Morgellons Disease. The scariest part of chemtrails.
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Morgellons Disease. The scariest part of chemtrails.
Clifford. E. Carnicorn's research identifies five recurring pathogenic forms invading the major systems of the human body. These forms include a sub-micron network of filaments, bounding filament forms, spherical structures, "hybrid" forms of ribbon-like nature, and "budding" forms which seem to emerge from the encasing filaments. Carnicorn matched the first three forms with airborne environmental samples - chemtrails. His research supports the contention that the general health of the population, not only people exhibiting Morgellons symptoms, has been seriously compromised by the pathogenic forms under examination.
Morgellons: A Thesis
A substantial body of research has accumulated to make the case that the underlying organism (i.e., pathogen) of the so-called "Morgellons" condition, as identified by this researcher, is using the iron from human blood for its own growth and existence. It will also be shown that the bio-chemical state of the blood is being altered in the process. The implications of this thesis are severe as this alteration affects, amongst other things, the ability and capacity of the blood to bind to oxygen. Respiration is the source of energy for the body.
This change is also anticipated to increase the number of free radicals and to increase acidity in the body. This process also requires and consumes energy from the body to take place; this energy supports the growth and proliferation of the organism. The changes in the blood are anticipated to increase its combination with respiratory inhibitors and toxins. The changes under evaluation may occur without any obvious outward symptoms. It is also anticipated that there are consequences upon metabolism and health that extend beyond the functions of the blood. This change represents essentially a systemic attack upon the body, and the difficulties of extinction of the organism are apparent. Physiological conditions that are in probable conjunction with the condition are identified. Strategies that may be beneficial in mitigating the severity of the condition are enumerated.
This paper will present this case progressively, and it will build upon the information that has been presented in previous papers. The paper will sequence through the following topics of discussion:
1. A Brief Introduction to the Chemistry of Iron
2. Beginning Observations
3. Qualitative Chemical Analysis
4. An Introduction to Bonding : Ionic, Covalent, Polar Covalent and Coordinated Covalent Bonds
5. The Structure of the Heme Molecule and the Role of Ligands
6. Qualitative Chemical Analysis of the Oral Samples : Two Methods to Verify the Existence of Ferric Iron
7. A Method to Extract the Oxidized Iron within the Filament Growth Structure
8. A Discussion of Ligands
9. Spectral Analysis of the Blood and a Comparison to the Growth Spectrum
10. Methemoglobinemia and Hypoxia
11. Ionization and Bond Disassociation Energy : The Cost of Oxidation
12. Bacterial Requirements for Iron in the Blood
13. The Oral Filament and Red Wine Reaction Resolved
14. Some Health Implications; The Value of the Holistic Approach to Medicine
15. Identification of physiological conditions that are in probable conjunction with the condition.
16. A Proposed Spectral Analysis Project
17. A Review of Proposed Mitigation Strategies
As we continue with our discussion, there will be three different general approaches that will be used in a combined sense to reach the conclusions that have been stated above. The first of these will be direct observation, the second will be qualitative chemical examination, and the last will be the use of spectral analysis and analytics. A synthesis of each approach will give us the understanding of the situation that we require. Let us begin with some discussion on the chemistry of iron and then follow with a few of the qualitative iron tests that are helpful in the methods that have been developed.
Methemoglobinemia and Hypoxia:
Now that certain results have been established, we must anticipate and begin to deal with the consequences of those results, should they be proven to be true. To reiterate, these results present themselves in two primary forms:
1. The evidence indicates that the growth form central to the Morgellons condition utilizes iron in a ferric (3+) state for its own growth, development and sustenance.
2. The evidence indicates that human blood is altered significantly as a result of the presence of the organism within the blood. This alteration encompasses a partial change of the oxidation state of the iron within the hemoglobin from a ferrous (2+) to a ferric (3+) state. Iron in the ferric state (3+) within hemoglobin is unable to bind to oxygen.
If these findings are true, we are required to pursue the next logical line of investigation, i.e, diminished oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. There is a known medical condition for this change within the blood, and it is called methemoglobinemia. Methemoglobinemia is the transformation of normal hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin) to a deoxygentated state. Methoglobinemia is caused by the oxidation of the ferrous ion (2+) to the ferric state (3+). Ferric iron is chemically useless for respiration45. Methemoglobinema can exist at varying levels, and is usually expressed as a percentage of the total hemoglobin of the blood. It is a normal state to have approximately one to two percent of methemoglobinemia (ferric ion) in the blood46.
Mild methemoglobinemia, on the order of 2 - 10%, is generally well tolerated by individuals and usual presents no obvious or apparent symptoms47. There is, nevertheless, a diminished capacity of the blood to carry oxygen at this stage and the effects are not to be dismissed as we shall discuss further. At levels from 10 -15%, cyanosis will occur with the skin taking on a blue/gray cast or appearance. Higher levels still, e.g, above 20% can cause dizziness, increased heart rate and anxiety. Levels greater that 50% are associated with breathlessness, fatigue, confusion, drowsiness. Comas, seizures may also occur at this level. Methemoglobinemia at 70% or greater is usually fatal48.
From the results of this paper, it the following hypothesis can be presented. It it is accepted that the Morgellons growth form is responsible for a partial alteration of the blood from a ferrous to a ferric state, it follows that those with a more serious manifestation of the condition may demonstrate a tendency toward increased levels of methemoglobinemia. Whether or not this is the case is to be determined by the medical profession at some time and place, however, initial investigative work on this proposal will be presented within this report. Although only a preliminary and tentative analysis, one spectrometric/chemical analysis made has indicated a potential level of an approximate 7% oxidation state (3+) in the average hemoglobin measurement of this report. This level would be without obvious visible symptoms as described earlier. This analysis requires further examination to substantiate that finding.
Obviously there are many purported and claimed manifestations and variations of the so-called "Morgellons" condition, and this paper is not able to encompass that scope or debate. The work of this researcher places a focus on what is perceived to be an originating growth form as identified through several years of observation and analysis of various sample types (primarily filamentous in nature.) This paper will simply not have the capacity to discuss all of the ramifications of diminished oxygen capacity of the blood; it will have to suffice at this point to state that this process of discovery must now begin. Some occasional comments on the subject will be presented as time and circumstance allow me. Degrees of hypoxia and its effect upon cellular metabolism will also become a point of investigation in our future. As a starter, please recall an opening statement that all energy to the body is dependent upon respiration.
Morgellons Fibre up close
MSNBC- For Emily White, it felt like the worst flu ever. It was in the spring of 2006, and White was pushing through her final term at college. Sure, she was stressed and run-down. But she just didn’t understand how her symptoms could be so intense.
White, then 22, was headed to law school, and would lie awake at night, her mind running nonstop over paying for school, keeping her friendships going, maintaining her 3.8 grade point average and living up to the law-firm job she’d snagged for the summer. She was exhausted, yet sleep was impossible.
This didn’t feel like run-of-the-mill anxiety, though. It was something physical. All over her body — throat, armpits, groin — her lymph nodes swelled up, and she ran a fever. Her face grew lumps, painful and hot, like cystic acne that refused to get better. She dragged herself to class but had trouble putting words together.
And then, within a couple of weeks, the lumps on her face sprouted…something.
At first, she thought they were hairs and tried to yank them with tweezers, but they felt “rooted in cement,” she says. Her skin had always been good; but for the first time in her life, she spackled on concealer to try to hide the bristly rash.
White’s “flu” persisted for months. Her fingers swelled, and her joints ached. She swung between nights of nerve-twanging insomnia and days when she slept so deeply she never heard her alarm. In her first semester of law school, her grade point average plunged to 1.2. During her second semester, in 2007, she went on medical leave and moved in with her parents in northern Connecticut.
At about the same time, in a suburb of Seattle, pet-salon owner Alisha Aitken, then 30, was grooming a golden retriever that she’d pampered every month for years. Suddenly, she felt a flush of heat across her body — “as though 100 bees were stinging my face,” she recalls — and ran to a sink to splash herself with cold water.
As she straightened up from the faucet, she caught her image in the mirror. A 2-inch-long filament — stiff, like a dog’s whisker — was emerging from the outer corner of her right eye and running along the skin of her cheek to her lip. When she scraped it off, it left a shallow red scar.
The next day, she broke out in a swollen, oozy rash. A week or so later, confusion set in. Cooking dinner for herself and her toddler daughter one night, she found herself staring at the stove, incapable of comprehending which was the left and which was the right burner. After a couple of months, increasingly sick and unable to focus, she sold her business.
White and Aitken have never met or spoken, but they are two of thousands of people in the United States and a handful of other countries who insist they are suffering from a bizarre new disease that doctors say does not exist. The two women could be imagining things. They could be mentally ill. They also could be, and believe they are, examples of how difficult it is to force medicine to confront something new and strange — a condition that is not in the textbooks, not in the research journals and not on the list of things that insurance companies pay for.
People who are afflicted by such lesions, fibers and bouts of cognitive haze say they hope their status in the eyes of the medical community is about to change. After two years of deliberation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta — the federal agency that fields an elite corps of disease detectives — is looking into their complaints. The investigation, which will not report its findings until next year, could explain their weird symptoms or reject them as the inventions of sick minds. White and Aitken say they are absolutely sure they are not crazy. “I’d rather have cancer,” White says. “I know how that sounds. But at least then you get sympathy. And a treatment plan.”
In addition, the organism has been subjected to numerous exposures from caustic agents, acids, extremes in temperature and the lack of moisture; these have produced no detriment to its existence. These latter additions only complicate the issue further and raise the bar for recognition of the resources required to approach the problems in earnest.
highnoon- Posts : 567
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Re: Morgellons Disease. The scariest part of chemtrails.
New research - Morgellons proven to be a real disease
Thursday, August 16, 2012 by: Dr. Gregory Damato
The CDC has been denying this for ages. I sense they truly know what it is and what causes it.
Thursday, August 16, 2012 by: Dr. Gregory Damato
Morgellons Disease is characterized by bizarre symptomology such as experiencing biting sensations on the skin, painful skin eruptions, strange fibers growing from the skin, unexplained body pain and neurological deficits (1,2).
It is estimated that millions of people worldwide suffer from this unexplained affliction with the medical community quick to dismiss their symptoms as 'delusional parasitosis' or 'delusional infestation' and hence believe it's all in their heads. Medical authorities often times blame the Morgellons sufferers for inflicting the wounds on themselves and believe the fibers simply emanate from clothing.
After thousands of complaints to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in January of 2008, the CDC paid researchers over $300,000 to conduct a 3-year study on Morgellons. The researchers erroneously concluded that "No common underlying medical condition or infectious source was identified, similar to more commonly recognized conditions such as delusional infestation"(3) and hence indirectly concluded that Morgellons was not a disease and was in fact a psychological disorder. The CDC agreed and stated, "This comprehensive study of an unexplained apparent dermopathy demonstrated no infectious cause and no evidence of an environmental link" (4).
Morgellons has historically been linked to genetically modified organisms (GMOs; a specific bacteria known as Agrobacterium)(4), Lyme Disease (1,6,9), immune weakness (1,2) and environmental toxicity (1,2,6).
According to researchers at the State University of New York, "Agrobacterium represents a universal gene and protein transfer machine" (7) and hence laboratory (genetically modified) creations now have the ability to alter the DNA of humans (4). Hence, agrobacterium allows horizontal transfer of DNA and would be a likely culprit in the creation of Morgellons although other environmental factors appear to also be involved.
Following up from the CDC study, in January of 2012, new independent research just published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research found that Morgellons is in fact a real disease (. Based on extensive physical, microscopic and fluorescence examination of skin, hair, tissues, calluses, etc. of three Morgellons sufferers, the researchers reported several interesting findings:
- Abnormal functioning of the follicular keratinocytes (genetic alterations in DNA caused hair follicles and skin to malfunction).
- Fibers, which under the microscope (100x), had a unique floral arrangement and colors of blue, red, white, green and some brightly fluorescent.
- Some fibers "appeared as root-like growths."
- For the first time, demonstrated that Morgellons fibers contain keratin (structural protein which makes up the outer layer of the skin) which means the fibers were created within the body.
- Alterations in keratinocyte (skin) expression was most likely due to spirochetal infection from Lyme Disease.
The filaments from the Morgellons patients were confirmed to contain keratin via immunohistological staining with antibodies specific for human keratins. This means that fibers present in the subjects were found to be biological in origin and are produced by keratinocytes (proteins in the outer layer of skin) and grew out of the body.
These findings are consistent with the 2012 CDC publication stating that over 80 percent of non-biopsy material taken from patients had a protein composition.
The researchers concluded that the fibers "are clearly biological in nature and are not implanted textile fibers." It may be probable to assume that since these fibers under the microscope which contain floral and root-like structures that the origin may be via a cross contamination of DNA from plants and humans by way of GMOs.
This study opens the door for future research which is desperately needed in the environmental and epigenetic causes of Morgellons Disease with Lyme Disease and GMOs being the likely areas of interest.
The CDC has been denying this for ages. I sense they truly know what it is and what causes it.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
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