybe we sleep because our soul needs to get out of this realm not just to recharge but that's where it belongs out there, not trapped here.
Folks are supposed to manifest their own reality, like the God Beings. But the creature animal placed inside takes over, which is not the real "I" at all.
So I am a dream and not real in this reality!
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
And according to that theory, the brain itself also qualifies as potential illusion given temporary permanence
It is the thing that "sees" and "senses" that is most intrigiung , the consciousness, which does not reside inside that physical brain , but gives the impression of doing so on the physical plane
The Soul seems to be attached to the body at an exact point unknown , most likely as an all encompassing internal energy body blanket with varying areas of sensitivity
It seems that this energy body is related to the i consciousness but also is related to "influences" outwith the i consciousness which can be loosely bracketed as the "unconscious" by some scholars
It is the thing that "sees" and "senses" that is most intrigiung , the consciousness, which does not reside inside that physical brain , but gives the impression of doing so on the physical plane
The Soul seems to be attached to the body at an exact point unknown , most likely as an all encompassing internal energy body blanket with varying areas of sensitivity
It seems that this energy body is related to the i consciousness but also is related to "influences" outwith the i consciousness which can be loosely bracketed as the "unconscious" by some scholars
Re: Meaning of or in life
Its really nice to be here Kapis thank you and since this is
my first post It makes perfect sense to start here which is
the whole reason for being here Namely the meaning of life.
In the CC books "taking responsibility" is a big deal. Exampled below
is a very small way life demonstrates the connection between Consciousness
and what is used to express itself... which is also the core reason for being here.
I just happened to see this article a couple of nights ago and then found the vid above which is worth a second view.
Cognitive Science is really the "Theory of Everything" or that has a shot at it.
![Like a Star @ heaven](
my first post It makes perfect sense to start here which is
the whole reason for being here Namely the meaning of life.
In the CC books "taking responsibility" is a big deal. Exampled below
is a very small way life demonstrates the connection between Consciousness
and what is used to express itself... which is also the core reason for being here.
In many parts of the brain, axons initially "overgrow", and then are "pruned" by mechanisms that depend on neural activity.[52] In the projection from the eye to the midbrain, for example, the structure in the adult contains a very precise mapping, connecting each point on the surface of the retina to a corresponding point in a midbrain layer. In the first stages of development, each axon from the retina is guided to the right general vicinity in the midbrain by chemical cues, but then branches very profusely and makes initial contact with a wide swath of midbrain neurons. The retina, before birth, contains special mechanisms that cause it to generate waves of activity that originate spontaneously at some point and then propagate slowly across the retinal layer.[53] These waves are useful because they cause neighboring neurons to be active at the same time:
I just happened to see this article a couple of nights ago and then found the vid above which is worth a second view.
Cognitive Science is really the "Theory of Everything" or that has a shot at it.
The field of neuroscience encompasses all approaches that seek to understand the brain and the rest of the nervous system.[90] Psychology seeks to understand mind and behavior, and neurology is the medical discipline that diagnoses and treats pathologies of the nervous system. The brain is also the most important organ studied in psychiatry, the branch of medicine that works to study, prevent, and treat mental disorders.[91] Cognitive science seeks to unify neuroscience and psychology with other fields that concern themselves with the brain, such as computer science (artificial intelligence and similar fields) and philosophy.
![Like a Star @ heaven](
bedido- Posts : 51
Join date : 2010-04-10
Re: Meaning of or in life
Hi ...Bedido, look forward to your own unique perceptions on existence as u encounter it , as i also look forward to other posters here revealing their own unique perceptions , as these insights assist in my own navigations through the misty circles ![Cool](
Re: Meaning of or in life
![Meaning of or in life 6tme5d](
Hi there Bedido, good talking to you, would like to hear whatever you have to say.
Matter as a tool, sounds good to me, it sure is isn't. If you think about it all matter has some kind of purpose like
a tool or is used in some way.
You call him CC too. I love all the Man of Knowledge books, and his last book The Active Side of Infinity was more from CC's
perspective on his life which I enjoyed reading very much.
I will have to get back to what you were saying above Kapis.
Last edited by seraphim on Fri 16 Apr 2010, 08:37; edited 1 time in total
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
And are they ever mysty!
I just want to clarify a little of what I posted last night looking back, the point I wished to make is the incredible worlds around human beings that go completely unnoticed until a light reveals the source of that influence. When the retina is formed its 'information field' is the widest it gets for the life ahead, spreading out into the brain and beyond are an "invitation" for every experience possible to be perceived and understood. From there it is pruned and shaped into what is experienced as "mature" life. What interests me is how the matter of intelligent perception, that is thinking feeling, discriminating short all of the characteristics which are considered high intelligence on the earth is processed via these first preprogrammed impulses of potential experience. There seems to me to be intelligence making for itself a tool for experiencing itself happening. It sure broadens the field in terms of taking responsibility, allowing for that intelligence to continue to educate its tool could make all the difference.
![Very Happy](
bedido- Posts : 51
Join date : 2010-04-10
Re: Meaning of or in life
Oops, the names makes me want to say pepita pepita!
Yeah and isn't it incredible how much more a person might be able to perceive but can't!
Well I don't think the higher intelligences are feelings or the physical senses, but maybe somewhat the discriminating part. What if it's your higher self wanting to experience the physical and does it by way of the process you are talking about.
The brain made into this downloading tool seems devious to me.
Yeah and isn't it incredible how much more a person might be able to perceive but can't!
Well I don't think the higher intelligences are feelings or the physical senses, but maybe somewhat the discriminating part. What if it's your higher self wanting to experience the physical and does it by way of the process you are talking about.
The brain made into this downloading tool seems devious to me.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
Thank you Seraphim You make a body feel at home in a manner of speaking... what I meant to make clear above is that I am convinced that the power that intends the body complete is the same which will eventually use those higher human traits. The "Explanation" in the CC books as well as the training of the apprentice seems to address these abilities well past the time when the mature individual would normally be set in their ways so to speak.
bedido- Posts : 51
Join date : 2010-04-10
Re: Meaning of or in life
Happy to hear you say that. I like to make others feel at home in their own body and true self, free and strong.
It's as if the muscles are not what really matters, it's the essence and using those underlying forces that improves one. I don't mean to say the physical is worthless either. I was going to mention before I very much agree on that Kapis.
So why would the Spirit incarnate in the physical or does it have a choice, where is the "I" then??
The "Explanation" in the CC books as well as the training of the apprentice seems to address these abilities well past the time when the mature individual would normally be set in their ways so to speak.
It's as if the muscles are not what really matters, it's the essence and using those underlying forces that improves one. I don't mean to say the physical is worthless either. I was going to mention before I very much agree on that Kapis.
So why would the Spirit incarnate in the physical or does it have a choice, where is the "I" then??
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
where is the "I" then??
it appears to be lodging in the physical body , able to consciously sense the physical reality but also having a connection to other dimensions of consciousness
everyone walks through life programming themselves by their own learning experiences.
that is definetly a big part of the equation although not all
Re: Meaning of or in life
Was going to mention this before, what if the brain was able to function more fully, close to 100%, then it wouldn't be able to be taken over as easily as the brain is now.If the brain had been previously programmed, before birth, that would be devious. It would be prison.
Therefore, everyone walks through life programming themselves by their own learning experiences.
Yeah they program themselves but who started it and why did people not evolve as it seems everything must. Are humans just another genetic experiment. We are not the same race as our original ancestors who were able to evolve naturally. We have gone backward and that is against nature. Hopefully some of those ancestors were not tweaked with.
I agree and I have been trying to tell some people that they are not just who they are but they are so far gone. The trauma is real appears to be lodging in the physical body , able to consciously sense the physical reality but also having a connection to other dimensions of consciousness.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
YANG CHU said:
"One hundred years is the limit of a long life. Not one in a thousand ever attains to it. Yet if they do, still unconscious infancy and old age take up about half this time.
"The time he passes unconsciously while asleep at night, and that which is wasted though awake during the day, also amounts to another half of the rest. Again pain and sickness, sorrow and fear, fill up about a half, so that he really gets only ten years or so for his enjoyment. And even then there is not one hour free from some anxiety.
"What then is the object of human life? What makes it pleasant? Comfort and elegance, music and beauty. Yet one cannot always gratify the desire for comfort and elegance nor incessantly enjoy beauty and music.
"Besides, being warned and exhorted by punishments and rewards, urged forward and repelled by fame and laws, men are constantly rendered anxious. Striving for one vain hour of glory and providing for the splendour which is to survive their death, they go their own solitary ways, analysing what they hear with their ears and see with their eyes, and carefully considering what is good for body and mind; so they lose the happiest moments of the present, and cannot really give way to these feelings for one hour.
"How do they really differ from chained criminals?
"The Ancients knew that all creatures enter but for a short while into life, and must suddenly depart in death. Therefore they gave way to their impulses and did not check their natural propensities.
"They denied themselves nothing that could give pleasure to their bodies; consequently, as they were not seeking fame. but were following their own nature, they went smoothly on, never at variance with their inclinations. They did not seek for posthumous fame. They neither did anything criminal, and of glory and
fame, rank and position, as well as of the span of their life they took no heed."
Re: Meaning of or in life
thats interesting
i actually want to live for fame, but i dont care if im ever remembered, what i want to do is to create something that has a fame of its own. i want my idea or invention to have the glory for that fact that its actually useful. i dont want it to have the glory because i want to be tied to its success, but i want the world to recieve something that is beneficial to it.
im feeling that my time alive doesnt need to be counter measured with sensory stimulation, because a simple uneventful day is actually what a day is supposed to be like. i get excited now finding whats in the cupboards to see what i can make, rather than being upset that my cupboards arent full of the best foods at all times. i stock up on spices and different grains and buy more bulk twist tie foods so i can create my own cereals every morning, add milk or not add milk. i make life a struggle to the point that i need to think about what the day is going to be like, but its a controlled problem. its not stressful because i never need to worry about having food. instead i worry about how its going to be made and i know theres something i can always make. i have the safety net of money to restock but the puzzle and problem is still always in front of me each day.
i actually want to live for fame, but i dont care if im ever remembered, what i want to do is to create something that has a fame of its own. i want my idea or invention to have the glory for that fact that its actually useful. i dont want it to have the glory because i want to be tied to its success, but i want the world to recieve something that is beneficial to it.
im feeling that my time alive doesnt need to be counter measured with sensory stimulation, because a simple uneventful day is actually what a day is supposed to be like. i get excited now finding whats in the cupboards to see what i can make, rather than being upset that my cupboards arent full of the best foods at all times. i stock up on spices and different grains and buy more bulk twist tie foods so i can create my own cereals every morning, add milk or not add milk. i make life a struggle to the point that i need to think about what the day is going to be like, but its a controlled problem. its not stressful because i never need to worry about having food. instead i worry about how its going to be made and i know theres something i can always make. i have the safety net of money to restock but the puzzle and problem is still always in front of me each day.
highnoon- Posts : 567
Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 39
Re: Meaning of or in life
Im always flabbergasted at the insightful brilliance of the human mind in bringing itself meaning out of apparently nothing , thats a good subject you are well advanced with ![Smile](
Re: Meaning of or in life
i had an edit that explained how it was relevant to this topic.
basically i searched for ways to add involvement into the things i did in my life that were too straightforward. i am taking those things and trying to make them open ended processes. its the roughly the same reason why people open the newspaper to find the daily crossword. each crossword ties into the previous day and to the next because of the answer keys. i would even argue its the best function of the newspaper. it says something about a person who goes into a newspaper to do it. its not something i do, but i appreciate the idea of it.
my life was too uninvolved in the past. now as i involve myself into doing the same things differently. my life experience changes and i also have new things to talk about when topics come up in conversations.
basically i searched for ways to add involvement into the things i did in my life that were too straightforward. i am taking those things and trying to make them open ended processes. its the roughly the same reason why people open the newspaper to find the daily crossword. each crossword ties into the previous day and to the next because of the answer keys. i would even argue its the best function of the newspaper. it says something about a person who goes into a newspaper to do it. its not something i do, but i appreciate the idea of it.
my life was too uninvolved in the past. now as i involve myself into doing the same things differently. my life experience changes and i also have new things to talk about when topics come up in conversations.
highnoon- Posts : 567
Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 39
Re: Meaning of or in life
For those in a relationship or marriage, a book discussing the potential law of sexual expression and how to evolve the experience with one particular technique
Karezza is a book by Alice Bunker Stockham, MD (b. 1833)
There is an interesting quote by newton
Karezza is a book by Alice Bunker Stockham, MD (b. 1833)
There is an interesting quote by newton
Newton says:
It is important to know that there are other uses for the procreative element than the generation of physical offspring, far better uses than its waste in momentary pleasure. It may, indeed, be better wasted than employed in imposing unwelcome burdens on toilworn
and outraged women. But there should be no waste. This element when retained in the system may be coined into new thoughts, perhaps new inventions, grand conceptions of the true, the beautiful, the useful; or into fresh emotions of joy, and impulses of kindness and blessing to all around. This is, in fact, but another department of procreation. It is the procreation of thoughts, ideas, feelings of good-will, intuitions of truth - that is, it is procreation on the mental and spiritual planes, instead of physical. It is just as really a part of the generative function as is the begetting of physical offspring. It is by far the greater part; for physical procreation can ordinarily be participated in but seldom; while mental and spiritual procreation may and should go on through all our earthly lives - yea, through all our immortal existence.
Re: Meaning of or in life
Alright Kapis, ( : that book would be a nice mother's day gift, I will forward it to some special folks!
Creative energy, expressing through the sexual nature an instinct to perpetuate life, has its origin in, and is coexistent with life itself. It is the power back of all purposes and plans. It is the self-impelling force that gives the ability to do and perform. It is the origin of all activities of child life. It is the inventive genius and impelling factor of all man's handiwork - the thought force of mechanics and machinery.
Both the macrocosms and microcosms of the universe are expressions of the law of life, instinctively put forth by creative energy. This force operates in the multiplication of atoms, in the drawing the pollen upon the stigma; in the attraction of sperm to germ cells. It is the segregation and aggregation of all molecules of matter, founded on the duality of sex.
The processes of growth and fulfillment of functions are propelled by this omnipresent energy of spirit, which is inherent in, and operative through, all nature. It is back of the physical life of man and other animals, and expresses itself through them. Only when it comes with the strong voice of life demanding perpetuation, is it especially a manifestation of the sex nature - a fulfillment of the law of growth, development and of increase. Atoms, cells and plants, are unconscious of this life force, and animals conscious only in a small degree.
Man not only has consciousness of this energy, but through his intelligence is capable of developing greater consciousness of its operation and the law governing it. He knows that he knows, and in this knowledge lies his superiority over the brutes.
This recognition and knowledge makes it possible for man to train this creative potency in all life's purposes and uses. From the inception
of the bud of life to its fructifying stage, man may be the master and maker of conditions. There is no karma for him that is not within his own power to mold and make; no passion to usurp authority, no desire that he may not guide and direct. The perfectness of his nature is evolved through the recognition, direction and appropriation of the creative energy, the occult forces of life.
Sexual science based upon this theory teaches that there are deeper purposes and meanings to the reproductive faculties and functions, than are generally understood and taught
Creative energy, expressing through the sexual nature an instinct to perpetuate life, has its origin in, and is coexistent with life itself. It is the power back of all purposes and plans. It is the self-impelling force that gives the ability to do and perform. It is the origin of all activities of child life. It is the inventive genius and impelling factor of all man's handiwork - the thought force of mechanics and machinery.
Both the macrocosms and microcosms of the universe are expressions of the law of life, instinctively put forth by creative energy. This force operates in the multiplication of atoms, in the drawing the pollen upon the stigma; in the attraction of sperm to germ cells. It is the segregation and aggregation of all molecules of matter, founded on the duality of sex.
The processes of growth and fulfillment of functions are propelled by this omnipresent energy of spirit, which is inherent in, and operative through, all nature. It is back of the physical life of man and other animals, and expresses itself through them. Only when it comes with the strong voice of life demanding perpetuation, is it especially a manifestation of the sex nature - a fulfillment of the law of growth, development and of increase. Atoms, cells and plants, are unconscious of this life force, and animals conscious only in a small degree.
Man not only has consciousness of this energy, but through his intelligence is capable of developing greater consciousness of its operation and the law governing it. He knows that he knows, and in this knowledge lies his superiority over the brutes.
This recognition and knowledge makes it possible for man to train this creative potency in all life's purposes and uses. From the inception
of the bud of life to its fructifying stage, man may be the master and maker of conditions. There is no karma for him that is not within his own power to mold and make; no passion to usurp authority, no desire that he may not guide and direct. The perfectness of his nature is evolved through the recognition, direction and appropriation of the creative energy, the occult forces of life.
Sexual science based upon this theory teaches that there are deeper purposes and meanings to the reproductive faculties and functions, than are generally understood and taught
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
Kerezza reminds me of the time when females were oracles........
"Sacred Communion takes place when the High Priestess achieves an intense state of Ecstasy. In this state, She has left the realm of the Real World and enters the ream of the Divine to become One with the Goddess. The Seeker must be in the mind of the High Priestess during Her state of Ecstasy in order to speak on behalf of the Seeker to the Goddess. This is best accomplished by the direct participation of the Seeker in bringing the High Priestess to Her Ecstasy."
"The Shaman Priest is masterful in the Ways of Ecstasy and is chosen precisely because of his ability to provide Ecstasy to the High Priestess.
The Shaman Priest is chosen in great part because of his organ of Ecstasy. His ability to continue to provide Ecstasy without the use of mind-altering substances is highly regarded and valued. The Shaman Priest is also accomplished in the use of objects of Ecstasy."
"In Her state of Sacred Communion with the Great Mother Goddess, the High Priestess will receive the answer to the request brought by the Seeker. The longer the High Priestess is in Union with the Goddess, the stronger and more powerful the Gift of Wisdom will be.
The Shaman Priestess is masterful in the Ways of Ecstasy and is chosen precisely because of her ability to provide Ecstasy to the High Priestess. The Shaman Priestess is chosen in great part because of her organ of Ecstasy. Her ability to continue to provide Ecstasy without the use of mind-altering substances is highly regarded and valued. The Shaman Priestess is also accomplished in the use of objects of Ecstasy."
"Sacred Communion takes place when the High Priestess achieves an intense state of Ecstasy. In this state, She has left the realm of the Real World and enters the ream of the Divine to become One with the Goddess. The Seeker must be in the mind of the High Priestess during Her state of Ecstasy in order to speak on behalf of the Seeker to the Goddess. This is best accomplished by the direct participation of the Seeker in bringing the High Priestess to Her Ecstasy."
"The Shaman Priest is masterful in the Ways of Ecstasy and is chosen precisely because of his ability to provide Ecstasy to the High Priestess.
The Shaman Priest is chosen in great part because of his organ of Ecstasy. His ability to continue to provide Ecstasy without the use of mind-altering substances is highly regarded and valued. The Shaman Priest is also accomplished in the use of objects of Ecstasy."
"In Her state of Sacred Communion with the Great Mother Goddess, the High Priestess will receive the answer to the request brought by the Seeker. The longer the High Priestess is in Union with the Goddess, the stronger and more powerful the Gift of Wisdom will be.
The Shaman Priestess is masterful in the Ways of Ecstasy and is chosen precisely because of her ability to provide Ecstasy to the High Priestess. The Shaman Priestess is chosen in great part because of her organ of Ecstasy. Her ability to continue to provide Ecstasy without the use of mind-altering substances is highly regarded and valued. The Shaman Priestess is also accomplished in the use of objects of Ecstasy."
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Meaning of or in life
keep it coming seraphim
The Law of Sexual Expression has a nice ring to it, and im sure it takes a lot of understandings on many levels to begin to pierce its veil , but this orgasmic power is another area separate to the withholding of such , both areas offering forth traps that may encourage a fascist self-control or excessive over-indulgence that can lead to negative effect on the psychology and body of the self.
It seems to me, that the base sexual energy arousal is but the first chord played into physical manifestation , and from that point of sensation , depending on the erotic psychology of the aroused, another chord is achieved which is located in the navel , from that point, a third chord can be aroused which is in the heart area , when these 3 chords are aroused and active, the participant is on the verge of extasy , as from there, the arousal moves into the outer regions in all directions finally , if the participant has the energy, encompassing the true whole body orgasm, a mind altering experience .
The erotic inteligence of an individual , which is awakened firstly by subconscious experiences then more direct experiences , finally becomes an active part of peoples psychology if they have retained a fluency of imagination during their societal conditioning
When a male is aroused , there is initially a powerful force that conspires to make him "actively" seek a completion of his arousal by shooting the seed , arousal , physical motion , ejection
But at some point, his erotic intelligence begins to educate him about how there is a possibility to not only halt this initial powerful force, but also to delay it, and also even to cultivate it
In short, instead of the force hijacking and driving the being to orgasm , the being uses the erotic inteligence to reverse engineer this process, reverse the polarity of the means to orgasm .
The man who has not developed his erotic consciousness, is like a caged tiger being called to perform by some arousing force which can completly overwhelm his learned reason during its fever, and what you get is physical and mental arousal , folowed by the exponentially exertive motion to eventual orgasm then followed by a big dip in energy , its almost as if theres a fear of having any time left , so a manic fever envelopes the consciousness until that seed is ejected and it enjoys the moments of release although ... always it knows that this is an incomplete occassion , although that be subliminally in depth in he
The man who has developed his erotic consciousness knows about the power of sexual orgasm, now what he does, schematically speaking, is he gets arousal or senses the conditions for arousal in his base area, and he begins to call this arousal towards him, his erotic consciousness, in this manner, the energy is aroused and pulled towards him in his erotic consciouisness , so rather than go to it, he is calling it to him , there is no motion required, because the masters can arouse and move the energy through erotic thought alone in a way that cannot be conceived by a novice.
This action slowly but surely because time has already been conquered and is at the masters beck and call, begins to activate the 3 chords and then the jump takes place which activates the complete body and the connection between mind and body is primed for the complete erotic orgasm
The master still having used little physical motion, now is at the point of transcendence and chooses to let it go because at reaching this stage , there is no other posibility, and now it flows , and now the physicality begins to kick in, not pre orgasm but post orgasm, not to reach it, but to ride it, and the ectasy engulfs the master , the orgasm is almost unbearable forcing him into spasms of physical motion and audio groans , on and on, there is finally an end to the orgasm , for this moment, but the physical member is still aroused and true, (the internal erection ) there is much more to come , and so he can go again till the physical exhuastion takes him to a halt,. but never the sexual exhaustion , for that is the true power of the erotic orgasm , it is atomic in its nature, it is said that during these full orgasm, creative fluid is agitated into the intellect that will then procreate through idea
Can i work on this , expand it, and put it in a glossy hardback that sits on a womens bedside table ? i can import and integrate the required formula of expressions, that are required to create the romantic ideals between the speculations , i learn quick
The Law of Sexual Expression has a nice ring to it, and im sure it takes a lot of understandings on many levels to begin to pierce its veil , but this orgasmic power is another area separate to the withholding of such , both areas offering forth traps that may encourage a fascist self-control or excessive over-indulgence that can lead to negative effect on the psychology and body of the self.
It seems to me, that the base sexual energy arousal is but the first chord played into physical manifestation , and from that point of sensation , depending on the erotic psychology of the aroused, another chord is achieved which is located in the navel , from that point, a third chord can be aroused which is in the heart area , when these 3 chords are aroused and active, the participant is on the verge of extasy , as from there, the arousal moves into the outer regions in all directions finally , if the participant has the energy, encompassing the true whole body orgasm, a mind altering experience .
The erotic inteligence of an individual , which is awakened firstly by subconscious experiences then more direct experiences , finally becomes an active part of peoples psychology if they have retained a fluency of imagination during their societal conditioning
When a male is aroused , there is initially a powerful force that conspires to make him "actively" seek a completion of his arousal by shooting the seed , arousal , physical motion , ejection
But at some point, his erotic intelligence begins to educate him about how there is a possibility to not only halt this initial powerful force, but also to delay it, and also even to cultivate it
In short, instead of the force hijacking and driving the being to orgasm , the being uses the erotic inteligence to reverse engineer this process, reverse the polarity of the means to orgasm .
The man who has not developed his erotic consciousness, is like a caged tiger being called to perform by some arousing force which can completly overwhelm his learned reason during its fever, and what you get is physical and mental arousal , folowed by the exponentially exertive motion to eventual orgasm then followed by a big dip in energy , its almost as if theres a fear of having any time left , so a manic fever envelopes the consciousness until that seed is ejected and it enjoys the moments of release although ... always it knows that this is an incomplete occassion , although that be subliminally in depth in he
The man who has developed his erotic consciousness knows about the power of sexual orgasm, now what he does, schematically speaking, is he gets arousal or senses the conditions for arousal in his base area, and he begins to call this arousal towards him, his erotic consciousness, in this manner, the energy is aroused and pulled towards him in his erotic consciouisness , so rather than go to it, he is calling it to him , there is no motion required, because the masters can arouse and move the energy through erotic thought alone in a way that cannot be conceived by a novice.
This action slowly but surely because time has already been conquered and is at the masters beck and call, begins to activate the 3 chords and then the jump takes place which activates the complete body and the connection between mind and body is primed for the complete erotic orgasm
The master still having used little physical motion, now is at the point of transcendence and chooses to let it go because at reaching this stage , there is no other posibility, and now it flows , and now the physicality begins to kick in, not pre orgasm but post orgasm, not to reach it, but to ride it, and the ectasy engulfs the master , the orgasm is almost unbearable forcing him into spasms of physical motion and audio groans , on and on, there is finally an end to the orgasm , for this moment, but the physical member is still aroused and true, (the internal erection ) there is much more to come , and so he can go again till the physical exhuastion takes him to a halt,. but never the sexual exhaustion , for that is the true power of the erotic orgasm , it is atomic in its nature, it is said that during these full orgasm, creative fluid is agitated into the intellect that will then procreate through idea
Can i work on this , expand it, and put it in a glossy hardback that sits on a womens bedside table ? i can import and integrate the required formula of expressions, that are required to create the romantic ideals between the speculations , i learn quick
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