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The Pyramid Thread

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The Pyramid Thread Empty The Pyramid Thread

Post  tgII Thu 21 Jan 2010, 10:11

The pyramid thread, and to start things off, Andrija Puharich's
description of the pyramids:

If you don't by now know who Andrija Puharich is, have you
got some work cut out for you.


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Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 21 Jan 2010, 23:37

Jesus in Egypt by Samael Aun Weor

Jesus was initiated as a student into the mysteries inside a pyramid in the land of Egypt. A vestal dressed in a white robe gave him the first papyri to study.

The trees of Eden are two: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Tree of Life. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is sex. The Tree of Life is the Being. Every authentic cultural doctrine has to carefully study these two trees, because to study one tree while ignoring the other gives only an incomplete and useless knowledge. Of what use is it to study the Being if we do not know sex? Of what use is it to study sex if we do not know the Being? Given that, both trees are from Eden and they even share their roots.

These trees are the two great basal pillars of the White Lodge: Wisdom and Love. Wisdom is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and Love is the Tree of Life.

The doctrine of these two trees was deeply studied in Egypt. The fatal shadow of the Tree of Life is the “I.” The fatal shadow of the Tree of Knowledge is fornication. People mistake the shadows for reality.

Whosoever terminates with the process of the “I” attains the Self-realization of the Being within himself. Whosoever terminates with fornication is transformed into a Christ.

Jesus was submitted to remarkable purifications within the temple; a Master instructed him daily. On a certain day, when descending a staircase, he was tempted by a woman; yet Jesus overcame temptation, thus he was victoriously approved. The Master was tested many times; the fight against his “I” was remarkable. The bodhisattva had fallen in previous reincarnations; this is why Jesus had to lift up his five fallen serpents.

The sixth and the seventh serpents belong to the Master (Atman-Buddhi); the Master never falls.

The bodhisattva is the one who falls; the bodhisattva is the Will-Soul (Human Soul); the Human Soul is dressed with the four bodies of sin, which are, the Physical, Ethereal [Vital], Astral, and Mental Bodies.

Jesus had the serpent of each of these four bodies of sin fallen, thus Jesus and to lift them up. The fifth serpent that belongs to the Human Soul was also fallen, so Jesus had to lift up this serpent as well.

Jesus reincarnated thousands of times on our Earth and he had fallen. So, the Son of God was full of glory, yet the Son of Man was fallen, but he upraised himself again.

The Son of God is the Inner Christ, which enlightens every man that comes into the world.

Jesus studied in the college of initiates. During those times, a tenebrous personage of the shadows waged war against the initiates of Egypt, nevertheless those initiates remained firm in the Light.

An instructor taught Jesus the great mysteries of sex. There existed a royal nuptial chamber within the pyramid, and within that chamber Jesus practiced sexual magic with his wife. His priestess-wife was a white woman with blonde hair and a beautiful soul; she was a very high initiate of the temple.

Yes, Jesus Christ means Man and God; and as a man he was complete since he had his wife.

During the trance of sexual magic Jesus vocalized IN-RI, EN-RE, ON-RO, UN-RU, AN-RA; he prolonged the sound of each letter of these sacred syllables in the following order:






So, Master Jesus vocalized these syllables by prolonging the sound of each of the letters of each syllable.

The mantra INRI awakens the sixth sense located between the eyebrows; this is how initiates can read other peoples’ thoughts and see all the things from the internal worlds.

The mantra ENRE awakens the magic ear; this is how humans can hear over distances of thousands of miles and can hear the voices of the internal worlds.

The mantra ONRO has the power to awaken intuition located in the heart. Intuition is the seventh sense that resides in the heart and in the pineal gland. The voice of the silence is in the heart and Polyvoyance or Intuitive Sight is in the pineal gland. The intuitive sees everything and knows everything; he is omniscient and powerful.

The mantra UNRU awakens in us the sense of telepathy; this is how we can perceive the thoughts of people at a distance. It is located above the navel in the solar plexus.

The mantra ANRA awakens in us the pulmonary chakra, with which we can remember our past reincarnations.

In the Astral Body these senses look like lotus flowers, and this is how during sexual magic Jesus made these lotus flowers to spin.

Man and woman become filled with electricity and cosmic fire during the moments when they are sexually united. In these precise moments they can awaken the Kundalini and can make the chakras, discs, or magnetic wheels of their Astral Body to spin. We can awaken all the powers of the Astral Body with the sexual force. We can become Angels with the sexual force.

Master Jesus also vocalized the great mantra AUM. Esoterically, this mantra is vocalized AOM. The mouth is broadly opened with the A; it is rounded with the O and closed with the M.

The A engenders everything, the O gestates everything, and everything is born with the M. The one who wants to be born has to enter into the womb of a woman in order to have the right to be born. Each letter of the mantra AOM has to be prolonged and sustained.

The mantra IAO was also vocalized by Master Jesus during the trance of sexual magic; he knew how to withdraw in time from the sexual act in order to avoid seminal ejaculation; this is how Jesus awoke all his occult powers.

The mantra IAO is vocalized by breathing separately and prolonging the pronunciation of each of its three vowels; do not pronounce its three letters in one breath. IAO has the power of awakening the sacred serpent.

Jesus knew how to love his wife and this is how he awakened the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit in order to traverse the 33 holy chambers of the temple.

God shines upon the perfect couple. There is nothing more beautiful than the woman. The delights of love convert us into Gods. When the woman knows how to love, she is transformed into a Goddess. When the man knows how to adore, he is transformed into a God.

However, carnal passion stains the aura with a dirty, bloody color; yet when we dominate passion, such a color is transmuted into an incarnadine rosy color.

It is better to love than to theorize; it is much better to adore, love and kiss than to read complicated theories. However, kill your “Satan.”

Goethe said, “Every theory is gray, and only the tree of the golden fruits of life is green.”

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The Pyramid Thread Empty Re: The Pyramid Thread

Post  seraphim Sun 24 Jan 2010, 08:58

tgii, I read of Andrijah doing work with Geller. And he was one of the first to write about the Platinum children, that's what the indigos and crystal children were first called. Wonder what's going on there, I have my own ideas. Goodness, the things talked about now he spoke of back in the day.

Alright for Jesus! Consorts are a good thing. Other Good Masters or Beings have used them too. Of course it's all beneficial for everyone or should be.

Of what use is it to study the Being if we do not know sex? Of what use is it to study sex if we do not know the Being?
Because we don't know about sex, we don't know about who we are.
I really believe in the potential of the sexual energy and how it can tap into things as mentioned above. A person can finally say, hey, I am alive, maybe why sex is a part of the Tree of Life. What about the amazing electrical energies. And to tap into that using the sexual energy. Oh no,
what's going to happen to the chakras and such in the future, will folks start going haywire because of a pole shift and EMF changes and all that. I was reading that may happen. So it's best if one knows about these energies so that when they happen they will know what to do.
Maybe people will realize something about the sexual energy in the future?

Jesus was submitted to remarkable purifications within the temple; a Master instructed him daily. On a certain day, when descending a staircase, he was tempted by a woman; yet Jesus overcame temptation, thus he was victoriously approved. The Master was tested many times; the fight against his “I” was remarkable. The bodhisattva had fallen in previous reincarnations; this is why Jesus had to lift up his five fallen serpents.
I can imagine how difficult that could be with all the sexual energy going on inside. There were a few famous people who went downhill and failed this test, when they were messing with the sexual energy. I mentioned them already.

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The Pyramid Thread Empty Re: The Pyramid Thread

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 17 Apr 2010, 01:58

My ego knew it was saved somewhere, this was my introductory post into the mtsar blog back in 2006
I thought it was quite a nice unedited opener if only taken as a fairy tale .

Firstly, I would state that from my own personal experience in 1983/1984, be in no doubt that there is an active occult war being waged between the forces of controlled spirit and the ancient and noble free spirit. The controlled spirit is working in ways so subtle that it is reminiscent of complex mathematics . Nothing is as it seems and yet everything is as it seems. How you perceive this status is the key to which spirit will be developed. Also how you perceive this status is indeed the battleground itself.
The absolute key to reviving the ancient noble spirit is for sure, the redevelopment or reawakening of selfhood governed by a sacred nobility and respect of all being. There is much more to be said in this area.
With regard to the symbolism of the pyramid to existence, here is my interpretation.
The pyramid symbolises the descent and the ascent of spiritual awareness in the mortal world, it is the spiritual battleground itself. This battle is now and we are all involved. The controlling spirit has in its nature the need to keep all spirits within the pyramid of earthly awareness. it is symbolised as the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid, an eternal guard.
A new spirit is at birth deposited at the peak of the pyramid where the all seeing eye logs its arrival and welcomes it, with a faint sensual awareness. This spirit then slowly descends into the battleground soaking in various sensual experiences and henceforth reaching the base of the pyramid before it approaches the crucial period of puberty. This could be termed the first stage of awareness. It is essentially a spirit that does not contemplate, it just does as its instructed by its elders. Then at this base of the pyramid it develops the sense of duality , symbolised by one straight line at the base of the pyramid. It can now contemplate as such in terms of good / bad, hot /cold, day / night etc . One end of a line to the other end of the line
In the first stage of awareness, it just does as instructed, and in the second stage it also does as instructed, but it begins to contemplate in dual terms.
It could spend all its mortal days in these stages never ascending from the base.
But with the proper guidance (and that is a very complex term) , the spirit decides to not just do as told, not just do as told and look from side to side, no , one day it decides to look up above itself and its elders and henceforth it contemplates the trinity symbolised by one side of the triangle on the pyramid. So it now contemplates the duality, but also supposes this duality is refereed by a third component which is above and beyond mortality.
Again this spirit could spend all its mortal existence at this stage, it generally does as told, it also contains part rebellion, and also it has developed a fear of a power much greater and beyond itself. At each of these 3 stages, the spirit looks for guidance outside itself.
So in these first 3 stages , all spirits can be controlled and guided by some external power as per a godly religion.
Now one day, instead of just doing, or looking from side to side, or just looking up, the spirit decides to look around , it develops an ontological eye and something wonderfull happens here, this is the point where the true development of selfhood begins as signified by the macro view inverting to a micro view. Now the spirit has new boundaries put forth to it symbolised by the 4 triangles of the pyramid, but each triangle finally leading to a common juncture at the top. Each triangle is represented by the 4 modes of being , intuition, emotional, rational, sensational. Each mode of being is likened to a new internal god.
Now this is where it gets interesting, because the spirit now believes that it just has to scale one side to reach the top, so it puts all its energy into one of those modes of being and hola it soon reaches the top, but no, it almost reaches the top, because guess what is now before it, the allseeing eye stands guard at this juncture at the top of the pyramid, and the spirit tries everything it has learned on its ascent up the slope, but this eye will not let it pass.
Now the spirit has 2 choices, it can stay there with this ever growing feeling of unfulfillment, or it can face the horrific thought of having to go all the way back down and starting on another slope. If it stays, it will begin to lose its spiritual awareness and remain at its position in a state of growing angst..If it goes back down , it faces more great struggle, but its spiritual awareness will remain active and growing.
Now each slope being a mode of awareness , has a spiritual lesson in its climb which could be termed a rite of passage. To look within for without. Now when a spirit has treaded all 4 slopes , and experienced the 4 rites of passage, then it receives the key to the 5th dimension, the ascension through the all seeing eye into the higher realms. It now can pass /exist outside the pyramid and enter/ exit at will to assist other aspiring spirits where requested.
The all seeing eye is the master and eternal guard of the pyramid below, but it has no knowledge of the 5th realm. Alas, The key to passing through the all seeing eye is an occult agreement which can never be stated in the pyramid , but it can be realized by those whom are spiritually enlightened, thus it always was, and this key is in fact the key to victory
The key symbolic importance of this battle is that both the controlling spirit and the higher spirits in the 5th realm receive their spiritual energy from this pyramid.
Therefore it can be seen that every enlightened spirit that discovers the key, brings forth energy to the higher spirits. The controlling spirits plan is symbolically obvious, it is blocking the path to the 5th realm using a complex mathematics of seduction which disables the ascending spirits on the slopes and causing a backing down so to speak which progressively inhibits the passage into the 5th realm. It also makes it more difficult(uses more energy) for the higher spirits to assist their fellows in the ascension.
Re-incarnation is of course an item to be slotted in this equation whereby ascending spirits come back for round 2 or more armed with some or more of the rites of passage.
This is where spiritual awareness in itself is the most important aspect in that as long as the spirit is ascending, it gets another shot so to speak, but if a spirit is broken and drained of all spirituality in any mortal lifespan, then it becomes an eternal undead and acts as an agent for the controlling spirit . But the most important thing I will declare and it may be the most important thing I ever declare, is that the controlling spirit can not and does not directly touch any true spiritual awareness. Rather it uses these complex mathematical seductions to set the conditions for a free spirit to imprison itself thus wreaking spiritual destruction in the earthly world. This is the most horrific realization known to a defeated spirit , that when it reaches the point of no return (the undead) it is shown by the allseeing eye, that no external force was responsible for its imprisonment, but it had in fact chosen its own imprisonment. This is like the reversal of enlightenment and like an internal atomic bomb going off which incredibly feeds the negative energy on the earthly plain which is mirrored in the higher plains.
It is in essence a battle of spiritual energy

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Post  seraphim Sat 17 Apr 2010, 20:22

What a fairytale!
To look within for without.

But the most important thing I will declare and it may be the most important thing I ever declare, is that the controlling spirit can not and does
not directly touch any true spiritual awareness.
Now that really makes sense to me. Don't know if I can put it in words. Kind of like realizing there is more to the picture and there is an unlimited amount of everything including awareness. You can...

Rather it uses these complex mathematical seductions to set the conditions for a free spirit to imprison itself thus wreaking spiritual destruction in the earthly world. This is the most horrific realization known to a defeated spirit , that when it reaches the point of no return (the undead) it is shown by the allseeing eye, that no external force was responsible for its imprisonment, but it had in fact
chosen its own imprisonment. This is like the reversal of enlightenment and like an internal atomic bomb going off which incredibly feeds the negative energy on the earthly plain which is mirrored in the higher plains.
It is in essence a battle of spiritual energy.
That is so sad. And people are forced to hurt themselves and they don't know they are doing it. Like they gave there self away and didn't know it. It can't all be the consciousness entrapping the soul!! Although that might be how it works, something else is causing that to happen.

And there must be a return from the dead?? But then it would have to be a new soul.
If life was sculpted from clay and if the lower life forms achieved higher life forms you would think so.

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