A Tribute to Beauty
8 posters
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Re: A Tribute to Beauty
You would be surprised, Flames.
Once I contacted a Japanese-American actress here
through a short letter. Very beautiful woman and extremely polite.
Three weeks later we met and had lunch together. You never
Once I contacted a Japanese-American actress here
through a short letter. Very beautiful woman and extremely polite.
Girl on the right
Three weeks later we met and had lunch together. You never
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
special effects have come a long way
you'll have to verify youre an adult
(she goes naked)
you'll have to verify youre an adult
(she goes naked)
highnoon- Posts : 567
Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 39
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
allright, when i finally hook up with that super -rich inheriter divorcee , this will be my "2nd" present from her
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
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Re: A Tribute to Beauty
Gracias Amiga
I dont think ive ever seen a better preserved / looking 40 year old mother of three , a little bit of east an west in the mix, how does she keep that tight navel curvature as seen in many burn scenes , just genes or does she work on it
I dont think ive ever seen a better preserved / looking 40 year old mother of three , a little bit of east an west in the mix, how does she keep that tight navel curvature as seen in many burn scenes , just genes or does she work on it
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
I would like to see every supposed beautiful woman truly depicted...
...without surgery, hair color, without any makeup, with their eyebrows and any facial hair grown back in to their natural proportions, no digital alteration of their picture and their head not cocked to the side to hide their asymmetries.
It is only from this base-point could I possibly begin to formulate an opinion of their superficial looks.
Until then...they are just altered, decorated, illusory mannequins unto which I am projecting.
...without surgery, hair color, without any makeup, with their eyebrows and any facial hair grown back in to their natural proportions, no digital alteration of their picture and their head not cocked to the side to hide their asymmetries.
It is only from this base-point could I possibly begin to formulate an opinion of their superficial looks.
Until then...they are just altered, decorated, illusory mannequins unto which I am projecting.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
Some ladies are too hot to even dare to confront. That's why I don't even do it..
Flames, Better to be dissappointed by the illusion than the Reality at least then , you still retain the hope, although i hope there are some exceptions out there
I would like to see every supposed beautiful woman truly depicted...
...without surgery, hair color, without any makeup, with their eyebrows and any facial hair grown back in to their natural proportions, no digital alteration of their picture and their head not cocked to the side to hide their asymmetries.
It is only from this base-point could I possibly begin to formulate an opinion of their superficial looks.
Until then...they are just altered, decorated, illusory mannequins unto which I am projecting.
Your a hard man to please Qsc and then u have to consider whats happenin in their psyches ....gulp
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
i dont know your definition of "Shy" Flames but i dont in general buy societys stagnant definition of power words like these
Being Shy may be a subconscious self protection system
Also here is a good way to look at things , if you really really feel strongly enough about someone then you will find a way of transmitting that to the person if an oppurtunity to do so presents itself.
The only thing stopping oneself from doing so , is the self reflection aspect of consciousness (psyching the self up or down ) and the pro-active part of consciousness (the ability to take a chance and live with the consequences of abject failure or delightful success)
I dont believe anyone is an expert in communicating real sincere feelings to another person they dont know well or even know well in many instances , there surely must always be an element of nervousness dependent on how strong the feelings are or also on how badly the person wants the connection and maybe these are 2 completly different areas of concern which often get mixed into one , real feelings and just raw desire for something enchantingly new
Being Shy may be a subconscious self protection system
Also here is a good way to look at things , if you really really feel strongly enough about someone then you will find a way of transmitting that to the person if an oppurtunity to do so presents itself.
The only thing stopping oneself from doing so , is the self reflection aspect of consciousness (psyching the self up or down ) and the pro-active part of consciousness (the ability to take a chance and live with the consequences of abject failure or delightful success)
I dont believe anyone is an expert in communicating real sincere feelings to another person they dont know well or even know well in many instances , there surely must always be an element of nervousness dependent on how strong the feelings are or also on how badly the person wants the connection and maybe these are 2 completly different areas of concern which often get mixed into one , real feelings and just raw desire for something enchantingly new
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
Shyness is a protective mechanism...a form of health humility or shame.
Those that think they are invincible or are psychopathic do not express much healthy shame.
Those that think they are invincible or are psychopathic do not express much healthy shame.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: A Tribute to Beauty
She is giving off vapors...interesting.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
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