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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  tgII Tue 06 Apr 2010, 13:47

This dude is steroid free, I think Stone could learn a thing
or two from him:


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 07 Apr 2010, 08:57

Synthetic Growth hormone - A living example for Genetic engineering, and so far it seems its working, on his physical , gonna watch sly real close as he ages for internal organ issues
BUt one gets the feeling that sly is not a guy that can relax too easily , he comes across as more hyper as he gets older , maybe these growth hormones having big negative effect in the sublime region

Cool click Device - i dont know whether to laugh or cry Very Happy

Put that big muthaxxxer on the sumo circuit tG, he might only manage one charge but that should do it if he connects with opponent

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 07 Apr 2010, 17:54

At least the pig-men are.
They are here for a reason as we approach armageddon...for food.

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  seraphim Thu 08 Apr 2010, 03:49

You all have seen bloated up cows taking horomone injections??? Sickening and that is exactly what those big bodybuilders are! They deflate and then turn into fat after.
There are natural bodybuilders, who look way better than those cowbuilders who look grotesque. Take about the herd, they really are!
I will find some pics.

The latest??.....


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  seraphim Thu 08 Apr 2010, 04:28

No one knows what effect, if any, the hormone has on milk or the people who drink it.
Violence obviously huh...........Is this real or what Flames
Natural and sane.....
Eugene Sandow
Exercise Talk - Page 3 2j5z79l

Vince Gironda
Exercise Talk - Page 3 Fdbkt2
and something not right at all below.....
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The poor cow above doesn't even give justice to what they really look like. I guess the FDA has grabbed them off the net!

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  seraphim Thu 08 Apr 2010, 04:56

Unfortunately people don't care even if they knew, and when they get the symptoms, like bloating up or growth pains in children they don't even think about the artificially injected horomone milk.

They will probably teach children that artificial steroids are good for you! Or they will say, we were wrong, it all will get you sick, that is why if you get the transhuman android chip robot in you, then you will be even stronger. Evil or Very Mad
Of course the research is out there on all the negatives and side effects, did you know that Rbgh causes cancer.

Most people on steroids? Yeah and whether we like it or not horomones are a part of us and occur naturally inside, our own steroids you are right. Plus we consume them in natural dairy and that is very healthy. That is why we are strong animals! Laughing
Horomones are clever molecules aren't they, don't mean to change topic for a minute but the sex horomones were diabolically imbalanced to control a person.

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 08 Apr 2010, 12:12

Vince Gironda was an exercise and fitness genius.

It was Bill Pearl and John Grimeck in the early fifties that started experimenting with steroids...the science was coming out of Russia.
But the dosages they took were incredibly low compared to what modern roid heads take.
But after a while Bill Pearl decided to not use steroids...but he was able to put thirty pounds of muscle on his body in just three months...so it did work well in this regard.
But it is after the fifties that pretty much most professional bodybuilders were taking steroids and by the eighties they were maxing out on them.

So the bodybuilders of the pre-fifties era were not using steroids but would use copious amounts of organ meats, good milk and nutrient rich foods to build their size and strength.

Here is another natural...one of the last before steroids became popular.
Probably, what I would consider, the most balanced all natural physique enhanced with resistance and weight training.

Steve Reeves...
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But from an aesthetic perspective most bodybuilders, including Reeves, tend to over stimulate their arm biceps causing a permanent posture of flexion or bending in the arm that is not balanced. And sometimes the chest is also a bit overdeveloped. But these exaggerations are now considered desirable by most.

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 08 Apr 2010, 12:45

Yeah Reeves definetly one of the best natural lookers
There must be some ancestral fear memory lingering in male psychology that computes raw power with visible bicep and chest pecs development , which is probably a half truth at best, with all the knowledge coming on regarding chi flow

The 80s were unreal for steroid abuse , i remember seeing some abonimal shapes and extremes , probably worse today as well, im just not looking out for them

Nowadays im more impressed by physical structures like "Steve maxwell" because hes an older guy keeping in good condition without chemical turbochargers, at least i dont think he is Very Happy


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  seraphim Fri 09 Apr 2010, 04:38

I'm glad you guys see through the madness!
Okay H, I admit I got the paleo link and pics from someone I was talking to about health on another forum last year. I hope to have shared with them and everyone how important some things are. I wish for everyone to not have to suffer from the food they eat and how good they can feel. I've been eating like that for almost 15 years but not constant and I tell everyone about it. It's too bad folks have an aversion to the raw, I'm very sure they were taught to be that way, for maybe despotic reasons, now they will only go as far as raw sushi. You know why so many people crave it. They the need the raw......


1) How do we make less of them?

2) How do we get away with it?

A. Fuck them up sexually, of course, re-route their natural biological behaviors. Do this through means of:

B. Over-Sexualization: through all media: mainstream and porn

C. Food, Medical & Water supply: contaminate all immediately, Let us make sure they never reproduce

D. Fuck up their minds for good, they will extinguish themselves and each other

3) Destroy all Moral Value

4) Let us justify our own Elite Moral Value
Flames those are all wonderful things and remember take away their free will! You know that folks are so hooked on fear and pleasure because that can be fed off of. So messing up people and sacrificing them are good thangs.

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 24 Apr 2010, 19:35

Check your visual perception .........I got this one correct on first attempt


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 08 Aug 2010, 09:13

This is a rare martial arts find. You won't see anything like it on the net.
A synthesis of Chinese and Indonesian solo form using real internal energy and chi flow...
...at 2:15 the energy is now focused into striking forms...most will look at this type of thing as some random spasm of movements that make no sense...nothing could be further from the real deal.


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 26 Nov 2010, 21:23

Check this dude out Quicksilver, TG, Flames, et al , they showed his speed demo on the news tonight, one of the fastest mothers ive seen since lee, hes heading to the states for a bruce lee weekend invited by the bruce lee family

A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary?
= Tommy Carruthers

Tommy Carruthers Biography

Tommy Carruthers has over 30 years experience in the martial arts which includes training in military self-defence techniques (taught to him by his father), Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Karate, boxing, Ving Tsun (four years with Nino Bernardo's clan), Non-Classical Gung Fu and finally Jeet Kune Do. Whilst training in western boxing, Tommy made something of a name for himself and became the subject of several tempting offers to turn professional. "But still to Tommy, even though he seemed to excel in boxing, it was not JKD." (taken from Fighters Magazine, July 1997).

Frustrated with an absence of Jeet Kune Do clubs in his area, Tommy began to train by himself, pushing himself to the limits and along the way reading and assimilating absolutely everything that was around on JKD. He attended various JKD seminars in Europe but remained unimpressed. "I felt that what they were teaching would not work on the street, and it is in that arena that the truth comes out". Eventually he came across an article on Gary Dill in an American Kung Fu magazine. Everything in the article he agreed with so he took the plunge and phoned him up. Gary Dill was a student of the late James Lee, one of Bruce's own students. Taking the plunge he phoned him up and the upshot was that he was invited to America by Dill to train as a JKD instructor on an intensive course."

Later he came to the attention of Jesse R. Glover, Bruce Lee's first student and assistant-instructor. Glover then recommended Tommy to one of Bruce Lee's best and most highly respected students of his Oakland era, Howard Williams, as well as Bruce's last private student and protegé Ted Wong. It was also Mr Wong who awarded Tommy with an instructor ranking and eventually, Tommy was formally recognised by the JKD Nucleus (Bruce Lee Educational Foundation) at a formal dinner party with over 200 guests from around the Jeet Kune Do scene. In more recent years, Tommy has continued to train and build ties with many respected JKD practitioners from around the world such as Tim Tackett and original Bruce Lee student, Bob Bremer.

Over the years, Tommy Carruthers has acquired a reputation as being a very practical martial artist whose grueling training schedules alone would put most other athletes (from any sporting background) to shame. Tommy's affinity to simplicity and realism are almost certainly the result of being brought up in the rough streets of Glasgow's East End, where employment levels are low and violent crime rates are high.

In 2002 Tommy was invited by the Chinese Boxing Association Switzerland to come to Geneva to give a public demo of his talent live on stage at the SWISS EXPO. He has also recently appeared on several biographic Bruce Lee DVDs within a special feature called "In the footsteps of the Dragon", narrated by Jesse Glover.

What others have said:

"When Tommy is on he reminds me of Bruce when I knew him. The first time that I saw him I told him that he punches like Bruce. Tommy is also a very powerful kicker. He has Bruce like speed and power and is more flexible than Bruce was.

If Tommy landed a full force strike in the center of a person's chest there is a chance that their heart would stop. He transfers an amazing amount of shock with his strikes. He has taken Bruce's ideas and turned them into a functional reality." - Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee's first student)

"I've not met anybody on par with Bruce Lee except for Tommy Carruthers, who is better than Lee in some respects.

Let me say that Tommy is Bruce Lee #2, hands down. This is the baddest man around. I don't give out props lightly, so take note. There's a new martial star, and his name is Tommy Carruthers. If you are looking for a standard of excellence, look no further than this dude." - George Tan (Bruce Lee historian/film producer)

"....the fastest hands I have ever seen!" - David Peterson (direct student of Ving Tsun legend Wong Shun Leung)

"Tommy is a great JKD'er. But most important his students were also very good. This is important, because not all great martial artists can teach. Tommy can." - Tim Tackett, (JKD instructor of the Wednesday Night Group of Redlands, California)


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  seraphim Wed 01 Dec 2010, 07:22

Carruthers is amazing but still no comparison. I noticed that in cage fighting the fighters that know how to grapple or wrestle always win. So even if they are that good on their feet they can still be taken down, because the floor is a different matter. Well maybe they wouldn't have been able to take down Bruce Lee!
In honor of Bruce Lee...........
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” ~ Bruce Lee

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 18 Dec 2010, 01:14

Flames wrote:I finally picked up some kettlebells today. I'm very excited about this. I've been wanting to try a kettlebell routine for three years now. I started doing a circuit (training) today, and it really kicked my ass. Just one 15 minute workout, and that's it. The exhaustion is priceless. Afterward, I was too warn out to remember that I am clinically depressed. This could become my single greatest tool in my arsenal to combat depression.

Nice Addition to the armoury flames , what weight of bells did you get ?
I would not recommend snatches to anyone as they are potentially dangerous but completly safe if you have the technique, but personally i dont think there is much extra benefit in doing them in regard to the increased risk potential .
Swings are a really nice excersise that partially achieve what the snatch does apart from the final flingover and they are completly safe ,,,,,as long as you dont let go of the ballistic bell in motion

Regarding the term "Depression" its an area thats worth its own topic , just trying to elaborate what that term actually means.

I have taken a little glance into that link i posted to the mAster Key, and here is what it states on page 13

THe Master Key Develops insight and sagacity, increased independence and the ability and disposition to be helpful . It destroys distrust, depression, fear, melancholia and every form of lack limitation and weakness, including pain and disease. It awakens buried talents, supplies initiative , force, energy and vitality.
It awakens an appreciation of the beautiful in Art , Literature and science.

Thats quite a sales pitch, im going to read on to see how it develops in my own time, because im a very curious about such claims .


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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 18 Dec 2010, 14:20

Great self - justification Flames, Makes complete sense to me

In that test bObdog, it was sio long ago, that i cant remember the umbrella woman , maybe i missed her too What a Face from memory, you have to sort of "Dilute" / "Widezoom" your visual attention to count the passes, which means that you are not actually zooming in to specific figurines beyond the ball passing movements

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 17 Jan 2011, 09:22

A very thought provoking post Flames, i will have to reflect through it slowly and comment later , but just wanted to add one co-relation on the practical applications in relation to you mentioning "heartbeat"

I am currently carrying out an experiment with "Heartbeats" and will post on it soon, i am just awaiting the correct oppurtunitys to complete my data collection

On another physicality note, i just weighed myself and now pushing 91 kg Very Happy although i dont think im much overweight, but i was also looking into weight and know that it is a pretty innaccurate vessel for illustrating the amount of restricting or negative acting fat that the body may hold .

Thats why i have also invested in a body fat analyser because although i know there are still certain limitations built in to these, i can still use the data as a reference and discipliner on my own self.

A proportion of Fat is also good for the body

Ive gone for a Tanita BIA unit which looks like one of the best ones on the market , here are some quotes on body analysing ..........

Measuring Body Fat Is Important for Determining Fitness

Weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle. Carrying too much fat is a condition called obesity, and puts a person at risk for many serious medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes and even certain forms of cancer. In fact, obesity contributes to at least half the chronic diseases in western society.
Not All Pounds Are the Same

Overweight means an excess of total body weight based on population averages for heights and body frame sizes. Athletes and very muscular people may be overweight, but that does not mean they are over fat. Obesity means an excess of body fat regardless of weight.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis or BIA is considered one of the most reliable and accessible methods of screening body fat. In conventional BIA, a person is weighed, then height, age, gender and weight or other physical characteristics such as body type, physical activity level, ethnicity, etc. are entered in a computer. While the person is lying down, electrodes are attached to various parts of the body and a small electric signal is circulated. Simply explained, BIA measures the impedance or resistance to the signal as it travels through the water that is found in muscle and fat. The more muscle a person has, the more water their body can hold. The greater the amount of water in a person's body, the easier it is for the current to pass through it. The more fat, the more resistance to the current. BIA is safe and it does not hurt. In fact, the signal used in body fat monitors can not be felt at all either by an adult or child.
Tanita's Patented BIA Method

Tanita has patented a revolutionary new way of measuring BIA that is faster, easier, less intrusive and includes a precision scale making this a simple one-step process. In fact, Tanita was the first company to introduce the world to the body fat monitor/scale. Tanita's monitor looks just like a bathroom scale. A person inputs age, gender and height, then steps onto the platform. Electrodes in the foot sensor pads send a low, safe signal through the body. Weight is calculated automatically along with body fat content in less than a minute. All Body Fat Monitor/Scales and UltimateScales feature Tanita's patented BIA method.

If anyone experienced any of these latest units , please post some comments

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Exercise Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Exercise Talk

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 17 Jan 2011, 12:56

Weight and bodyfat percentages mean nothing to me personally.

It is the measuring tape used to determine girths based upon height and wrist girth measurement and what you see in the mirror.

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