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The Nazis: And Everything Relating

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Sun 26 Dec 2010, 11:08

Flames, to start things off, go deep, go very deep on Ian Fleming;
I think he set up Operation Paperclip. I also think he stripped clean
Nazi Intelligence.

Camp O, I think that's the name in Scotland where Nazi prisoners
were first brought out of Germany; from there they were segregated
into three groups, the psychos and killers, the scientists and one
further group I can't recall at this time.

Some extremely horrendous events went on at Camp O where these
psychos were deprogrammed. I'll try to locate the book for posting
and begin adding what I've found.

Technology: This is what is driving these people. Absolute control
through this ancient technology.


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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Sun 26 Dec 2010, 12:54

Track Ian Fleming through Camp 165, Flames; it all starts

  • Secret purpose of Camp 165

    Generally recognised only as an ordinary PoW camp site from World War II, recently released records have revealed that Camp 165 was actually one of the most secret camps of the time, ideally located in what was then a well isolated and remote location, surrounded by open, flat land with little opportunity for escapees to hide. Other than those directly involved, and locals employed there, it seems that few were aware of the camp's purpose, and that it housed some of the most infamous officers of Hitler's Nazi regime.

    Operating from 1943 to 1948, the camp's secret purpose was to provide a place where a number of the most notorious members of Hitler's Third Reich could be held securely, interrogated, and if possible, de-Nazified.

    The camp was divided into a number of areas. Area A was for ordinary PoWs, not considered to offer any sort of threat, and allowed to work on the surrounding farmland, as was the case at many standard PoW camps, dressed in uniforms with a highly visible diamond pattern on the back. Area B was reserved for those considered to be hardline, dangerous Nazis, and was overseen by armed guard on watchtowers. These Black PoWs were subjected to a de-Nazification programme, consisting of repeated viewings of films outlining the atrocities [some seriously fucking horrendous shit; where are these films archived?] carried in the name of the Third Reich, and newsreels showing their defeat by the Allies. This inner compound was nicknamed by its occupants as Little Belsen.

    Those considered to have been reformed were released for repatriation, however those that remained unrepentant and were seen to remain a threat were classified as Category C, [Operation Paperclip; science; divided between the Soviet Union and the US to kick off the 'cold war'] and transferred elsewhere for further interrogation, or to stand trial.

Evidence suggests that the BBC was authorized by the Lord
President of the Council (the current incumbent is Nick Clegg)
to use RCA (Serco) for de-Nazification snuff films at Compound
O, Camp 165, in Scotland after WWII, and process sleeper agents
with bleached files through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management
in Operation Paperclip.

Farrell disagrees they were bleached through Sidley Austin in

The 'snuff films' are archived and used to extort obedience. The films
are allegedly archived at Northwestern University in Chicago. Henry
, ex-President of Northwestern University was previously with
the CIA and heavily involved in Special Operations and Tactics.

  • The Nazis: And Everything Relating 1596771541
    Valerie Campbell - Camp 165

I am starting to believe Charlie Manson's snuff film of the
Sharon Tate murders is also archived at Northwestern; a
television camera van was stolen just prior to the Tate
slaughter and it is thought the blood sacrifice was filmed.


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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 26 Dec 2010, 20:32

Look forward to your revelations in this topic, as the 3rd reich is of the highest fascination to me, and i alreadty have picked up some new info to me above Cool

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Wed 29 Dec 2010, 06:23

So am I, Kapis, what we do know is very small in comparison,
anyway, here goes....

To begin with, watch this intriguing video of some of Hitler's recorded

"We shall crush Freemasons"? Yet the Thule Society thrives?

Excerpts from Adolf Schicklgruber and the 'Thule-Gesellschaft':

    Between 1880 and 1890 many personalities – among them some of England’s most brilliant minds – found together and formed “THE HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN” Its members come largely for the Mother Grand Lodge of FREEMASONS and the ROSICRUCIANS. In a way the Golden Dawn was leading esoteric Freemasonry (rather positive) in England and was its innermost and most secret circle.

    Members are, among others:

    FLORENCE FARR; W.B. YEATS (Nobel prize for Literature)
    BRAM STOKER (author of Dracula)
    GUSTAV MEYRINK (author of The Golem and The Green Face)[Jewish take on golem; Frankenstein; creating life from matter; incredible shit going on here]
    ALEISTER CROWLEY (perhaps the best know magician of the last hundred years who later got into black magic, founder of the Thelma Church and 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite)
    RUDOLF STEINER (founder of antroposophy, Freemason of the Scottish Rite, head of the German Theosophical Society, Grand Master of the Illuminati order ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO) and Grand Master of the branch MYSTERIA MYSTICA AETERNA, later left the “Golden Dawn” because of differing views).

Try not to focus on the anti-Jewish agenda at this moment of
the Thule-Gesellschaft, rather, look at the scientific agenda because
I think the Jew thing is a cover for something much deeper.

An ideological rhetorical trap while the technology is developed; here
is the fracture, or split:

  • Later the Thule-Gesellschaft split in two, the esoterics (Greek: esoteros = the inner), among which counted Rudolf Steiner, and the exoterics (Greek: exoteros = the outer), who later were led by Hitler. The Thule-Gesellschaft is its inner core was peaceful in nature, besides knowing about the Illuminati and El Shaddai.

    It was Hitler who became more radical. When Hitler had taken over the NSDAP, he prohibited the Thule and the Vril Gesellschaften after they had helped him to his position. Towards the end of the war he contacted them again, especially the Vril-Gesellschaft, because of their advanced technology and their special contacts.

"Advanced technology?" "Special contacts?" Shocked

The easiest thing in the world to do is to mobilize people with
an ideology; you can get them to do almost anything, even kill
wholesale for you?!

The duality are the killers; out of sync and things go to shit
very fast. Let me demonstrate perhaps with a quote and then
description of events:

    ULTIMA THULE” apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuria and Atlantis [M Tsarion's work/research] (continents with advanced cultures since submerged). The Scandinavians have a tale of “Ultima Thule”, the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell.

    Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is assumed that the Hyperboreans came from the solar system Alderbaran which is the main star in the constellation Taurus, and that they were about four meters tall, white, blond and blue-eyed. [kind of what Julian Assange of Wikileaks looks like]

    They knew no war and wee vegetarians (so was Hitler). According to alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew “Vril-ya”, flying machines that today we call UFOs. These flying disks were capable of levitation, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known from today’s UFOs due to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force, Orgon…, but also from the academic “vri-IL” = as the highest deity = God-like), i.e., they take the energy from the earth’s magnetic field (free energy) like the “tachyon converter” of Captain Hans Coler.

That's what the swastika represents: vortex energy.

Today, the UFO agenda is a massive scientific (magic) social
engineering experiment
and the technology exists in an ideological
a vacuum of vapid stupidity where people will not be capable of
rationalizing or reasoning through what they are about to witness.

Flames, you can jump in here any time you know?

In Joseph Farrell's recent interview, he discussed some type of
technology called a 'foo'; if I remember correctly. Come on, Flames,
what were they called that devastated ally aircraft?

The German salute of Hitler verses the V-sign of Winston Churchill;
which by the way was suggested by Aleister Crowley to Winston

The Thule Society is till with us today:

  • The theoretical and practical buildup of the Third Reich on the German side had been wholly initiated and steered by the Thule-Gesellschaft. The financing came from the international bankers. The womb from whence it all came is still fertile, since the Thule-Gesellschaft or its offspring are still with us today.

The saviors are coming alright; both the Aryan and Jewish
savior. Synthetic religion for the masses; advanced esoteric
technology for the inner Thule-Gesellschaft?

I think I would prefer to just sit this one out, but now I am afraid
it is too late for any of us to just sit this out. Why? Look at Winston
Churchill; his decision/warning to drop the bomb immediately after
as an Oddfellow; Churchill lost the election.

  • On July 26, word arrived at Potsdam that Winston Churchill had been defeated in his bid for reelection. Within hours, Truman, Stalin, and Clement Attlee (the new British prime minister, below) issued their warning to Japan: surrender or suffer "prompt and Clement Attlee, Harry Truman, and Joseph Stalin, Potsdam, July 1945 utter destruction."

    The Nazis: And Everything Relating PotsdamColorLarge

    As had been the case with Stalin, no specific mention of the atomic bomb was made. This "Potsdam Declaration" left the emperor's status unclear by making no reference to the royal house in the section that promised the Japanese that they could design their new government as long as it was peaceful and more democratic.

Bombs away; 'Fat Man' and 'Little boy'. Testing two different
technologies (fusion, fission) on human victims: immoral,

Ideological? Technological? You choose.

There are some truly astoundingly fucked up people shepherding
the human race.

Now, as far as 'Britain's most famous minds' in the quote above
is concerned, look carefully at Britain's role in the science behind
nuclear development:

  • Of the Soviet spies not caught during the war, one of the most valuable was the British physicist Klaus Fuchs. Fuchs first offered his services to Soviet intelligence in late 1941. Soon thereafter, he began passing information regarding British atomic research. Soviet intelligence lost contact with him in early 1944 but eventually found out that Fuchs had been reassigned to the bomb research and development laboratory at Los Alamos as part of the newly-arrived contingent of British scientists. Fuchs worked in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos, and from there he passed to his Soviet handlers detailed information regarding atomic weapons design. Returning home to begin work on the British atomic program in 1946, he continued to pass secret information to the Soviet Union intermittently until he was finally caught (largely due to VENONA), and in January 1950 he confessed everything.

    The Nazis: And Everything Relating Hall
    Klaus Fuchs

    Theodore HallFor over four decades, Klaus Fuchs was thought to be the only spy who was a physicist at Los Alamos. In the mid-1990s, release of the VENONA intercepts revealed an alleged second scientist-spy: Theodore Hall. Like Fuchs, a long-time communist who volunteered his services, Hall made contact with Soviet intelligence in November 1944 while at Los Alamos. Although not as detailed or voluminous as that provided by Fuchs, the data supplied by Hall on implosion and other aspects of atomic weapons design served as an important supplement and confirmation of Fuchs's material. The FBI learned of Hall's espionage in the early 1950s. Unlike Fuchs, however, under questioning Hall refused to admit anything. The American government was unwilling to expose the VENONA secret in open court. Hall's espionage activities had apparently ended by then, so the matter was quietly dropped.

Guess who took the rap for stealing nuclear secrets and went
to the electric chair though? Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

History is a war between secret societies. Shocked

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 00:48

Later the Thule-Gesellschaft split in two, the esoterics (Greek: esoteros = the inner), among which counted Rudolf Steiner, and the exoterics (Greek: exoteros = the outer), who later were led by Hitler. The Thule-Gesellschaft is its inner core was peaceful in nature, besides knowing about the Illuminati and El Shaddai.


If you look beyond the Judeo-Christian cover story and look into the Gnostic cast of characters of who the Jew God names really are then you get to the content of my last post on the wikileaks thread.
I shall attach it here at the bottom of this post in quotes as well...
El Shaddai is not another name for God...but the name of a god.
As is Yahweh a name for another archon, not another name for the god of the Jews.

Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity is a book by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. It examines neo-Nazism as a new religious movement.

It was published by New York University Press in 2002 (ISBN 0-8147-3124-4) and reissued in paperback (ISBN 0-8147-3155-4).


1. American Neo-Nazism
2. The British Nazi Underground
3. Julius Evola and the Kali Yuga
4. Imperium and the New Atlantis
5. Savitri Devi and the Hitler Avatar
6. The Nazi Mysteries
7. Wilhelm Landig and the Esoteric SS
8. Nazi UFOs, Antarctica and Aldebaran
9. Miguel Serrano and Esoteric Hitlerism
10. White Noise and black metal
11. Nazi Satanism and the New Aeon
12. Christian Identity and Creativity
13. Nordic Racial Paganism
14. Conspiracy Beliefs and the New World Order
15. Conclusion: The Politics of Identity

Here is the book...seems portions available on Google books...

My post from wikileaks thread re-posted here...
All of the Jew god names are actual names for Archons...a pantheon of entities that are creators of the matrix and are...malevolent towards humanity.

Yes, there must always be a part of the population or society that serves them. As their is always a parasitical relationship...and this relationship with society is probably reflexive of their own personal "off-world" entity possession in which they are parasitized upon.

The macrobes...or better yet, the Gnostic Archons and their subordinates arranged in a military-like hierarchy. The Goetia demons can be included here as well.

It is possible to consider that every human soul has an energy body leech attached to it that prevents it from ever realizing full human physical and spiritual potential. Those that promise ascension, expanded awareness, freedom and evolution may, through ritual, supplant this lowly entity for one of greater rank, power and strength to control even further its human host. There may be "gifts" bestowed upon the willing vessel...but you are giving over your will and energetic soul to acquire them and only in this physical life can they be exploited. In the non-physical existence you are one of their enslaved energizer batteries.
I think the shamans had it right.
Castaneda is supposed to elaborate upon this to some degree in his works.
Some sort of exorcism is needed for this. But also a type of sealing to prevent immediate re-implantation of another parasite almost immediately after removal of the original parasite.
Sex with anyone will instantly attach an entity parasite. Hence the real reason for celibacy by the Gnostics and the retention of semen by males in internal alchemy for energetic and physical vitality. Attachments to biological offspring will also instantly attach an entity parasite. Meaning a lover, wife and offspring would all have to be exorcised and sealed to even begin to realize a transformed existence and evolve from there.

It is clear that the western Anglo-demonic matrix reality version is controlled through the Enochian Magic Freemasonic Lodges and their checkerboard floors and rituals. The black squares are dark energy-matter related and the white squares are designed to transmit the energetic force of the geomantic earth grid coupled with the worlds Christian churches, attendees and devotees...particularly those churches with their altars in the north rather than the east position.

The tools of this demonic anglo-reality are Jewish at the highest levels. And tools of the matrix include Kabbalah, Tarot, Astrology and Numerology. The real wisdom of these tools will not be found in public books or classes. The real deal is held within the secret societies to a point, beyond that it is a Jewish priesthood that holds all the occult Atlantean technology that was passed on through Egypt to the "Jews"....or priests of the Archons and their magickal systems.

Prior to this matrix "reality" being created and dominated by John Dee's Enochian Magic there was a previous template of an earlier matrix based upon the spiritual science of the east....the I-Ching. This is still a matrix...as any physical reality requires the energetic sub-structure or scaffolding of its existence, but one that is to be harmonized WITH nature and not at the bidding of the Archons...but to the elevation of the individual. As homeostatic, self-correcting, self-replenishing system...or at least, operated wholistically. This was supplanted with the establishment of the Lodges and the diminishment of the east by the west over history.

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:22; edited 2 times in total

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:11

Bombs away; 'Fat Man' and 'Little boy'. Testing two different
technologies (fusion, fission) on human victims: immoral,

Have you viewed the Chris Everard documentary on the occult involvement in the development of the nuclear weapons?

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:17

Qsc, fascinating stuff; I'm wondering, picked up on some material
about orgone(?), which I know has been covered before here and
else where, but is there something to this to protect humans and
their DNA/genes from these 'archons'?

I have read some of the history of the cult's involvement in the
making of nuclear weapons, and am sure there is a lot more I
haven't read. Suggestions? Chris Everard is a good start then?

A lot of repeat material here so I guess I'm just going over it to
make it clearer for myself.

Now I can't help but to try and understand the link between human
sacrifice including child sacrifice, pedophilia and snuff films? Does this
possibly animate these people or 'energize' them, I mean, wtf is going
on here?

If the 'tools of this demonic anglo-reality are Jewish at the highest
levels', then this would explain why John Dee was in Prague learning
this cult magic from Rabbi Judah Loew.

  • Judah Loew ben Bezalel, alt. Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, (c. 1520 – 17 September 1609) widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The MaHaRaL, the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu ha-Rav Loew," ("Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew") was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who served as a leading rabbi in the city of Prague in Bohemia for most of his life.

Of course, John Dee was attributed to the creation of the British

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:24

As I previously posted, the white squares are involved with geomantic earth energy and the energies of churches and their attendees on the earth grid. Black squares are dark matter and dark energy related.
Churches with altars in the North position are supposedly the ones constructed to contribute to the demonic anglo matrix reality through Enochian and Goetic magic systems.

The North position...The Black Sun...
The former SS Generals' Hall (German: "Obergruppenführersaal") in the first floor of the North Tower of Wewelsburg Castle. In the middle of the hall the dark green sun wheel mosaic is located which is called the "Black Sun" since the post-war years. The architects who redesigned the castle during the NS era called the axis of the North Tower the "Center of the World".

The Nazis: And Everything Relating 220px-10

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:26

I'm wondering, picked up on some material
about orgone(?), which I know has been covered before here and
else where, but is there something to this to protect humans and
their DNA/genes from these 'archons'?

I don't believe that Reich went so far into the occult, ritual and possession aspects of all this.
He was a psychologist and scientist looking at how energy was related to somatology or the body...probably limited to that perspective.

But I will comment more on orgone or just energy and the protection aspect of DNA and genes related to Archons. I am not an expert and these are just concepts I have read and picked up upon.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:29

Chris Everard is a good start then?

He has his "Illuminati" series of documentaries of four volumes.
In one of those volumes he talks about Oppenheimer and a few other people of the OTO related to rituals and nukes.

I think all these can be found on youtube or for free with a good google search or torrents.

I would recommend all of his documentaries...although some of them are overly dramatic and graphically produced at times...but the information is what counts.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:36

That explains a lot then: OTO being a huge participant in the
development of nuclear weapons.

OTO; where does it trace its origins to, do you know? Was it
Germany or previously Prussia?

The Order of the Golden Dawn and OTO; a lot of cross over.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:37

This post on the Black Sun is most interesting...

The clockwise or counterclockwise rotation is also a key component.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:45

That black sun looks exactly like Nazi vortex technology and sacred
geometry done by Marko Rodin's Vortex based math.

It is also explained in excruciating detail here:

2012 Forum

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 01:59

Yes, there is a physics behind it...but also entities.

Chris Everard Illuminati 1...two parts...


Illuminati 2...


I also recommend his Secret Space documentaries.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 02:06

That explains a lot then: OTO being a huge participant in the
development of nuclear weapons.

OTO; where does it trace its origins to, do you know? Was it
Germany or previously Prussia?

The Order of the Golden Dawn and OTO; a lot of cross over.

Yes, all part of the same labyrinthine rif-raf.
It was the OTO that developed the Ancient Egyptian Rites of Memphis and Misraim...which takes masonry up to levels into the nineties of degrees. These tend to be of the irregular lodges.
Throw in the Rosy Cross into the rif-raf as well.

The Arcana Arcanorum is a Rite that goes back to Atlantis. It is the highest of rites and its purpose is to give offspring to the 'superhumans'. You must possess a special DNA to be allowed to have the ritual orgy (Eyes Wide Shut???).


The Rites of Memphis and Misraïm, until 1881, followed parallel roads and even in concert in the same particular climate. Indeed, the Rites begin to regroup Masons of the Grand Orient of France and of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who were interested by the studies of the esoterics of Masonic symbolism: Gnosis, Kabbalah, even Hermetics and Occultism. Now, these two Rites had inherited and were the depositors of the old initiatic Obediences of the 18th Century: The Rite of Philalethes, The Rite of Philadelphia, The Hermetic Rite, The Primitive Rite, etc., and all this represented, in Misraïm: 90 Degrees; and in Memphis: 95 Degrees. How to administer and use this ill-assorted ensemble? When Garibaldi was appointed the first International Grand Master, “ad vitam” (the Brothers abroad had not suffered the political persecutions like in France), a kind of classification was made, which was not hierarchical in the beginning but which quickly became such. In fact, the 95 Degrees of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm should be considered an ambulatory where rests old Masonic Degrees that are not practiced anymore, or very little, and not as a scale of values.

Furthermore, the agreements of 1863 with the Grand Orient of France, and of 1896 with the Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite, which was to become the the Grand Lodge of France, speak only of the classical 33 Degrees (Rite of Perfection, followed by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite).

The Memphis-Misraïm higher Degree Workshops must work: the 4th Degree (Secret Master), the 9th Degree (Master Elect of Nine), the 13th Degree (Royal Arch), the 14th Degree (Grand Elect of the Sacred Vault), the 18th degree (Knight Rose-Croix), the 28th Degree (Knight of the Sun), the 30th Degree (Knight Kadosh), the 32nd Degree (Prince of the Royal Secret), and the 33rd Degree (Sovereign Grand Inspector General). The 66th Degree (Patriarch Grand Consecrator) is conferred only to certain Brothers who could be called upon to act as Consecrator, and a certain particular preparation is required. Some have compared it to an Episcopal Consecration.

The 87th, 88th, 89th, and 90th Degrees comprise what is referred to in textbooks as the Arcana Arcanorum. Those who are admitted to the 95th Degree become the protectors and conservators of the Rite as their name, Patriarch Grand Conservator, indicates. It is among them that the International Grand Master chooses the members who serve on the International Sovereign Sanctuary, supreme governing body of the Rite.

Additionally, the 66th, 90th, and 95 Degrees may be conferred on Masons in recompense for their valor, their knowledge, and their fidelity; the 95th Degree confers upon them the right to sit on the “Council of Sages” in their quality as Grand Conservator of the Rite.

Other Degrees, such as the Royal Arch, are not mandatory and are left to the choice of the Brothers. Knighthood (Chivalry) is transmitted to certain Brothers with the 20th Degree (Knights Templar or Knight of the Temple), descended directly from the Ancient Strict Templar Observance and the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz.

The Lodges of Memphis-Misraïm work the Egyptian Rite. On their altars, they add to the traditional interlacing of the Compass and Square, the Rule, symbol of the Grand Architect of the Universe and of Divine Law.

Since March 1990, the President of the National Council elect insures the administration of all the Blue Lodges of the Rite in France and in the Associate Countries.

On the 10th of May, 1991, the French Obedience was admitted into C.L.I.P.S.A.S. (Center of Liaison and Information of the Masonic Pow­ers, Signatories of the Call of Strasbourg), thus registering its action on the sides of European and liberal Freemasonry.

The Rite of Memphis-Misraïm perpetuates its traditions of fidelity to democratic principles and to the initiatic Sciences.

The Rite remembers its dead with honor - the Grand Master Constant CHEVILLON was assassinated by the Vichy militia in 1944, and Brother DE­ LAIVE, the Grand Master of Belgium, was beheaded by the Nazis the previous year.


The Rite of Memphis-Misraïm actually gathers a few thousand members, mainly in Europe. It had, in the early part of the 20th Century, several thousand members in South America, but the political situation in the countries of that continent has been detrimental to all Masonry for many years and only recently has begun to spring up again. The Rite has Lodges in France, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Italy, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Haiti, Australia, certain countries of Af­rica, Madagascar, etc. Since the first General Grand Master, Garibaldi, the direction of the Rite has been assumed by various Grand Masters, among them: Dr. Gerard Encausse (PAPUS), Charles Detre (alias Teder), Jean Bricaud, Constant Chevillion, Charles-Henri Dupont, Robert Ambelain, Gerard Kloppel and George Claude Vieilledent, the latter since August, 1998. In 1964, the Lodges in South America decided that the International Grand Master should be from a French-speaking nation, and that the Rite's general headquarters should be in Paris. However, as of the International Sovereign Sanctuary meeting of August 14-18, 1998, held in New York, it was agreed that the title of Grand Master “ad vitam” (for life) was archaic, and that this should be eliminated.

The President of the International Sover­eign Sanctuary would assume the title of International Grand Master for a set term of office, after which a new International Grand Master would be elected from among the Grand Masters of the various National Sovereign Sanctuaries throughout the world where the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm has Lodges. The individual thus elected would hold the office for one term only, and would not be permitted to succeed himself.


- The GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE is a federation of Rites. It was founded in 1773. Numerically this Obedience is the most important.

- The GRAND LODGE OF FRANCE was founded in 1894. All its Lodges work the same Rite.

- The GRAND LODGE FEMININE OF FRANCE worked, in the beginning, with the Grand Lodge of France. It acquired its independence in 1901.

- The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION "DROIT HUMAIN" whose origin goes back to 1882, is an Obedience which gathers men and women. This International Order is represented throughout the world.

Other more recent Obediences enrich universal Freemasonry by their diversities, among these are, namely:




The ANCIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF MEMPHIS-MISRAÏM maintains privileged relations with these Obediences. They have been par­ticularly developed in the course of the last few years.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 02:14

The ritual is the bond between the Venetians, Jews, Templars, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Nazis, New Agers and all the rest of the rif-raf.


The Memphis, The Mizraïm and The Arcana Arcanorum of the Illuminati
by Leo Zagami, Dec 14, 2007

This Rite is closely connected to the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta trough Cagliostro and his misterious Master the Prince of San Severo :

A brief introduction from Wiki:

From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, a key character of his time, gave the Rite the impulse necessary for its development. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca,[citation needed] Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784. He received, between 1767 and 1775, from Sir Knight Luigi d’Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry, the Arcana Arcanorum, which are three very high hermetic degrees. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraïm and gave a patent to this Rite.


The hermetic society - which continued in the centuries under different denominations - known as “Neapolitan School”, claims the right to be the oldest Alchemical Transmutation School in the West up to today.

In the times of Emperor Augustus a small Egyptian-Jewish colony settled in Naples (in the area known today as Piazza Nilo) where for over two thousand years the oral transmission of transmutation techniques imported from their own land got perpetuated.

According to a rather forcedly approximate reconstruction, we know today that there were three teaching levels. In the first level, theoretically, one could learn the fundamentals of Hermetism: the analog science, symbolism (which in the Neapolitan School was extremely rich and detailed with respect to other hermetic schools) and also the “art of memory”.

In the second level one could start the real transmutation work and according to a superb technique –of mitraic ancient origin characterized by a special kind of sexual magic called “osiridean”.

In the third level, the transmutation student could use two techniques of individual mastering for the purpose of giving him superior mental powers and starting the regeneration of the physical body.

Because of their secret connection to the Jesuits and their links to Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta , around the middle of the eighteen century this illuminati School decided to originate three systems of High Masonic Ranks, each allegorically describing the symbolism of the three levels of teaching: the Rite of Memphis for the first level, the Rite of Mizraïm for the second and the Egyptian Freemasonry.

The Memphis and Mizraïm Rites both started in Naples through the work of a number of remarkable people from the School. Among them we remember Prince Raimondo Sangro di San Severo (1710-1771) who commissioned the building of the extraordinary hermetic monument, San Severo Chapel in Naples, and Baron Henry Theodore de Tschoudi (1724-1769) author of the Masonic catechism “The Flaming Star” .Between the two Rituals, the Memphis Ritual was entirely speculative from the very beginning. No transmutation operative ritual was to be found besides its very rich symbolic content.

The Mizraïm Rite instead was retaining and practicing from the begining in its higher ranks the influence of some of the most influential osiridean rituals of the School: the so called Stair of Naples, or “Arcana Arcanorum”. Pretty soon both of the Rites started to be part of the international Freemasonic conspiracy created to help the Jesuit cause (where they could spread thanks to Jesuit friend Jean–Marie Ragon, the famous historian of the Scottish Ritual) .Very similar to each other, Memphis and Mizraïm Rites melted together and eventually they separated several times during the course of events. The definitive fusion, in 1908, originated what regular Freemasonry recognizes today as “Ancient and Primitive Memphis and Misraim Rite”. The Arcana of the illuminati of Memphis and Mizraïm kept on being handed on through different screen-organizations connected to the School in deep secrecy. In 1897, in Paris, the occultist Sedir (Yvon Le Loup; 1871- 1926) published the paraphrased version in a short essay called “The Magic Venus”, but the obscurity of his hermetic terminology prevented full understanding of the details. The complete ritual was not completely divulged until 1988, when a small publishing house from Milan published it in an unabridged edition, against the will of the School. The volume in limited edition, sold out after a few days.

To continue, the Arcana of the illuminati consist of three degrees or ritual cycles bringing to mastery plus a “High Arcane” (Secretum Secretorum). Their calendar runs according to the lunar cycle, and the 9 days of ritual fasting, during which one must follow complete chastity). The osiridean transmutation work is performed in pairs: by a woman and a man. The first degree performed by a man consists in a self–assimilation of his sperm, obtained by a self-sexual magic; the short cycle which is more used , covers forty operations, one every 9 days, during one year activity . As for the woman, the sperm is replaced by a microscopic sample of menstrual blood.

After the end of the year a third ingredient (differently diversified) is added to the sperm and blood and the compound is drunk over a cyclic period of fasting and light meals still insisting on these numbers: 9, 6, 3 and 1.

In the second degree these operations are repeated (with light variations), by combining all the three ingredients together.

The third degree is based on couple sexual practice where the philosophical amalgam (the three elements
together) is “cooked” through the three passages called “Black Mercury”, ”White Mercury” and “Red Mercury” (three different sexual practices performed in pairs: one of sodomy, one without sperm emission and one during menstruation). A new philosophical amalgam will be obtained. Once it is swallowed it should cause the sprouting of the energetic body (called “Body of glory” according to the School terminology)

The final level or Major Arcane, is based on five retreats performed in darkness, each lasting seven days, with a decreasing number of sexual performances (9, 6, 3, 1 and then none, replaced by breathing exercises) where one comes back to the assimilation of one element only (sperm or blood) plus a third ingredient; the absence of light encourages the development of the body of glory and its strengthening.

Only after having finished this work could the illuminati transmutation student, from The School of Naples, face the advanced rituals of the third level, which Cagliostro has handed on through Egyptian Freemasonry.

The commission to create it was given to him by Cavalier Luigi D’Aquino (1739-1783) who according to the tradition was his initiator as well.

Cagliostro met him in Malta in 1766 and stayed with him in Naples in 1773, to receive the instructions which enabled him to found the Egyptian Freemasonry, in Paris, in the same year his master passed away.

The system he created is not, in Masonic terms, a Rite, but an Order: it does not deal with the High Degrees .Rather it deals with the three “Blue Degrees”of Freemasonry (Apprentice, Fellow-craft and Master) integrated with the thick hermetic symbolism Cagliostro added to it.

Later on because of this device, it developed as a kind of parallel Freemasonry totally independent from the body of the “regular” Freemasonry and practiced only in secret by the illuminati families. This fact allowed Cagliostro to admit women too, although still excluded from the “regular” Lodges, and it gave the necessary independence to prevent the danger of a forced suspension of the transmutation activity. This inconvenience was threatening the Rite of Mizraïm exactly in those years.

When the level of Master is achieved, an opportunity is offered to the Egyptian Brother or the Sister to engage in the famous “Quarantine”, two operations of transmutation, lasting 40 days each.

The first Quarantine: "How to achieve the Pentagon and become morally perfect" has to be practiced by thirteen Masters together. Strongly hybridized with magic-cabalistic elements, occasionally reminiscent of the Sacred Magic by Abramelin, had the purpose of sharpening the subtle faculties of the Master’s body of glory to give him the capacity to correctly explain the enigmatic instructions of the second Quarantine: “How to rejuvenate and become physically perfect”

The following text is almost the unabridged version, written by Cagliostro himself, as handed down from the many Egyptian Lodges still existing today (especially in southern France with illuminati Brothers like Jean Pierre Giudicelli also a member of the Monte Carlo Lodge) :

“The Aspirant has to retreat with a friend in the countryside on a full moon night and locked inside a room he has to suffer from a very exhausting diet for forty days time. The diet consists of scarce food based on light soups and tender cooling laxative vegetables, distilled water beverages or May rain. Each meal must to start with a liquid, a drink and end with a solid snack as a biscuit or bread crust.

On the seventeenth day of this retreat after a small emission of blood, he will start taking some white drops of secret composition. He will have to take six of them in the morning and evening, adding two a day till the thirty-second day. Another blood emission is taken on this day at sunset, the following day he stays in bed till the end of the Quarantine. Then he starts taking the first grain of Original Matter, the same that God has created in order to give man immortality. Because of sin, man has lost the knowledge of it. It can’t be conquered other than by a favor from the Eternal, and Masonic work.“

“After having taken this grain the one who is going to rejuvenate becomes unconscious for three hours and in convulsions he sweats and evacuates continuously.

After having come to himself and changed bed he must be fed with a pound of fat free beef and cooling herbs. If this food makes him feel better on the following day he is given the second grain of Original Matter in a cup of broth that besides the effect of the first grain will cause him a very strong delirious fever .He will lose the skin, and the teeth and hair will fall out. On the following thirty-fifth day if the patient recovers his strength, he will soak in a bath for one hour in neither cold or hot water. On the thirty-sixth day he will have his third and last grain of Original Matter in a glass of vintage and generous wine that will make him sleep quietly and peacefully.

Then the hair grows back, the teeth too and the skin gets healed. When he wakes up he soaks in new aromatic bath and on the thirty-eighth day he will have a bath in plain water mixed with niter .Later on he gets dressed and starts walking in his room, then on the thirty-ninth day, he takes ten drops of Balsam of the Great Master along with two spoons of red wine. On the fortieth day he will leave the house, rejuvenated and perfectly recharged”.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 02:19


A.·.A.·. is the one true and invisible Order which has operated under various names and guises throughout history to guide the spiritual evolution of humanity. The goals of the A.·.A.·. are those which have motivated spiritual exploration and religious inquiry throughout human history. Its methods are those of science; its aims are those of religion. It is the Arcanum Arcanorum, and the Holy of Holies wherein the Sacred Ark rests inviolate. Every legitimate magical order, mystery school, religion, or other agency disseminating some portion of Wisdom or Light is or has been but an Outer Vehicle of this Inner Fellowship of Light.

These rites you speak of are all services, some are elite (Arcana Arcanorum,) but others anyone can join, such as The Ancient & Primitive Memphis Mizraim Rite & Rosy Cross. The Arcana Arcanorum is a Rite that goes back to Atlantis. It is the highest of rites and its purpose is to give offspring to the 'superhumans'. You must possess a special DNA to be allowed to have the ritual orgy.

Seven generations of unbroken nobility must be proven.


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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 02:28

Edgar Cayce indicated that it was this type of ritual related to the entities coupled with technology, particularly crystal technologies causing weather and nature disasters, that did in Atlantis. There were three cataclysms over time that did in Atlantis.

Although it has never been claimed by anyone, including Cayce, he writing smacks a lot of Rosicrucian style approach. And he did have a reading in which he stated that the secrets of the secret societies contain gnosis that is reserved for the elite holders of the knowledge and not the profaine and should remain that way...and thus he did not use his "gifts" to reveal any of it. A brother of the Rosy Cross is highly suspect on my end.

It is truly Satanic or should I say "Archonic" at its highest expression...ass sex for reverse kundalini, eating semen mixed with shit, pedophilia, human sacrifice, blood drinking, devouring human fetuses and the death of masses on the macro-scale in wars and by starvation.

The real book and ritual is not available to the public...public versions are watered down...

It all seems come down to the personal interface through...energetic or spiritual...POSSESSION.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 03:11

I believe the shamans who used spirits and energy for healing had it right...the shamans.

The Kaiser Permanente Center For Health Research in Portland, Oregon conducted a phase I study into the effectiveness of shamanic healing as a treatment for chronic face and jaw pain. Twenty-three women who were diagnosed with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMDs) participated in the study. At the end of treatment only four were clinically diagnosed with the TMDs present at the beginning of the study.

It is to the Taoists that I look for inspiration along these lines...this is a most profound quote...
Chinese shamanism has the longest recorded history in the world. (This use of the phrase "recorded history", of course, acknowledges that the prehistoric shamanism existing prior to written language, upwards from the dawn of humanity, is the longest running spirituality in human evolutionary history).

Wu...shaman...and a very vital piece of spiritual interaction history...

A single text can describe many roles for wu-shamans. For instance, the Guoyu idealizes their origins in a Golden Age. It contains a story about King Chao of Chu (r. 515-489 BCE) reading in the Shujing that the sage ruler Shun "commissioned Chong and Li to cut the communication between heaven and earth". He asks his minister to explain and is told.

Anciently, men and spirits did not intermingle. At that time there were certain persons who were so perspicacious, single-minded, and reverential that their understanding enabled them to make meaningful collation of what lies above and below, and their insight to illumine what is distant and profound. Therefore the spirits would descend upon them. The possessors of such powers were, if men, called [xi] (shamans), and, if women, wu (shamanesses). It is they who supervised the positions of the spirits at the ceremonies, sacrificed to them, and otherwise handled religious matters. As a consequence, the spheres of the divine and the profane were kept distinct. The spirits sent down blessings on the people, and accepted from them their offerings. There were no natural calamities. In the degenerate time of [Shaohao (traditionally put at the twenty-sixth century BC.), men and spirits became intermingled, with each household indiscriminately performing for itself the religious observances which had hitherto been conducted by the shamans. As a consequence, men lost their reverence for the spirits, the spirits violated the rules of men, and natural calamities arose. Hence the successor of [Shaohao], [Zhuanxu, charged [Chong], Governor of the South, to handle the affairs of heaven in order to determine the proper place of the spirits, and Li, Governor of Fire, to handle the affairs of Earth, in order to determine the proper place of men. And such is what is meant by cutting the communication between Heaven and Earth.

Wu-shamans as healers

The belief that demonic possession caused disease and sickness is well documented in many cultures, including ancient China. The early practitioners of Chinese medicine historically changed from wu 巫 "spirit-mediums; shamans" who used divination, exorcism, and prayer to yi 毉 or 醫 "doctors; physicians" who used herbal medicine, moxibustion, and acupuncture.

It is Fujian and its temples where this knowledge stream is contained...and it is not tainted by the Anglo-demonic matrix reality....its matrix of the I-Ching is older, but was taken over and re-written upon through force mostly of the British empire. It is in these "Lemurian" knowledge streams that some relics of the positive knowledge remains. Some of this knowledge has been lost in China, but assemblages can be formed by taking from Indonesia and India. Much has been lost over time.

The Nazis borrowed more from Buddhist schools and their black sorcerers. All shamanic strands have a dark side...it goes with the territory of physicality and being contained in a matrix of some kind. But the goal is to evolve and to transcend the matrix...which is most difficult to do from what I understand.

The difficult part for me is that anything involving "sacrifices" to entities is just not...agreeable to my sensibilities. And that still may be appeasing and feeding Archons and their minions.

So I tend to gravitate toward the non-spiritual (other than my own spirit not involving outside entities), non-deistic, internal alchemy and energy practices.
Mantak Chia and his work is a good example of a popularized and public method.
There are the chi gong schools of which the best are contained by the Taoist priests of the temples.
Google search Sher K. Lew for a good example of someone who came to share with the west...one of the first real deal temple arts being passed on. But advanced teachings are monastic in nature and demand a monastic lifestyle and reverence. Many cannot do this and so the basic teachings are all they can handle or even need.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 30 Dec 2010, 03:12

Rocketry and the occult is another interesting subject. Jack Parsons (founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory) was a member of Crowley's OTO.

This is what is elaborated upon in a couple of Everard's documentaries.

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  tgII Thu 30 Dec 2010, 07:51

Qsc, is this what they are looking for then, specific DNA?

I am getting dizzy...

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The Nazis: And Everything Relating Empty Re: The Nazis: And Everything Relating

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 02 Jan 2011, 14:45

Qsc, is this what they are looking for then, specific DNA?
This doesn't seem that far out to me at all...and quite likely.

You have the DNA consideration of the elites related to the Atlantean, "Dragon Bloodlines", Illuminati and royal blood....as the rulers over all. They want Promethean purity.

These rites you speak of are all services, some are elite (Arcana Arcanorum,) but others anyone can join, such as The Ancient & Primitive Memphis Mizraim Rite & Rosy Cross. The Arcana Arcanorum is a Rite that goes back to Atlantis. It is the highest of rites and its purpose is to give offspring to the 'superhumans'. You must possess a special DNA to be allowed to have the ritual orgy. Seven generations of unbroken nobility must be proven.

You have the DNA consideration of the people the elites want to terminate with gene specific bio-weapons. The Red race seems to be one of their least favorites...as these people were once very strong...so wiping out red tribespeople who have never seen westerners and have magic of an old shamanic strand competes with their Enochian demonic masonry matrix. Hence the whole skull of Geronimo and the Skull and Bones fraternity story.

And you have the DNA consideration of the people the elite want to create as the worker wageslaves once global population is decreased significantly. Probably a mulatto-type hybrid for sturdy mutt-like genetics which may be a further reason you have the Muslimification of white European countries as the initial stages of developing a future micro-chipped and genetically controlled worker....with a built in genetic skill and expiration date.

...and after a lot of death, rebuilding and redesigning of the new society and its members...


Signet of the Black Sun' (a secret order in Germany, also referred to as the 'Order of the Black Sun')
The Nazis: And Everything Relating Blacks10

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