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The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread

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The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread Empty The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread

Post  tgII Wed 09 May 2012, 01:04

I didn't want to post this here by starting a new thread, but after a search on
the board nothing showed up on 'Nelson Mandella'.

Here is what probably people did not know about Mandella...



    by Phillip Knightley

    So, over the past 50 years, there they were, up to their necks in all the main international events involving Britain - Palestine, Greece, the cold war, Suez, Cyprus, Iran, Africa, Yemen and the general retreat from Empire. They recruited some of the brightest and best. They loved journalists. [and the man who would later write Nelson Mandella's autobiography was the British journalist working in South Africa, Anthony Sampson; see below] There was hardly a newspaper, magazine, radio or television station without an MI6 officer under cover or an agent working on it.

    Dorril writes: "The Spectator unknowingly served as 'cover' for three MI6 officers working in Bosnia, Belgrade and Moldova." And they recruited some important national leaders, among them, says Dorril, Nelson Mandela.

    This claim should be treated with caution. Dorril carefully writes, "Another MI6 catch was ANC leader Nelson Mandela," leaving open what he means by "catch". Does he mean Mandela was a witting agent of MI6? Or, more likely, that MI6 had friendly dealings with Mandela, felt it could rely on his sympathy and so regarded him - probably without his knowledge - as "an agent of influence"? [his handler for MI6 was probably Anthony Sampson; see below]

What Mandella did as an MI6 gopher boy, was to organize the communist movement
in South Africa against the Botha government; the strategy of the British ever since
the Boer War.

    'MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations' names Mandela as MI6 [KGB Double?] Agent

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Considering Mr. Mandela's expressed views in How to be a Good Communist, by Nelson Mandela:

    The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread MI6-50YrsSpecialOps_SDorril

    A Communist is a member of the Communist Party who understands and accepts the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism as explained by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin , and who subjects himself to the discipline of the Party.

Nelson Mendella was a symbol of subservience, not freedom, that's why British MI6
used him for geo-political strategy in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela at the unveiling ceremony of his bronze statue on 29th August 2007 in
'Apartheid' Parliament Square, London. Of all places? London; right in front of MI6. He
accepts the 'honor' - highly stimulating to the ego - and the British Venetian oligarchy
cash in on the destruction of South Africa. The British wrote Nelson Mandella's
autobiography; see below (Anthony Sampson).

    The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread 1
    'Apartheid' Parliament Square,
    London - August 29, 2007

    In an echo of the CIA's failed efforts in Cuba and elsewhere, MI6 is shown fumbling plans to assassinate troublesome heads of state, including Muammar Khadafy and Slobodan Milosevic. Ever shrewd, however, the British spy agency manages to fund some of its operations with CIA money. Also, Dorril claims, MI6 conducted spy operations for the U.S. in Vietnam as part of a complex, covert deal with Washington to keep British troops out of Southeast Asia. Other assertions are indeed delicious if not entirely persuasive: Nelson Mandela (who denies the charge) is portrayed as a British agent who provided key information on Libyan financing of the IRA. Dense even for an intelligence history, the work is carefully organized to avoid overwhelming the more casual reader, while providing both in-depth research for the serious student and entertainment for the well-informed spy buff.
    The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread Books?id=CaRlQgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&imgtk=AFLRE72pJFz51tWAs6Xpq-WsAliOBWEBriq2b4uW0AHqXzELOya5l-uBDvgkc33xS0pmjZAhGQrDEtaS3NyJZvazY4IBjrD0qkqTc9GLf3pqZ4q0PgrRxRudpjlt_gPU84A-WuOXHbrY

Anthony Sampson (deceased) was the British (MI6) author who wrote Nelson
Mendella's autobiography. Fulfilling the British (Venetian) geo-political strategy of
monopolizing the world's resources.

    Anthony Terrell Seward Sampson (3 August 1926 – 18 December 2004) was a British writer and journalist. He was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford [recruiting grounds for MI6] and served with the Royal Navy from 1944-47. During the 1950s he edited the magazine Drum in Johannesburg, South Africa. [for MI6?] On returning to the United Kingdom he joined the editorial staff of The Observer, where he worked from 1955-66. Sampson was the author of a series of major books, starting with Anatomy of Britain (1962). His main themes were how Britain works as a state, and large corporations. He was also a founding member of the (now defunct) Social Democratic Party (SDP).

    The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread Books?id=DsBVPwAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&imgtk=AFLRE72GVDj_LlsRyed9diE_ZnT8Q5j9EiS-TZJ4t7i_ngJUNGg6OPry2QQRnOUgpE47qSjIA3lVfeMpDR1tREOCHtuuZLAoJZh_hjznIn55Hx6fsCVCHQFB319NbWe8qw3SGmn0SiD2

MI6 Agent Nelson Mandella...

    Mandela mocks idea he was MI6 man

    Such claims show 'a contempt for Africa', says anti-apartheid leader after spy-book allegations

    Anthony Sampson

    The Guardian, Thursday 23 March 2000

    Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, has reacted angrily to a claim that he was recruited as an "agent of influence" by British intelligence and that he visited MI6 in Britain to thank them for their help in foiling assassination attempts.


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The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread Empty Re: The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 09 May 2012, 01:11

Another people's hero...that I do my best to ignore.
Whenever the media mentioned this guy or showed his face...I turned away totally disinterested.
It was told to me long ago that he was a puppet stooge to British intelligence.

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The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread Empty Re: The Nelson Mandella (MI6) thread

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 09 May 2012, 02:15

Yeah i never found the mandella siren interesting at all , never paid one second of attention to him , but thats an intriguing expose Tg , will watch its development with any further evidences

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