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South Beach Holocaust Memorial

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South Beach Holocaust Memorial Empty Re: South Beach Holocaust Memorial

Post  seraphim Wed 20 Jan 2010, 23:12

Awwww how lovely the art of a psychopath. Or maybe not........

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South Beach Holocaust Memorial Empty Re: South Beach Holocaust Memorial

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 21 Jan 2010, 11:36

Gunsights with scroipture on them, now that .......memorial, uuurrgh its ok, now i completly understand some things about Qsc and TG movements

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South Beach Holocaust Memorial Empty Re: South Beach Holocaust Memorial

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 12 Jul 2014, 14:16

According to official historical records , the british used concentration camps in south africa back in the day with at least 27000 helpless civilians dying in terrible circumstances , stalin also known to have done the c-camp route of terror, so is it a figurative value that qualifies for the H term or what ?

Also this is a very interesting and horrific "policy" used in south africa in the past but in fact used right back through history and probably in present days conflicts

Its an official policy hatched by a warmonger and it makes perfect logical sense in the horror of war which really has no rules unless you read the geneva fairytales = Scorched Earth Policy

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