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The depth of the seemingly mundane

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The depth of the seemingly mundane Empty The depth of the seemingly mundane

Post  highnoon Sun 25 Apr 2010, 21:02

On episode 4 now of the prisoner and as I was looking up information on the series, I came across the prisoners dilemma.


I always knew the gist of this phenomenon but, this goes into far more depth than an ordinary person would think.

As wiki says, they did experiments when both prisoners knew there were consecutive additional chances to betray or cooperate with each other. they did experiements when the prisoners knew there were more chances, but didnt know exactly how many.

they've categorized all the possible human behaviour just to do with this one particular problem.

why do i bring this up....

Well im working at a pizza place that has the number 1 general manager who formerely worked at the busiest Pizza Hut in all of canada. he now works at a gourmet pizza chain (high end pizza) and has displayed to me on numerous occasions through his work ethic, and also 1 on 1 conversations during and after work. all of the micromanagement that has been though up through the corporation and also his own additional refinements. a simple refinement of the process is that he asks employees to build boxes without putting the flap in to close the box, the flap sticks out so you can just grab it and the lid opens as youre putting it onto the counter. saves 0.3 seconds of time and also you can grab two boxes and put them onto the counter and the lids pop open for pizzas. its very simple but there are hundreds of little nuances in the way he does his business that made me think....

how the fuck can a businessman have every angle covered, and think this way make it a part of his life, yet know nothing and assume nothing about the world at large.

every inch of his and My lives, have been micromanaged. me waking up, eating, going to work for him, getting my paycheck at certain times, going to the bank, refilling my gas. its all an algorithm that we all share a little differently from one another but its basically the same. every feeling that i have and all the possible outcomes of my feelings transmuted into actions are all rationalized, whatever i choose to do its all possible within the sandbox. if im on the street tomorrow or i get a BA its been calculated. i can fit into either path it doesnt mean anything to the system. if i murder someone and it costs 80 grand for the rest of my existance to house me in a maximum security prison the system is willing to pay 80 grand to punish me. its a niche that has to be filled, but they dont care who fills it. if the crime is a little more or a little less each year. it all falls safely within the parameter of what they have fore-calculated. the collapse or survival of their system is fore-calculated, and they have auxillary systems ready to pickup the slack or change the pace of the show.

Its all possible because they've micro and macro managed far beyond what we think is neccessary to ensure control over things.

most people throw their laundry on the floor, sometimes the bath towel hits the bathroom floor sometimes its around our waist as we make toast and peanut butter and it falls off in another room as we slip into trousers. sometimes we dont stock up on the towel and we get out only to find ourselves shivering and looking for a shirt to dry ourselves off with.

We are fucking pathetic

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The depth of the seemingly mundane Empty Re: The depth of the seemingly mundane

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 25 Apr 2010, 22:15

They started showing the new remade prisoner series in the uk, i watched the first 2 episodes, but so far it sucks, i dont know if i could sit through another episode

People are very intricate and imaginative in the pursuit of "Money"

Its a Gas

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The depth of the seemingly mundane Empty Re: The depth of the seemingly mundane

Post  seraphim Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:38

Yeah guys, robot ghost in the machine.

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The depth of the seemingly mundane Empty Re: The depth of the seemingly mundane

Post  seraphim Sat 01 May 2010, 23:40

Hi Bedido......Highnoon and Kapis,
I happened to be looking at the Active Side of Infinity by CC and DJ talks of the mundane. CC said that DJ was helping him make available the cognitive world of the Toltecs who lived in Mexico in ancient times. And said that there are important manuevers behind the mundane. "He hid, in this fashion, the sting of finality, presenting it as something no different from any of the concerns of everyday life." And so his style of teaching was as if it was causal, something that occurred to him at the spur of the moment.

And off topic......although CC doesn't talk of reincarnation, here is a crucial piece of information. He said the Toltecs conceived of the collection of memorable events in one's life as a bona-fide to stir caches of energy that exist within oneself. Which are composed of energy that originated in the body itself and becomes displaced, pushed out of reach by the circumstances of daily life. So in this sense, for the Toltecs, the collection of memorable events was the means for redeploying their unused energy.
The reason why DJ wanted CC to write this book about his own life memories.

"The prerequisite for this collection was the genuine and all consuming act of putting together the sum total of one's emotions and realizations, without sparing anything. The Toltecs were convinced that the collection of memorable events was the vehicle for the emotional and energetic adjustment necessary for venturing, in terms of perception, into the unknown."

"DJ said the total goal of the Toltec knowledge that he handled as the preparation for facing the definitive journey, the journey that every human being has to make at the end of his life. Through discipline and resolve, his lineage were capable of retaining their individual awareness and purpose after death. For them, the vague, idealistic state that modern man calls 'life after death' was a concrete region filled to capacity with practical affairs of a different order than the practical affairs of daily life, yet bearing a similar functional practicality. DJ considered that to collect the memorable events in their lives was, for the Toltecs, the preparation for their entrance into that concrete region which they called the 'active side of infinity."

(Maybe why I read so many souls are trying to incarnate in the physical world, so they can do that?, but then their memories get wiped out, so they have to keep coming back)

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The depth of the seemingly mundane Empty Re: The depth of the seemingly mundane

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 02 May 2010, 02:55

Through discipline and resolve, his lineage were capable of retaining their individual awareness and purpose after death. For them, the vague, idealistic state that modern man calls 'life after death' was a concrete region filled to capacity with practical affairs of a different order than the practical affairs of daily life, yet bearing a similar functional practicality. DJ considered that to collect the memorable events in their lives was, for the Toltecs, the preparation for their entrance into that concrete region which they called the 'active side of infinity."

Better to prepare than to invite beware , a memorable event is memorable for specific reasons which are not always intellectually clear to the self, until these reasons are reflected and sought, but their process of intellectualisation releases great wisdom to the self about itself and even others, so the study of the self in its interaction with others and the physical world is surely a most pressing concern

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