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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 14 Jul 2013, 16:20

Did corporate power purchase the jury ?

The uk is following on with more and more police activity being privatised , and these neighbourhood watch games

Anyone seen the "game" with michael douglas ?


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  tgII Sun 14 Jul 2013, 22:05

re: Zimmerman and privatization

And we had better bring privatization to an end and quick.

Apparently, we are not dealing with a vertical hierarchy.  If we were, it
would be so much easier to expose.

What we are dealing with is are flattened structures (dismembered
government), the component parts of which are being driven by private
corporate interests in the UK and the U.S. as well who are using
"government" as tools for profit and ultimate control.  That's the nature
of corporatism and the nature (and power) of the use of technology in a
corporate setting. It is also the nature of these courts which are for profit
corporations. It is easier to do away with the property - Zimmerman case
- than maintain a prison term. Cost benefit.

There is a core for coordination of IT functions that integrate corporate
and government functions but there again is the problem.  The systems
are being designed for corporations - not for the benefit of the people of
the UK or the U.S., and in fact, for people in any country.

What is functional sovereignty?  Functional sovereignty means that these
component functions of government that have been taken over by
corporate interests means that the corporations "own" the functions and
they are setting rules and policies no governments. Governments no
longer exist.

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  tgII Mon 15 Jul 2013, 23:34

re: 50,000 SWAT raids per year in the U.S.

That is completely excessive and time to start defunding local police
SWAT units.

The Rise of the Warrior Cop (Book title).

Warrior cop? Wtf?

Once you have a SWAT team the only thing to do is kick some ass.

Sick shit I tell yeah.

    Corporate Governance - Page 5 Swatpolice.jpg.w560h315

Imagine you are in your own living room with your children and your
pet dog is lovingly laying next to you and a SWAT team comes slamming
through your front door and windows on a drug possession warrant and
they get the wrong house?

They destroy your home, shoot your dog, smash your furniture, traumatize
your children and wife and treat you like subhuman shit humiliating you in
front of your family?

What are your options at that point? What can people individually do to stop

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 15 Jul 2013, 23:59

What is all of this outrage really about? It has nothing to do with race. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that for whatever reason(s), the media moguls are in collusion with some sort of psychological/social engineering scheme to cause panic, fear, and most of all distraction from the real issues people should be concerned about.

Just like with the prior school shootings, we don't hear mention of them anymore. We will never hear the name George Zimmerman one year from now. It will be the next guy, or next operation.

Good point flames

TG  Yeah  when these swat teams/hit squads are given the GO button,  the LAW seizes to apply in present and in retrospect, it is reverse engineered to pardon their carnage

Its really quite frightening this ongoing privatization of police and security , because these types are ruthless and power crazy , ive seen them operate as such in smaller levels

Last edited by KapitanScarlet on Tue 16 Jul 2013, 00:00; edited 1 time in total

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  tgII Mon 15 Jul 2013, 23:59

re: vilifying a dead human being

This security officer has killed six people as "justified homocide."

Corporate policy. Commercial crimes.


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  seraphim Wed 17 Jul 2013, 05:15

I didn't catch up on that case or anything in the news. And I wonder if Snowden is making the U.S. look bad so other countries will have a reason to go to war with America. Of course Snowden would be America's plant or experiment? Kind of like wikileaks. Other countries are smart and don't want to have war, but the U.S. does and in order to pull them in, the U.S. can make itself look guilty. Just a guess.

I was selected for jury duty recently and it sure was a riot. Instead of letting all those folks who had to go to work or had other responsibilities go they had us all in court for eight hours. So what happened was, in front of the judge, lawyers, plaintiff and defendant the jurors vented somewhat about the judicial system on lawyers and the fun part was that no one could stop us from talking. One juror said, I don't like lawyers, I don't like you at all, and if we were outside you wouldn't even talk to me, that's how low you would think of me! The lawyer was saying, ok...ok. I'm sorry.....
And then things got real bad to the point where I was literally shaking. Sadly I was seated the whole time up front where everyone could see me by myself. The case was that the defendant broke his contract with the plaintiff. So right off the bat the plaintiff's lawyer, the one with all the money, started asking all of us about promises, what we think of trust and all that. I realized that he was weeding us out, because once he knew who was for contracts would vote for him. So that was the what upset me. Right there that decided the case before it even started! The jurors were not even picked until the end of the day! In any science study you would never do that, you would have to throw out the case. When it was my turn to speak, I told him I was not answering any of the questions and that it was biased already and unfair to the defendant and plaintiff, especially the defendant. I was literally shaking and was going to tell him more but I couldn't. I told them all that whoever picks the 12 jurors it is not fair at all because they already know how they would vote.

I'm not off the hook yet, I might get called back. I will give them more of my mind and talk about exact science and how that can definitely alter the results and how a person judges guilty or not guilty. And that the entire case needs to be thrown out, and new jurors be picked without questioning all of us first because asking personal questions is a way to find someone's perspective. And people always vote by what they believe not necessarily at all if the person is guilty or not. And so they get into a person's head to find out how they will. And I thought that was real sneaky.


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 17 Jul 2013, 17:20

All this is for a misdemeanor crime by cops that are capable of this...

...or this...


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 22 Nov 2013, 14:55

A mountain man speaks his mind...


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 22 Nov 2013, 23:54

these people that go up against their societies court of law in the attempted representation of a natural freedom have got balls of steel or nothing left to loose, but their actions are priceless in at least forcing members of that society to consider the nature of their qwn freedom before it is slowly eroded away by rules and regulations

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 23 Nov 2013, 22:45

I do believe the mountain man is making a good attempt, but is doing this incorrectly.

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 25 Nov 2013, 13:26

I believe what he is attempting to do is accurate if the courts of today recognize and operate concerning natural and common law.
The courts have squashed these systems and it is all about commerce.
So one would need to first collapse the CQV trust.

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  tgII Mon 25 Nov 2013, 23:25

I agree on the "mountain man's" approach is probably compromising. First of all
he is in court, that should never have gotten to that point. Because if you are in
court it means you have accepted the court and the judge's superior status.

A simple question to ask the "judge":

Mam, will you be hearing this case without prejudice or bias? And don't stop asking
this question until an answer is provided.

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 05 Mar 2014, 23:31

The Psychopath Tony Blair,  wherever he goes,  soon follows death…….
Corporate Governance - Page 5 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLCL-nceCWYK4PBsCnNleJHyL4532-ImhEJUiuo2eiA9ezLA6L

Remember blair  with gadaffi,  couple years later in libya civil unrest and worse

Back in 2011 Blairs faith foundation opens up in the ukraine

Backed by a billionaire ukrainian oligarth Victor Pinchuk

………….In 2008 the former prime minister was a guest speaker at a conference held in the Black Sea resort of Yalta and organised by Mr Pinchuk, at which Mr Blair pushed Ukraine’s case to join the European Union, the presidency of which Mr Blair was then widely tipped to take.
Mr Pinchuk has been a keen advocate of EU membership, setting up a firm to promote Ukraine’s EU credentials. Its directors included, until 2010, Stephen Byers, Mr Blair’s former trade secretary.
Shortly after leaving Downing Street, Mr Blair was introduced to Mr Pinchuk through Bill Clinton and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.
The former president’s foundation was given $1.1 million (£700,000), by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2011.
What is certainly known is that Mr Pinchuk enjoys making new friends, and makes an intriguing one for Mr Blair.
Other acquaintances Mr Blair has nurtured include Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch, and Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda.
Like many of those who became rich as the Soviet Union collapsed, Mr Pinchuk has been targeted by gangsters and attracted controversy.
Born in Kiev in 1960, he grew up in Dnipropetrovsk and studied at the city’s metallurgical institute before beginning a career as a research engineer in pipe production.
He founded Interpipe in 1990 just as the Soviet Union was breaking up. In 1996, he was kidnapped by gangsters and freed after several weeks when a ransom was paid.
He was already married when he met his second wife, Elena Franchuk, a year later in 1997. She was also married but each left their spouses and wed in 2002. Mrs Franchuk, as she then was, is the daughter of Leonid Kuchma, who was Ukraine’s president from 1994 to 2005.
It was during this period that Mr Pinchuk, who was already successful, turned himself into a billionaire.
His rise did not come without some controversy. Interpipe bought a 50 per cent stake in the Nikopol steel plant in 2003 for $80 million.
The sale was contested two years later following a change in government. Viktor Yushchenko, the president who came to power after the Orange Revolution, said: “Despite all of Pinchuk’s sniffles and groans, the factory will be returned to the state.” In fact, Mr Yushchenko was still in power when the privatisation was confirmed as lawful………....

couple years later now….civil unrest

Blair is a futures master plan point man for corporate realm world domination and he's backed by zionistic american , european and russian interests , maybe even asian , its non-nationalistic lethal political control of energy and money and human influence, probably bowing to a ritualistic non-human entity, judaic or otherwise

wherever he's been  soon follows the master plan

where is he now
i hope galloways expose film takes this creature out of the loop,  recently the director of this film in making was arrested for publicly filming blairs lapdog alasder campbell ,  the blair demon has his cop pals working numbers for him,  he's startin to sweat,  maybe he will be thrown to the wolves by his handlers ,  or does he know too much

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  tgII Thu 06 Mar 2014, 00:40

re: Tony Blair's Faith Foundation

What the hell is this all about? Kapitan, here is my input...

Britian is behind taking Ukraine down and UK's Catherine Ashton is
behind the IMF working closely with the new Prime Minister of Ukraine
Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Read Arseniy Yatsenyuk's bio: neo-liberal; Jew;
lawyer; got Ukraine into the WTO (home of free trade).

The oligarchs that came to power in Ukraine established their power
when Russia was destabilized in the 90s and then these oligarchs came
in and stole Ukraine's companies and privatized them. The same type
of neo-liberal (free trade) theft went on in Russia when Putin took over
from the degenerate Yeltsin. Putin then begin a historical fight with
these oligarchs arresting and imprisoning several of them and causing
many to leave Russia. Those that stayed agreed to work with Putin.

What we are seeing in the Ukraine is the UK trying to separate and
force Russia out of the EU. This is why Germany disagrees and is
distancing itself from both the UK and the U.S.

Read this recent hit piece done by NBC News...

Here's my take when I responded to an email to this NBC News article...

    What's not included in the NBC News article by Eamon Javers, is that the British have been working to separate Russia from the EU as is evidenced by the fact that GPlus Europe, which is a subsidy of Ketchum specializes in recruiting former EU officials and well known journalists. For example, Gregor Kreuzhber, who leads GPlus Europe leads the company's pro-Gazprom operations.

    Germany strongly disagrees with Britain attempting to isolate Russia and its continued attempts through IMF and the World Trade Organization (WTO) lackeys like Catherine Ashton to push Russia out of the EU and pull Ukraine into the EU at the same time.

    Germany is distancing itself from the U.S. Peter Witt is a retired German deputy ambassador to the EU before he was hired by GPlus. The U.S. is in an economic war with Russia.

    This NBC News article is attempting to further distance Russia and isolate Vladimir Putin. All countries in some way spend money on U.S. and British public relations and law firms to represent them in the U.S. and in Britain. Russia is no different. Take a look at the PR firms in Europe and in the U.S. Israel has hired. It is astounding.

    Thanks for forwarding.

Now, have a look at this, just astounding...

Here's the video of the phone conversation...

Again, the British are attempting to push Russia out of the EU and want
NATO through the Americans to force Russia out of the Black Sea cutting
off Russia's access to Syria, Egypt and Iran.

This is an economic war between the City of London and Russia and Tony
Blair is the front man offering the humanity and brotherly love shit to
appease the peasant class from the brutal backlash of neo-liberal free trade
smashing through one country after another.

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 22 Mar 2014, 15:57

cheers TG, its surely a viper pit of international multicoloured variances where for most people its becoming more difficult to point out who exactly are the "Goodguys" in these times

Meanwhile behind the main media stage curtain , offshore-international-non-nationalist global interests are still stalking and hunting down prey, there are so many of these offshore-operative corporate entities that all have striations of derived connections, abstract connections , with bases here and there, until you find out the real base is neither here nor there, but immersed in so much off shore corporate legal encoding that it may take a team of experts eons to unravel the trail, that is its purpose , a trail of encoded xcul de sacs to protect professional corrupt racketeering of the most highly intelligent orders

Anyone heard of PERENCO

Notice many of the countries they safely operate in, are ….to the normal western mediated conditioned mindset ….troubled areas and regimes

Then we have RUSSIAS and UKS and friends ROYAL ARISTOCRATIC TNK-BP
MOSCOW – Russia’s TNK-BP said Thursday that it is in talks with its 50 percent shareholder, BP Plc, on the troubled giant’s Venezuelan assets, valued at some $1 billion.

The smaller company supports BP’s plans to restructure its assets in Venezuela and is actively considering the possibility of participating in these projects, a TNK executive told Russian state-owned news agency RIA-Novosti.

“TNK-BP views this as a possibility to increase its international assets portfolio and expand its presence in Venezuela,” the spokesman said.

The executive recalled that TNK-BP already participates in oil exploration and production in Venezuela as a member of a consortium that partners with state oil company PDVSA.

“We think the realignment of BP’s assets is in the interest of both companies and also will contribute to the efficient development of Venezuela’s oil sector,” the TNK-BP representative said.

Western media report that BP, which plans to sell assets valued at $30 billion to cover the costs of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is in talks with its Russian joint venture on the possible transfer of its Venezuelan oil assets.

Those assets include BP’s minority stakes in two oil exploration and production projects being carried out jointly with PDVSA, although a BP representative characterized that information as “rumor and speculation.”

BP and Russian consortium AAR, whose largest shareholder is billionaire Mikhail Fridman, each own 50 percent stakes in TNK-BP, which was founded in 2003.

TNK-BP has production assets in western and eastern Siberia and the Volga-Ural Mountains region. The company also manages five refineries in Russia and the Ukraine and a network of 1,400 service stations that operate under both brands, TNK and BP.

TNK-BP, which also owns 50 percent of Russian oil and gas company Slavneft, accounts for 16 percent of Russian crude production.

The company’s proven reserves, calculated according to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules, amounted to nearly 8.59 billion barrels on Dec. 31 of last year.


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 17 May 2014, 09:55

This makes sense a form of natural law of dog eat dog , soon may there only b one left standing

Bankers killing bankers for the insurance money and another look at 9/11

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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 22 May 2014, 02:36

Who Controls Your Mind?

Click in image to zoom in.


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Corporate Governance - Page 5 Empty Re: Corporate Governance

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 23 May 2014, 22:21

An incredible accumulation of jewish philosophy influence in usa media there , in comparison to jewish versus goyum population , with that level of involvement , the statistics suggest intent over pure chance at every junction of inspection  Very Happy 

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