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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Empty Re: Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 09 Jun 2010, 00:17

Looks like The story will be changing more an more over the next few years Flames on these theories.

BBC aired a new documentary tonight entitled
Atlantis – The Evidence

some snips from first half.

And in it is their claim that Atlantis was destroyed 1000 years before plato and was centred at the island of Thira , north of Crete a gateway for europe , asia and africa
They mention theorys by erik von daniken but call them bizzare
They also mention himmlers obsession that the master race were arian ancestors from atlantis and that he sought sources of atlantis info in tibet

So they stick to platos report claiming that plato constructed an atlantis allegoric tale of morality for his compatriots but that platos tale was actually based on history myth and fact , although he made it more fantastical to enforce his philosophical point on morality

They state that in 1600 bc , there was a massive natural disaster centred at thira which created a volcanic fall-out of 60 cubic km of debris , to give a comparison for this, they say vesuvious spouted 6 cubic km around pompey, so this was one of the biggest in history they claim , devastating the aegian area

Thira fits the plato description of layout and masonry for buildings

in 1967 , about 100 feet below volcanic ash, archaelogists discovered a buried kingdom which to this day is being secretly uncovered slowly but surely
They have evidence of sophisticated inventions but give pottery designs as that....
they have uncovered stunning wall art claiming its in a league of its own, but interestingly it displays beautiful females of high status with griffin symbols saying this is a sign of divinity,
also fleet frescos illustrating the first images of sailing boats and also exotic images from other lands

its an interesting contrast because in platos time women are of very low status, but here 1000 years earlier they are the opposite

Footnote - No mention of tsarions take though

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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Empty Re: Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

Post  seraphim Wed 09 Jun 2010, 04:02

Alright Flames nice, I was doing some geneology research. Those crazy Scottish! I might be related to them. Irish too.
The geneticists produced a map of Europe with contours linking places that were genetically similar. One contour goes around the edge of the Atlantic, around Wales, Scotland, Ireland and includes Galicia in Spain and the Basque region.

The primary genetic legacy of Ireland seems to have come from people from Spain and Portugal after the last ice age,” said McEvoy. “They seem to have come up along the coast through western Europe and arrived in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It’s not due to something that happened 2,500 years ago with Celts. “We have a very old genetic legacy.”

One of my grandfathers was Portuguese, specifically from the Azores. He had red hair when he was young then it turned black later. I don't know if that happens to a lot of Spanish or Portuguese, but it would explain how a long time ago a group of people with red hair traveled through those places, lived there and then went up to Ireland traveling along the coast? Kapis wrote something about the Gauls migrating and if they might be related to the coastal people?

Some research I found on internet

The well-known Basque linguist A. Tovar followed this method to measure the degree of kinship of Basque with other languages of non-Indo-European origin. The closest relationship he found was with Berber (11%) followed by Circaskian/Kirrukaskan (7.5%), Coptic (6.5%), Arabic (3.25%). Then he asked Dr. Lahovary to try this method on Dravidian, with the astounding result of 50+%. This meant that, of all the languages tested so far, the Dravidian language was closest to Basque by far. However, the ease with which I assembled the long list of related Basque-Ainu words, makes it likely that Ainu could even be closer to early Basque than Dravidian. A student of the lexico-statistical method should test this possibility.

This method is of no use with invented languages such as Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew, English, German etc. because all of these are made up almost 100% by formulaic manipulation and mutilation of the Basque/Saharan language.

Quests of the Dragon and Bird ClanQuests of the Dragon and Bird Clan

Some 3,800 years ago the thriving land of the Indus civilization attracted a large land-migration of tall, white herdsmen, coming from the Near East or the Sahara. They brought with them a new religion which they had created by turning the Goddess religion inside out. Where the old society was a gentle and matrilineally organized, yet egalitarian society, the newcomers were patriarchal warriors and extremely dictatorial; they promoted writing and forbade the maintenance of the ancient oral traditions. A start was made with the creation of a new language, later called Samskrta (Sanskrit), and eventually the speaking of the Universal language was forbidden.

Under this new order the formerly highly respected and independent women became the property of fathers and husbands, to be given away, used, punished or disposed off at will, never to be without supervision of a man. They no longer had any say in the running of the tribe. For the resident dark-skinned Dravidians the choice was either the newcomers' way or slavery. The Dravidian peoples chose not to submit and decided to flee from the Indus valley. The newcomers, being herdsmen, had no knowledge of city management or desire to live in this manner and the ancient cities were plundered and abandoned. Those who stayed, mixed in with the new population and in time altered the character of the Caucasian herdsmen to create the distinctive race of people we see today in northern India and Pakistan. The majority of the Dravidians fled south and entered the area of other tribes which move created a domino effect of new and sometimes bloody conflicts, one of which, the Tamil fight for Sri Lanka, is still making headlines in our newspapers today.

its an interesting contrast because in platos time women are of very low status, but here 1000 years earlier they are the opposite
Actually they still are, except in industrialized countries. From around Plato's time till about 50 years ago, most females were of very low status.
Kapis maybe it was much more than 1000 years. Why do they have to put things close together in the timeline, maybe because their theory will be made a lie if they go even further back in time, because that's when (anything older than 10,000 years ago) everyone was supposed to be a caveman for millions of years they said!

It's real sad that a researcher's work would be shot to hell if anything outside of the scientist's paradigm is mentioned.

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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Empty Re: Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

Post  Sputnik Thu 10 Jun 2010, 08:20

IRISH men with Gaelic names are more ancient. That's true...

Times Online talks about mtDNA....

The fact is that mtDNA (female DNA) is much less able to detect population migration then the male Y haplogroup DNA

and the reason why it isn't used scientifically to study prehistorical migrations. Nice try but there is nothing wrong with being CELTIC.

Between 30.000 to 20.000 years ago men started to act "territorial" and women were "traded" between rivaling clans.

That was due to the "New Age of AGRICULTURE" and the decline of the HUNTER-GATHERER cultures.

The Y Haplogroup I which I mentioned earlier is the "Indigenous DNA of Europe"...it is "very European"..

The total amount of people with this Y Haplogroup is only 10% in the whole of Europe today.

The highest density is in Croatia/Bosnia, followed by Norway/Sweden and interestingly enough,

gene-pockets like Sardinia and the Ukranian Black Sea Region.

Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Haplogroup_i8jxq

And red hair, that's cute Ocelotl...that you wish to associate with us "gingers".

I myself was born with red hair..am I cool now?

This red hair recessive gene is called MC1R and is a "Neanderthal-mutation".


Neanderthals inhabited all of Europe and parts of west and central Asia (BLACK SEA REGION, today Ukraine and Anatolia) for about 500.000 years before "modern man" aka Homo Sapien arrived to the region in the last 40.000 years to wipe them out. Idea

Science just renounced their previous "No-interbreeding-between-modern-African/Homo-Sapien-and-ancient-European/Neanderthals" -THEORY in the last couple of years due to the startling DNA evidence and also the facts that Neanderthals were anything BUT primitive as was alleged by the "Darwinians" in the last century. Red hair is now being linked to --->NEANDERTHAL GENETICS<---

Kapis wrote:Looks like The story will be changing more an more over the next few years Flames on these theories.

BBC aired a new documentary tonight entitled
Atlantis – The Evidence

some snips from first half.

And in it is their claim that Atlantis was destroyed 1000 years before plato and was centred at the island of Thira , north of Crete a gateway for europe , asia and africa
They mention theorys by erik von daniken but call them bizzare
They also mention himmlers obsession that the master race were arian ancestors from atlantis and that he sought sources of atlantis info in tibet

So they stick to platos report claiming that plato constructed an atlantis allegoric tale of morality for his compatriots but that platos tale was actually based on history myth and fact , although he made it more fantastical to enforce his philosophical point on morality

They state that in 1600 bc , there was a massive natural disaster centred at thira which created a volcanic fall-out of 60 cubic km of debris , to give a comparison for this, they say vesuvious spouted 6 cubic km around pompey, so this was one of the biggest in history they claim , devastating the aegian area

Thira fits the plato description of layout and masonry for buildings

in 1967 , about 100 feet below volcanic ash, archaelogists discovered a buried kingdom which to this day is being secretly uncovered slowly but surely
They have evidence of sophisticated inventions but give pottery designs as that....
they have uncovered stunning wall art claiming its in a league of its own, but interestingly it displays beautiful females of high status with griffin symbols saying this is a sign of divinity,
also fleet frescos illustrating the first images of sailing boats and also exotic images from other lands

its an interesting contrast because in platos time women are of very low status, but here 1000 years earlier they are the opposite

Footnote - No mention of tsarions take though

The Adriatic Sea is not only a deep gulf in the Mediterranean cut into the Continent of Europe by 11.000 years ago,

but the most economical trade route between Europe and the East,.

There is much material evidence about that which is finally beginning to come to light, from the depths of Adriatic caves and from the deep blue sea.

Thira fits the plato description of layout and masonry for buildings

The Minoans were an offspring of the early inhabitants alongside the Danube River banks

and they were wiped out by Anatolian warmongering invading Chieftains, today mistakingly thought to be "GREEKS"

...when in fact..the earliest and most profound "culture" is MINOAN KRETE..and most definetely Pre-Greek.

Greek and Turks have identical DNA, the Minoans who came from the Danube River banks surely weren't...."Turkish Greeks"..

The Turkish/Greek DNA is Y Haplogroup J which originated in the Near East and Arabian Peninsula...

Which brings me back to the Bosnian Pyramids....(smirk),

why built the largest and oldest Pyramid in the entire world in a region of no significance?

Something for you to ponder about, and be assured...

I am a great fan of the Minoan Cultural remains....one of my most favorite historical sites for it surely isn't "Aryan", "Thule" or "Masonic" at all.

They are actually Pre-Aryan, Pre-Indo-European and Pre-plagiarism.

And the "Irish" Rivergoddess Danu/Dana isn't Irish after all, even though the "name" was carried all the way up to the Northern Parts of Europe.

Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Danubemap7qoy

"north of Crete"

and "north of Santorini" in close proximity of the Strait of Otranto may be the real "Pillars of Hercules".

Interesting things happened in Europe long before the Greeks and the Romans.

Prior to 5000 BC the inhabitants of the Lower Danube Valley and the Balkan foothills farmed, built sizable towns and mastered large-scale copper smelting. At its peak by 4500 BC, says Professor David W. Anthony, “Old Europe was among the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world.” Admiring their colorful ceramics, a specialist in Egyptian archaeology remarked that at such an early time “Egyptians were certainly not making pottery like this.” The Spondylus shell from the Aegean Sea was a special item of trade in the region.

The arrival of peoples from the Ukraine and the steppes north of the Black Sea, possibly including the original speakers of Proto-Indo-European, may have contributed to the final collapse of this culture after 3500 BC.

If we limit ourselves to urban, literate cultures then the first true European civilization we possess evidence of appeared on the island of Crete in the eastern Mediterranean more than four thousand years ago. The erection of the first palace-centers and the appearance of large towns took place there around 2200-2000 BC. The peak of their civilization came between 2000-1600 BC. The inhabitants created a sophisticated, thriving society with royal courts, large-scale architecture, cities and towns, and above all magnificent works of art. Their earliest writing system, pictographic or hieroglyphic, appeared before 2000 BC. By the 1700s they had adopted another kind of script, Linear A, which so far remains undeciphered. A third script called Linear B was adopted from the 1400s BC by the invading Mycenaean Greeks.

But the most astonishing fact of this civilisation isn't mentioned. Not one piece of VIOLENT depiction in their art, not one "war-scene" or any war monument was excavated. Matter of fact, their culture was a peaceful one, and their art is absolutely out of this world...I've been studying the Minoans for almost 10 years now...they are incredible and make anyone speechless. They were so sophisticated that it blows your mind away, yet all we know is that they had no need for "door locks" and "violence", and that they originated from the Danube River Banks..

"NORTH" is the Balkan Region my friend, the prehistoric DANUBE civilisation which includes the Minoans.

The highest concentration of indigenous European DNA in BOSNIA ..and the first and largest Pyramid of the world being excavated now. lol!

So "who's" legacy this is (Atlantis) remains to be discovered....that's no secret, but a mystery...

Last edited by Irony on Sat 12 Jun 2010, 15:44; edited 1 time in total

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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Empty Re: Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 18 Jun 2010, 09:34

Interesting term , an insanity virus
And their proposed solution .... Torrey , meyer and others hold out hope that they can address the root cause of schizophrenia perhaps even decades before the delusions begin
i detect a nice new scientific reason to introduce a new vaccine in schools ... "its just in case your insane son" Very Happy

All illnesses and psychological conditions could in theory be attributed to a biological virus, the extent and complexity of the problem is always restricted or conditioned by the extent and complexity of the beholder
My concern is that they address one facet of a multifaceted problem as always in certain fields of scientific medicine , and what is the root meaning of medicine , i wonder , sounds like medes , i found a nice piece on it here , and the final paragraph sums up nicely where todays fanatics have gone astray

The Etymology of Medicine
Subject Header, Current List of Medical Literature
Army Medical Library
Washington, D. C.
T HE intention of this article is to reflect upon the origin of the word
medicine, to find the ultimate etymological source from which the rivers of
this all-reaching science have sprung. In so doing, it may be possible to study
the semantic processes by which the complexity of medicine as we know it
today has evolved from the temple medicine of the Greeks. The plan is to
trace the word medicine back through its linguistic and grammatical transformations
to its primary root.
The words medicinie and medical appear frequently. We have no difficulty
in recognizing the variant forms which appear in a medical library: medicina,
medecine, Medizin, meditsinia, and medycyna. The linguistic relationship is so
patent that it can stop there. Although a cursory examination of a score of
books on medical terminology in numerous languages discloses definitions,
explanations, and exegeses of extensive scientific vocabularies, it reveals no
comprehensive analysis of the word medicine.
Just as we recognize the familial relationship of the words for medicine in
the various languages, so we have no difficulty in recognizing the grammatical
derivatives from the medicine we see daily; even the rare, obsolete, or obsolescent
forms show the mother word: medicamentally, medicaruentary, medicamentation,
medicamentous, mediciner, medicining, medify, medicinable,
medicinary, medicaster, medicator, and medicatory (1). A medieval Latin
word-list (2) gives two further forms which did not enter English: medicatura
(medical treatment) and medicinatio (medicine, drug, or cure); these might
have appeared as medicature and medicination.
From medicinle, from the Latin medicina, meaning the profession as we
know it, it is but one etymological step backward to medicus, the physician.
Any dictionary, English or foreign, takes us there. The most complete coverage
regarding the derivation seems to be that of Henry Alan Skinner in The Origin
sf Medical Terms. He states that it is from the Latin:
Medicina, the art of healing, or the means of healing, from medicinus, relating to healing,
from medeor or medicor, to heal or cure. Medicina is thus a substantive noun from the adjective
medicinus; as also medicus the adjective which meant healing or wholesome used as
a substantive meant doctor or physician. At first medicus was a general term applied to anyone
associated with the healing art and the care or treatment of patients. The Greek equivalent
of medicus was iaTip. Medicus may have some relation to the earlf Oscan term "meddix,"
a kind of public official. (3)
The verb form medeor is the ultimate origin given us in Dr. Skinner's derivation
and in other similar sources. The verb medeor itself, however, has a remote
ancestry, the ancient Indo-European root MA and MAD and its more familiar
hypothetical form MED, meaning to think or to reflect, to give consideration
or care to (4). Ernout and Meillet state that the root MED in this sense "is
found from one end of the Indo-European kingdom to the other"(5).
In Latin MED appears, in addition to medeor above, in the frequentative*
form meditor, meditate, and all its derivatives. These retain the first meaning
of the root, that is, thought in general or meditation. In Greek the word
lAbolAac (short e) means to give attention to or to think about. The idea of
thought inherent in the MED root leads to the verb /.Lt&o,4aL (long e) which
incorporates a more deliberate sense of counsel or advice, and to the noun
,Usbos (plural ,uilbea) meaning plans or counsels and subsequently schemes.
This last meaning is seen in the Medea of Greek tragedy, Medea the Sorceress,
the Schemer, the Cunning. The same root, less evil in intent, appears in Archimedes,
Diomedes, Ganymede, Laomedon-names familiar to us from Greek
history and mythology. In other languages too there is direct evidence of this
extended meaning of thought following MED: the Armenian mit (reflection)
and the Icelandic mdt (appraisal).
From the concept of general thought there follows naturally deliberate
thought, judgment, or decision, the weighing of fact (and object) or measuring.
There is evidence of this element of judgment in the Irish forms midiur (I
judge) and ro midar (I have judged). The Greek,4,EL6OJaL given above implied
judgment; the official weight of this judgment takes the form of domination in
j,&wv or ,4ovaa, a ruler. This form also appears in the mythological Medusa
known to us through the Perseus legend. The Irish retains this meaning in
con-midathar, he rules or has the power to.
At this point we can amplify the reference to the early meddix given in Dr.
Skinner's quotation. Meddix appears in Latin dictionaries as coming from
medeor and means "he who gives thought to," comparable to the Homeric
,uwv or ,.&ovaa, given above as one who rules. Among the Oscans, a people
of ancient Italy, it was a magistrate, a MED-dic-s, one who points out the
law. The meddix tuticus of early inscriptions was the highest Oscan magistrate,
as reported by classical and post-classical writers. Dr. Edmund Andrews in
A History of Scientific English also reports the ancient inscription, translating
the word as "a tribune of the people, that is, one to protect them from the
rapacity of nobles"(6). I think, however, that his interpretation is less closely
* Frequentative in grammar is a form which expresses frequent repetition; e.g., quacro,
seek; quaerito, ask persistently. Likewise, medeor, think; meditor, keep thinking and so meditate.
allied to the idea of protection in MED in its extended meaning than it is to
the idea of the intellectual judgment of the early root meaning of think or
reflect, the major duty of a magistrate in legal judgment. Moreover, this
technical sense of giving judgment in an official and legal capacity appears not
in Latin, report Ernout and Meillet, but in the other early Italian dialects.
This, therefore, seems to substantiate the earlier and primary meaning of
MED in meddix as one who gives judgment rather than the later meaning of
caring for or protecting the people.
Up to this point the original MED root has progressed from thought in
general to specific judgment. Now from reflecting and judging come also
measuring and weighing physically. This advanced meaning appears in the
Gothic milan and the Old High German maz, both meaning measure; in the
Irish med, balance; in the Greek supE6vos, a dry corn-measure; in the Latin
medius, a peck. It appears in English in all the derivatives from the Latin
modus, measure, quantity, or extent, from which we in turn get modest, commodious,
accommodate, mode, modern, moderate; in all of these we can detect
a concept of measuring, making fit and proportionate.
The transition from the original simple thinking and the later considered
judgment would entail doing something active about it, in other words, to
care for. Here we are now approaching the more specific and eventually the
completely technical sense of medicine as care and attention to a specialized
group, the sick. It is precisely the same process which enabled the Latin word
curo (to care for) to become care for the sick and ultimately the curing of
them and likewise the simple Greek Oepa7revd (to wait on) to become the therapy
of the sick.
By the classical period of Latin medeor is well established in its third level
of developed thought: giving attention to the sick, thence to healing. An
archaic form, medela, * remedy, was replaced in the classical period by the
very word remedium and the derivatives we know. A very early inscription
suggests Meditrina, a goddess of healing, in the October festival dedicated
to her, the Meditrinalia (7).
We are now approaching MED in its last phase. M1Iedicus is the adjective
form of the manifestation we know most commonly and its verb form is medico
or medicor. The adjective medicinus, pertaining to medical, was used as an
adjective in pre-classical and post-classical Latin and as a noun its use is
classical. In the feminine gender medicina is used in three substantive forms.
When used with the word ars (art or skill) it signified the profession as we
know it, medicine and sometimes surgery; with officina (shop) it signified
the "office" of the practitioner or the shop where his remedies were purchased;
with res (thing or object) it signified the medicine or prescription itself (Cool.
* The Mttedieval Latin Word-List cited above gives on p. 261 from a manuscript of c.731
A.D. medeliferus, healing, from medela, remedy and fero, bring, produce.
It is interesting to note that when it appeared in medieval literature it had
not only the meaning of a legal remedy but also of an elixir able to turn lead
into gold and copper into silver (9).
Although the Romans made little distinction between the trades and professions,
between artisan and artist in our sense of the words, still they consciously
devised a hierarchy of professions, as it were, placing on the highest
level those who pursued the aries liberales, among them the physician, sculptor,
architect, teacher, and chemist.
In poetry and post-Augustan prose the participle medens from medeor
was used as the substantive for physician. The usual word, however, was
medicus* pertaining to healing. I have found in the Corpus Inscriptionum
Latinarum epigraphical evidence of inscriptions, for the most part from Rome,
containing not only medicus (10) but in addition medicus chlirurgus (11) (surgeon),
medicus ocularius (12) (eye doctor), medicus auricularius (13) (ear
doctor), medicus veterinarius (14) (veterinarian), medicus equarius (15) (horse
doctor), mulomedicus (16) (mule doctor), medicus ludi (17) (doctor at the
games or our athletic physician), scriba medicorum (18) (possibly a writer of
prescriptions) and also medica (19) (woman physician). Further, Orelli cites
inscriptions bearing the words medicus alarum (20) and medicus legionis (21)
(our army doctors), medicus triremis (22) (ship doctor), medicus iumentarius
(23) (cattle doctor), medicus clinicus (24) (a physician who attends patients
in bed, from KXLvfl, bed) and schola medicorum (25) (medical school). Both the
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (26) and Orelli (27) give medicus a bybliothecis.
Although a bybliothecis (bibliothecis) was the Latin for librarian, the
full significance with medicus is not entirely clear.
Dr. Edmund Andrews states that medicus "simply means an intermediary
probably between God and man" (28) and later that medicus "implied mediation,
probably as suggested earlier, between God and man in a priestly capacity"
(29). He offers meddix as testimony of this, but it appears to be unsubstantiated
in the face of the history of MED derivatives presented in this paper. Dr.
Andrews, a keen student of the history of medicine as well as of the evolution
of biomedical terminology, knows well and proves ably the development of
early medicine in early religion. His physician as the temple mediator between
the sick and God is historically acceptable. Moreover, he gives substantial
linguistic proof which archaeology and history confirm. His implication, however,
as I read it, is that MEDicus is the MEDiator, from MEDius, meaning
* It is interesting to note that the word appears in the name of the famous 14th, 15th, and
16th century Florentine family, De Medici. I am unable to quote the source or to verify the
statement that the balls or roundels on their coat of arms are pills in commemoration of
their medical origin, in addition to those balls which represent their banking background.
G. F. Young in The .Medici (New York, Dutton, 1913, Vol. 1, p. 20) denies that the family
was originally physicians or apothecaries and states that the origin of the balls is unknown.
middle, from an entirely different root. I have found nothing in the dictionaries
and etymological sources to support his views.
In our analysis of the word medicus from the word medeor we have passed
through all the stages of crystallization from thinking in general through considered
reflection to actively giving care to the sick. Having accepted the universal
definition of medicine as the science dealing with the prevention, cure,
or alleviation of disease, we can in turn accept the ancient Indo-European root
MED as clearly extending to the diagnostic appraisal and clinical evaluation
which are the hallmarks of medicine. After meditating on and deliberately
weighing the illness, the medicus, the agent who also judges, counsels, and
attends the patient and his ills, can well be the physician. The clinics and laboratories,
the therapies and prescriptions of modern medical practice have long
since crept into the original concept of consideration and counsel. Still daily,
current medical literature proffers evidence of an inevitable return to the root
meaning of medicine. In the words of a modern physician,
The value of the physician is derived far more from what may be called his general qualities
than from his special knowledge. A sound knowledge of the aetiology, pathology, and natural
history of the commoner diseases is a necessary attribute of any competent clinician. But
such qualities as good judgement, the ability to see the patient as a whole, the ability to see
all aspects of a problem in the right perspective, and the ability to weigh up evidence are far
more important than the detailed knowledge of some rare syndrome, or even the possession
of an excellent memory and a profound desire for learning.
1. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1933. Vol. 6, p. 293-6.
2. BAXTER, J. H. AND JOHNSON, CHARLES: Medieval Latin Word-List from British and
Irish Sources. London, Oxford University Press, 1934, p. 262.
3. SKINNER, HENRY ALAN: The Origin of Medical Terms. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins,
1949, p. 228.
4. LEwis, CHARLTON T.: An Elementary Latin Dictionary. N. Y., American Book Co.,
1918, p. 944.
5. ERNOUT, A. AND MIEILLET, A.: Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine; histoire
des mots. Nouv. ed. Paris, Klincksieck, 1939, p. 599.
6. ANDREWS, EDMUND: A History of Scientific English. N. Y., Richard R. Smith, 1947,
p. 147.
7. ORELLI, JOHANN CASPAR: Inscriptionusn latinarum selectarum amplissima collectio.
Zurich, Orelli, Fuessli, 1828, Vol. 2, p. 400.
8. ANDREWS, E. A.: Harper's Latin Dictionary; rev. by C. T. Lewis and C. Short. N. Y.,
American Book Co., 1907, p. 1123.
10. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlin, Reimer, 1876-1895, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 1255-
1258, Inscription no. 9567-9603.
11. Ibid., p. 902, no. 4350.
12. Ibid., p. 1183, no. 8909.
13. Ibid., p. 1182, no. 8908.
14. Ibid., Vol. 10, Pt. 1, p. 561, no. 5719.
15. Ibid., Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 1259, no. 9610.
16. Ibid., p. 1259, no. 9611-9613.
17. Ibid., p. 1336, no. 10172.
18. Ibid., p. 1255, no. 9566.
19. Ibid., p. 1259, no. 9614-9617.
20. ORELLI, J. C.: op. cit., Vol. Z, p. 114, no. 3507.
21. Ibid., p. 114, no. 3508.
22. Ibid., p. 136, no. 3640.
23. Ibid., p. 257, no. 4229.
24. Ibid., p. 114, no. 3506.
25. Ibid., p. 256, no. 4226.
26. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Vol. 6, Pt. 2, p. 1182, no. 8907.
27. ORELLi, J. C.: op. cit. Vol. 1, p. 506, no. 2929.
28. ANDREws, EDmuND: op. cit., p. 109.
29. Ibid., p. 147.
30. TODD, JoHN W.: Specialisation. Lancet 1: 462-467, Feb. 24, 1951.


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Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion - Page 4 Empty Re: Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation...Michael Tsarion

Post  seraphim Sun 19 Sep 2010, 23:59

Looks like a good book rainyday.
Since studying Maxwell, Tsarion, Icke and some others, now I try to read a little deeper. I try to notice the signs and symbols, etc.
Yeah me too LOL, I'm such a copycat, to a degree maybe everything is!?
Oh I watched some more conspiracy con video, and the show was completely Tsarions! He certainly has an aware presence. And David Icke is really getting persistent! I wish them and others the best.

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