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The Nazis: And Everything Relating

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Mon 17 Jan 2011, 03:52

If I had to endure experimentation I think I would have
gone the Nazi method. The Japanese at Camp 731
(can't remember the exact number) was horrific, here's
a listing off the top of my head:

  • 1.1 Placed in a sealed pressure tank and crushed alive.
    1.2 Tied to a stake alive and bomb exploded tearing your flesh to shreds.
    1.3 Injected with live viruses.
    1.4 Frozen to death in sub zero weather.
    1.5 Cut open alive and organs removed and placed in formaldehyde.
    1.6 Shot with a high powered rifle at point blank range.
    1.7 Injected with chemicals.
    1.8 Arms severed and then reattached with a different person's arms.
    1.9 Ripped to shreds by dogs.

Cool hey? And the Japanese who were responsible for this
atrocity on the Chinese were released on condition their
'experiments' were handed over to the western military.
Isn't that even cooler?

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 16 Aug 2014, 16:11

Any war is total and horrific, the idea that gentlemen rules should apply is a total-conditioning of the western mindset that still holds force as they glorify past wars as Great etc
It can be seen here that the germans peoples fervour was as their leader at the time, whereas the oppositions fervour is equal but disguised through an insane sanity operating under the delusion of doing good , declaring geneva conventions etc whilst their own forces pay no heed to such , what denial , the same denial that lurks in many individuals , awaiting harnessing by a central psychopathic orchestrator, individual or group in its deliverance of horrors and injustices


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The Nazis: And Everything Relating - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 09 Oct 2015, 04:35


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