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Esoteric Look At Technology

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Esoteric Look At Technology  Empty Esoteric Look At Technology

Post  Sputnik Sat 30 Jun 2012, 15:03


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:36

...a sativa dominant strain inspired lecture.

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Esoteric Look At Technology  Empty Re: Esoteric Look At Technology

Post  tgII Sun 01 Jul 2012, 02:55

What the fuck does 'sativa dominant strain' mean please?

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Esoteric Look At Technology  Empty Re: Esoteric Look At Technology

Post  seraphim Sun 01 Jul 2012, 04:52

TgII....mary jane and she can make you feel in different ways.

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Esoteric Look At Technology  Empty Re: Esoteric Look At Technology

Post  seraphim Sun 01 Jul 2012, 08:06

My dear TgII, it was you we are talking about!
Blackbird maybe life is like a joke and you have a real nice name! And speaking of jokes! You know I still sleepwalk, this time I went outside in the middle of the night! I really am thinking of tying down one of my legs when I sleep! Laughing Laughing

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Esoteric Look At Technology  Empty Re: Esoteric Look At Technology

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 01 Jul 2012, 19:45

What the fuck does 'sativa dominant strain' mean please?

Sativa or selectively bred strains of marijuana with a dominance of sativa will tend to give you an energetic "up" cerebral kind of high...sometimes even caffeine-like...where you actually want to jump up and talk about or do things.
Indica strains will give you a stoned mellowed laid back lazy heavy stoned kind of effect...where you just melt and meld into the furniture and become one with the couch.

But both strains do require the ingestion of cheetos, potato chips, hostess ring dings and soda pop to satisfy resultant side-effect cravings.
Anything of a salty or sugary nature in a crinkly plastic bag will suffice.

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Post  seraphim Mon 02 Jul 2012, 06:31

Dear Blackbird, you know what I believe! The wind can teach us. It calls us. That must be what I'm trying to find at night.
There is something about it. I once read about the four directions and that is how the wind moves, if you can find yours you can learn from it. As a female we are drawn to those things. I'm sure it all has to do with energy, which why we feel so good outside. I'm so happy we shared experiences! And it seems like a real neat place you grew up at.
I'm surprised I haven't grown out of my sleepwalking, I have a longing to be outside. I'm always trying to look out there. Actually when I did sleepwalk outside, the wind was mesmerizing me and I was going to follow it. But I went back inside.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 26 Dec 2012, 20:36

This is the first documentary I know of that speaks of biomagnetite...


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