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Post  seraphim Tue 01 Dec 2009, 05:13

I just watched the Russell Means video on mtsar. The caller asked aren't you proud to be an american and have the rights you have. And Russell said that Natives never were Americans, and forced into citizentry only to fight the government's wars. Native's are legally not Americans. They never had any rights either or have nothing now and the plan is for them to be annihilated, the Man is right again!
I had to laugh at this one.

So many lies they all are the government says throughout history just as the Man Russel got it right!

So right on when Russell said you have to start with the children take them back from the government before they get slave induced indoctrinated. The government is tricky they know how to get the children at a young age as they know the human is easily molded.
I read your personal link, it's about time!!!

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Post  seraphim Wed 02 Dec 2009, 05:55

I think it's more like why the heck can't a person live where we want.

I don't think it's about who originated from where for the Natives. They know where they are going and where they came from and I think that's more important.
For all they care they can live anywhere in the world. But just let them be, do there own thing. Just as everyone has a right to just let be, not just Natives, but no..... every human being on the face of the planet has to be enslaved, killed of or brainwashed for some reason.

The Natives say: It's like leave us be, don't tell us what to do and take away all our rights and stop killing us. That's all they want what anyone wants, true rights and to do as one wills, to be free to trade, make a living, survive independantly and such. They knew what freedom was before they became enslaved, and most folks in America don't know what it is to have that freedom, so they don't do anything, because they never knew what freedom is.

In this case ignorance is not bliss. It's like if you were born in a world that entitled very little freedom, you won't complain, because that's just how it's always been. But if you have tasted alot more freedom, you will put up a fight to keep that.
America get on the bandwagon!!

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Post  seraphim Wed 02 Dec 2009, 09:14

Meant to add I will get to your post as soon as I can. Thank you Haudenosaunee Smile

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Post  seraphim Thu 03 Dec 2009, 07:39

Of course there was always bickering in the tribes but they had there freedom. Folks always make it about the fighting, because they are owned by a mass manipulator who has them right where they want them, killing each other. So clever it got people doing in each other and it doesn't even have to lift a finger.

Peace and fighting were made by the Natives throughout there history and they were all able to live on the same continent what a feat! And didn't care to dominate the world or the land.

But I'm talking about freedom now, not the seeds of destruction, it has got so bad and has been that it's either join together or die. The bandwagon to freedom. That includes every individual on the face of the planet, right now before it's too late.
I want to think that what the Lakota are doing now will work out but Evil has so much control it's kind of like a sick joke on the Natives. No matter what ANYONE does to try and escape it's all a delusion, this oppressive energy remains ruling.

It's a fact that fighting will exist as long as Evil is around, but other Beings visited the Natives as well and they had peace for a while luckily.

You are not guilty of anything. Everyone in history was treated inhumanly not just Natives and Blacks, all those people with complexes need to get over it already, don't let them fill you with hate too.
They need to snap out of it now before it’s too late for them. The manipulator has them just where it wants them.
I don’t know what’s in the white man or why they were made rulers (very specific ones choosen by the Zionists or one of the many faces of Evil) that just wants to make them conquer everything. Right there tells me exactly what's working through them.

The Natives came from the Asian stock. But It doesn't matter geologically where anyone comes from on the Earth (besides the continents sink and shift), their ancestry and so forth down to the soul is what matters, which doesn't even originate on earth. No one really owns the land, never had and never will. And one doesn't own a God(ess) such as the Earth. Might try to destroy it though.

Rounding up people and putting them all together in one area based on phenotype is exactly what EVIL would do. On the internet they say it looks like America will be rounded up into prison camps!

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Post  seraphim Thu 03 Dec 2009, 21:48

There is only one true bandwagon ( ; all others are false.

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Post  seraphim Fri 04 Dec 2009, 08:07

As long as you have life you can find that out for yourself Wink

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Post  seraphim Fri 04 Dec 2009, 22:57

I was trying to tell you not to participate in other bandwagons, only your own, that is the only one that will take you out of here, out of the Maya. I'm not asking anything else, just that realization. Meaning using your own will to evolve yourself. It does not matter what most say or do if you seriously know what you are doing and who you are.

However far away it seems, my bandwagon is that of freedom.

I didn't mean to sound like one of those slave masters Smile either(media, religion, parents and then those other subtle forces) Seems that you already know what to do around them, run run run.

I notice you like to do your own thing, great.

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Post  seraphim Sat 05 Dec 2009, 06:56

Hi Rainyday, I didn't mean to not listen to anyone, of course listen to those you respect. I was mostly talking of those groups that are controlling.
You get involved thinking it's a good cause or a good thing and you stay long enough to find out what's behind the scenes, not realizing there is a "behind the scenes".
You can say that again. How do people get blind in the first place?

You mentioned that people want to be justified for what had been done to their ancestors. I totally agree people are blinded once again and focusing on the wrong things, that just perpetuate hate. The Natives are not as spiteful as other wronged groups, instead of acting out and commiting crimes or say hateful things like others do, they take out all the wrath on themselves. Alot of alcohol abuse being done.
I'll tell you right now, after the genocide of the Natives, if they never would have been put on reservations, they would have been no more, they would have blended with other ethnicities. So that is the ONLY good thing about that, it may have ironically saved them all.

As for people who harbor bitterness and resentments, and that goes for folks in relationships who are unfortunately in one with a vampire or a dysfunctional one, I really don't understand how they can keep all that hate for all the wrongs done to them for all their life. Just because of what another person did to them in the past.

I might as well not be living if I have all those feelings in me, there is no way I can live like that. I am such a free spirit. And I'm not ignoring what is happening or my own feelings. I work through them and try to understand it's really the other person who needs help and all their negative energy projected onto me I just can't absorb, so I can't harbor resentment and all that or feel hate like they do.

Haudenosaunee must be shy huh?? Smile I am related to one of the Native American tribes but not by blood. But grew up around them and have them as family. Would you like my take?

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 05 Dec 2009, 10:08

The enemy of discovery is not ignorance, but presumption of knowledge - R. A. Gabriel
What a great quote that is

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