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Random Humor

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 05 Jan 2010, 23:54

Satire is good , its a way of indirectly highlighting something with great authority
Jesting is good, its a way of directly highlighting something to someone else but with the crucial aspect of removing the personal signature of the dictating , threatening or know all aspect of ego

The emperor whos spirit is crippled through ego, can have his crippled spirit healed , informed and thus rebalanced through the language of jest, that is why the fool is given great importance , can even be more crucial than the emperor, because the language of jest is a "secret key" to unlocking the back door of the being that is prisoner of a crippled ego , but if that jest is delivered at an innoppurtune moment then its curtains for the fool because it will be like a lance into a poisoned bruise, so the fool senses the timing to an emotional precision

But that is the active creative fool , there are always another extreme , there is another type of fool, this is a crippled fool that has lost its magic, it no longer speaks through jest, has lost the ability for satire , and do you know what language this fool speaks Dramaqueen ? its mockery

It mocks others and feeds of that energy , mockery , the residence of the creatively vacuous

Which kind of fool are you then
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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 13 Jan 2010, 21:42

You can sell every asset in America three times over, every business, ever building, factory, house, car etc. and you will still not be able to pay back its debt.

But we can sit in a theater with almost 20% unemployment and watch the world's most expensive movie while Constitutional rights are being eliminated toward a total fascist police big brother state.

Ooooh yeah...pass that doobie and the 3-D glasses.

Quicksilver's favorite TV shows...

Video excerpts...


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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 13 Jan 2010, 22:56

Their bringin 3D TV into uk homes as we speak

On aVatar , i was wonderin about the blue skinned avatars , cameron maybe spinning of from hindu, Krishna, seen by hindus as an "avatar" of the divine
Random Humor - Page 2 Bd57

God or Man?
According to Hindu mythology, Krishna was born on earth so that the balance of good in the world could be restored. But, there are many conflicting theories regarding his Godhood. Although, Krishna's story depicts him as the ultimate Lord of the Universe, whether Krishna himself is God or man is still a contentious matter in Hinduism.

Hindus believe that Jesus, like Lord Krishna, is just another avatar of the Divine, who came down to show humanity in the righteous way of life. This is another point where Krishna resembles Christ, a figure who is both "fully human and fully divine."

Krishna and Jesus were both saviors of mankind and avatars of God who have returned to earth at an especially critical time in the lives of their people. They were the incarnates of the Divine Being Himself in human form to teach human beings divine love, divine power, divine wisdom, and lead the benighted world towards the light of God.

REality TV = 99% shit, 1 % noshit , its tough to find that 1% though unless your planted by the tv

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 17 Jan 2010, 16:05

From the stupid human video after the laughs have stopped Very Happy
"all cows do is walk about and graize"
Really ?
but they are a peaceful entity , they dont wage war on other species , they dont try to farm humans , they emanate a peaceful vibe, the hindus loved them, and the nubians, they perceived more than the visual from them , there was a synergestic relationship

And how do they get so big on grass ?
The cow takes nothing but water, grass and grain, while it gives of its milk, as does the liberated soul give of his spiritual knowledge.

Billl hicks material via Sacred cow ?

The cow is a lunar symbol, aligning itself with feminine (yin) qualities
The cows stomach has 4 compartments
The Egyptian goddess Nut is sometimes depicted with the cow having four stars on its belly. This represents the four cosmic quadrants of the earth, and the respective flavor each directional energy freely flows through each of these corners.

Also in Egyptian mythology, Hathor was an ancient goddess worshipped as a cow-deity. Hathor was the Great Mother gooddess of joy, and was considered the nourisher of all things. She was originally a personification of the Milky Way, which was seen as the milk that flowed from the udders of a heavenly cow. She was also considered a protective goddess and an emblem of royalty.

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Mon 18 Jan 2010, 00:01

This guy cracks me up, the Brits seem to have this penetrating humor
that goes right to the bone, meet Eddie Izzard:


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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Mon 18 Jan 2010, 00:40

Well, looks like I won't be planning in trip to the Pimple Republik of
anytime soon:


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Post  seraphim Mon 18 Jan 2010, 06:01

Those all are so funny, couldn't watch the folks hurting themselves. How dare they desecrate the sacred cow Kapis!

I got the art of mimicking from my mother. I can do rooster, chicken and chick language. When I do the lost chick noise the roosters and hens get very disturbed, they all run to me looking for the chick! I got the cat language down too. Those animals crack me up!

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 19 Jan 2010, 02:04

seen a lot of Izzard over the years TG , a smart cooky for sure Very Happy

Remember MIchael Flatley and the rIverdance

Entre Stavros Flatley Laughing


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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Fri 22 Jan 2010, 04:54

Awe shit, Flames, the guy injects silicone into his Mr. Roberts, I don't
even want to open that link up, geezuz.

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Sun 24 Jan 2010, 10:54

I remember the Arnold shot when I was younger and just as cocky as
Arnold, the only difference is he's a psychopath and I'm not.

As for the Black newscaster, looks like while on the job he's a 'white'
dude and off the job a Black.

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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 24 Jan 2010, 23:56

The psychopath Blair claimed to take divine guidance on his decisions to invade iraq


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Random Humor - Page 2 Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  highnoon Sat 13 Feb 2010, 22:34


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