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A Tribute to Beauty

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  seraphim Thu 09 Feb 2012, 08:18

I think healthiness is a sign of manliness or womanliness. But for me it's more than just what a person looks like. Yeah, what are the ladies or gents opinions here...........

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  seraphim Thu 09 Feb 2012, 08:54

Yeah the craziness can get epic. I think a person can be happy alone. Either of my own choice or destiny, I've been alone all my life. I think I'm past loneliness. It could be a challenge for sure. But will certainly make me stronger.

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 09 Feb 2012, 10:37

The person with which I have relationship must be in most respects psychologically..."sane".

This "sanity" would be defined to include the use of no drugs, alcohol or smoking...and has risen above certain "dependencies" and addictions.

For example to choose from the "dating pool"...

25% of the Norwegian population is either on psychotropic drugs, abusing pain medications, is seeing or is in need of professional psychological services.
That is one out of four people that would be deemed to have..."questionable sanity" or chemical balance issues.
I can only imagine what that number is for the United States.
Norwegians consume more coffee per capita that any other nation...an average of five cups a day. Again...the addiction to a chemical stimulant with health ramifications is not the sign of healthy mind going in a healthy direction.
22% percent are addicted to nicotine through smoking. That is one out of five people.
The figures for alcohol dependency and alcoholism are probably even more staggering.
Add television-media dependency and "harmful" sexual behaviors and addictions.

I must ask how can a mind operating at that level bring to me anything of use or value in terms of friendship or relationship considering where I am at and what my interests in life are?
It is at an almost total opposition to my whole personal philosophy.

Hey, I been there.
At some point in my life, I conquered those proclivities and rose above the need for them. After doing so I found myself in a much better place. I could never go back.
Therefore I cannot expend the time or energy going in reverse in a relationship with someone who is not somewhat on the same track.
And I have learned my lesson that it is not my job to influence or save anyone. That is an endeavor that will prove to be fruitless or get you into trouble and derail your own life or progress.
There are outside sources and professionals better equipped to deal with such things.

It is important that the brain and the mind in which I am attempting to commune with is not tainted chemically or artificially, so that it can be sober enough to deal with itself, much less a constructive relationship with another complex and fallible mind.
Even then with some "sanity" there are enough things to consider and deal with that naturally arise.

One must be able to "see" practically what the fuck is going on around them and within themselves...not walking around semi-conscious with the only life in them expressed as one of Pavlov's salivating dogs.

I don't mind shortcomings...but is the person even capable of being aware of or interested in self-identifying with their strengths and weaknesses in the first place?
Most are not even capable. There is such a thing as constructive self-effacement and humility toward objectivity in self-analysis.

Does the person have the "observer" within? The one that has a conscience and questions the drives of their ego?
Or will it constantly be a covert and overt war of attrition to deal with this other person and their self-interest over the interest of relationship?

This does not even get into habits and lifestyle.
This does not even get into "beauty" or "attractiveness". And there is a difference between beauty and attractiveness.

I don't know...just blow me and there is fifty bucks on the nightstand...take it on your way out the door when you are finished.


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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 10 Feb 2012, 02:07

Thats some great thoughtful comments flames , and qsc , i don't think I've ever encountered anyone who's intellectualised such high thought out experiential standards for relating to a potential mate as you have ,your partner must b from a rare special brew

Now let me see, what do i seek , initially it has tp be depth attractiveness , and usually it can't be tied down to a physical aspect only , it seems to be an energy and physical concoction but definitely the face is very important as is the body so not out of shape in any excess , and the voice has a certain frequency of pleasant disturbance when addressing one
Then the psychology has to be a sincere caring one, with unique insight in its observations, coupled to a deeply dark sense of humour that is not always signposted in its delivery
The person must be self aware to an advanced level in questioning their self and its societal relating experiences
Stereotypical down mood swings in stereotypical scenarios can be tasking but may be worked through if the aware self is dominating the inferior self within them
I am very tolerant where new angles of approach are interjected into any disagreements so that a mutual positive may be moved towards / achieved rather than the societal expected winner takes all , haha is that even possible , but my experience is that when a meltdown situation brews,and sooner or later they always seem to , the mind is already made up , and i just have to watch an old movie being played to me again , an irrational garb about something completely irrational under the guise of being rational , its a no win situation, because if the field of play is not recognised due to it being thrown of the table in a tantrum, , how can one show ones skills , or lack of them

I see only 4 ways for any othersex relationship to go, platonic, sexualwhambam then burnout , or plans have to materialise sooner rather than later depending on how close the female is to upper baby making mode , marriage or babies are the last 2 choices alone or together , that allow a relationship to go on flowing , because a relationship that is relating just for the sake of good soul sustenance relating does not seem to have much appeal to todays want-society , it has to be seen to be developing in societies acceptable modes of raising a family or being married .
For 2 people of the opposite sex to relate in intimate ways for over 6 months without the need for babies or marriage is a rare thing nowadays , well at least in my country .

Mabye in the end , it just comes down to a finite time of quality experience is available to any 2 people between each other , especially if its a sexual relationship, and the oppurtunitys open to these people
The sexual intimacy tends to decrease from familiarity or this can be delayed if gaps are available in the relationship and also if other contenders hover for any of the partys injecting the jealous seed which can spice things up for a while but sooner or later it will end in meltdown

So there are not many socratic feline honeys out there with advanced self-awareness whom do not seek babies and marriage as a definitive stipulation by a finite amount of time

For those rare partnerships that do seem to flow along in a heightened state of existence , i salute you and also fear that that in itself may be some form of restriction and yet sometimes i crave that restriction and sometimes i don't , but when i think of it , life is full of restriction , its just depends on how one views the play , from which angle of perception

I just tend to desire close intimate sexual relations with deeply thoughtful caring people - and a whole lotta other stuff as well Cool

Seraphim - heres to another lone wolfe across the seas study


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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 11 Feb 2012, 00:37

it was deeply dark and enjoyed in the primal guffaw mode

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  highnoon Sat 11 Feb 2012, 02:19

I guess silver has good requirements about what makes another person suitable or not...its not an extreme viewpoint at all, its being selective in the same way you should be selective towards the foods you eat.

After learning about teeth and dairy even more over the past month, ive come to realize that I when I eat meat i am not getting vital organs in my diet. Red meat is just regular flesh sliced off a farmed animal that is pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. I was in awe of a man named Steven Rinella who is a sports channel professional trapper and hunter in his early 40's (he looks like hes even still in his late 20's)

his whole life he's hunted deer and various other animals and thats been the only meat hes ever eaten, besides allowing himself whatever meat he eats at a resturaunt for an anniversary or some business occasions.

but he gets the livers and hearts of wild healthy deer and elk as well as the regular lean red meat of those healthy animals. I never get that. I would never eat the liver sold in supermarkets, thats gotta be worse than just red meat, because the liver accumulations all the toxins. you'd want to eat the liver for its nutrient content. but a farmed animal wouldnt have much nutrients, just a storage of the biotics and hormones.

there has to be a relationship between the energy we are bringing in through food and the quality of people that are around us that we consider for personal relationships. i figure that if i can eat only the most energetic foods, that i am automatically bringing myself up to a higher mating standard. when i workout at the gym, i am making more progress and can do harder routines full of more reps and more sets, without even the aid of creatine or gym going products. just making my diet natural.

this is my goal. well there's two parts to my fitness goal the first partis i want to train for the winter olympics and compete in the biathlon for 2018. i'd be 32 years old. i cant get ready for the 2014 one, but 6 years should be enough time.

the second part is i want to increase my value for mating, but not because i want to mate or have relationships, but because i want to be somebody that is elite. And when i reach that elite level, i plan on just using it to tell the world without ever saying it to anybody, that i am better than they are. I want women to feel that i am better than them as much as possible and that it would be me that invites them into my world should i decide on that. my rationale for this is that i can either go through life just ignoring where i stand and surrendering, or i can be a fighter and flip the script on the situation. if one of us has to be superior, id want the superiorness to goto me rather than them. my old self was not interested and women had no qualms about seizing the opportunity to be elite and only go for elite guys.

what i want to do is i want to invite other people to be jealous of me by virtue of just who i am, but to not go around making other people feel worse about themselves. i want people to have to wrestle with their own insecurities, but i can never be blamed for it. you cant blame somebody for how you feel about yourself just because they are better than you. but as for a relationship, im not interested in that. i am more interested in using my sexual energy for myself. obviously i have energy that even women right now would want. but why dont i just give it to myself?

to me it feels like being one sex in a two sex reality is like a broken circuit and we have to connect to the other circuit board and both circuits get energized. ive rationalized that nature or god has done this for the purpose of serving the future generations. if we were complete beings we wouldnt procreate on a scale that is reliable in ensuring the survival of our species. in rationalizing this, i dont want to take part in this game because i dont want to honor the philosophy of how we're designed. at one point in my life i wanted to just commit suicide because i didnt like the government/financial game. but the biological game of sexual energy is also a scam. Its like were in debt to be just half, and when we find a mate, they are a creditor who puts credit onto your debt balance, and you get temporary equilibrium

whenever that sexual arousal starts i just think to myself "the debt is growing" and it keeps growing. stretch it to a week without release via masturbation or a partner helping you and you ejaculate and your mind feels "ah the debt is paid". how was anything paid? how did you gain anything except through some experiential brain-nerve impulse trickery.

maybe my illicit drug use in my past has drawn harsh parallels for pain and pleasure between reality experiences and artificial drug induced experiences. but to me. its just not part of the equation. the most appealing part of a relationship would have to be when you could consider your partner your best friend. but even that i feel is based on insecurities.

as a footnote as the beginning of this year i went dark to all of my friends except one because im helping that person with math. i told them id see them maybe in the summer, depending on the progress i make. i felt liberated. i miss them, but i miss them in the sense that i am bored. the friendship was a means to cure multiple parties boredom. to me that was unacceptable. i feel like everybody i want to know should be busy enough with their own shit that when any two people get into contact. theres always fresh things to tell the other party because ttheres enough things going on.

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  highnoon Sat 11 Feb 2012, 12:34

one spouse in the matrix the other not. a bit strange but could work i guess. regular everyday people are fine. they have their hobbies and career and things are happy. i dont see how lacking advanced knowledge is a bad thing as long as they're not being directly hurt by their lack of knowledge.

the one problem i can see is how peoples environment is becoming more dangerous, pollution, money, chemicals, food qualities. people are running blindly into personal disasters due to their ignorance, and i suppose that can explain why in the last few years your average person is slightly privy to a few basic ideas on things. you can notice the change in peoples line of questioning. its not taboo anymore to doubt 9/11. but i also feel this small awakening is engineered so i cant really give out credit freely that anyone is becoming wiser due to their own natural processes. its being helped, and in that sense things are probably not becoming any safer with a few new things being understood.

Last edited by highnoon on Sat 11 Feb 2012, 12:47; edited 1 time in total

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 11 Feb 2012, 12:35

Fortunately I am able to buy fresh cow and sheep livers and kidneys.
Hearts and brains are illegal to sell to the public.

And even though there are traditional recipes and nutrients in eating brains...I am not going to dig on another creatures central nervous system...that is where I kind of draw the line.

But I did eat some sheep "sweetbreads", or thymus glands, a while back.

The organ and glands can be quite palatable if made with a good recipe.

My Somali friend taught me a great dish with liver and kidney.

If you cut up liver or kidney in very, very small cubes, and then soak in a strong fresh lemon juice and water solution for twenty-four hours, then drain and cook in whatever recipe you may have....the strong taste is usually quite diminished and the lemon juice extracts many impurities from the liver and kidney tissue.
I do this and even my wife will now eat it...whereas before the overpowering "animal" taste was too much for her.
You can also make some flavorful pate' or tureens with liver and kidney which further disguises the strong taste.

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  seraphim Sun 12 Feb 2012, 05:56

Here is to all of us!....to grow spiritually, physically and mentally. And to be the best'est ever to ourSelf.

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 12 Feb 2012, 12:03

The package sold as "Love" is still the most powerful drug that is out there and free of charge although its pursuit has very high costs and even rewards and tortures
In the area called romance , people still seek out a partner in order to give their life meaning and purpose , which as high noon stated , completes a circuit which when not allowed to flow, wears like a ball and chain for many
Once that circuit is made , elation flows and the world also appears to fall in love with the 2 love parties, but that circuit , and this is without doubt , i reckon, soon burns out its initial elation energy
The time scale for that varies dramatically for each couple , but the end game is the same and imminent
If the meltdown (end of relationship in an irrational Cackle) is to be avoided, then the 2 parties have to create some form of manifested social connection , like move in together for security , monetary and psychological , child rearing or/and a plan to marriage
One partner may be well-advanced in many secure areas than the other but feels that they can still work and learn/teach with the other and gain sustenance from such a developing relationship , but each person will always give the other something that they lack at some level even if not consciously defineable
Once a couple are secure , that is one obstacle overcome, but then due to the nature of the human psyche , or at least some human psyches , an insecurity can begin to creep in , because this apparent security breeds paranoia in the perimeters of the subconscious , just little seeds that are looking for nibbles in the consciousness of the host
The couple are in fact intimate prisoners of each other in the sexual realm , which initially is a pact they are both very willing to sign because of the elation and anticipated future together that fuels it
Now this is an area of study ... solutions and problems , that i think humans have not really investigated at the real experiential level
It would take someone with immense self-reflective articulating skills coupled with an almost religious honesty , where they feel that being honest about their nature of experienced- being overides their duty to the sacred pact they have signed in for

I have a feeling that i could aspire to be a person that could undergo such a study, but unfortunately or fortunately , i have not been in a relationship of such commitments in recent times

But the world awaits the revelation of such insecurities and vulnerabilities, not in a confessional or cliche manner , but in a confident overlord expose , from a person that is able to overcome their social personality ego armour in the interests of higher understanding of the forces that prey on the human psyche

Blackbird - thx for the "Back" pointer, always nice to hear the individual female perspectives in these areas so one can cross reference with all the media BS that does the rounds , not that they affect my behaviours in any way

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Black Passenger Yellow Cabs

Post  highnoon Mon 13 Feb 2012, 07:38

Taken from another forum. Beautiful women in japan often believe they are in fact ugly. Curves on japanese women even apparently have the potential to make them insecure.

It's quite amazing actually. In "Black Passenger Yellow Cabs" the author, a Jamaican/American dude, goes to Japan and smashes a bunch of Japanese women. A lot of the older married women are allowed to go on dates and have boyfriends by their husbands. The reason they don't leave their career-obsessed husbands has a lot to do with the stigma of being divorced in Japan. And if you are above the age of 25 (aka past your shelf-life) AND divorced, very few men want you. That sounds pretty ridiculous to Westerners, but in Japan young is perpetually "in." So the guy, Stefhen Bryan, also talks about how Japanese women learn to be insecure about their bodies (compliments are rarely ever given), and that Japanese men are easily intimidated. So what you get is a society where the beautiful women are lonely and think they are ugly. And to anyone who has ever been to Japan, seeing an ugly, nerdy type White dude with a gorgeous Japanese girl is a pretty common sight. In the West these guys would have had 0 chance with a girl like that, but in Japan these women are brought to believe they are ugly. And if they have a nice body, aka curvy, they are even more insecure.

And flirting in Japan is not like it is in the West. Everything is about subtlety and modesty. Nanpa, the act of asking someone out directly, is frowned upon. You have to go through this prolonged courtship process including shy giggles and cursory glances and notes left behind. Sex is different too. You have an active partner, and an inactive partner. The active partner, the male, is responsible for the pleasure of both partners and the inactive partner, the woman (or bottom in gay relationships), kind of just lays there. So it's kind of stressful for the man. The woman doesn't gyrate her hips, doesn't do anything really. I had one sexual partner in Japan for the short time I was there (as opposed to the 40+ that Stefhen Bryan had), and I was quickly over it (but that has more to due with the fact that my partner was emotionally retarded, which as you can probably guess is quite common). Also, you shower directly before and directly after the act. In the west the after is obvious, the before not so much. Even if you take a shower then take the train to your partner's apartment/house, you take another one before the act.

I recommend that you read "Black Passenger Yellow Cabs" if you are interested in this topic. It's 3 dollars for a kindle edition that you can read on your computer. This guy tore the scene up, and Black men are actually less desired than White men. I'm (part) Black and it was kind of unsettling hearing how some Japanese women fetishize Black men. They are (usually) hip-hop fans and have never seen a Black person irl. Kind of creepy someone could want you just based on your race. Must be how Asian girls feel in the US. The book gets pretty crazy at some points, but for the most part (specifically how Japanese society is described by an outsider) it's accurate.


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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 15 Feb 2012, 01:30

Hmm Japan sounds interesting for anyone looking for a fresh outlook
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but can also be incorrectly superimposed onto people

Like in the uk right now, there are a whole lot of not-beautiful females mimicking cheap tv and candy floss talentless pop stars in their aires and non-graces and in that imitation they actually think they are special or even beautiful , but i guess i should not criticise anything that makes someone feel beautiful in an authentic organic integrated manner, but a lot of it now is just skin deep , what lies beyond is awful

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 15 Feb 2012, 11:35

I like to "episode" (used as a verb) desperate middle-aged housewives who have been long burned out in long-term relationships or marriages, got a couple of small extra ripples around the gut and are ready to experience pleasures never before experienced in the entirety of their sexual history.

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 26 Jul 2012, 01:35

Damn, there were very few females on tv/film that demanded my attention , but this one did and does if i look back on clips , although she was a former model , she not that photogenic in many pics of her on web , something encapsulated within the facial presence in animated action , it was in Dallas that she first drew my sub-attention ,i couldn't stop it (: then i noticed her in the osterman weekend , but never seen her in anything else , she was called grace in dallas and the name is in her animated presence , yum yum physical didn't hurt either but it was something held in the facial geometry , eyes, and animation , that people refer to as beauty , which is in the eye of the beholder

This is the best image i could find on the web of


A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 97k9ib

But it is in animation that her true quality was felt especially at the 2.47 scene in this film she did which i just found out about

This is my A+ film femme (:


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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  highnoon Thu 04 Oct 2012, 07:33

putting this here out of convenience.


A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 0_91dcf_36ae31a_XL

Valeria Lukyanova and Nastya Shpagina
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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 04 Oct 2012, 15:45

...very odd...very unattractive...purposeless...human attention-seeking ridiculousness...

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 18 Jun 2013, 00:06

Hmm i kinda have a liking for this russian feline  talent this summer - classy lady = mari kirilenko

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A Tribute to Beauty - Page 3 Empty Re: A Tribute to Beauty

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 23 Jan 2014, 01:50

Impressive curvaceous muscularity for the time , or any time (: everything she did was for an entity she referred too, as "God"


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