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Random Humor

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 23 Dec 2009, 02:35

thats terrible that ski accident but if u think about it, doing about 90mph on 2 slippery
boards on ice, then jumping , has additional elements of danger in it

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 23 Dec 2009, 03:45

Fuck that snowboarder and his ankles. Foolish activity taken to foolish heights.
Should have smacked his head on a rock and decorated the snow-covered slope with a crimson streak...and at least made it...art.

The picture of the fake dude hanging from the roof is funny.

I made a dummy just like that...very lifelike and stuck a huge knife in its chest with fake blood all over it.
I then would hang the dummy from high tree limb by a rope through an eye hook that extended over a walking path.
Every Halloween the trick or treaters would have to walk down this path to get to my apartment building to start knocking on multiple doors for candy. As they walk down the path, I would release my hold on the rope and allow the dummy to fall from the tree right in front of them. The path was dimly lit but well enough for the freak out factor to reach humorous heights.
Kids would scatter...and scream...and then we would blast the manic laughing of Ozzy Osbourne edited and looped from the boom box turned on full blast. Myself and my buddy were dressed in black hooded cloaks with the sunglasses with red lights in them and would further chase them up the path and around the yard...yelling and hooting.

All tricks..no treats.

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  seraphim Thu 24 Dec 2009, 00:32

LOL, scare them good!!
You diverted my attention once again Flames lol!

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Thu 24 Dec 2009, 02:23

The 'skier' jumps off an ice mound intentionally built to propel a skier
at an increased velocity of about fifty miles per hour so that another
thrill can be more intensely experienced, I swear, I'm living on a
planet of cretins and idiots.

Imagine all the time, energy, the rescue services, money, supplies,
transport and people that were involved to save this guy from his
own macabre existence?

Is it any wonder this elite crowd is intent on exterminating us?

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Wed 30 Dec 2009, 10:00

A scaffold coupling machined out of steel with a stopper in the middle
with two large holes on either end to secure it in place with pins in the
scaffold is that guy's "5,000 year old flute handed down to him from his

Wasn't Hurricane Katrina a few years ago suppose to have taken those
people out? Twisted Evil

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  tgII Wed 30 Dec 2009, 10:19

It's the humor thread, keep it coming. bounce

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 30 Dec 2009, 18:16

CARLOS ESTEVEZ - Looks like hes in the relationship soup again with a christmas eve spat that had him "allegedly" taking a blade to his partner, the legal clowns are rubbing their hands with christmas joy
Random Humor Ap_sheen_091226_main


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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 30 Dec 2009, 19:12

Yes...two felonies and a misdemeanor count against 'ol Chuckie Sheen.

Now, in this picture, is he beaming on coke or tweaking on crank? You be the judge.

I loved it when Alex Jones chose Charlie Sheen to be his celebrity of truth and did the whole "20 minutes with the president" waste of time thing. I mean let's go after the morally and ethically bankrupt with someone who is also just as void of any real elevated quality.

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 30 Dec 2009, 20:20

Now, in this picture, is he beaming on coke or tweaking on crank? You be the judge.

I was thinking that Ginger Lynn was just under the frame Razz

who is also just as void of any real elevated quality.

Sums his emanation nicely

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 01 Jan 2010, 03:42

Random Humor SNF0101TVDG_280_957881a
Random Humor Klingon

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  Sputnik Mon 04 Jan 2010, 04:27

Random Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyuRandom Humor 21lkiyu

I KNEW HE WOULD DO IT BEFORE HE DID IT "must be some kind of magic"... Random Humor 5bxmxw

So far he deleted his entire Forum except for two categories: "what's new" & "magic"


I am pretty sure "Pluto" Random Humor 17318x will continue to reveal Guru Mtsar's preachings onto himself.

Shit...look at this "Red Ice pic" looks like he got seriously elfstruck

Random Humor Xnx4qo

..and who is this face of a woman in the background..???

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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Jan 2010, 08:19

OMFG Pluto has just destroyed everything!!! OMFG!!

Last edited by seraphim on Mon 04 Jan 2010, 19:20; edited 1 time in total

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 04 Jan 2010, 11:42

"Deleted" you got evidence of that DramaQueen , took a look at your ahem own forum recently, you really need to do some more editing and housecleaning , because as it stands, it is a signpost (plenty evidence there ) of your own "Plutonic process" thats going on behind that projection you display.. ie if i put forth the proposition of "hysteria" to you , does that ring your bell

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 04 Jan 2010, 14:20


Masturbatory...just masturbatory. You are cumming all over yourself...writhing and squealing...

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Jan 2010, 19:23

"Deleted" you got evidence of that DramaQueen , took a look at your ahem own forum recently, you really need to do some more editing and housecleaning , because as it stands, it is a signpost (plenty evidence there ) of your own "Plutonic process" thats going on behind that projection you display.. ie if i put forth the proposition of "hysteria" to you , does that ring your bell
OHHHHH it's my daddy!!! ewwwwww there's my daddy! Oh gosh I know that poster had no excuse but for me it's just that I was seeing red when I saw a goddess in the background picture and couldn't help myself. I deserve a whipin now!

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  Sputnik Mon 04 Jan 2010, 21:44

Seriously I can't wait for Mtsar to pull off his final forum solution and Random Humor 200r04z the rest of it too...

...basically just fulfilling the dream of the warrior's purpose Random Humor Amn2b

What's this new hue of forumcolor "design" ...... diarrhoea?

Nice to see you're still stiring your Random Humor Kdocb5

Bon Appétit yo little Random Humor Zjgy81

Random Humor 24qo706

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  seraphim Tue 05 Jan 2010, 05:53

Whoa Shakti has arrived!

Uri you need some humor. I'll get a video for you next time.

I don't want to hear your problems, you need to get professional help.
You can't just take it out on the people of the internet. It seems that you depend on
and revolve your life around on what others do like mtsar or rather what you want them to do and how
you want to be the ruler. You don't have to control everyone.

You come here to feed off of the shit that you create. You like to stir shit
and eat it? If that's what you want I can feed it to you but I don't have time
for that.

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 08:00

Yeah I can see your point, schadenfreude is not the kind of humor that one finds funny when being the subject matter of it. However, it's not a bad idea to learn to laugh about oneself and not to take life too serious all the time, because remember...nobody ever got out alive...

too sorry you don't like my kind of humor albino

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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 05 Jan 2010, 14:50

The humour is great Drama Queen , and you have some nice skills artistically too

But the problems are your Treachery , your deception , your manipulations and misrepresentations of other peoples words , should i go on, or do you have enough to be getting on with , unless you also include those actions in your humour, but this would then mean there is no ground left to take you serious , you be the fool , is that what you crave or what you are, a damn fool

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Random Humor Empty Re: Random Humor

Post  Sputnik Tue 05 Jan 2010, 17:05

I prefer the name JOKER jocolor but fool is cool

I am many things to many people (I guess)....so if I am the fool...to you, then...what it the origin of this

treachery, deception, manipulations and misrepresentations....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Isn't it the fool's job to make a parody of the kings weaknesses, yes??? yes..?? scratch

Cooooool, the owl and my mirror are never tired to be just like thee.

Here, check out my dedication clip:

Thanks, that was a great joke...

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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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