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Questions surrounding david ickes community

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Post  highnoon Mon 22 Feb 2010, 16:51

Important: David Icke Tries To Shut Down Conspiracy Forum. Rate Topic: #1 freedom to speak

Posted 29 March 2008 - 10:50 AM


May I introduce myself, I am a member of the "Illusions Forum" (http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/). I am writing to you to inform you of the recent events surrounding David Icke's attempts to have our forum shut down and removed from the internet. Please find attached a PDF file containing a copy of the letter forwarded to our server provider from "David Icke Books Ltd", insisting that our forum to be terminated.

"Illusions" is an alternative forum much like your own, where we talk about conspiracy-based themes and ideas, alternative health, spirituality, etc. It was formed by a group of people who found their original "home" - www.davidickeforum.com - shut down several years ago with no warning. We moved to "Illusions" with the desire to carry on speaking our minds on numerous subjects, and of course these concerned the life and work of one of the most prolific conspiracy researchers - David Icke.

Mr. Icke has been making demands on our membership to stop discussing his weekly newsletter by reproducing elements of this work on our forum, in order to critique it. We received almost weekly warnings from the webmaster (Sean Adl-Tabatabai) of Icke's site (www.davidicke.com), informing us that if we did not stop reproducing paragraphs from Icke's copyrighted newsletter (which he now charges £3.00 per month to be delivered weekly via email), that legal action would be taken. Of course, we had no intention of having our growing dismay of Icke's recent behaviour in policing the internet for minor reproductions of his work curtailed in this manner, but we took the right decision to remove as much of his material as we deemed relevant, whilst trying to keep the numerous debates intact. It is prudent to convey that Mr. Icke and "David Icke Books Limited" take their copyright very seriously indeed.

Recently we were shocked and surprised to find Icke's webmaster - Sean Adl-Tabatabai - had rejoined our community (his original account was deleted because of his desire to no longer post at "Illusions"), under the psudeonym of "daisy" (http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4426). As this character he attempted to disrupt every thread on our forum which was written voicing concerns, or critiquing the information promoted by David Icke (we were writing about his broadcast interviews, newsletter and website information). The comments Mr. Adl-Tabatabai made were childish in nature, baring no relevance to the debates themselves. This behaviour is known as "trolling" a forum. Sean Adl-Tabatabai, David Icke's webmaster and producer of his DVD ouptut, had taken it upon himself to become a "troll" on our forum for David Icke.

When Mr. Adl-Tabatabai was openly confronted with his behavior, he denied it at first, and then admitted to his comments and seemingly disappeared from our lives for good. Two days later we received the attached fax from our server provider outlining the opinion of one Linda Atherton (formerly Linda Icke, David Icke's erstwhile wife), on behalf of David Icke and "David Icke Books Limited", that our fourm should be: "shut down because we are considering legal action".

We have become obviously outraged by this demand, and the hypocrisy that Mr, Icke and his colleagues have displayed in this matter beggers belief. How could a man who has travelled the world speaking as a champion for the freedom of speech, has written so many books promoting the open mind and appreciation for all creeds and openly states that "I don't care what your opinion of me is, mate", now insist that a forum with less than 300 members (at the time of writing) should be bulldozed into oblivion just because we openly disagree with much of what David Icke has written and said these past three years (http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4468)?

We bring this information to your attention to acknowledge, ignore or dismiss as you choose. We are not seeking allies to join us in any crusade, we only want people to be aware that the self-titled "most controversial speaker in the world" is trying to shut us down for speaking our minds.

If he succeeds, what a sad day that will be for all of us within this community.

Many thanks for your time and please pass this information on to as many people as possible.

Illusions Forum (http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/)

Please find below a text version of the attached fax:

> David Icke Books Ltd
> Suite 1
> 185a High Street
> Ryde
> Isle of Wight
> PO33 2PN
> England
> 28th March 2008
> To Whom It May Concern,
> RE:http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/
> There are numerous pages on this website www.illusions-forum.com which reproduce, in their entirety and partially, several written newsletters and images which are owned and copyrighted by David Icke Books Limited and davidicke.com which I am a legal representative of.
> Could you please remove these as they breach David Icke Books Limited copyright, who own our servers with all the databases and images stored within.
> In addition to this, there are numerous threads on this website which continuously make slanderous and libelous remarks to our website - www.davidicke.com, to David Icke (who owns the website) and to Sean Adl-Tabatabai who is the webmaster for davidicke.com.
> Despite numerous requests over the months to the domain owner and representatives who run (moderate) the forum - nothing has been done about it.
> Our website - www.davidicke.com - has blocked links and any content from this website from being discussed or linked to. Yet Ilusions-forum.com continue to link to, post and harass our website and the staff who run it by making various libelous comments and posting copyrighted material (as shown above).
> Here are a few example links of either private, libelous, or defamatory comments which have been posted on this forum recently (which at the very least need to be removed).
> [http://illusions-forum.com/phpbb3/]
> As we have tried on several ocassions to reslove this issue with the domain owner, and failed, I now wish to make a formal complaint. I believe that simply deleting the offending content will not resolve the matter, and that they will continue to post abuse. Please would you consider shutting down this domain as we are considering legal action.
> I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
> I swear under penalty or perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am authorised to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
> If you have any questions regarding this, please email me - Linda Atherton - info@davidickebooks.co.uk or call 0044 1983 5666002.
> Kind regards
> Linda Atherton
> Director and Company Secretary.

Attached File.

Oh and check this out. We find proof of Sean Adl Tabatabai's connection to the music industry.

Artist - Jimmy Screech
Track - Jamaica

Director - Miki Zoric
Producer - Sean Adl Tabatabai
D.O.P - David Wright
Editor - Nick Pittom


Questions surrounding david ickes community Seant

David Icke's Official Forums > Main Forums > Rant Room
Why is Conspiritainment closed

Forum Advisor

Notice to all anti-Jones campaigners, your defamatory posts will now be deleted, please don't post any more..

13-02-2010, 12:41 AM #130
Forum Advisor

I'm closing this thread..

Thou shalt not question der fuhrer.

I could post this in the Alex Jones topic instead, but no I won't. Lots in there about how he is a bad guy already. This just reflects bad on Icke and the mods. Some of whom work for the big (masonic, hollywood, telivision) boys as April2000 pointed out.

Hmmm. Could the "hadabbasa" that the one user is upset at be this same Icke moderator Tabatabai who works for Hollywood MTV and is thus likely a freemason?

So a moderator at david icke forum is actually a producer for UK major media? This plot is very deep. Im just parlaying info for anyone who wants to do their own research on what has gone on.

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Age : 39

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Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 22 Feb 2010, 22:56

i pointed out on tsars forum way back , that ickes website had that corporate signature vibrating at its core , but icke himself makes some interesting observations and corelations from what ive seen of him, but i aint seen it all, and i dont concur with a lot of his far-out takes, but i allow him the freedom, hes not force feeding it to anyone Razz

the thing is, i still rememmber him well from his bbc sport presenting days back in the 80s before he had his "metanoia"

But i did love the way he came out with the stuff when he did , it was compulsive viewing and im sure hes responsible for many people looking into things they may never have dared before, its always easier if theres a public figurehead out there holding a flag up

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 23 Feb 2010, 00:29

I have read many a post on illusions forum. It was also host to a many Outlaw personalities. Definitely violated copyright laws and definitely was defamatory. The above post's commentary as to the "intent" of illusions forum discussing Icke's work is a most polite and sterile characterization...should one have actually read what was being communicated on that forum.
No matter my personal opinion of Icke, he has a case in this regard, legally speaking.
You have a right to say what you want, but to weave actual protected intellectual property into it is another issue.

And, yes, Icke's webpage seems like a corporate hostile takeover. As does prisonplanet.com with Alex Jones.
It just goes to show that the human drives and bottom line always makes its priority known.

The internet is a great tool and its ability to get your message across using audio/video can actually save many so called "expenses".
You don't even need to travel outside your own office to do a lecture to the world. Instead of jet-hopping all over the globe.

But both of these conspiracy corporations have gone "sales and promotions crazy".

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Post  tgII Tue 23 Feb 2010, 01:22

Forget David Icke, people who buy his 'research' ('re' means the search
has already been done) still pay taxes, are still subject to the heavy
hand of the state, live in the dysfunctional Fabian Socialist Utopia, get
murdered while still going on about their personal business, are scanned
at airports, financially assaulted by Wall Street, bled to death by
corporations, exploited by bully bureaucrats and harassed by police.

If all these Icke followers spent equal time studying and understanding
their relationship to corporations there wouldn't even be a need for Icke
to be doing what he is - how's that for entertaining a thought?

It's all right here:

If you're too busy to study all this then perhaps people should just
go with David Icke.

Truth is rather mundane, quite monotonous, dull and sooooooooo
unbelievably boring, so I guess entertainment would be best.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 23 Feb 2010, 03:27

Yes, quite important not to lose site of the macro-picture and perspective on things.
So much of what is actually focused upon does very little for the individual in a way that really matters.
The individual must focus on themselves, their life and how they interface and operate with the world and hostile "authorities" over him.

Much of what we deem important and absorb is just...frills, chills and spills.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 23 Feb 2010, 11:35

I always liked listening to Freeman Fly.
He is one guy that keeps it real and doesn't overly promote himself.
Thanks for the link.

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Post  highnoon Tue 23 Feb 2010, 15:35


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Questions surrounding david ickes community Empty Re: Questions surrounding david ickes community

Post  highnoon Mon 01 Mar 2010, 23:51

the cleaver aka neil kramer the uk guy on that guys show is really what i linked it for. my bad.

i really enjoy the cleaver personally. he had a tour but skipped vancouver. if i wouldve known i wouldve gone to see him.

just like nassim harameins emmissary came here and i didnt know till it was too late.

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Post  seraphim Tue 02 Mar 2010, 07:25

In these days of power hungry, greedy bastards........David Icke will have to have a consent form, I agree, in order for any posters to join.
Saying..... and in small letters as the law does, you will not be able to sue the admin and waiver your rights if you want to post here, and if you try to sue, it will all come out of your pocket. And that he is not responsible for anything, but the folks are free to have at it with each other. You know, but in lawyer's terms.

Things are spiraling backwards, really..............

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Post  seraphim Thu 04 Mar 2010, 04:14

sound vibrations create-Icke

What conspiracy! What a fabricator! Wait a minute he was right!
sound creating form

Couldn't help but have some fun mockery and joking sarcasm pointed at the weirdos.
Everytime you think and feel you resonate a frequencies so the energy around resonates to the same frequency, what you give out is what you create.

The frequency of the heart.............
the earth has a certain frequency and with that the planet will hold it's form, if the frequency changes, the form will change. David Icke
the ability to transform feeling through word
Yeah and exactly what I was reading up on today, soooooo much potential!

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