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The Masonic Letter G

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:21

The Masonic Letter G in Masonry

I find these two graphics to be important for comparison. The first represents the G and the positioning in the Lodge. The second is a representation of that lodge. The square representing the squares on the lodge floor and the compass representing the royal masonic arch. In this way they are very much the same.

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Middle10

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Symbol10

Masonry is, according to its own philosophers, a system of pure religion expressed in symbols, one which cannot be understood without a knowledge of the true meaning of them. This makes a proper understanding of those symbols terribly important.

This would compel one to analyze the letter G, not as a letter, but as a symbol.
And what does this symbol mean or represent?

Grand Architect of the Universe
Generative Principle

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:37; edited 1 time in total

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:32

For the Christian Mason, accepting and guarding those symbols and their "secrets" with his physical life at stake, he must understand them to know that he is doing right.

For the many zealous Masons, trusting their obedience to their obligations to gain them entrance into that "Celestial Lodge Above," those for whom "the Lodge is a good enough religion," the correct understanding of these symbols is the key (they believe) to their eternal destiny. They are trusting in the teachings of the Lodge concerning these symbols with their eternal redemption, or damnation, at stake.

Herein lies the most terrible manifestation of Masonic morality, that philosophy of the elite, which makes whatever they do "right" because it is they (the elite) who do it. Having established and taught the sincere but deceived masses of Masons (the Blue Lodge Masons) that everything depends upon their proper understanding of the symbols of Masonry, they have then deliberately deceived them as to the true meaning of those symbols. Hear the arrogant words of Albert Pike, Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, that preeminent Masonic authority:

"The Blue Degrees are but the court or portico (porch) of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them… their true explication (explanation and understanding) is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees)." (Morals and Dogma, page 819).

Since the true meaning of Masonic symbols (and thus, the true meaning of Masonry itself) is to be known only by the Prince Adepts of Masonry, we must hear what they say concerning them. They (Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, J. D. Buck, Daniel Sickles and others) teach that Masonry is a revival of the Ancient Mysteries (the mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Rome and Greece).

These Ancient religions had two meanings, or interpretations. One was the apparent (exoteric) meaning, known to the uninitiated, ignorant masses; the other (esoteric) meaning was the true meaning, entirely different, known only to a small, elite group, initiated into their secrets and secret rituals of worship. These mystery religions were forms of nature-worship, more specifically and most commonly the worship of the Sun as source and giver of life to the Earth. Since Ancient times, this worship of the Sun (and of the Moon, stars and of nature in general) has been sexual in its outworkings and rituals. Since the Sun’s rays, penetrating the Earth and bringing about new life, have been central to such worship, the phallus, the male ‘generative principle,’ has been worshipped and the rituals climaxed with sexual union in the mystery religions of Isis and Osiris, Tammuz, Baal, etc. (1) In summary, then, since the Ancient Mysteries (especially those of Egypt) are in fact the Old Religion of which Freemasonry is a revival, the symbols of Masonry should be expected to be phallic in true meaning. This, in very fact, is the case. A thorough treatment of this unpleasant reality is beyond the scope of this brief summary; however, some examples, with references to the Masonic authorities, will suffice to illustrate this astonishing fact.

a. The Square and Compass

Blue Lodge Masons are taught that the Square is to remind them that they must be "square" in their dealings with all men, i.e., to be honest. The Compass, they are taught, is to teach them to "circumscribe their passions," i.e. to control their desires and to be temperate. The real meaning of these "great lights," however, is sexual. The Square represents the female (passive) generative principle, the earth, and the baser, sensual nature; and the Compass represents the male (active) generative principle, the sun/heavens, and the higher, spiritual nature. The Compass, arranged above the Square, symbolizes the (male) Sun, impregnating the passive (female) Earth with its life-producing rays. The true meanings, then are two-fold: the earthly (human) representations are of the man and his phallus, and the woman with her receptive cteis (vagina). The cosmic meaning is that of the active Sun (deity, the Sun-god) from above, imparting life into the passive Earth, (deity, the earth/fertility goddess) below and producing new life (2)

b. The Letter "G"

The Blue Lodge Mason is taught that the "G" in the Masonic symbol represents God. Later on, he is told that it also represents "deity." Later still, he is told that it represents "geometry." In reality, this letter represents the "generative principle," the Sun-god and, thus, the worshipped phallus, the male "generative principle…" In its position (along with the Square and Compass) on the east wall over the chair (throne) of the Worshipful Master, it is the representation of the Sun, thus of the Sun-god, Osiris. Its earthly meaning, then, is of the sacred phallus; its cosmic meaning is of the Sun, worshipped since antiquity by pagans while facing the East. (See c, below).

c. The "G" and the "YOD"

The English letter "G" in Masonic symbolism is inseparable from, and identical with, the Hebrew letter "YOD." This "YOD" is the symbol on the Scottish Rite ring. "YOD" represents deity in general (its cosmic meaning), and the worshipped phallus in particular (its earthly meaning). Albert Pike wrote that the "G" displayed in English speaking lodges is merely a corruption of the "YOD" (with which it should be replaced), and that "the mysterious YOD of the Kabala" is the "image of the Kabalistic Phallus." (3) The "Kabalah" he refers to here is a medieval book of the occult, a highly mystical and magical interpretation of the Bible, (4) and important sourcebook for sorcerers and magicians. (5)

d. The Point Within a Circle

The Masons of the Blue Lodge are taught that the Point within a Circle represents the individual Mason (the Point), contained and restricted by the boundary line of his duty (the Circle). Its real meaning, however, is that of the phallus, positioned within the female generative principle (sex organ), the climactic act of Sun-god worship. (6)

Dr. Albert Mackey, already quoted herein, also writes in his classic work "Symbolism of Freemasonry," page 352, "Phallus, a representation of the virile member which was venerated as a religious symbol… It was one of the modifications of sun worship, and was a symbol of the fecundating power of that luminary. The Masonic point within a circle is undoubtedly of phallic origin."

e. The Vertical Lines

The two vertical lines touching the sides of the circle are represented to the Blue Lodge Mason as "the Holy Saints John." By this is meant John the Baptist and John the Apostle. In reality, the two vertical lines represent the Summer and Winter Solstices, the shortest and longest nights of the year, respectively. These nights are, and have been since antiquity, important periods for pagan worship.

Concerning these two lines, Albert Mackey has written ("Symbolism of Freemasonry," page 352), "The lines touching the circle in the symbol of the point within a circle are said to represent St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, but they really refer to the solstitial points, Cancer and Capricorn, in the Zodiac."

f. The Bible

The Bible, only one of the "Three Great Lights" of Masonry (along with the Square and Compass), is represented to Blue Lodge Masons as symbolizing truth. In reality, the Bible may be replaced with the Koran, the Book of the Law, The Hindu scriptures or any other "holy book," depending on the preferences of the men in the Lodge. In most American Lodges, the members are told that all the Masonic system and its rituals are "based on the Bible." Such, however is not the case. In Chase's "Digest of Masonic Law," pages 207-209, it is clearly written that "Masonry has nothing whatever to do with the Bible," and that "it is not founded upon the Bible, for if it were it would not be Masonry, it would be something else."

Albert Pike, in writing on the subject of Masonry's source-book said, "Masonry is a search after light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah." (Morals and Dogma, page 741). The Kabalah, then, seems to be the actual sourcebook of Masonry and the Bible merely (as it is spoken of in the ritual) a piece of the "furniture" of the Lodge.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:40

The letter "G" is displayed quite often in Masonic symbols. The initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry," which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design the universe.

However, Arthur Waite, Occultist and 33rd Degree Mason quotes Eliphas Levi who is also a 33rd Degree, tells us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi , Chicago, , DeLaurence, Scott, and Company, 1909, p. 217]

Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle." This term, "generative principle," is code for the sex act.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:45

The Dualistic Nature of Masonic Symbols:

All occult symbolism is in fact dualistic in meaning or interpretation, in that, it has an exoteric or outward meaning (known to the masses) and an esoteric or hidden meaning (known only to the elect few). Occultist Fredrick Goodman in his book 'Magical Symbols' (p. 6) explains: The true magic symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form which most people think they can understand immediately."

He further states that, "True magical symbols are 'disguises' for ideas, how their forms are so arranged as to provide a clue to some hidden meaning. The 'hidden meanings' are often very subtle, and an ability to recognise magical symbols must be developed by anyone who wishes to seek these out" (p. 11).

Christian authority on Freemasonry E.M. Storms, in his book 'Should a Christian be a Mason?' (p. 43) states, "Nowhere in Masonry is the 'brother' more cleverly deceived than in the presentation of its varied and ancient symbols. Most symbols are dualistic in nature and Masonic symbols are no exception. Behind all Masonic symbolism there is an undisclosed occult interpretation of which most Freemasons are ignorant."

The ironic fact is both evangelical and Masonic authorities are at complete agreement on the deceptive nature of secret society symbolism. The most authoritative Masonic writer ever, was held to be Albert Pike (1809-1891). He rose to Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree (Mother council of the World) and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.

In his book 'Morals and Dogma' (accepted universally as 'the bible' of Freemasonry) Pike admits: "Masonry like all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.

He further states, "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them" ('Final Notice' by Barry Smith pp. 328-329).


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:46

The Official Explanation On Freemasonry Logo
The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Square10

We will begin with the symbol most commonly associated with Freemasonry. The Square, Compasses and Letter 'G'. Here we encounter the first problem. No individual can speak for Freemasonry, an individual may only express a personal view which may, or may not, be shared by other Freemasons.

In the same way 'Freemasonry' does not impose meanings of its' symbols although many have obtained a general acceptance as to what they represent. In Scotland, however, Masonic symbolism is often different from that which pertains furth of the kingdom and the meaning of them several.

To return to the Square, Compasses and Letter 'G'. In many countries the Letter 'G' is taken to mean God, the Supreme Being, and whilst it is an interpretation held by many Freemasons it is not a universal view. There are some faiths which have an aversion to depicting the Supreme Being in any physical form whatsoever. For such individuals the Letter 'G' simply cannot stand for the God of their faith.

As Scottish Freemasonry does not impose the meaning of symbols (which would smack of dogma) on members, each individual is free to interpret them according to their own views.

Thus some take the Letter 'G' to represent GOODNESS, the essential goodness of Freemasonry and of humankind. Others argue that the letter 'G' stands for GEOMETRY the basis of the operative craft that gave birth to modern Freemasonry.

There is one Scottish Rosslyn Templar who argues vociferously that the Letter 'G' indicates GREEGRIMENT, an old Scots word meaning harmony or concord, and who are we to argue with such an appropriate interpretation? There are other interpretations but these are, as far as we are aware, the three main ones, four if one includes the latter opinion. There are some countries, notably England, that no longer use the Letter 'G'.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:49

The Masonic letter G reminds us that our every act is done in the sight of the Great Architect of the Universe.

"By letters four and science five, this “G” aright doth stand, in due Art and Proportion; you have your answer, friend.”

What are the "letters four"? It is believed that they are the name of the Great Architect of the Universe YHWH (pronounced "Yahway". (sometimes pronounced Jehovah) in the ancient Hebrew language, from which the Bible was translated:

Which is the 5th science? Geometry.

The Letter G stands for "Geometry", which is the mathematical science upon which Architecture and Masonry were founded.

When did the letter G become part of the Square and Compass? No one knows exactly, but it is believed to be somewhere between 1730 and 1768, here in the United States.

Letter G

In Hebrew, the language our Bible was originally written in, it is called Gheemel (or Gimel) and has a numerical value of 3.

Throughout history, we see reference to the number 3 when we speak of the Supreme Architect of the Universe...no matter which language we speak!

Gimel (in slightly different forms) is the 3rd letter of many Semitic languages including Phoenician, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Syriac.

Phonecian: Gimel (11th century BCE)

Greek: Gamma (9th century BCE)

Aramaic: Gamal (800 BCE to 600 CE) (800 years Before Common Era
to 600 years after Common Era)

Hebrew: Gimel (3rd century BCE)

Syriac: Gomal / Gamal (2nd century BCE)

G Throughout the Centuries

B.C.E. means "Before Common Era". The Common Era (C.E.), also known as the Christian Era and sometimes as the Current Era, is the period beginning with the year 1 onwards.

The term is used for a system of reckoning years that is chronologically equivalent to the Anno Domini (A.D.), which is Latin for "In the year of our Lord".

Therefore, the 3rd letter of the Phonecian alphabet, "gimel", was in use 11 centuries Before the Common Era, which is 8 centuries before the Hebrew language...give or take a few hundred years.

Why give or take a few hundred years? While scholars who study languages are very thorough; we have to remember that they have very little from which to study.

Much of our knowledge of ancient languages comes from the study of hieroglyphics carved into stone and the subsequent attempt to determine which time frame they were carved; from mummies and their accompanying sarcophagi (carved wooden coffins), etc.

Note, however that while the letter G is the 7th letter in the English, Latin and Romanic alphabets, in Russian, and some others, it is 4th; in the Arabic the 5th, and in the Ethiopian language, the 20th.

These languages are much "younger" than the "ancient" languages and most, therefore, are propagations (changes that occurred) to the ancient languages throughout the centuries due to many factors.

The letter G in Freemasonry stands for both the Great Architect of the Universe and Geometry....or, to be more technically correct, it stands for Geometry under the Great Architect of the Universe.

Just as the Supreme Architect of the Universe watches the revolutions of the planets and stars in the sky, so does HE, who placed each of us here, watch each of our movements, hears not only our words, but our thoughts, as well ...and it is to HIM that we are ultimately responsible.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:50

The Letter G is one of those odd parts of masonic history that does not seem to follow a predictable path. The research that I have done and the research that Harry Carr has published indicate that it is an example of the unruly nature of symbols that have either outlived their original usefulness or have been somehow changed into having new meaning. In fact, the issue is so potentially confusing that Harry Carr's article ended off with the following postscript on page 195;
Doubtless there are many other variations of practice and interpretation that have arisen during the centuries. All are interesting, and some are surprising. This essay was written in an attempt to ascertain whence the practices arose and how they developed. It was not designed to show that a particular symbol or a certain form of the words is right, and that others are therefore wrong. There is a great need for a proper tolerance in such matters. We may regret that certain symbols and phrases have tended to disappear from practice, or that their importance and symbolism has been changed or altered far beyond their original significance. Within the vast boundaries of Masonry universal there is room for every shade of interpretation, and I believe the Craft is strengthened and enriched by these variations and by the absence of uniformity.
The real issue about the letter G is not so much where it came from but how it gradually changed its original meaning and how it is that this new meaning has now become the predominant one.
There are two distinct meaning given for the letter G: the first is for Geometry, and the second is for God. This is very clear in the two different versions given for it, as outlined in the Second Degree work. At the end of the Tracing Board lecture in the Second Degree, the following statement occurs, in reference to the seven who make the Lodge perfect:
They have likewise an allusion to the seven liberal arts and sciences, namely grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:09

Michael Tsarion has put forth the theory that the masonic G represents a Jewish elite priesthood...the Geonim.


Geonim is the plural of גאון (Gaon'), which means "pride" or "splendour" in Biblical Hebrew and since the 1800s "genius" as in modern Hebrew. As a title of a Babylonian college president it meant something like "His Excellency."

The Age of Scholarship--The Geonim
4260–4798 (500–1038)

The period of the Geonim began in 589 (Hebrew date: 4349), after the period of the Sevora'im, and ended in 1038 (Hebrew date: 4798). The first gaon of Sura, according to Sherira Gaon, was Mar Rab Mar, who assumed office in 609. The last gaon of Sura was Samuel ben Ḥofni, who died in 1034; the last gaon of Pumbedita was Hezekiah Gaon, who was tortured to death in 1040; hence the activity of the Geonim covers a period of nearly 450 years.


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:10

After digesting much of the information put forth as to what the letter G stands for...it would seem the masonic goal of keeping the profane and low level initiates confused and deceived is effective.

So, I had to think upon this. And consider.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:14

This man had an interpretation and then changed it to a second interpretation...for the sake of his Jesus god...

He then changed his original theory...and made an update...


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:26


Chapter II


Centrally, in the ceiling of each Lodge, is exhibited this striking symbol.
It is the emblem of the Divine Presence in the Lodge; it is also the
emblem of that Presence at the spiritual centre of the individual Mason.
Its correspondence in the Christian Church is the perpetual light burning
before the high altar

In the First and Second Craft Degrees the symbol is visible in the heavens
of Lodge. In the Third Degree it has become invisible, but its presence is
still manifested, being reflected in the small light in the East which, in
correspondence with the Divine Presence is as every Mason knows
inextinguishable even in one's darkest moments . In the Royal Arch Degree
it again becomes visible, but in another form and in another position-on
the floor of the Temple and at its centre, and in the form of a cubical
altar, a white stone, bearing the Sacred Name. In the course of the
Degrees, therefore, it has come down from heaven to earth ; Spirit has
descended to the plane of purified Matter; the Divine and the human have
been brought together and made one. God has become Man ; Man has been
unified with God, and has found the Divine Name written upon the altar of
his own heart

In the significance of this symbol and its transpositions during the four
Degrees may, therefore, be discerned the whole purpose and end of
Initiation, the union of the personal soul with its Divine Principle.
Masonry has no other objective than this ; all other matters of interest
connected with it are but details subsidiary to this supreme achievement.

When the Lodge is opened, the mind and heart of every Brother composing it
should be deemed as also being opened to the "G" and all that it implies,
to the intent that those implications may eventually become realized facts
of experience . When the Lodge is closed, the memory of the "G" symbol and
its implications should be the chief one to be retained and pondered over
in the repository of the heart.

Further, great significance lies in the centrality of the "G." The Lodge is
grouped around it, not assembled immediately below it . It is as though
this Blazing Star or Glory in the centre burned with too fierce a light for
anything less pure and bright than itself to withstand the descent of its
direct rays ; and, accordingly, the floor of the Lodge is left open and
unoccupied ; and only at its extremities do the assembled Brethren sit,
removed from its direct rays . Directly beneath it lies the chequer-work
floor ; the symbol of the manifested creation, where the one White Light
from above becomes differentiated into perpetual duality and opposites of
light and darkness, good and evil, positive and negative, male and female,
as evidenced by the black and white squares, yet the whole held together in
a unity as is denoted by the symbolic skirt-work around the same .

The "G" therefore denotes the Universal Spirit of God, permeating and
unifying all things . It is a substitute for the Hebrew letter Yod, the
tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and out of which all the other letters
of that alphabet are constructed in correspondence with the truth that all
created things are modifications of the one primal Spirit . In the
Instruction-lecture of a Degree outside our present constitutions, the "G"
is explained as having a three-fold reference ; (i) the Glory of God, or
glory in the centre ; (2) Grandeur, or the greatness of perfection to which
man may become raised by initiation into union .with God at his centre ;
(3) Gom-El, a Hebrew word of praise for the Divine power and goodness in
designing that perfection and that union between the Creator and the
creature. There is also a Hebrew tradition that Gom-El was the word uttered
by Adam on first beholding the beauty of Eve and perceiving the ultimate
destiny of humanity.

The "G" had its equivalent in the Egyptian Mysteries in the solar symbol of
Ra, the spiritual Sun. In the great temple of the Greek Mysteries at
Delphi, where the Eleusinian initiations took place for seventeen
centuries, it was represented by the fifth letters of the Greek alphabet,
the E (or Eta) ; five being a numerical symbol of man in the Pythagorean
system, as evidenced by his five senses, the five-fold extension of his
hands and feet, and in accordance with considerations of a more abstruse
nature. Hence the five-pointed star (or pentagram) is also a symbol of man,
and expresses a variety of truths concerning him . In the rituals in the
Book of the Dead the candidate is described as a "keeper of five" ;
Operative fellow-craft Masons worked in batches of five, and a Speculative
fellow-craft Lodge to-day consists of five brethren ; all these allusions
having a deeper significance than can be explained here, but bearing upon
the present state of human evolutional development .

Plutarch records that the "E" was regarded as a symbol of the greatest
importance and instructiveness and was exhibited in three forms
(corresponding with our three Degrees), first in wood, afterwards in
bronze, and finally in gold. The progression signified a corresponding
advance of the candidate's moral and spiritual nature under the discipline
of Initiation. He is likened at first to soft. perishable wood; hardening
into the durability of bronze. ; which impure, alloyed metal finally
becomes sublimated into gold-the symbol of the attainment of purity, wisdom
and perfection to which Initiation leads.

Beyond this, however, the central symbol had another deep meaning. The
great Initiation-temples of antiquity, as also certain Christian Churches of
historic interest (such as those of Iona and Glastonbury, from which
Britain became Christianised), were erected at certain focal points of the
earth's surface known to the Initiates of the time as being magnetic
centres or nodal points of spiritual force peculiarly favourable for the
influx into this world of currents of Divine Power and for their
irradiation thence to surrounding regions . Each such place was called an
Omphalos, a navel, or mystical centre ; and the Temple at Delphi is related
to have been built where it was under divine guidance and for that purpose;
and we know that it became the centre of light and religion to the then
civilized Western world for seventeen centuries.

This historical fact and this occult principle are now reproduced in
Masonry. Every Lodge, every place of Initiation, is in theory-though not
nowadays in practice-held at a centre or physical focus point selected as
being favourable both to the initiation of those who enter it and to the
spiritual advancement of the uninitiated popular world resident in its
vicinity. "A city set on a hill cannot be hid." , A Temple or Lodge of
Brethren intelligently performing its work is not only engaged in a work of
spiritual building as regards its own members; it is, though perhaps
unconsciously, at the same time, generating and throwing off vibrations of
spiritual energy to all around it ; its occult influence extends, and its
radiations are of efficacy, to a greater range than one dreams of.

If, then, the Lodge be a spiritual focus-point, the centre of the Lodge,
where the "G" is exhibited, is' its most vital and sacred point ; the point
at which Divine Energy may be thought of as concentrated and specially
powerful . And the reason will become clear for placing the candidate at
that point at a certain moment in the Ceremony .

Why is he then placed in the centre ? Previously he has been placed, not
there, but in certain more removed places in the Lodge ; in the N.E. or the
S.E. corners where the intensity of the central Light is theoretically less
powerful, where it is tempered and adjusted to his as yet unperfected
organism, and where charges and instruction appropriate to his then state
of advancement are imparted to him . But when directed to be placed in the
Lodge-centre, he is called upon to stand, as it were, in direct alignment
with the descending ray of the Supernal Light and to bear the stress of its
full current . The intensity of that current can only be borne and
withstood by one who is perfect in all his parts and in whom the sensual,
emotional, and mental natures have been purified, rectified and brought
into harmony and to an alignment corresponding with the physical and moral
erectness of a just and upright man ; an unpurified man would run the peril
of having his organism injured or shattered by a current of that fiery
Power, by which every soul must sooner or later be tested, but which
consumes everything not assimilable with itself. The three Hebrew
"children" (i.e., initiates) who withstood unscathed the fiery furnace into
which they were plunged, typify the truth here - testified to .

When, therefore, a candidate is placed in the centre of the Lodge, beneath
the "G" symbol, let those assembled around him try to realize the intention
of what is thereby implied. Let them reflect that at that important moment,
more perhaps than at any other in the ceremonies, it is possible for the
celestial Light to descend upon the duly prepared candidate, to flood his
heart and expand his mind, and so to open his understanding to the
instruction then communicated to him that he may realize the spirit as well
as hear the letter of it, whilst standing in that sacred position. And let
them at that moment silently and earnestly invoke the Light of the centre,
that it may then consciously arise in both him and them, so that what is
done ceremonially may become for them both, a great fact of spiritual
experience .

The point is emphasized here with earnestness, because the Masonic
procedure of placing the candidate in the centre of the Lodge at an
important stage of his progress not only perpetuates a traditional and
purposeful ancient practice, but also accords with what occurs in
Initiations of a much more advanced and real character than it is possible
to speak of here, as those who become duly qualified will one day come to
find. By understanding and being faithful in the small things of even an
elementary and ceremonial system, one becomes educated for and prepared to
be entrusted with greater ones when the time for acquiring them arrives.

And it is here that the letter G is elevated above being just a letter, above being just a symbol...but is a...DEVICE...and an energetic and-or spiritual one at that.

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Wed 11 Aug 2010, 15:44; edited 2 times in total

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:57

And it is at this moment I think of what the G could be and come to a possibility in my mind...

A quick type of the keyboard randomly searching in regards to this possibility finds some support...

I think this is it. The Symbol in the right on the graphic below. When viewed from the top down or the bottom up in a 2 dimensional symbol...is the G.

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Asabov11

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Tue 03 Aug 2010, 00:17; edited 1 time in total

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 03 Aug 2010, 00:06

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Amulet10

Alchemy Wheel of Consciousness based on the spiraling patterns of Sacred Geometry = SG = StarGate = Wheel of Karma = Alchemy Wheel
which spirals us back to source
and is linked with the center - Eye of the Milky Way Galaxy - the Heart

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 03 Aug 2010, 00:16


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 03 Aug 2010, 00:31

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Alcion10

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 03 Aug 2010, 00:37

So what we are talking about here represents cosmology as well as a metaphysics of energy.

The chi energy also is a spiraling vortex. The spiral in Bagua is key as in all Chinese internal energy arts.

The wisdom of the shaman, from which all religions and societies have taken from this knowledge stream and added to it...ad nauseum.

These temple dwelling masons have adopted energy practices to be used with entities. And thus one can now explain that interdimensional intelligences are involved.

Funny how small pursuits, once investigated, take you right back to what you already really knew, but just forgot to ask of yourself for the answers.


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 03 Aug 2010, 02:03

The pursuit = the conductor between the consciousness and the psychic G and if the circuit becomes live, then gnosis flows, but the consciousness has to be prepared to recognise what is flowing , to where and to whom , to accept the full imprint , so the aquasition of degrees could be a form of pursuit, but each step can only be taken when the consciousness has been prepared, an who decides that ? (:

Your post got me thinkin about positive energy Qsc, a metaphysics of energy , thats a good one for me

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  seraphim Wed 04 Aug 2010, 04:17

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Ngtzpi
Mexican Tablet No. 1086:

The eye of the bird is the Uighur form of the monotheistic symbol of the Deity.

Projecting from the bird's breast is the hieratic letter H in the alphabet of Mu (or the G shape) which was among all ancient people was the alphabetical symbol for the Four Great Forces. The body of the bird is in the shape of a pod--symbol for the home of the primary forces. The various lines in connection with the pod are old esoteric Uighur temple writings.

This bird therefore symbolizes the Creative Forces of the Deity and the forces are shown as emanating from or coming out of the Deity. By extension, this figure reads: A symbol of the Almighty showing the four Great Primary Forces coming out of Him.
Interesting that the monotheistic solar god diety in charge now, uses the G.

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  seraphim Wed 04 Aug 2010, 04:54

A coincidence the Egyptian god Ra had the same name as the Lemurian Mu god also called Ra??
SYMBOLS OF THE DEITY.--The Sun was the Monotheistic Symbol of the Deity. As the monotheistic or collective symbol it was called RA, and being the monotheistic symbol it was looked upon as the most Sacred of all the Sacred Symbols.

While each attribute of the Deity, in several cases, had various symbols expressing it, there was only one monotheistic or collective symbol.

During the early history of man there were no gods but the One Great Infinite. The gods crept into religious ceremonies later. The beginning of the gods was when the Four Great Creative Forces were given the name of gods.

HE DEITY AS THE CREATOR.--The Creation was one of the principal themes of the Ancients. In this they clearly distinguished between the Creator Himself and the work consummated, making a prominent dividing line in their symbols. I shall first take the symbols of the Deity as the Creator. The ancients looked upon the power of Creation as one of the attributes of the Almighty.

The ancients had numerous figures, always conventional, symbolizing this attribute. Apparently the most popular were adorned serpents. Many designs of these serpents are found in ancient carvings and literature.

Two of these serpents are especially prominent. One was the cobra, called in the Motherland, Naga. This one had seven heads. This number was given to correspond with the seven stages of creation, the seven mental planes, et cetera.

The seven-headed serpent originated in Mu and was there called Naga. In various Mu colonies it received added names. judging from the geographical position of the colonies where we find it, I think that the lower western half of Mu was where it was used. The people using this symbol were called after it--the Nagas.

The other serpent was covered with feathers instead of scales. This also originated in the Motherland and was there called Quetzacoatl. It is still to be found in the impenetrable jungles and swamps of Yucatan and Central America, but extremely rare. During all of my explorations I have only seen one, and I never want to see another. It is the most venomous serpent ever known on earth. Its location was apparently along the northern half of the Motherland. One tribe who made Quetzacoatl their symbol for the Creator, like the Nagas took their name from it, being known as--the Quetzals. The Quetzacoatl varied in design among these people.

One of the most noteworthy conventional designs of the Quetzacoatl is the Dragon so prominent in the northern parts of eastern Asia today. In this effort the ancients carried the design to the extreme of conventionality, for they endowed it with a crest, which it had not, wings which it had and legs which were long instead of mere claws or feet. They not only gave it the wherewithal to fly, but to run also, which it could not do.

The Pueblo Indians of Arizona and New Mexico bestowed on it the name of the bearded serpent as well as Quetzacoatl. (The Zuni practice a ritual where everyone wheres the horns, but they look like the joker's cap, one representing postive the other negative)

The Quiche Mayas, in their sacred book the Popal Vuh, refer to it as follows:--

"All was immobility and silence in the darkness, in the night; only the Creator, the maker, the dominator, the Serpent covered with feathers, they who engender, they who create, they are surrounded by green and blue, their name is Gucumatz." (Starts with the letter G?!)

The name Gucumatz here does not refer to the Creator Himself but to His Four Great Creative Forces, hence they are referred to as "they."

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 05 Aug 2010, 01:20

The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Symbol10

Also the first layer representation of this symbol fits perfectly into an ancient extremely skilled activity

In the old days when the great temples and cathedrals were being built, they were being built by Master Masons, whose vital tool kit for building was exactly the components of that symbol
The Compass, The square and a sacred knowledge (Gnosis) of Geometry

These 3 tools fascilatated the manifestation of the great work on earth , constructing the essence of heaven on earth

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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 05 Aug 2010, 10:31

If watching the game on your computer
Pause the game at the image you wish to save
On your keyboard simultaneously press CTRL and PRINTSCREEN

Now left click on Start menu, click on ALL PROGRAMS, click on Accessoroes, click on PAINT ( this may vary slightly depending on what version of windows you have , but you are looking to open the program called paint which comes with windows)

Once Paint opened , Left click on the EDIT option, then click on PASTE and now you will see the snapshot of the screenshot that you saved pasted into the paint program
Click on the FILE option and click on SAVE AS , then choose a name and format to save the screenshot

Once sqaved as an image, now you may need to edit the image so that you can zoom into the particular area of the screenshot that you require to highlight .
You can do a very limited editing with paint , beter to use some other photo editing software for more detailed alterations

If for any reason , the CTRL PRINTSCREEN oprion is disabled during the game, then just use the old fashioned way, take an image using your mobile phone or digital camera and upload that


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The Masonic Letter G - Page 1 Empty Re: The Masonic Letter G

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 07 Aug 2010, 22:40

A recent movie with Russel Crowe called State of Play contains a coffee mug on a table that has the masonic emblem of the compass, square and G. And a few moments before that is shown on the background their is also a skull and bones emblem. All these are just props in the background not really recognized by the profane unless they know what to look for. But the panning of the camera does let you know that you are being given the opportunity to see and recognize them if you know what to look for.

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