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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 07 Jan 2011, 01:43

Meditation varies greatly and some methods are completely different from one another. So you can choose a method that agrees with you or one that may have a certain..."intent". Although "intent" in some form of meditation is not to be a factor during the meditation.

There are meditations that center around soma and the body.
Then there are meditations that center around the mind.
Then there are meditations that incorporate visualizations, mantras, body postures, breathing techniques, hypnotic auto-suggestion and many other additions.

I have already touched upon two older somatic-to-mind methods.

One of my meditation methods is based upon relaxation, emptying the mind and stillness. There are no visualizations, mantras, thought frameworks using mental willpower, reflecting on spiritual concepts or any mind-based interventions added for this type of meditation. It is a reductive approach.
It is based upon the work of Ainslie Meares. Except I do include physical relaxation in my practice which differs from his method...and I do not incorporate hypnosis of any kind as he uses in his atavistic regression method.
But the qualities of stillness and non-striving are very much like my own method in many respects.

In Life Without Stress, he describes it this way, "In the meditation that I would advise you to practise there is no striving, no activity of brain function, just quietness, a stillness of effortless tranquility." For him, brain function meant the brain was engaged even when using classical ways of attention to the breath, visualisation or counting.

The letting-go approach encourages achieving stillness by simply letting go thoughts when they arise. By inviting stillness, at first in fragments, stillness increases until it becomes a continuous flow. He stressed the importance of being uncritical of oneself, and of not assessing the process. Meares used the term "just being" rather than being about something or otherwise engaging the mind, "We are seeking a form of relaxation which arises in the brain itself..."

In an undramatic way, he encouraged the meditator to just let the mind be still for anything from a mere ten minutes a day. By allowing the mind to "rest" the meditation would affect the flow in other areas of the body, the mind and in functioning in the outer world.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 08 Jan 2011, 14:51

im sure there are ancestral avenues for stress from residual untapped primal passions that cannot find expression or transmutation

stress is from endured tension which can be also positive towards a heightened joyful anticipation or negative down to a fear or depression because the stress (endured tension ) is not manifesting or transmuting into anything tangible and so begins to corrode its host which could be interpreted as increases its own pressure inside its containment vessel leading to a meltdown through the emotional body of expression

Found some comments on meditation which have some scientific language in their descript

What is Meditation? Why is it a Science?

Webster's dictionary defines the term "to meditate" as "to engage in contemplation or reflection." This is an accurate description of one effective form modern meditation can take. It goes beyond the mystical method of seeking the ecstasy of union with the divine or with God for its own sake. It transcends the goal of many modern types of meditation which emphasise "peace of mind" by detaching the mind from all its normal functions, often inducing a sense of mental paralysis rather than peace. The mind is thus incapable of registration, interpretation and application.

These three words probably supply the most accurate definition of creative meditation- -registration, interpretation, application. They imply mental activity, involving cause and effect, contact with a source of inspiration, and the consequent ability to use and apply the fruits of meditation.

There is a way, which can be learned and practiced by which the consciousness can be focussed aligned and turned towards the first source of spiritual inspiration--the soul This starts with mental activity; not only that of the lower mind, the analysing, directing faculty, but also the ability to bring the lower mind, through conscious direction into alignment with the higher mind and soul. A thought or "seed idea" contemplated in the light of the soul produces new thoughts, mental illumination, which the lower mind interprets and applies.

Because meditation is concerned with mental receptivity, it is essentially a means of channelling energy. Scientists today tend to agree that ''all is energy"--a basic occult aphorism. The life force that holds all manifestation in being, is energy; consciousness is response to the energy infusing human hearts and minds. Clearly directed thought in meditation, with the mind held steady in the light of the soul, is a scientific means of contacting those major aspects of the life force we call light and love and power, giving them right interpretation, and directing them, in the form of ideas and planning, into specific activity.

Meditation is a scientific technique which can be relied upon to produce results if followed through with care and precision. While the techniques of meditation can be learned, the way the techniques are applied varies for each one. Each must find that way for himself, for it is in experimentation that we gain experience in the right use of the mind, bring the consciousness into alignment with soul energy

Redefining Spiritual Living

The idea of spiritual development has been associated almost exclusively with the religions of the world. To be doing "spiritual" work meant becoming a priest, a rabbi or a minister; or it meant joining a religious order of one kind or another. The church rather than the human soul became the custodian of the spiritual life. Today the individual is the custodian of his own spiritual life and is in process of spiritualising his material life.

While the religious man postulates that God is everywhere, the scientist has discovered that energy is everywhere. The main problem stemming from this relatively modern cleavage between spirit and matter concerns the human condition itself. When spirituality is left unrelated to ordinary daily life, the lower, material values tend to hold sway; whereas for better world conditions, human wellbeing and right human relationships, spiritual energies must condition material values and material living.

'The word "spiritual" relates to attitudes, to relationships, to the moving forward from one level of consciousness to the next. It is related to the power to see a new vision and new and better possibilities. It refers to every effect of the evolutionary process as it drives man forward from one range of sensitivity to another; it relates to expansions of consciousness, to all activity which leads toward some form of further development. The discoveries of science, or the production of some great work in literature or in the field of art, are just as much an evidence of spiritual unfoldment as the experiences of the mystic or the registration by the disciple of a contact with his own soul.

Recognising one's own spiritual nature allows the individual to recognise divinity in others and in all forms of life. Learning to think of each other as souls, we begin to act accordingly. As each takes his own next step forward into a more inclusive and compassionate understanding, he helps to lift the human family nearer to its spiritual destiny--the establishing of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Meditation: A Spiritual Discipline

Since the word "spiritual" applies virtually to the whole of life, it describes anything that leads to greater vision, understanding, and integration with the various forms life takes. Spirituality involves an ever-widening sphere of influence and responsibility.

The key word in spiritual development is discipline. A life that is self-disciplined mentally, emotionally and physically, can be depended upon by the soul. The initial occasional contacts between soul and personality, fostered by meditation, can be increased both in duration and intensity as the disciplined personality offers a ready channel for the soul to use. The careful, non-fanatical discipline of the self-centered personality vehicles-or states of awareness-establishes a working relationship between the personality and the soul, bringing the personality life into alignment with soul intention.

The discipline of daily meditation as a means of contacting the soul and of developing soul consciousness and soul fusion, is a major means of spiritualising life on this planet and helping to externalise the Kingdom of God.

The Four Components of the Personality

The science of meditation involves the fact that a human being is essentially a spiritual entity occupying a personality form. The personality itself is composed of four vehicles, or bodies: the mental, emotional, etheric and dense physical. Meditation is concerned with the right use and control of these personality vehicles, their integration into a unified, coordinated whole and finally, the fusion of the integrated personality with the soul.

Each of the personality vehicles is the agent of a particular type of energy and experience, providing both a mechanism of perception and a means of expression. The mind, or mental body, distinguishes the true from the false, evaluates facts and weighs the opinions and ideas of others. The mind plans and decides; it is essentially a creative mechanism. The emotional body is that component of the personality which perceives and expresses feelings-love, hate, desire, longing, anger, or the scores of other emotions. The etheric body is the energy body, which interpenetrates dense physical matter and conditions it by the type and quality of energy flowing through the etheric channels. The etheric is the medium of contact and response with the ocean of energies in which we live. The dense physical vehicle functions largely as an automaton, responding to the thoughts and feelings which flow, as energies, through the etheric body, motivating physical activities.

Work in meditation is required to harmonise the thinking and feeling faculties, to coordinate and integrate the mental and emotional bodies into a coherent whole, evoking the flow of energy from the soul. With the mind, the emotional and physical bodies under the guidance of spiritual purpose, inner conflicts are resolved and the integrated personality becomes a pure vehicle of soul expression, a means of releasing greater light and love into the world of human affairs.

The Nature of the Soul

The soul is the seat of consciousness and quality the true server, the disciple. The term "discipleship" defines the effort to live a life of service with its inevitable expansions of consciousness.

The soul is the intelligent will to good of the principle of love, the centre of spiritual force through which the plans of God come into being. Every form of any kind, be it an atom, a human being, or a planet, has--or is--a soul. The soul, or consciousness principle, while identical in nature in all human beings, varies in degree of development and unfoldment.

The student of meditation requires an effective source of teachings in which he has confidence and which can be tested and self-applied. Each expansion of consciousness, always initiated by the individual himself, fits him to express soul awareness more clearly and accurately. There is a ''chain" of hierarchy, or soul life, linking together all who are capable in some degree of expressing the qualities and principles of our evolving planetary life. All are inter-related and interdependent, from the unit to the whole, and the achievement of any individual profoundly affects the whole.

The human soul includes, but is not limited by, the Personality through which life is expressed. Through meditation and contemplation, and through the sustained intent of the disciple, the soul illumines the mind and inspires the heart, which in turn transmit understanding and wisdom to the brain. The psyche or soul, the perceiver or thinker, is the immortal, imperishable spark of divinity, the Son of God, the spiritual intelligence which is the real man.

Meditation: The Bridge Between Soul and Personality

The recognition of duality in human nature produces, eventually, the intention to bridge the gap between the personality and soul, for the soul ever seeks conscious union with its personality expression. While aspiration may provide the motive, the real work of bridge building is carried out on the mental level, based on the ability to control the mind through the discipline of regular meditation.

Meditation establishes relationship between soul and personality. It is a cooperative relationship, leading ultimately to soul-personality fusion. The work is based on the simple premise that energy follows and conforms itself to thought. Correct use of the power of the mind will achieve any purpose, good or not so good. Occult meditation involves a focussed mind, the capacity to visualise, an ability to build thoughtforms and to use the creative imagination, plus an accurate grasp of the soul's intent.

This type of meditation enhances the quality of life. It creates a lighted way of relationship and communication between the subjective realm of the soul and its objective expression. the personality. As the personality adapts and surrenders to the dominance of the soul as the real Self, it is in turn redeemed by soul light and energy and all aspects of life on the physical plane are irradiated and uplifted.

Dangers and Safeguards of Meditation

The way of meditation is much like any other journey, in that one follows a path to reach a goal. And, as with any path, there are certain pitfalls that may face the traveller. Meditation is not harmful itself, but if misused or practiced unwisely, it can create personal problems for the meditator.

The major safeguard in any course of meditation is simple commonsense, and a balanced attitude. Commonsense offsets over-zealousness, fanaticism or a rigid one-pointedness, which can lead to mental or physical strain. With a sense of balance, one realises that progress in consciousness is a long-term affair, and that changes do not occur over-night. This avoids the disappointment felt by the neophyte when great revelations do not come as promptly as desired.

One of the major pitfalls of meditation is also one of the best known: the case of an individual who becomes so lost in his own subjective world that he tends to withdraw from physical reality. Meditation should lead to a well-rounded life expression. Too much mental strain or over-stimulation can be corrected by expressing mental experiences as physical facts. This might be done by attempting to translate one's highest visions or ideas into some project or activity which will benefit others.

A second possible danger of meditation lies in emotional overstimulation. Meditation brings an increased flow of energy into the meditator's life, which tends to accentuate both positive and negative qualities, and to bring them to the surface where they can be clearly seen. Each meditator is responsible for handling this greater energy flow. He has to discover his own emotional weaknesses and endeavour to maintain a balancing focus of attention on the mental plane.

The student of meditation should proceed slowly and cautiously. Anything worthwhile requires time and effort. The results that occur from a slow building process are more likely to endure than the results of work done hastily in hope of instant success. The student should also aim at regularity in meditation. Twenty minutes' work daily is worth more and is safer than four hours of work once a month.

The most reliable safeguard is to be found in a life of service. Meditation brings in energy and inspiration. If this is not expressed through some form of service, it can result in congestion or overstimulation. Service is the right use of soul energy, vision and inspiration.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post  seraphim Sun 09 Jan 2011, 22:26

I know the universe won't give us what we want, especially in the shape folks are in. But even if a person can manifest those things
it seems all of what a person wants is not a true source of happiness. Isn't that something.Maybe because we are spirit and material and things of all nature dissolve, and were not real to begin with.

It seems so difficult to go inwards, to wake up or even to connect. I can only imagine something was cut out of us on purpose to make that happen. Something missing. And the one thing that is so very real is meditation but made so unreal.
Why does it seem we have to go through all the pain and bliss just to break through and then be birthed into something new.

Meditation is not even about meditation or a function. It's about becoming alive. It has got turned backward and mixed up like almost everything else. But if meditation doesn't work anymore for reasons known, then I hope everyone finds what works for them through these times, especially to you fine folks here and throughout the world.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post  seraphim Tue 11 Jan 2011, 03:30

One aspect that fascinates me, is that sometimes, just in my short time attempting, something can just enter the mind that has/had no connection to awake thoughts , like its appearing from the same source as the dreams do, this is something that is of great interest , that source.
On another note it may be just things coming through or glimpses of the Absolute.

"Only when we shall have reached the absolute Consciousness, and blended our own with it,
shall we be free from the delusions produced by Maya."


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