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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 14 Jan 2012, 11:33

Yes i do, and there are very few artists in the music world that can portray the depth of philosophical reflection that about 6 or 7 of the JD numbers do , compare those lyrics with about 90% of the impotent candy floss around today

Heres another Cool

The evidence was always there that Curtis was in conversation with Entitys, probably with the assistance of potions


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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  highnoon Fri 27 Jan 2012, 00:50

i feel like defining what the bottom tier foods are like mcdonalds and kraft dinner are what matters, or like those sausages with all the cancer causing preseratives and semi edible plastic wrapping are whats to stay away from. but eating apples and vegetables has to be mid tier health even if they arent organic. to me comparing kraft dinner to non organic spinach is like comparing apples and oranges ...er.

anyway. i agree about mercola.

his protocols are if you want to be a professional at being alive. like have the health that is 10.1 out of 10 at all possible times. im sure it feels great, but i dont have the resources to keep that pace. im going to eat commercial ice cream rarely, and im not going to take measures like a colon cleanse just because i slipped a little bit with my food habits.

i believe i eat better than the majority i make vegetable smoothies daily, like joe rogan the guy i called out LOL (and still question) and thats good enough for me.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 27 Jan 2012, 01:57


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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 28 Jan 2012, 19:00

I actually felt you were right on the spot concerning Mercola.

He and these other sites have excellent advice, but the bombardment of emails and marketing is over the top as they all intrude like a virus when I subscribe.

Dr. David Williams

Dr. Whitaker...

Mike Adams...


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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  tgII Mon 27 Feb 2012, 01:20

The Health Thread; I always figured Freud as a psychopath...mental
health thread.

The fact is that it is the psychopaths who rise to the top who have no stress. Normal people who feel empathy and who have a conscience are the ones who are being crushed in this pathological society. [I'll say; I'm exhausted] To whom do French people turn to in order to get help for their sufferings and wounds? As it happens, the psychological sciences in France are as backward as almost everything else; they still consider Freud to be the only psychological authority! How Dark Ages is that? Most psychology in the rest of the modern world is NOT Freudian and more and more psychologists are coming to the realization - as Jung did - that Freud was a psychopath himself. Which means that psychological help in France can only add to people's suffering.

The entire field of psychiatric health care in America and most of the
western world is so fucked up at present, I really don't think there is
going back from the abyss; Freud stripped man of his soul and turned
him into an animal that spends most of their waking hours learning
how to fuck over and exploit the other guy.


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Post  tgII Mon 27 Feb 2012, 04:36

Jung was wholistic and spiritual; Freud was a demented inbred sexually abused
psycho - and in their works they shall be known hey?

Did you know that in France - basically, totally fascist (religious freaks) - if you
have a psychiatry practice based on the work of Karl Jung, if you even get that
far, you will be shut down because the psychiatry profession there, linked to
fascist government control, do not want people to have access to alternatives. It
essentially means you become compliant and obedient to the power structure.

That's how they are able to get French fighter pilots to fly missions on Libya
blowing the shit out of innocent people and valuable infrastructure.

It is with great regret America came to France's assistance when Germany was
about to bring the French to their knees in the early 1940s.

It is a sickness: the French think they are the world's greatest culture; the
Americans think likewise; the British think they own the world; the Russians
are becoming fearful again re: immense popularity of Vladimir Putin.

Bring the popcorn, when this shit gets figured out a lot of people are going
to get killed.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 27 Feb 2012, 12:27

Jung wasn't a Jew...like the rest of psychology's historical celebrities.

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Post  tgII Mon 27 Feb 2012, 12:41

Well, now that you mentioned it, yes, Freud was a Jew, but
this also requires some extensive background reading here...

and here...

...to understand it's their particular brand of monotheistic religion
that is the precursor driving/animating almost all human motivation and


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 27 Feb 2012, 22:28

Good links...and key information to gain understanding.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 12 Mar 2012, 08:37

Pink Slime Ground "Beef"...

Meanwhile a 65 year old man just KNOWING a person selling raw milk is ambushed, arrested with one million dollars bail and tortured in LA jail...
James Stewart, the 65-year-old "milk man" from California, was arrested nine days ago for the crime of merely "knowing" Sharon Palmer. His bail was set at the astonishing level of $1 million -- an amount rarely used even for rapists and murderers. (Sharon's bail was set at $2 million!)



This astonishing interview between James Stewart and Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) from NaturalNews.com reveals the shocking TORTURE of a 65-year-old "milk man" in California. Details from the interview include:

* How James was subjected to severe food deprivation.

* How he was interrogated by deputies and accused of being a "sovereign," then branded with a red arm band (Nazi-style) to falsely indicate that he was a danger to the general population.

* How James was shackled in long chains wrapped around his waist multiple times, then had his hands cuffed behind his back which was bound to the heavy waist chain to restrict his movement. His handcuffs were so tight he thought his wrists would break.

* James was then handcuffed to a cold bench, restricting his movement to just six inches, then left on the bench for 4-5 hours.

* James was then forcibly subjected to various medical tests, including forced chest X-rays even while he was handcuffed.

* He was placed in a cold cell wearing only a T-shirt and pants, where he soon began to suffer from hypothermia and found himself violently shivering just to stay alive.

* How he was made to suffer through total sleep deprivation all night long as other prisoners were screaming and banging on the walls.

* His cell was then flooded with raw human sewage, which flowed into his jail cell 2-3 inches deep, covering his shoes and shirt. LA County jail guards then ordered James to clean up all the raw sewage in his cell by handing him a small hand-held squeegee and demanding that he squeegee out all the raw sewage himself (which he reluctantly did).

* He was then forced to stay in the putrid raw sewage cell for over 30 hours, fighting off nausea and living in bacteriological filth that threatened his health.

* All along, the LA County prison guards gloated over their treatment of prisoners while laughing and joking about their power to subject prisoners to such abuse. This behavior openly mimics that of Gitmo guards who took pictures gloating over their torture and murder of prisoners of war.

* During this entire process, James was not allowed a single phone call nor any visit from an attorney. His right to speak to an attorney was repeatedly denied.

* At no point was James notified of what he was being charged with. He was never presented with an arrest warrant nor were any charges explained to him.

* James was mysteriously "lost" in the system and LA County officials claimed they did not know where he was. This was apparently a deliberate attempt to subject an individual to drawn-out torture without legal representation and make sure no one could locate them to check on their health or arrest status.

Meanwhile in France, Raw milk vending machines now available...America truly is the most fucked up place on the planet...


...and I just want to thank everyone for their posts as of late, especially your well-researched information tg, but I just don't have the time as of late to research them or add further comment. Two sick kids at home leaves me a bit busy as of late.

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Post  tgII Mon 12 Mar 2012, 12:11

Not to worry, Qsc, we're all strapped for time and our circumstances are
different. Take care of the children.

The 'milk man' should have prepared himself before allowing circumstances
to get to the point they did...corporate law will crush anyone not prepared.

It starts here:


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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  seraphim Sat 31 Mar 2012, 08:21

Hi quicksilvercrescendo, hope your little ones are feeling better. I give my little one cod liver oil and they are holding up well enough. Sadly they don't get enough raw milk for their probiotics, which make antibiotics in the gut.
When I wasn't under so much stress I never got sick. It's amazing what the mental part of ourselves can do. My awareness and lifeforce slowly go down the drain when I stopped meditating. Now I depend on vitamin C and medicinal mushrooms and such...and I appreciate everything more and more.

Instead of the mental part, I started focusing on the physical alot and working out, strength exercises and swimming. Have you or do you currently do any body exercises Blackbird or something with your body. If you like to dance, maybe do more of that? I would highly recommend something in those lines. I'm so happy that almost everyone here has their own regimen.

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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  tgII Fri 06 Apr 2012, 03:17

Listen to this astonishing discussion and pay attention to the part about the mice
experiment. Draw your own conclusions when thinking about humans and what
they eat.


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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  Sputnik Fri 06 Apr 2012, 12:30

Thanks for all the info guys. "Gaba"....shuts down the brain...wow..

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Post  tgII Fri 06 Apr 2012, 13:39

Yeah, amazing isn't it? Yogurt anyone? And not the crap off the shelves, it is loaded
with aspartame.

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The Health Thread - Page 17 Empty Re: The Health Thread

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 09 Apr 2012, 11:20

Certainly makes one wonder about how what you eat or drink , affects not only your physicality, but also your psychopathy and spirituality
One must presume that the level of dietary / bacteria study is so advanced now, that they (corporate food manufacturers) can maybe put ingredients in food or drink that will "tend to herd" the targeted human subjects into the required state of mind for maximum influence

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Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 09 Apr 2012, 11:56

edit (;


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