The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
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The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
To begin this thread, first, what is Co2?
This article says man is responsible (AGW) for melting polar caps and
sinking islands, that was 2007. Also, in Australia the science
suggesting global warming as a cause of droughts has just collapsed:
This previous article was published by Credit Suisse, and this bank has a
profitable interest in making a commodity of Co2.
Here's an interesting article from Australia, no wonder they are 'down under',
in which corporate Australia is being warned to get on board with carbon units:
They can't afford to harbour climate change sceptics simply because it's
not profitable.
So, my point and direction in this thread, is to possibly determine exactly
where these 'directives' came from that is forcing Co2 to become a
Is it that Co2 is becoming a weapon to control people and countries? Let
us proceed.
- Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state. CO2 is a trace gas being only 0.038% of the atmosphere.
This article says man is responsible (AGW) for melting polar caps and
sinking islands, that was 2007. Also, in Australia the science
suggesting global warming as a cause of droughts has just collapsed:
CO2 Is a New Commodity
Matt Knaus, Online Publications
11.01.2007 Global warming can no longer be simply explained away. The polar caps are melting, islands are sinking, extreme weather events are more prevalent. It is increasingly evident that, in the form of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, we humans share the blame for this state of affairs. Europe is attempting to reduce these emissions via a certificate system.
The negative effects of global warming have been a topical public issue for years. Now these effects are becoming increasingly visible: Glaciers are melting at a faster rate, Pacific islands are sinking as sea levels rise, while extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods and droughts, are occurring more frequently.
Meanwhile, scientists appear to be in agreement on one of the major causes of global warming: the massive emission of greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere that the human race has been producing since the industrial revolution of the 19th century.
This previous article was published by Credit Suisse, and this bank has a
profitable interest in making a commodity of Co2.
Here's an interesting article from Australia, no wonder they are 'down under',
in which corporate Australia is being warned to get on board with carbon units:
- Origin Energy backs carbon trading scheme
CORPORATE Australia cannot afford to harbour climate change sceptics as the Government moves towards introducing its emissions trading scheme, according to Origin Energy's chairman.
In a resounding endorsement of the fundamental restructure of Australia's corporate and economic landscape, Kevin McCann yesterday told the Australian Institute of Company Directors that business must embrace the proposed scheme and get their houses in order in preparation for its introduction in 2010.
They can't afford to harbour climate change sceptics simply because it's
not profitable.
So, my point and direction in this thread, is to possibly determine exactly
where these 'directives' came from that is forcing Co2 to become a
Is it that Co2 is becoming a weapon to control people and countries? Let
us proceed.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Well, I can see this thread didn't get too far, so let me restate it in
another way by asking a few questions.
Would everyone agree with me oil, you know, that refined liquid you
pump into your car tank and burn called petroleum, is a commodity
as is, timber, gold, orange juice, silver, platinum and aluminum?
Did you answer 'yes?'
Okay, now, if Co2 becomes a commodity, would it be worth in
value on a relative basis similar to the value found in the previous
commodities I mentioned?
Would you be willing to pay a price on the Co2 level you exhaled the
average human being exhaling apprx. 40,00ppm of carbon dioxide as a
tax placed on some as yet undetermined amount over a set level of Co2,
for example, 350ppm?
What if, God forbid, I am a dictator and I put a cap on the amount of Co2
you would be allowed to exhale monitored by sensitive Co2 sensors in all
public places, possibly in your homes and computers in the future?
Who or what entity decided that Co2 would become a commodity and
that a tax would be levied on this newly instated commodity? Do you know, do
you even care? Are you even concerned? Everyone exhales Co2 - even you.
Why was it projected carbon dixide would becoming the largest business in
the world projections going out to billions of dollars in the coming years? Who
controls that business and who designed the infrastructure and business
paradigms to support this business known as carbon trading?
Do you exhale carbon dioxide?
Currencies can be based on commodities such as oil or gold, what if, think
hard now, what if the technological paradigm we are moving into bases its
currency on carbon, i.e., Co2? Do you even comprehend the consequences
of this?
We're fucked.
another way by asking a few questions.
Would everyone agree with me oil, you know, that refined liquid you
pump into your car tank and burn called petroleum, is a commodity
as is, timber, gold, orange juice, silver, platinum and aluminum?
Did you answer 'yes?'
Okay, now, if Co2 becomes a commodity, would it be worth in
value on a relative basis similar to the value found in the previous
commodities I mentioned?
Would you be willing to pay a price on the Co2 level you exhaled the
average human being exhaling apprx. 40,00ppm of carbon dioxide as a
tax placed on some as yet undetermined amount over a set level of Co2,
for example, 350ppm?
What if, God forbid, I am a dictator and I put a cap on the amount of Co2
you would be allowed to exhale monitored by sensitive Co2 sensors in all
public places, possibly in your homes and computers in the future?
Who or what entity decided that Co2 would become a commodity and
that a tax would be levied on this newly instated commodity? Do you know, do
you even care? Are you even concerned? Everyone exhales Co2 - even you.
Why was it projected carbon dixide would becoming the largest business in
the world projections going out to billions of dollars in the coming years? Who
controls that business and who designed the infrastructure and business
paradigms to support this business known as carbon trading?
Do you exhale carbon dioxide?
Currencies can be based on commodities such as oil or gold, what if, think
hard now, what if the technological paradigm we are moving into bases its
currency on carbon, i.e., Co2? Do you even comprehend the consequences
of this?
We're fucked.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Its a very strange matter indeed Tg, because its not the actual co2 itself that is the commodity, i mean people wont be hoarding bottles of it in their safes ...or will they anything is possible once the money medes put their spell on
Its seems more the " emmision control of co2 " that is the actual commodity represented by carbon units , a completely virtual currency based on figures that can be completly conjured and misrepresented , there is nothing tangible in this commodity like a bar of gold or a barrel of crude
as i mentioned in another post you made on this subject , whats to stop a big company having its normal carbon burn being misrepresented by a heightened reading so that in the following years, they make carbon units for free by still producing the same co2 output
Its seems more the " emmision control of co2 " that is the actual commodity represented by carbon units , a completely virtual currency based on figures that can be completly conjured and misrepresented , there is nothing tangible in this commodity like a bar of gold or a barrel of crude
as i mentioned in another post you made on this subject , whats to stop a big company having its normal carbon burn being misrepresented by a heightened reading so that in the following years, they make carbon units for free by still producing the same co2 output
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Why would they want to control Co2 levels. Do they believe their will be an event that will increase Co2 in the atmosphere like a volcano would.
What, is the actual atmosphere going to be somewhat destroyed or affected by HAARP. It's the one's in control and of the future who are deciding on something.
If their is a very big catastrophe the taxing wouldn't matter because most people will be dead or the entire economy would be worthless in that case. This would be an ideal mass eugenic happening.
Alright folks out there, if the event is small whether made by them or by nature, the solution is not to stop breathing but to find ways to increase oxygen and find other ways of cutting down on CO2.
People should say hey, big brother get rid of the carbon power plants and then we will accept your CO2 taxes. And then once the plants are gone, just say hey, we didn't sign anything in writing. We learned all the tricks of the trade from you big brother and that is to lie everytime.
Why can't people have any kind of bargaining rights.
What, is the actual atmosphere going to be somewhat destroyed or affected by HAARP. It's the one's in control and of the future who are deciding on something.
If their is a very big catastrophe the taxing wouldn't matter because most people will be dead or the entire economy would be worthless in that case. This would be an ideal mass eugenic happening.
Alright folks out there, if the event is small whether made by them or by nature, the solution is not to stop breathing but to find ways to increase oxygen and find other ways of cutting down on CO2.
People should say hey, big brother get rid of the carbon power plants and then we will accept your CO2 taxes. And then once the plants are gone, just say hey, we didn't sign anything in writing. We learned all the tricks of the trade from you big brother and that is to lie everytime.
Why can't people have any kind of bargaining rights.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Hey, really appreciate everyone's input here on this Co2 thing.
Not to demean anyone, but really, and please don't take this personally,
you guys know me by now, but the comments are a good way to check
to see just how people are interpreting this entire global warming and
Co2 war on us. We're abysmally ignorant.
Okay, here's a good example, go to this site and check your very own
carbon footprint.
Top dollar says this site is sponsored/funded by a company connected
to the Chicago Climate Exchange.
More coming, lot's more. I'm just getting started and now, something
special, a little entertainment brought to you by your local chainsaw
Sorry guys, the only way I can deal with this shit is if I laugh, and you
know what, the really tragic thing is for the past fourteen solid years
this bogus science has been shoved relentlessly down the throats
of young children and for the very reason they are going to be
taxed for exhaling Co2.
Not to demean anyone, but really, and please don't take this personally,
you guys know me by now, but the comments are a good way to check
to see just how people are interpreting this entire global warming and
Co2 war on us. We're abysmally ignorant.
Okay, here's a good example, go to this site and check your very own
carbon footprint.
Top dollar says this site is sponsored/funded by a company connected
to the Chicago Climate Exchange.
More coming, lot's more. I'm just getting started and now, something
special, a little entertainment brought to you by your local chainsaw
Sorry guys, the only way I can deal with this shit is if I laugh, and you
know what, the really tragic thing is for the past fourteen solid years
this bogus science has been shoved relentlessly down the throats
of young children and for the very reason they are going to be
taxed for exhaling Co2.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Good news Co2 suckers:
- Prominent Princeton Scientist Dr. Happer Testifies to Congress: 'Warming and increased CO2 will be good for mankind'
'CO2 is not a pollutant and it is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving 'pollutant' and 'poison' of their original meaning'
Climate Depot's Selected Highlights of Dr. Happer's May 20, 2010 Congressional Testimony: (Dr. Happer's Full Testimony here: (To read the warmists' testimony of Ralph Cicerone, Stephen Schneider, and Ben Santer, see here. )
Dr. Will Happer's Testimony Before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming - May 20, 2010
My name is William Happer, and I am the Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor of Physics at Princeton University. I have spent my professional life studying the interactions of visible and infrared radiation with gases – one of the main physical phenomena behind the greenhouse effect. I have published over 200 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals. I am a member of a number of professional organizations, including the American Physical Society and the National Academy of Sciences. I have done extensive consulting work for the US Government and Industry. I also served as the Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy (DOE) from 1990 to 1993, where I supervised all of DOE's work on climate change.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
There are more an more articles now appearing in uk press, illustrating that this green energy windmill jive is a complete and utter money making scandal creating a monstrous profit making sceme for elite corporate / banking figures and politicians
The uk especially has imposed many laws to go green which resulted in massively inflated energy prices which line the pockets of these corpoprate theifs and their political puppets.
They also subsidise most of this green energy jive, and use talismanic words like "grants" and "Incentive payments " to persuade people to invest in it, but when converted into pure maths, all that happens is that they raise energy prices and then take massive profits from those rises under the guise of installing green products also throwing in overinflated incentive payments to lure the initial stream of green energy investors into this train of psychology knowing that the masses will then follow suit once the train is rumbling , but all these subsidies and incentive schemes are paid for by higher priced energy prices ie the public pay them , under the false and complete fairytale of a global warming catastrophe
Also in uk mainstream newspapers, they have been looking into many of the politicians whom served in the blair regime and checking out what they are doing now, well would u believe that most of them are on 6 figure salaries for corporations like morgan stanley etc etc under the job tirtle of "advisor" or some other complete fabrication that decodes as rewards for making the policys that we demanded in your country
Further news is that all that gas that russia is sitting over and piping into europe thinking its on a big earner is soon to be made impotent
The technology is under way right now that allows countries to extract gas from SHALE at an economically viable cost
The uk especially has imposed many laws to go green which resulted in massively inflated energy prices which line the pockets of these corpoprate theifs and their political puppets.
They also subsidise most of this green energy jive, and use talismanic words like "grants" and "Incentive payments " to persuade people to invest in it, but when converted into pure maths, all that happens is that they raise energy prices and then take massive profits from those rises under the guise of installing green products also throwing in overinflated incentive payments to lure the initial stream of green energy investors into this train of psychology knowing that the masses will then follow suit once the train is rumbling , but all these subsidies and incentive schemes are paid for by higher priced energy prices ie the public pay them , under the false and complete fairytale of a global warming catastrophe
Also in uk mainstream newspapers, they have been looking into many of the politicians whom served in the blair regime and checking out what they are doing now, well would u believe that most of them are on 6 figure salaries for corporations like morgan stanley etc etc under the job tirtle of "advisor" or some other complete fabrication that decodes as rewards for making the policys that we demanded in your country
Further news is that all that gas that russia is sitting over and piping into europe thinking its on a big earner is soon to be made impotent
The technology is under way right now that allows countries to extract gas from SHALE at an economically viable cost
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Check Nick Clegg's wife, Miriam González Durántez, she cut deals that pocketed her some serious money off wind. Helps too if your with the world's most powerful law firm DLA Piper. Here's another reason why, and a very big one, debt securities attached to states/territories on the Carbon Disclosure Project; terrified everyone including some serious corporations into this carbon emissions scam so they forced wind on everyone.
Those in the know made fortunes off wind generators and now that this emissions scam and global warming is coming apart at the seams wind is just another story line to profit off.
After reading this, understand that Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius (where do they get these names from?), head of Barclays LLC, the sixth largest financial institution in the world, is married to Edmund de Rothschild's daughter, Katherine.
Kapis, damn it! Stop exhaling Co2 over your limit or I will call the Euro tax authorities and report you. If that happens, you will be forced to subsidize wind out of your taxes; now shut up peasant and get back to work.
I swear, it really does help to think like these elites do; because it helps enormously seeing through their bullshit lies and to what extent they hold us in contempt. Attaching a tax to carbon, I mean, holy shit?!
Those in the know made fortunes off wind generators and now that this emissions scam and global warming is coming apart at the seams wind is just another story line to profit off.
After reading this, understand that Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius (where do they get these names from?), head of Barclays LLC, the sixth largest financial institution in the world, is married to Edmund de Rothschild's daughter, Katherine.
Kapis, damn it! Stop exhaling Co2 over your limit or I will call the Euro tax authorities and report you. If that happens, you will be forced to subsidize wind out of your taxes; now shut up peasant and get back to work.
I swear, it really does help to think like these elites do; because it helps enormously seeing through their bullshit lies and to what extent they hold us in contempt. Attaching a tax to carbon, I mean, holy shit?!
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Those extravagant names weild high psychological credit Tg , good point
Regarding clegg, it was also disclosed today that he has 5 personal advisors on 400 grand a year that help him make up his mind what to do ....WTf is going down when this is tolerated in a society
Ok im going back into my rabbit hutch where my power is supplied by 100 hamsters on wheels 24/7 on a shift system , they cant say im not innovative
Regarding clegg, it was also disclosed today that he has 5 personal advisors on 400 grand a year that help him make up his mind what to do ....WTf is going down when this is tolerated in a society
Ok im going back into my rabbit hutch where my power is supplied by 100 hamsters on wheels 24/7 on a shift system , they cant say im not innovative
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Co2 is a gas (heavier then air), that's why it can't 'escape into the higher atmosphere' (where it's suposed to do it's damage), at least that's what I was taught in primary school, LOL
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
Join date : 2009-11-18
Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Who's Churning the BBC Machine? (This one is better: Who
is Churning out the Bullshit at the BBC Machine?)
'How the BBC became a propaganda machine for climate change zealots'
Quote from essay:
is Churning out the Bullshit at the BBC Machine?)
'How the BBC became a propaganda machine for climate change zealots'
Quote from essay:
- "On one occasion, an MP used BBC airtime to link climate change doubters with perverts and holocaust deniers, and his famous interviewer didn't bat an eyelid."
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
A piece by anthony milne whom mistrusts the politics behind science ......ho ho ho but he does highlight some of the contradictions and downright corrupt manoevres in the science political agenda highway to global warming currency
Dr John Gribbin
Usual connection to aliens or interdimensional influences by a persona that has created a specific Belief Movement in Human Society , basically this dodos a science fiction writer much lacking the aquired and cumulative presented evidence and consistency of say Eric Van Doniken , yet uk society views van doniken as a cuckoo and this gribbin as an authority its beyond laughable , in fact slowly but surely these "exzperts" are starting to sound eerily like von danikens theorys
Christopher Booker is right to point to the role of US climatologists in promoting the global warming scare in the 80s and 90s .
But the biased role of the science media both here (Uk) and in the Us ought to be taken into account as well
Hitherto unknown oceanographers such as Roger Revelle and Wallace Broecker, as well as James Hansen and Steven Schneider were given generous and uncritical publicity in a range of new popular and colourfully written science magazines.
Britains leading science writer , Dr John Gribbin , who had earlier written climate books which focussed largely on the role of ASTRONOMICAL FACTORS, also did a U-TURN in 1990 with a blockbuster book called HOTHOUSE EARTH
His colleagues at the New Science Magazine then decided to promote global warming as the new mainstream position , VIRTUALLY JUNKING EVERYTHING THEY HAD PUBLISHED ON CLIMATE ISSUES JUST A FEW YEARS EARLIER .
Unfortunately, this new focus on Global Warming coincided with the demise of the peace movement as the cold war wound down and activists began searching for a new crusade
They found one ready made , which seemed to be supported by britains politicised government scientists . One by One , all countryside and environment movements fell into line aided by a new ACTIVIST UN COMMITTEE which published the climate issueto the top of the worlds political agenda .
Dr John Gribbin
John Gribbin graduated with his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Sussex in 1966. Gribbin then earned his master of science (M.Sc.) degree in astronomy in 1967, also from the Univ. of Sussex, and he earned his Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge (1971).[citation needed]
As a science writer, he has worked for the science journal Nature, and the magazine New Scientist and has written for The Times, The Guardian and the Independent as well as their Sunday counterparts and BBC radio.[citation needed]
He is best known for his book In Search of Schrödinger's Cat (1984).
In 1974, Gribbin published, along with Stephen Plagemann, a book titled The Jupiter Effect, that predicted that the alignment of the planets in quadrant on one side of the on Sun March 10, 1982 would cause gravitational effects that would trigger earthquakes in the San Andreas fault, wiping out Los Angeles and its suburbs.[1] Gribbin repudiated The Jupiter Effect in the July 17, 1980, issue of New Scientist magazine in which he stated that he had been "too clever by half".[2]
In an article in the scientific journal Nature (February 1988), Gribbin was the first scientist to publicly suggest that the upcoming greenhouse effect might be reduced by adding large amounts of pulverized iron to the oceans of the world as a fertilizer for the aquatic plants.[3]
Gribbin published his 100th book,[citation needed] The Fellowship, in 2005.
Designer Universe
John Gribbin is a proponent of the Designer Universe theory, which should not be confused with the Intelligent Design idea. He has discussed this theory in a Daily Telegraph article and his 2009 book In search of the multiverse: Parallel Worlds, Hidden Dimensions, and the Ultimate Quest for the Frontiers of Reality, where he suggests that the universe could have been made deliberately by a member or members of a technologically advanced civilization in another part of the multiverse, but that it was left to its own devices after the big bang].[4]
This should not be confused with the intelligent design movement, as the artificial universe idea accepts evolution and natural selection as the processes which produced life on earth.[5]
Gribbin also argued in this book that the designers of the universe could create new universes by manufacturing black holes. He describes in detail how this could be done in three different levels of operation which do not contradict the laws of physics.[6]
In August 2010 Gribbin wrote an article for the Daily Telegraph titled “Are we living in a designer universe?”. In the article Gribbin argued that in the debate over if there is a creator for the universe or not, one possibility has been ignored:
One possibility has been almost ignored – the idea that the universe around us was created by people very much like ourselves, using devices not too dissimilar to those available to scientists today.[7]
Usual connection to aliens or interdimensional influences by a persona that has created a specific Belief Movement in Human Society , basically this dodos a science fiction writer much lacking the aquired and cumulative presented evidence and consistency of say Eric Van Doniken , yet uk society views van doniken as a cuckoo and this gribbin as an authority its beyond laughable , in fact slowly but surely these "exzperts" are starting to sound eerily like von danikens theorys
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Recent Studies have shown that the BBC have devoted a large quantity of airspace to childrens programs that are idolising and deifying "Nature"
There can be only 2 reasons for this direction of thought
Smart Free thinking BBC program directors have noticed the massive increase in Paganism and Environmentalism in the uk, Europe and the world at large in the free thinking citizens
this is a new psychic pen already prepared for the citizen sheep that conveniently ties in with corporate green energy and climate control issues already in full "initiatic" swing industrially and psychologically speaking
Todays children will b Tomorrows keepers of the newly established Nature Faith as "Corporate Friendly Naturel" is portrayed for them
There can be only 2 reasons for this direction of thought
Smart Free thinking BBC program directors have noticed the massive increase in Paganism and Environmentalism in the uk, Europe and the world at large in the free thinking citizens
this is a new psychic pen already prepared for the citizen sheep that conveniently ties in with corporate green energy and climate control issues already in full "initiatic" swing industrially and psychologically speaking
Todays children will b Tomorrows keepers of the newly established Nature Faith as "Corporate Friendly Naturel" is portrayed for them
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
Want to hear what a person who stood to benefit hugely from the carbon trading scheme scam sounds like as his potential profits are being flushed down the toilet and circling the drain???
I never liked Al...he is one creepy fuckster.
I never liked Al...he is one creepy fuckster.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
re: nobody is interested in "global warming" anymore
What a boring topic.
What a boring topic.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Co2 Thread - I love Co2
The carbon credit con - i was browsing a report on carbon credits where some dude had invested over 20 uk grand purchasing 3500 carbon credits at 9 dollars each from a company trading as SELECT GLOBAL LTD in may 2012
They were told that in february 2013 , a trading exchange would open with a minimum price of 11 dolars per credit set by the state of california
this turkey then bought more credits in august 2012 with that in mind
in january 2013, they were told the trading exchange had opened early and that their initial 3500 credits had fetched 18 dollars each per credit and that their further remaining 7200 credits stood at 16 dollars each
Then in February 2013 , they received an email inforning them that SELECT GLOBAL were working an EXIT STRATEGY
Otherwise you been tangoed sucker
Now on investigation of this fraudulent transaction , the victim found out that there is no watchdog or regulation for carb creds , neither is there a proper market or exchange to turn your credits back into cash
SELECT GLOBAL LTD was based in the marble arch tower , an office building in central london , and according to company house records, its sole director is a mr tony aldridge, a 33 year old builder from essex = hmm now whos this guy puppeteering for ?
Mr aldridge was always away on business
There were no accounts lodged by select global at company house , a pure scam fleecing lots of suckers and no law to stop it or get your money back insurance in place
Carbon credits fall through a very convenient gap in investor protection laws - i wonder who allowed this
it turns out that the person (puppet) responsible for being aware of and instigating such regulation and protection is a GREG CLARK who is the financial secretary to the uk treasury, another conditioned sleepwalker
They were told that in february 2013 , a trading exchange would open with a minimum price of 11 dolars per credit set by the state of california
this turkey then bought more credits in august 2012 with that in mind
in january 2013, they were told the trading exchange had opened early and that their initial 3500 credits had fetched 18 dollars each per credit and that their further remaining 7200 credits stood at 16 dollars each
Then in February 2013 , they received an email inforning them that SELECT GLOBAL were working an EXIT STRATEGY
Otherwise you been tangoed sucker
Now on investigation of this fraudulent transaction , the victim found out that there is no watchdog or regulation for carb creds , neither is there a proper market or exchange to turn your credits back into cash
SELECT GLOBAL LTD was based in the marble arch tower , an office building in central london , and according to company house records, its sole director is a mr tony aldridge, a 33 year old builder from essex = hmm now whos this guy puppeteering for ?
Mr aldridge was always away on business
There were no accounts lodged by select global at company house , a pure scam fleecing lots of suckers and no law to stop it or get your money back insurance in place
Carbon credits fall through a very convenient gap in investor protection laws - i wonder who allowed this
it turns out that the person (puppet) responsible for being aware of and instigating such regulation and protection is a GREG CLARK who is the financial secretary to the uk treasury, another conditioned sleepwalker
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