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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  seraphim Thu 19 Apr 2012, 05:05

I think there eyes are telling us that their souls don't look too good.

Have you looked into the eyes of an elephant nowadays. They are in a world of hurt.

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 19 Apr 2012, 07:15

Birds and reptiles are closely related.

Think of their behaviors.

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 19 Apr 2012, 09:25

almost spilt the coffee when i saw the comparison pics TG Very Happy

Have you looked into the eyes of an elephant nowadays. They are in a world of hurt.
Don't know how anyone could contemplate killing an elephant , but others do

Probably starts in stages, get taught to shoot birds and rabbits as a child, progress to farmed animals , deer etc, then they develop an appetite for something bigger and rarer , the killing also relating with power , and they see it as a trophy to have killed a big cat or elephant , they are essentially very sick people at that stage

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  Sputnik Fri 20 Apr 2012, 15:50

Queen Beatrix’s Brother-In-Law Calls For Mandatory Birth Control For The “Unfit”

"It’s frightening to see a revival in calls for the population to be culled. We are witnessing the globalists going all out in recent months, calling for population reduction in the name of the environment. In the case of Van Vollenhoven eugenics is being propagated in the name of 'child abuse'."


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  Sputnik Sun 22 Apr 2012, 13:54


Cameron family fortune made in tax havens

Revealed: David Cameron's father built up legal offshore funds in Panama and Geneva


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 22 Apr 2012, 14:50

Yeah those offshore havens hold all the skeletons of these elite , needs more insiders to reveal info on them , as there are no laws for public disclosure by any authority
Wherever cameron walks, it stinks

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  Sputnik Mon 23 Apr 2012, 12:34

...and just as a reminder, here is Cameron's "productivity results":

Every Fifth Briton lives below the poverty line:


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Tue 24 Apr 2012, 01:52

The entire Cameron history is predatory and criminal...

David Cameron's great-great grandfather, Alexander Geddes, made his fortune,
and I do mean fortune, in trading grain futures in Chicago (all the grain was
harvested then transported and stored in Chicago for eventual shipment) during
the 1860-1875 time period.

Grain futures, like any other futures, is based on a contract to deliver between
two parties, in this case, Alexander Geddes was the contract holder of delivery
on quantity and quality for a price agreed on grain on a specific day (the futures
price or the strike price) with delivery occurring at a specified future date, the
delivery date.

The definition would be...

    The party agreeing to buy the underlying asset in the future, the "buyer" of the contract, is said to be "long", and the party agreeing to sell the asset in the future, the "seller" of the contract, is said to be "short". The terminology reflects the expectations of the parties -- the buyer hopes or expects that the asset price is going to increase, while the seller hopes or expects that it will decrease. [Alexander Geddes held the contracts on grain futures and when the grain dropped in price he could sell the contracts at a higher price; he shorted the grain]

Alexander Geddes shorted the grain on the exchange in Chicago on a very
significant date.

If there were contracts that existed where would those extremely valuable
documents be secured? In a safe, of course...but more on this fact later...

    The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 C._1841_Office_Safe_Smithsonian
    Safe with Andrews Patent Combination Lock,
    American Bank Lock Co., New York, NY, 1841.
    National Museum of American History,
    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

"Had it not been for this safe, I would have gone bankrupt," reads the plate.

So Alexander Geddes, after making his fortune in Chicago on grain futures
contracting, returns to his ancestral home in Scotland and builds the Blairmore
House (school)

The color red in the font for fire...

    Returning to his native Scotland in the 1880s, Geddes built the house of his dreams and the datestone of 1885 bears his initials. Among the mementoes to be found in the house, is a plaque from the safe which literally saved Geddes' fortune in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

    The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Chapter-15_clip_image019
    Blairmore House (School) - built for Alexender
    Geddes in 1884 beside the River Deveron

A fire completely destroyed four square miles within a twenty-four hour period
of Chicago between October 8th and 9th of 1871.

Alexander Geddes made his fortune in the grain business in Chicago. His agents,
called 'commission men' (almost like Lloyd's of London's agents and brokers) were
dealing with the Board of Trade in Chicago heavily in 'puts', 'options' and 'calls' - the
Chicago fire made them a fortune. A London School of Economics idea?

Imagine if you took a 'put' option on coal alone; 160,000 tons went up in smoke in
the fire. One-quarter of all grain storage, receiving and shipping was destroyed in
the fire, e.g. flour; wheat; corn; oats, rye; barley. Receipts for corn delivery alone
expected to be delivered on Nov. 11, 1871 were 817,905 bushels.

What is astounding to discover is that if Alexander Gedde made such a fortune in
Chicago in the grain market, which no doubt he did, there is actually very little
historical record
of him doing so and how he made this fortune. It is simply written
off to history as being a successful business man.

Ironically, the Chicago Fire Academy now stands on the O'Leary property on DeKoven
Street. On the first floor of this academy, down a hallway, a Maltese cross is painted
on the floor. The territory of firemen. The Maltese cross is the symbol of SMOM.

    The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 522px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta.svg
    Sovereign Military Order of Malta

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  Sputnik Tue 24 Apr 2012, 14:24

wow....amazing, thanks a lot for all the dot connecting TG...

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Wed 02 May 2012, 11:45

Seems like a good place as any: wtf is wrong with people thread.

Glorified killing...

150 kills; "it was like a turkey shoot." The Iraqis he shot didn't have a thing to
do with bringing two buildings down yet he felt justified every time he pulled
the trigger.

And books like this are being promoted and sold to the American public by
huge New York based publishing houses.

The first book identified the problem years ago, it was called Why Johnny
Can't Read
. Now, many years later, the book title has changed as well
as its content, it is: Johnny Grows Up To Be Sniper.


Because he doesn't fucking read!!!

A culture of death.

What an obscenity this is.

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 03 May 2012, 22:09

I saw this and just shook my head; wtf?

I still think eugenics might work.


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  highnoon Thu 03 May 2012, 22:24

a) theres no room, b) i wouldnt permit it and c) it didnt happen


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Tue 29 May 2012, 02:32

Whacked out dude chews the face off an apparent homeless man and when he refuses
to stop eating this guys face, a policeman shoots him dead. Now this is really a 'what
the fuck is wrong with people' post.

I don't think the officer had much choice in the matter.

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 29 May 2012, 09:46

Miami...nothing like hearing news from back home.

From some other message boards...

New LSD?

No such thing LSD, Lysergic acid diethylamide is Lysergic acid diethylamide.

The Chemical warfare agent BZ 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (with its LSD symptomatic) fits the incident better as it is known to have the effect of disrobing in public.


Here is another "zombie drug" being used in Columbia as robbery and rape drugs...

Perhaps all the zombie movies were part of predictive programming...look for more of these drugs and bizarre incidences reported in the media.

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 31 May 2012, 03:19

There are three countries that have been created as 'criminal' states to keep intense international
friction at highly elevated levels, those three countries are: Pakistan, Columbia and Israel.

The drug this 'zombie eater' was alleged to have been on wasn't LSD, it has been identified as
scopolamine. A substance apparently, that renders a person incapable of exercising free-will.

Scopolamine is manufactured in Columbia, one of the three criminal states.


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 31 May 2012, 03:24

And now board members, we come to another WTF person, and not fucked up on
scopolamine either.

This very wtf person tortured, raped and murdered a two-year old girl.

Is it really even remotely possible to be "in this world but not of this world?"

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 31 May 2012, 06:53

Flames, I am starting to really enjoy this wtf is wrong with people thread.

    Snake-handlers point to scripture as evidence that God calls them to engage in such a practice to show their faith in him. Mark 16: 17-18 reads, "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

America is a culture of death and decadence.

    The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Timber_rattlesnake
    "When you meet your God in heaven, Pastor Mark, remind him
    timber rattlesnakes are his creation."

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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 31 May 2012, 08:19

We're not in a shortage of material for wtf is wrong with people thread are we?

This couple it is now alleged, torched their children.


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The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Empty Re: The WTF is Wrong with People Thread

Post  tgII Thu 31 May 2012, 22:33

Yeah, Flames, the nihilists win don't they?

    The WTF is Wrong with People Thread - Page 4 Apocalypse

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