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Life's Simple Pleasures

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 20 Jan 2011, 22:29

My current greatest simple pleasure is my two-month-old little girl's smile and giggle.
She has the longest eyelashes and everyone comments on them.

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  tgII Fri 21 Jan 2011, 09:25

Flames, that was just about the best post on a board I have
ever looked through; and the boobs, awe man, now that/those
was/were spectacular. And the forest: that's where you would find
me under the best of circumstances.

Two month old baby girl; Qsc, that is very special. All the very

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 23 Jan 2011, 03:05

My greatest pleasure is being in control of my own time , offcourse there are many more also

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  seraphim Sun 30 Jan 2011, 05:06

CONGRATULATIONS Quicksilvercrescendo cheers

Life is a mystery sometimes and must always continue with everything happening at once it seems. My sister in law lost hers on the big lunar eclipse in december, guess it was too strong, girl and boy twins sacrificed within twenty four hours. It was real sad, but life must go on so maybe they will have children one of these days.

Alright now, hope y'all doing well!

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  highnoon Wed 02 Feb 2011, 14:59

Fish aquariums. I used to have a 50 gallon fish aquarium. I accidently broke it with a hammer, trying to fix something behind my wall.

thats really funny. id actually kinda like you to explain that one, were you hammering from the other room and the hammer went through the wall and through the fishtank? thats not what you said but i pictured that lol

I agree with kapis control of time. last sunday quit my job to have more of this.

but ill add cooking as a simple pleasure.

isnt a hassle at all and youre in control of what you eat.

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 04 Feb 2011, 21:47

Cookings one i need to get up to speed on, i can heat up a few things an make some simple dishes but nothing elaborate, it just requires a lot of time in prep that i aint got .
Control of ones own time in its relative fashion to integration with others is very important but then again , some people just need that boss figure to keep the school trip running Mad

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Life's Simple Pleasures Empty Re: Life's Simple Pleasures

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 16 May 2011, 11:28

It takes some self discipline to stick to powerful, high nutrient foods. Sometimes I really crave sugar late at night for some reason. I try to resist the urge.
Yes i concur with this, but i have noted that often , once that craving may arrive, if i can suddenly engage the body to do something active, not long afterwards , the craving would be gone i wonder why i even craved anything sweet at all , as my body did not require it, but my subconscious had incorrectly informed my conscious that it had, habitual conditioning , my complete responsibility off course , but its amazing how there are forces of lust and desire constantly knocking on the door for satiation, if not disciplined by conscious intent , then through conscious active experience, the discipline can be sublimated which can serve to silence the beasts cravings for a spell but its always ready to arouse again if given any encouragements through emotional stresses etc ........but sometimes, also, sweet is actually required and indulged in a healthy consumption in my world of understandings

Nutrients are so important and most people overlook their importance. It's no wonder why there are so many couch potatoes around. The brain requires a good deal of nutrients, and to think good healthy thoughts, it's important that the brain is properly nourished, not to mention moods.

I am becoming more and more conscious of this nowadays, even although Qsc and others have continually pronounced the importance of diet to the body and mind, i am now coming around to realize the wisdom in this and that i cant just keep eating shit and not feeling any lack.

I just replaced my old steamer with a new far superior steamer and have increased my veg base and am co-relating the reduction of these sweet cravings since ive done so

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