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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Thu 07 Jan 2010, 08:55

Hope you can excuse me Blackbird, I have been looking on the internet like so many for real information. And there is so much out there it can get overwhelming. That's great you made time for reading, I should too, and take time off the internet, but there's so much on it. I have looked at quite a few forums and I have found a few blogs and the mtsar forum are the better ones. I also encountered people who just want to fight and it gets tiring.
So HighNoon, hope you can see why I'm wary and that it's almost next to impossible to find someone to discuss the research. I would like to inspire others to think for themselves.
For example it's always:
The ones who mix truth with lies are the ones who are NOT to be trusted, especially if they are Freemason shills
Who said Tsarion is the truth. Folks have already explained, they are starting to make decisions
for themselves to find out what helps them.

Where are the lies in Maxwell's work? It was already mentioned he is not telling others to believe him. And why get so upset if you disagree with a theory. I don't care for the evolutionary hypothesis, so instead of getting raving mad and saying lies because it bothers me personally, I try to find other theories that make sense and discuss these with the opposers.
But so far many folks are just raving and it's just false assumptions based on one's own inner turmoil. What ignorance, can a person know who another is without ever meeting them. Like I said who cares who the researchers are, and if some are lying it's real easy to notice that, move forward, don't have to let it ruin you. Seriously, is one going to let their own issues prevent them from learning the real truths. Well so far that's what is seems people are doing. And that's why they stay in the same mess all the time. No growth at all.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 07 Jan 2010, 10:53

Blackbird wrote:Helloooo there...I am confused but that is nothing new(I am only kidding). Is this thread about the works of Michael Tsarion or about...well...something else. Because if we could discuss specifics in regards to the written work, than I may be able to add a thought or two.

Please take a spare moment to read the thread from page 1 , and if it is still not completly clear what its about , well "than" i may be confused

I also would like to say...to no one in particular. Is it possible that these symbols are in and of themselves neither "good" nor "bad". Perhaps they could be tools and it is the wielder of the "tool" that decides what its purpose is. For example: I have a hammer, now I might use this "tool" to build a lovely bird house, or I could take it to the nearest person who has caused an upset and smash their pinky with it. No matter what I may use it for; building or smashing the hammer is there to serve my purpose.

Now this is the type of wisdom u need to convey to some "other parties"

To Irony...Love the moniker by the way. I had to ask why did you choose a Yoda as your avatar? Doesn't that little master have connections with a certain masonic character. I will have to go back and look for that info, or perhaps you are simply demonstrating your moniker name appropriately. Either way its hilarious Laughing
YOu should be aware that you display her little wordslip gesture of "than" instead of "then" but i think she dropped it recently maybe in lieu of me informing her of it on her forum , but these things have a life of their own sometimes

Seraphim wrote:But so far many folks are just raving and it's just false assumptions based on one's own inner turmoil.

True for so many

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 12:17

Hi Blackbird...

Blackbird perceptively states...

To Irony...Love the moniker by the way. I had to ask why did you choose a Yoda as your avatar? Doesn't that little master have connections with a certain masonic character.

Indeed. Let quicksilver break it down for ya'...

Did you not know that Uri/Irony is a Luciferian trying to discredit those that draw negative criticism toward her dark religion and hidden masters? Her furious efforts over many, many months only a credit to her loyalties as she attempts to discredit Theosophists and occultists, not as enemies, but as competitors.

She is also defensive and sympathetic to the Jews and attempts to sway anyone discussing the Jewish agenda.
This is why she is single-mindedly driven to Tsarion as he exposes the truth of these matters in his revealing works.

Me thinks we doth protest too much.

Yoda is the characterization of a Jewish amphibious/reptilian...as physical features would indicate, but there's more...

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 250px-Yoda_SWSB

Yoda...from the Hebrew ידע(Pronounced: "Yodea"), meaning "He knows" or "One who knows".

Yoda's appearance was originally designed by British makeup artist Stuart Freeborn, who based Yoda's face partly on his own and partly on Albert Einstein's.

Frank Oz provided Yoda's voice in each film and lent his skills as a puppeteer in the original trilogy and The Phantom Menace.
Oz was born in Hereford, England, the son of Frances and Isidore Oznowicz,both of whom were puppeteers. His parents were refugees from the Holocaust who moved to England after fighting the Nazis with the Dutch Brigades. Oz's Dutch/Polish father was Jewish and his Flemish mother was a lapsed Catholic.


Yoda is portrayed as a powerful Jedi Master in the Star Wars universe. Series creator George Lucas originally wished Yoda to follow his other characters in having a full name: Minch Yoda, but instead opted to have many details of the character's life history remain unknown. Yoda's race and home world have never been stated in any media, canonical or otherwise, and he is merely stated to be of a "species unknown".
And the unknowns very similar to the Jews when you consider the obfuscations about who they really were or now are.

Yoda served as a member of the Jedi High Council in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic and reigned as Grand Master of the Jedi Order before, during and after the devastating Clone Wars. Following the Battle of Geonosis Yoda held the title of Master of the Order in addition to that of Grand Master.
Total Judaic Freemasonry represented here.

"Secret, shall I tell you? Grand Master of Jedi Order am I. Won this job in a raffle I did, think you? "How did you know, how did you know, Master Yoda?" Master Yoda knows these things. His job it is."

Yoda was trained in the force and Jedi ways by Hysalrian Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo

As we can see here Yoda's teacher was the serpent/reptile variety of teacher...as in Atlantean Masters and Sons of the Serpent
(see works of Michael Tsarion and cited mythologies for further elaborations)

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 180px-Gormo_Training_Yoda

Yoda was one of the Jedi Masters who led the mobile academy aboard the starship Chu'unthor, which was constructed circa 500 BBY. After crash-landing on the planet of Dathomir one hundred years later, Yoda and the other Jedi fought with the famed Witches of Dathomir. Coming to a stalemate, he agreed to leave the ship's data tapes although left no means of reading them. The tapes were bestowed to Rell of the Singing Mountain Clan for safekeeping until such a time, Yoda foresaw, when a Jedi would come to save the planet from darkness and the information could safely be shared with the Witches. This did not happen until around 8 ABY, when Yoda's final student would find his way to Dathomir, fulfilling his Master's prophecy.
The killing of the Druidic peoples and shamans of the ages..."witches", by the Judaic edifice. Capturing and sequestering of the knowledge by the Judaic edifice until the arrival of their savior prophet and only then the knowledge shared with the witch Goy.

Yoda put forth the possibility that the darkening of the Force might suggest the imminent approach of the Chosen One, who prophecy said would bring balance to the Force. In opposition to this theory, several of the younger Jedi disputed Yoda's findings, and formed a breakaway sect—the Potentium. Their heresy was not welcomed by the Council, and Yoda led the campaign to expel them from the order in 130 BBY.

All attempts to reclaim and recapture the original gnosis from the usurpers will be quashed.

Circa 171 BBY, Yoda traveled to Ord Cestus and saved the native X'Ting from disaster. They honored Yoda by building a giant statue of him, at least 70 meters tall, inside the X'Ting Hall Of Heroes.
Well of course we have idolatry to follow in honor of the Judaic powers.

Yoda makes Kenobi a Jedi Knight...under the shadowy visage of the Judaic Freemasonic Grand Master Demon Entity...
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 150px-Masteryodaandobi

"In a dark place we find ourselves… and a little more knowledge might light our way."

The Light of Lucifer through the knowledge of Judaic Freemasonry.

On Polis Massa, Yoda communed with the spirit of his reptilian/serpent teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn, who accepted to train Yoda in secret Whill techniques he had learned after his death.
The power of the Judaic Freemasonic Ritual...to contact the disembodied reptilian entities for communion.

"According to the Masonic reference works that you can get in any library, the Freemasonic orders of Europe said that there was an ideologue, a spiritual entity, that gave knowledge to what the masons call 'our hidden masters' (referring to those who allegedly lead world masonry)...They call him Jota; and in the reference works you'll see this little creature with pointed ears." ―Jordon Maxwell, American Historian, in the film The Illuminati (2005), by Chris Everard.
Considering all of the factoids prior to this quote we can only assume that Maxwell has nothing to go on with this ridiculous claim? I think NOT.
And we can also consider that if Maxwell is part of the agenda and being full of shit, as Irony has stated repeatedly ad nauseum, has he not insulted the true Luciferic religion and loyalties of Irony? Certainly so and the explanation behind the grand attack more than obvious.

Maxwell then purported that the etymology of Jota comes from Joda, which is from Juda. He claims this comes from old British-Israel world Freemasonry, during the time of the founding of England. Maxwell then alleges that the term British comes from a combining of the words brit (Hebrew for "contract" or a "covenant") and ish (Hebrew for "man"). He says that there is somehow a connection between the term British and Freemasonry during that time.
It would seem there is a lot of corroboration to support this hypothesis. True or not from Maxwell...the rest of the picture comes into focus.

Doubtlessly, Yoda was one of the most gifted Force users in the history of the Jedi Order, but aside from his mastery of the Force, his noticeable attributes were leadership and a very long lifespan.

As are those Judaic personages in the Old Testament and the Nephelim.

The Jedi Master Yoda was the best-known member of a species whose true name is not recorded. Known in some sources simply as Yoda's species, this species of small humanoids produced several well-known members of the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic.

The name and homeworld of this species remains unknown. Members of the species were very small, most standing below 70 centimeters, but had extremely long lifespans lasting many hundreds of years (though because all known members of the species were Jedi, who are known to generally have longer lifespans than what is ordinary for a species, the exact average lifespan of the species is unknown). Adult members of the species were characterized by sharp, elfin ears, ridges on their foreheads, tridactyl hands and (most commonly) anisodactyl feet. Their leathery skin and blood was light green. Their sharp teeth pointed to a carnivorous diet. The diet of the most famous member of the species, Jedi Master Yoda, consisted of nutriment most other beings considered disgusting. Most of them, though not all, spoke an idiosyncratic dialect of Galactic Basic Standard, utilizing non-standard grammar and formalized sentence construction.
Sound familiar?

Yoda's species... (Lannik appeared to have evolved from simians, while the unknown tridactyl species had features that could point to an amphibian or reptilian ancestry).

For reasons unknown, George Lucas maintains a strict policy of keeping the history, name, origin, and whereabouts of this species secret. This policy has resulted even in certain works being canceled. A significant example of this policy was when Lucasfilm (likely at the direction of George Lucas himself) ordered the pulping of the entire print run of a yet-to-be-released Star Wars trading card depicting a group of the unknown tridactyl species worshipping a larger-than-life-size statue of one of their number, led in prayer by an individual who may have been intended to be Yoda.

Prior to the creation of Yaddle for The Phantom Menace, Lucasfilm actively discouraged licensees from exploring Yoda's species, wishing to avoid confirming that an entire species of Yoda-like individuals even necessarily existed.
An unpublished Topps trading card depicting the species.

When asked what species Yoda is, Lucas has only joked, "He's a frog." In the documentary "From Puppets to Pixels", he even joked that Yoda is "The illegitimate child of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy". (Yeah...right! A Masonic lie told at the time of inquiry as the evidences suggest.)

A Topps card exists, with showing the species in some unknown sort of ritual, and performing a sort of magic. They watch a statue of their species meditating, very similiar in a way Yoda does. If Yoda's way of meditation in directed from this is unknown, but as it is a card, this source of information is possible to be classified as non-canon.

Topps Trading Card...
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 150px-Manyyodas
NOTICE THE ALL-SEEING EYE AT THE CAPSTONE OF THE JUDAIC FREEMASONIC ROYAL ARCH...this portrayal was canceled at the request of Lucas to keep the origins of Yoda's RACE a secret.

Because of their three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, some have called Yoda a "tridactyl". Actually, the Dutch version of Wookiepedia lists Yoda's species as 'Tridactyl species'.

Satan is not a black god, but negation of God ... this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force ... under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer ..." [Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 102]

Another item unique to Master Yoda was a blissl, an instrument similar to a pan flute, which he wore around his neck while on Dagobah.

Blissl...sounds very Jewish...like dradle. The Pan flute of Yoda from Pike's Morals and Dogma.

Hollywood is run by Judaic Freemasons and their movies are full of predictive programming.
As we can see the true agenda of Irony...that even she is not immune from veils and mind control.
Can you not see that her debunking is actually a veiled attempt to spread more of her New Age gospel while pretending to be against it?
I think you are too far gone into the worship as a follower of the Luciferian agenda Irony....I shall pray for you and your soul....until then try to get yourself laid.

Additional commentary to consider...

Star Wars Episode III finally arrived and is a master work of cinematic art. But, what is George Lucas really writing about? What are we actually seeing on the screen? What does this symbolize in the REAL WORLD? Nearly everyone who views the movie will either love it or hate it. Only a relatively few people will be able to pick out the symbols and understand what George Lucas is really saying:

He is showing us a symbolic, full-screen portrayal of the taking over of America by dark forces. Actually, America is not evil. According to Freemasonry, ‘America’ is the people and the land and the seas. But, the ‘United States’ – ah, that is something completely different. It is a Company. It is an evil corporation with a President, a Vice President, a Board of Directors, a charter, etc. The U.S. began with Freemason founding fathers. The 13 colonies were originally called ‘companies.’ We were owned by Britain and we are still owned by the throne of England and the Vatican. The Illuminati is a Secret Society that began in Bavaria as a good idea. The inbred Royalty should not control the world and have all this hierarchal power. Those who are ‘enlightened’ should rule the Earth. But, power corrupts and the ones in charge today…who have been passed the Torch of Prometheus…are as evil and deadly as any Sith Lord.

Obviously, this sounds ‘out there.’ But, when you realize the secrets of Secret Societies; those in their robes; with their secret ceremonies; with their corporate symbols; with the Pentagon which is a pentagram out of medieval witchcraft; with streets in the District of COLUMBIA laid out in 5-pointed stars; with their Medals of Honor which is another 5-pointed star with one of its points at the bottom…then you might come to understand that THEY have put these symbols right in front of our eyes and we don’t even recognized them for what they are. Those in-the-know understand. They have been covertly trained on such meanings.

Another example is the ‘fasces’ symbol of tied rods and an ax head. It means if you control all the bosses, then you have power. Mussolini stood in between two large fasces on the balcony during WW2. The same symbol is on either side of the podium in the U.S. House of Representatives. There are crossed fasces on the seal of our Senate. It was on the reverse of the old Mercury dime. The fasces is as evil as the swastika. What is the symbol of fascism doing in the land of the free? Further lessons of secret symbols such as COLUMBIA, the Liberty torch, a capstoneless pyramid, the Double-Square and others will not be explored here. I do encourage readers to study these hidden/occult things on their own in libraries and on certain Internet sites. Do not believe your television and other media outlets!

Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas went to the same film school very early in their careers. It is not a stretch to imagine they have been groomed for success and a part of Secret Societies. THEIR movies get made and get funded. Coppola, whose father is the Godfather of Corleone, was given the assignment of making ‘The Godfather.’ Spielberg was given the propaganda films ‘Close Encounters’ and ‘ET.’ (The recovered Roswell alien was called EBE for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ certainly was symbolic; the Nazis were in search of religious relics.

In ‘Revenge of the Sith,’ the old Republic is the United States. Lucas is showing us the slow corruption of the States; from within; an indirect take over of the Land of Liberty. On the screen, we see the DIRECT, overt attack of clones that were once good…but have been programmed by the Dark Side to kill the Jedi. The Senate, of the Galactic Republic, is covertly controlled by the evil Chancellor Palpatine. Jedi come to arrest him for crimes against the Senate. He replies: ‘I AM the Senate.’ His dark alter ego (the robed Sidious) is the Phantom Menace. The Illuminati is an evil organization IN THE REAL WORLD that has slowly, over time, seized power and control away from the people. Lucas knows this. He is a part of the Evil Empire that he has symbolized on the silver screen. In an interview, Lucas said he was presenting how a Republic becomes an Evil Empire. The film ends with a grand victory for the Dark Side. The Republic is no more and evil reigns supreme. Is this really so different than what is going on in our world today?

In the beginning of the movie, General Grievous kidnaps the Chancellor. He has 4 arms. When you see this character, he appears all robotic. But when you see his eyes, under the metal, he is a LIZARD. Ask David Icke what this represents. He will tell you this refers to the Reptilian aliens. Why does he cough? Does this refer to viruses that plague our world?
How do the clone armies turn against the Republic? The Dark Lord unleashes ‘Order 66.’ This makes the clones destroy the Jedi who they have been faithfully serving. In Freemasonry, there are 33 degrees. The Chancellor tells Anakin the advantages of the Dark Side; he knows BOTH sides…2 times 33 or 66. You move up in Freemasonry by degrees. U.S. presidents have been 33 degree Freemasons. In robed, secret ceremonies initiates eventually learn who they have been serving in those high degrees. They learn that they have been serving the Devil. But by then, it is too late and their souls are owned by the devils that rule this planet. Sound familiar? There is the Jedi Order and the Order of Freemasonry.

Anakin Skywalker is a tormented character and wavers between Jedi and Sith until he blames Obi-wan and all of the Jedi for the Clone Wars. He decides where his allegiance is and kills Jedi Mace Windu rather than the evil Chancellor Palpatine. Now, the future Emperor takes on Anakin as his own apprentice and will teach him the power of the Dark Side. He gives the young man a new name and from this moment on will be known as Lord Darth Vader. This is Secret Society stuff; the ROBED master giving out a new name. This is also done in some Fraternities (remember in ‘Animal House’ how he didn’t want to be known as Flounder?). People should be aware of Yale’s Secret Society of the Skull and Bones. Again, many U.S. presidents have been bonesmen.

For years, I thought George Lucas’ Star Wars was a representation of ancient times. Here were Clone Wars and high technology which existed in our distant past. The great psychic, Edgar Cayce, described such wars and technology. He did not have the modern word ‘clone.’ He used the word ‘things.’ Wars were fought for the liberation of these slaves. Ancient books of India also support this idea.

What do the clones symbolize? They represent US; the general public. We are not considered individuals. We are looked upon as programmable units. The public, who are all the same, are property. We can be brainwashed and turned any way our masters decide.

Now, I see shades of World War II in this new trilogy. Are you sure the fascists lost that war? Or, did they reform in a later age and secretly seize control of World Governments? Many writers have written about a Shadow Government that not only rules America but the entire planet and beyond. Has something like the Sith taken over all that was once good with countries? And, is that organization known as the ILLUMINATI?

There is a scene in Sith where Senator Padme (Natalie Portman) asks Anakin: ‘What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?’

Is she really asking: ‘What if America has become the very evil we were fighting in the Second World War?’

The word ‘democracy’ is used a number of times in the film, referring to the good Order of the Jedi. That same word is thrown around in our media. It is an ideal. It is not reality, but only something THEY want you to believe in. We truly live in an Evil Empire. Utopia is far in the future.

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 ClintonDarthMaul
"Yesssssssssssssss...you have done good work for us and the agenda Uri...the Judaic Freemasonic edifice and its New World Order is safe because of your efforts to discredit and debunk anyone revealing it for what it issssssssssssssssssssssss....."

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Palpatine_rotj
"You have served me well Uri. Now bow to me and offer up your hindquarters for...insertion...ala OTO level XI...right in your Aiw-ass. So that we may progress with our plans of breeding god's chosen master race of Judaica Reptilica Masonica. Gizz us a kissssssssssssss my moistened whore...."

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Thu 07 Jan 2010, 17:04; edited 11 times in total

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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:12

Oho! Looks like the disinfo shill Jordan Maxwell got your knickers in a twist....

...but thanks so much for exposing Jordan Maxwell as the Liar and deceiver he is.

I told you so: the one who mixes truth with lies is the one that is NOT to be trusted.

Otherwise the shill would have told you the true origin of the word yoda. Yoda comes form Yoddha (sanskrit)

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.72.32

ayaḿ tu vayasātulyo

nāti-sattvo na me samaḥ

arjuno na bhaved yoddhā

bhīmas tulya-balo mama


"As for this one, Arjuna, he is not as old as I, nor is he very strong. Since he is no match for me, he should not be the contender.
Bhīma, however, is as strong as I am."

"I am such a Yoda" - and you are a such a bunch of Jew-haters. And you base that on Maxwell's retarded hook, line, and sinker?

Yoda's answer: Wow indeed, stupid you are!

Japanese author/translator Hiroko Yoda was having trouble signing up for a Facebook account. Every time she tried registering with her real full name, she got an error message. She suspected that it might be because of her last name was Yoda, so she tried spelling it slightly differently—Youda, Yohda, Yooda. No problem at all. When she e-mailed FB explaining her situation, she got this reply:

Facebook blocks the registration of a number of names that are frequently abused on the site. The name "Yoda," also being the name of a popular Star Wars character, is on this list of blocked names. I apologize again for the inconvenience. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

I'm a Japanese woman, and my last name really is Yoda. It's a common family name in Japan.


The samurai philosophy of bushido was based on Zen Buddhism. The Force is similar to the Zen idea of Buddha nature.

Jedi is similar to 'Jed-hie' priests in India who are said to be able to perform levitation.

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Wsn5ev
Fear is the path to the dark side

In fact, he's basically just a big lump of latex with a dash of Frank Oz. Nevertheless, the Force is an intriguing pastiche of Zen Buddhism, Emersonian transcendentalism, and Campbellian mythology, and Yoda is its most outspoken prophet. Divorce Yoda's message from the magic and you still have an excellent set of rules to live by.

Listen to what the wise Bill Cooper had to say about "the Jews"

Now you can see what happens to the mind of peoples that are exposed to these deceptive fictional scholars: they turn into useful idiots and blibber babber Maxwells & Tsarions Anti-Jew ideologies. May the force keep smacking you in the face until candy mountain crumbles.

Who said Tsarion is the truth. Where are the lies in Maxwell's work?

You're making fun of me and why? Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2j5j1xgKeep drooling...

To Irony...Love the moniker by the way. I had to ask why did you choose a Yoda as your avatar? Doesn't that little master have connections with a certain masonic character.

I chose the "Iron Yoddha" as avatar because I happened to know where "the name" and "the philosophy" comes from and that's because I read authentic scriptures myself instead of having shills spoon-feed me a bunch of baloney.

YES, at this point IT'S PURE IRONY. Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2j5j1xg

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:04 pm; edited 11 times in total

Work you must hard, for the dark side never rests, though futile still it is. Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2j5j1xg

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:19


Glad I could be of assistance in the Yoda department. May the farce be with you.

My family tells me it is cold in Florida at about 40 degrees and similar to the cold winter of 1981. Which I remember vividly.

We have had a cold wave here in Norway as well...it was minus -30 F degrees today.
The record cold for today was in 1978 at minus -40 F degrees.

SO....enjoy sitting on the grass.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:24

I've noticed many people just simply being jealous or envious of him.
And we are currently dealing with these types the best we can. But modern psychotropics are just no match for the hate and envy filled green milky discharge spewed forth from an infected gaping gash.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:29


Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Ifbryu

And what's wrong with Jews again?

Last edited by Irony on Fri 08 Jan 2010, 01:26; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:31

Nice attempt Uri...but you just can't scale the mountain of evidences set before you, even minus a few sentence quote from Maxwell of which you base your whole argument.
Keep trying...and if all else fails, do what you do best...and make something up.
Uri is Living for the Lying.

Yo' Timothy...how many Minch-es do you know of in Japan?

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 ClintonDarthMaul
Thisssssssss isssssssss good Uri...the Jews are now safe by your efforts....sssssssssssshhhhhhhalooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

...edited 1,000 times.

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:46; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:45

You mean THE MINCH? Lot's of them in Japanese comix.

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2zp5g7rMichael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 21j2mfa

Yeah Dude, EPIC FAIL..and thanks for explaing us the Maxwell/Tsarion New Age Agenda

You based your one of a time epic fail argument on: "Yoda comes from Judah", what a bunch of Neo Nazi disinfo bullshit.

but you just can't scale the mountain of evidences set before you

That post of your was a seizure of EPIC proportions..I have to admit,
it just contains all the "evidence" that I needed, to show that you've been majorly brain-hogwashed.

Keep trying...and if all else fails, do what you do best...and make something up.

That Actually seems to be your job DRAMA-FREEMASON-DUDE Sleep

Last edited by Irony on Thu 07 Jan 2010, 20:09; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 20:01

All I see is a picture of a dwarf.
And you saying what it is.

Bill Cooper...still pushing the NWO Alien Agenda eh Uri? Have you read his book about the aliens yet? Are you a believer?

Guy sounds sane and legit to me...? I know if Tsarion had this on his resume you would be...up his ass about it.

By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. He was wanted for tax evasion.
Another warrant was issued for "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" against a local doctor shortly before his death.

In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of brandishing a handgun to threaten passers-by near his home in Eagar, Arizona.
Just before midnight on November 5, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's office converged on Cooper's homestead to arrest him on a warrant arising from the threat complaint.

Trying to avoid a violent confrontation and potential siege with a man rumored to be unstable and armed, the team used subterfuge to lure Cooper out of his home in the middle of the night. Officers pretended to be rowdy trespassers on the edge of Cooper's rural property, blaring rock music and making other festive sounds until Cooper came out to investigate.

According to police accounts, when the deputies identified themselves, Cooper fled back toward his house, drew a handgun, and began shooting. One deputy was shot in the head and was hospitalized in critical condition. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.

edited...1000 times.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 20:51

That you should better start read to worthwhile literature before you ass-u-me with your retarded Maxwell propaganda lecture that Yoda is anything else but of SANSKRIT origin. Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2v1xhxw

Disinfo NWO agents like you mix truth with half-truths and stir together a patchwork of incorrect misleading information to confuse and point the public in a wrong direction, by excluding vital information as of who are the top Illuminati.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 20:58

Lot's of them in Japanese comics...just none here.

And I will take that as a yes, that you consider Cooper to be a reliable source of information.
And would therefore have to be a believer in his alien and UFO stories and encounters, for according to your standards, such insanity would render him a disinfo agent.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 21:16


By eating the forbidden fruit, Lucifer promised: "Your eyes will be open and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5)

This means that man will define what is good and evil.

God is Good. When man makes himself God, good becomes whatever the most powerful man or group wants. Good becomes evil and evil becomes good. This is happening today.

There were a lot of groups who wanted to be God but some conservatives believe our anti culture can be traced to the Jewish view of their "chosenness."
Originally Jews had a conception of God as a Universal Moral Force in the universe. (This is the Judaism I identify with.)

Apparently in 79 BC there was a Civil War and the Pharisees were victorious. They proclaimed the supremacy of the Babylonian Talmud over the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament.)

The Talmud teaches that the Jews are chosen by God to lead mankind. In practice this makes them God and gives them the right to redefine reality. It has made them Luciferians. In the words of Harold Rosenthal, "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." (http://www.savethemales.ca/000334.html)

According to the author "Rabi": "Christianity is essentially preoccupied with the individual salvation of man. Judaism only contemplates the salvation of the House of Israel, which alone can permit the salvation of seventy nations of the universe." (Anatomie du Judasime Francaise, pp.203-204)

Thus the Pharisees rejected Christ because he taught that God is Love and all men are equal in the sight of God.

"The advent of Christ was a national catastrophe for the Jewish people, especially for the leaders. writes Leon de Poncins. "Until then they alone had been the Sons of the Covenant; they had been its sole high priests and beneficiaries.... "

De Poncins continues: "The irreducible antagonism with which Judaism has opposed Christianity for 2000 years is the key and mainspring of modern subversion...[The Jew] championed reason against the mythical world of the spirit ...he was the doctor of unbelief; all those who were mentally in revolt came to him either secretly or in broad daylight..." (Judaism and the Vatican, pp.111-113.)


I suspect that the Messianism of the Pharisee Jews is itself an instrument of international bankers, a way to consolidate their power. These bankers and their allies are creating a new world order that cares little for democratic principles. They will be the Gods.

Nathan Rothschild (1777 -1836) said: "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." (The Independent, April 16, 2004)

In addition to Jewish Messianism, Freemasonry has been the bankers' tool. It was instrumental in the destruction of the Christian monarchies in Germany, Austria and Russia and the decline of the Catholic Church. http://www.savethemales.ca/000338.html

This is also the view revealed in The Red Symphony. http://www.savethemales.ca/000280.html

In his Encyclical Humanum Genus (1884) Pope Leo VII wrote that the ultimate aim of Freemasonry is "to uproot completely the whole religious and moral order of the world, which has been brought into existence by Christianity...This will mean that the foundation and the laws of the new structure of society will be drawn from pure naturalism."
Again Pope Leo VII said: "Freemasonry is the permanent personification of the Revolution; it constitutes a sort of society in reverse whose aim is to exercise an occult overlordship upon society as we know it, and whose sole raison d'etre consists of waging war against God and his Church." (De Poncins, Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 45)

In Freemasonry and the Vatican, Leon de Poncins uses Jewish sources to argue that Freemasonry is closely related to Judaism. For example, Rabbi Elle Benamozegh wrote: "Masonic theology corresponds well enough to that of the Kabbala.,,,(Israel et L'Humanite, p.73)

De Poncins cites an article that appeared in 1861 in a Parisian Jewish Review La Verite Israelite: "But the spirit of Freemasonry is that of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; its ideas are Judaic, its language is Judaic, its very organization, almost, is Judaic... "

De Poncins writes that the goal of both Freemasonry and Judaism is the unification of the world under Jewish law. (Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 76)


Judeo Masonic culture hasn't been all-bad. It has allowed us to accept our sexual desires without feeling guilty and given us the freedom to find God again on our own terms. However these benefits are temporary enticements. The ultimate aim is to divorce us from God and enslave us to our sexual and material lusts, i.e. to arrest our development.

Like a scientist who begins with a hypothesis, I am offering this as a paradigm. You must decide if it helps to explain the world. Obviously I am just scratching the surface, and welcome guidance from people who are better informed than I.

But I have no doubt that mankind is being subverted by its political and cultural leaders, beholden to international bankers and their allies, who are often practising Luciferians. They use Judaism (incl. Zionism) and Freemasonry as instruments of organization and control. Obviously the majority of Jews and Freemasons are unaware or do not believe this.

Modern culture perpetuates Lucifer's rebellion. It makes a God of man. Man defines everything including goodness and truth. As result, we are in a spiritual prison cut off from God and oppressed by relentless reminders of our stunted development.

I'm afraid spiritual and psychological enslavement is but a prelude to a political and economic one.


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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 21:24


(as if all Freemasons are "Jewish", some play Muslim, some Christians, or Buddhists, or Pagans, or Atheist, keep drooling)

Cooper's research later led him to the conclusion that he (and several others) had been deceived by superiors into believing the UFO conspiracy with bogus documents.

When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy I believed the alien threat was real just like everyone else. It was not until I had performed many years of research that I was able to fully understand exactly what it was that I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the United States Navy had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to government and military service. Most government and military personnel cannot and will not believe such and [sic] idea.

available at his website (hourofthetime.com)



"Belonging to the ancient mystery schools who meet in secret"

Called FREEMASONRY as the umbrella organization.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Thu 07 Jan 2010, 22:36

I chose the "Iron Yoddha" as avatar because I happened to know where "the name" and "the philosophy"
comes from and that's because I read authentic scriptures myself instead of having shills spoon-feed me a bunch
of baloney.

YES, at this point IT'S PURE IRONY
LOL, laughs on you again. All lies. You got mad because you were called Darth Vadar. So I was kind enough to call myself him so you wouldn't feel hurt, because I thought you were an internet friend back then, but you were just pretending and were really checking me out. Hiding behind the Lemurians too. Tell us the truth are a Jew. You said you had family that were Jewish on another forum.

You certainly got me thinking quicksilvercrescendo, but as far as I know, Uri/Irony got jealous because someone called me Yoda ( who they thought was the good guy because you think that if you saw Star Wars) and called her Darth Vadar. She got so pissed off that she tried to take control and reversed it and now calls herself Yoda and me darth vadar.
Which is really ironic and her karma and all comes back to her because she is hateful and the hidden bad Yoda.
That you should better start read to worthwhile literature before you ass-u-me with your retarded Maxwell
propaganda lecture that Yoda is anything else but of SANSKRIT origin.

Where do you think Sanskrit and the old languages came from, where do you think they got all their myths as you call them from, including Yoda. Take a guess, how was it that they got their knowledge, why were they more advanced back then? It wasn't no human caveman, but by some kind of intelligent Life and some were not very nice, some pretended, like you.
And they believed in Gods back them because that's when they were visited, they didn't call Yoda's and the like aliens as they do now.

It's kind of funny that many people who are brainwashed like Uri/Irony always throw in Bill Cooper, there only
source. And then don't even use there own mind to figure out they are the one's mindcontrolled. Uri/Irony quit letting your anger call others names and lie about them. If you can't back up your insane accusations then you might as well leave, because you'll just make yourself worse and even more of a fool.

There is no getting away Uri/Irony, no matter what kind of deceptive plan you got, and lie you say, you will be shamed for it. I will make you face your demon.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 22:42

seraphim wrote:Blah Blah Blah empty talk, blah blah meaningless rethorics Blah Blah Blah no argument, just looking for a venue to talk shit Blah Blah Blah

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 141my3r

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:01

Bill Cooper is only different than David Icke in that David has never claimed he has seen a alien, much less did actual battle with one face-to-face.

It is common for Uri at this point to remain silent on the issue and then defend on tangents and insults.
Haven't changed since the MTSAR meltdown.

I guess we only label disinfo agents according to how convenient they are to back up theories...huh Jewess?

It is quite obvious the Uri is a defender of the Jews and totally dismisses anything about them she does not like...so not a surprise that she admitted to having some Jew in her. Almost didn't even need to be told that...actions speak volumes.

Wouldn't surprise me that she comes from money or has had the silver spoon from mommy and daddy which also affords a lot of that computer time.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:05

1830 -

Robert Dale Owen, Fanny Wright and Orestes Brownson formed the Workingmen's party in New York, but after Brownson converted to Christianity, he later revealed their plan in The Works of Orestes Brownson (vol 19).."The great object was to get rid of Christianity....The plan was to establish a system of state-we said national-schools, from which all religion was to be excluded. The plan has been successfully pursued...and the whole action of the country on the subject has taken the direction we sought to give it...."

Horace Mann, known as the "Father of American public education", as president of the Massachusetts senate, signed the Education Bill of 1837 establishing the first state board of education in the U.S. In Horace Man: A Biography
Johnathan Messerli writes that Mann:

"believed the nation needed new enabling institutions, especially public schools....What the church had been for medieval man, the public school must now (in Mann's time) become for democratic and rational man. GOD would be replaced by the concept of the Public Good, sin and guilt by the more positive virtues of Victorian morality and civic conformity, and mankind would emancipate itself once and for all, not only from the relentless gnawings of a Puritan conscience, but through its own self-attained enlightenment, from the endemic evils of poverty,ignorance, violence, disease, and war.....for the first time in the history of western man, it seemed possible for an intellectual and moral elite to effect mass behavioral changes (via a system of public schools) and bring about a new golden age of enlightened ethics, humanism, and affluence".

Ah...sounds lovely, does it not? Of course there are a few niggly little sentiments that might cause one concern...if one reads it carefully. (civic conformity?) (intellectual and moral elite?) (evils of a Puritan conscience")

Well...it actually goes further back than that.

According to University of Edinburgh professor John Robison in Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), the goal of the Illuminati was to root out all religion and ordinary morality, abolish national distinctions, demean patriotism, and 'rule the world'.

On July 4 1798, Dr Timothy Dwight, president of Yale University, delivered a discourse in which he claimed:

"In the societies of Illuminati doctrines were taught...(such as): The being of GOD was denied and ridiculed....the possession of property was pronounced to be robbery....adultery, assassination, poisoning and other crimes of the like infernal nature, were taught as lawful, and even as virtuous actions. To crown such a system of falsehood and horror all means were declared to be lawful, provided the end was good....Of the goodness of the end every man is to judge for himself....The great and good ends proposed by the Illuminati...are the overthrow of religion, government, and human society civil and domestic. These they pronounce to be so good, that murder....and war, however extended and dreadful, are declared by them to be completely justifiable, if necessary for these great purposes....

I wonder what he would think of Yale now?

Fourteen years after Timothy Dwight's above-mentioned discourse, retiring Harvard University president Joseph Willard claimed (July 4 1812):

"There is sufficient evidence that a number of Societies of the illuminati, have been established in this land...They are doubtless secretly striving to undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred...We live in an alarming period. The enemies of all order are seeing our ruin. Should infidelity generally prevail, our independence would fall, of course. Our republican government will be annihilated."

Said almost 200 years ago.

And maybe from the Illuminists themselves:

The Secret Doctrine of Theosophy, explained by Alice Bailey, in her book, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, dictated to her by her Guiding Spirit, Master D.K. (Alice Bailey was the Director of the House of Theosophy)

The Secret Doctrine teaches that there are always three distinct classes of human beings -- 1) Enlightened, Advanced Men, who were "sparked" by the Hierarchy; 2) Masses of ordinary people, with ordinary intelligence and spiritual knowledge, which are called, Middle Classes; 3) Savage races of people who are so ignorant and so lacking in spiritual knowledge they can barely be called human. [p. 47-48](Sounds familiar, eh?)

Adolf Hitler joined The Thule Society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart. Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed, saying, "Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers." (Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91).

More from dear Alice Bailey - Director of Theosophy:

"The Masonic Movement ... will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists ... in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate -- when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood -- will be the utilization of the banded esoteric organism, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating
centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies. (Pages 511, 513)

Interestingly, Alice also mentions:

" that the world must first be reorganized into Spheres of Influence before it could be organized into a Global government" (Page 209). She made it very clear that this reorganization would not follow traditional national boundaries, but would be a completely different organization.

Ahh...and finally:

"The Spirit of Peace is hovering close to humanity, seeking opportunity to make His Presence felt. The Spirit of Peace is not an abstract concept but a potent Individual, wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet. Great Forces are awaiting the hour when They can function as the Liberators and the Deliverers of mankind. But the door to Their entrance must be opened by humanity itself and it will be opened by a united act of the will, expressed through some formula of words and expressed in sound. It will be brought about by an activity performed simultaneously by all men and women of goodwill and by all the world aspirants and disciples. The door will not open unless the act of invocation is backed by the focussed will. The directed determination of the man or the group who is using the suggested formula, prayer, or invocation is essential."

But wait a minute! In 1939 she wrote:

"What I say here has no specific reference to any individual; I am considering the world problem, centering around the Jews as a whole ... The Black Lodge is occupied with the matter aspect in its multiplicity of forms. Hence, my brothers, the beneficent nature of death.
Nevertheless, for the progress of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity, death is inevitable, good and necessary."

Thus, Alice Bailey's Plan, stated almost 50 years ago, would be realized, i.e., that the Great One would reinstate the Ancient Mysteries Religion as the New World Order Religion. "These Mysteries, when restored, will unify all faiths."

Except those, of course, who do not deem their deaths to be 'inevitable, good, and necessary" to those "Illumined" ones.

Written by a fellow truthseeker named grneyelady (well done and thanks for the good research) Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 2v1xhxw

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 4 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:10

What further on the Minch?

And Cooper as your reliable source to invalidate other supposed disinfo agents?

...crickets chirp...

...ah...yes back to your spiritual rapist...Blavatsky.

...same 'ol Uri. Envious of Tsarion's Mystery School.

Maybe mom will give you the cash to join and then you can shred it to pieces.

(Should you feel that you have suffered traumatic rape episodes by Madame Helena Blavatsky, Nazis, any Theosophical disciples of the New Age, or suffer from whore-hopping from one forum to another to fill the void in your life please consult with your psychologist and adjust your meds prior to viewing.) grneyelady = uri


But I am starting to pick up on the hating lesbian vibe here...

...just remember the swastika goes back to 10,000 BCE.

Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:21; edited 1 time in total

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