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Post  seraphim Sun 06 Dec 2009, 01:56

Hi Rainyday, I'll try to give another example in general.
A lot of freedoms have been taken away from everyone and had to deal with wars and everyone has to go through the same thing sooner or later it seems, so everyone all have those feelings inside that tell them something is wrong and it makes them feel angry and so forth. There is a reason for these feelings and should be acknowledged, but if one does not get beyond those feelings then that person will go downhill. You can take the most recent one's like the Black or Native folk who have been wronged the and you see all those dark feelings inside still after hundreds of years, well those feelings have kept them in hellish situations, like poverty and drunkeness.

It keeps them in an environment that only nurtures hate and doesn't support healing. It's true what Haudenosaunee said, not many Natives are doing what you are doing to get out of that.
It's gotten down to just how one can survive that's all one can focus on and this brings only self centeredness and no growth or experience is able to be had. You have to admit it's just about working day to day and for who.....

Hello Haudenosaunee, everything you bring here about yourself is very uplifting! You and your family are a beautiful success of how it could be. It is about self soveregnty and realization if we are allowed to have that, I agree.

Was just being funny when I said shy, I will have to become like that and just post on research just to catch up and I am going to watch all the videos you post, I got the creator series done and a couple others.

self sovereignty + realization is each individuals only personal hope because the fire is coming 2 cleanse this earth of all the filth=
You know the God in the bible and the koran told people if they don't obey and believe in their books they will be punished. They would have said killed but then everyone would get really scared and not believe them. But their plan is to come back and kill us, they say punish though which is not true, with fire as well.

Mmmm enjoy the rewards from the garden family Wink

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Post  seraphim Sun 06 Dec 2009, 09:13

How could I forget, I really am happy for you rainyday. Smile I try and understand that this given, molded reality is not all there is.......

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Post  seraphim Wed 13 Jan 2010, 21:40

Didn't know where to put this Haudenosaunee about the Natives. But you were interested in the Rh- blood and found this for you.

And for sure an interesting theory on the Anunnaki. But what are the stories about the Natives and them not having beards? Was just wondering what the perspective was from your neck of the woods? And then I heard of quetzalcoatl in the Aztec myths as having red hair, and hear it says with an elongated skull too....may have had wings or feathers if they named him after a bird?
I heard before of Mayan Aztec kings waiting for the return of the great white man with a Beard and extended Skull. When the Spanish came with their beards, the tribe king thought they were the Anunnaki returning and welcomed them. Now with the pictures and a real mummy, parts start to come together.
The chance that the Anunnaki exist become more clear. The indians of the America's. A Human race that does Not grow beard. The decsendants of Cain's DNA mark by the Anunnaki. The monuments, The Pyramids, Spinks, Obelisk, Lebanon Jupiter Temple, Jerusalem Dome Of The Rock Temple Mount, records on thousands of Tablets in Iraq, and their own Anunnaki Mount Rushmore - THE FACE ON MARS -
and so much on the Anunnaki on the internet here is some:

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