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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 29 Mar 2010, 22:35

I am watching the ARC video...as I have not listened to much Tsarion as of late.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 30 Mar 2010, 01:18

The best ass-wipe descript ah heard Qsc - the triad method , wonder if the indians use that one

I don't think a person can control every experience in their life, what they see and hear etc. A person can control their own decision making and what you choose to do or not do. A person can also make mistakes.

I agree , thats why i used the term "co-creating"
What is important, i beleive, is the relationship between your consciousness , the application of your conscious willpower , and the beneficial or destructive effect this has on your life experience, with each experience, flashing its reflection into your lifesoul , the overall state of this lifesoul then is emitted back through your expressions like a subterranean undertone thats particular qualitys can be sensed by others in communication with you
Conscious willpower can be administereed by mimicking or by reason
When somebody awakes in the morning , they have to apply willpower to get out of bed , then they may just hang around and allow other influences to inspire what they choose to do that day, negative or positive or they may have made an agreement to apply their will to do a job for somebody else which they are getting paid for .
Or they may apply their will specifically to enhance some part of their own existence .

Now a large majority of people are using their willpower in a learned mimicked fashion , that is that they have learned to do certain things as other before them have done so, sort of like a proven formula , and this can often be a great tool , but sometimes these so called proven formulas can very slowly become infected or become innapropriate to the changing of time or the changing of the person, and it happens so slowly that people have forgotten to detect the drop in quality experience that has occured for them
That is where reason comes in, to evolve the reason sense to constantly monitor what one is experiencing and its relationship to a quality of existence , there will also be other senses that can be evolved as well , like a 6th sense ...Instinct ? and when someone feels this one buzzing for some reason , then off course they should investigate it, to try and identofy the reason , but instinct does not just buzz because something is inherently wrong with something being perceived, it can also buzz if the perceiver has not interpreted events as they actually are , so instinct itself can be compromised by a stubborn area of the ego or even just an unevolved area of the reasoning
JUst a few thoughts that came to mind and ive no time to continue at the moment

My question is the same, who's to judge? If you turn right instead of left, does that decision help create or not create your soul? Who is making the "creating your soul" rules?
yeah good question, spent years trying to figure it out exactly but dont have the definitive answer , just yet, but i have ideas Smile

FAir comment Flames Cool

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Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 30 Mar 2010, 08:50

On second reading of what i said about "instinct" i need to adjust what i meant slightly, I think there is a pure unadulterated instinct available in each person, which is maybe quite pure before the societal conditioning takes shape and can also be kept quite pure dependent on how people exist , but there is also the possibility that this can be "muddied" over by certain "mimicked" or even "subconsciously imported" belief systems .

So that a person can get a feeling that something is wrong about what someone else has said, but some of the influencial part of that perception is more to do with what the person projects onto the meaning than the actual meaning that the someone was actually conveying .

But it is not an exact science, because many things that people say, can be interpreted in certain ways dependend on each persons preferences or conditioning or beliefs

So im not talking about what your opoinion is on tsarion rainyday, but of something that occurs in human nature and affects people to different degrees in their opinions of others

So one aspect of evolving the self, is to fine tune the senses so that these inherent prejudices in the self can be minimised or erased when perceiving others opinions

But off course the person one is perceiving may very well be trying to hoodwink one, it is always down to the individual to first perceive that, but then t prove it to themselfs if possible using a communicatable reason to back up the initial emotional judgement
And the other oppose happens often as well, that a person is genuinely attempting to enlighten others but is perceived as being a hoodwinker

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:19

Good, as I would like to know your opinion because I know your opinion will be without bias or allegiances. This will be an interesting discussion

I think of all the people who have, or could possibly, open their yap to eek out something thoughtful, stimulating and worthy of reflection with sincerity, depth and profundity few can manage to do what Tsarion has done in his presentations to the public.

When he talks of soul and self. He is getting into the spiritual and the psychological.
I have a map of this territory and information I have been compiling for years now.

The soul is the invisible part of yourself that has attached to physicality with a flesh and blood body.
When detached from the physical body, this entity, is to be regarded as spirit.
That to me, is the definition differentiating soul and spirit.

For me, the psychology of a flesh and blood human only takes place mostly on the four denser layers of the energetic soul-spirit body.
The upper layers are not so concerned with physicality in regards to the self and deal with more distant and higher realms of being.

But I am under the impression that the souls of humankind are trapped in a false reality matrix of physicality which is built upon a substructure of another non-physical false reality matrix. A prison within a prison. And perhaps another false reality matrix enveloping these other two. A prison within a prison within a prison. Even reincarnation is an experience due to being trapped in an over-arching false reality matrix.

And each prison has its wardens, guards and keepers. Each of these designed to keep some form of order with the goal of perpetuating their feeding. The feeding off of humanity's emotion and psychological behaviors. This is why we are manipulated. A form of energetic food.
Each of us may have a parasite attached to us and this feeds, but also channels energy to its overlords or archons.

It is these archons that rule over the false reality matrices...many of us call them and pray to them....they tend to be called god or gods.

So there is a larger picture influencing man's psychology, self and his purpose. But can one realize and transcend this withing a prison within a prison within a prison with parasitic attachments. Or can one learn to cleanse oneself, break free and master themselves and their existence within these matrices without giving anything over to the parasites...of physical or non-physical realms?

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 30 Mar 2010, 17:39

I don't know if it's possible. Has anyone ever accomplished it?

I believe so, but many of the Shamans, Taoists, medicine men and those who had the knowledge were bled of their methods and wisdom and then killed. The knowledge historically and presently held by the dark sorcerers and used for their own gain with oppression humanity cutting them off from any realization of a life or existence outside of a prison matrix. Anyone who has the knowledge or ability will keep a low profile so you won't be seeing them on television or the internet.

Most systems of transcendence allow some form of enticement and a promised freedom, but you rise up to the next layer of false matrix reality where you are even more energetically tapped and fed upon. It is my opinion that the afterlife of heaven is just another layer within the prison. That what can actually be experienced to the fullest lies beyond these religious afterlife worlds creatively advertised as the best there is. I believe this is the case for most Hindu yogic practices and religions...and most rituals.

A few of my latest posts have been touching on this area. The books of Carlos Castaneda are most revealing in this context.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 30 Mar 2010, 21:23

The subconscious mind has no defense mechanism, so when Mtsar is telling everyone not to worry about big brother, worry about yourself-hood,
It's good to be aware of what's going on. But, I think he meant one has to put theirself first, not egotistically, but to really find out who they are. Know thyself, then one would not have any worries or problems with big brother ever again. If a person became whole again, big brother would not be able to intervene.

Lets all be grateful for what we're about to receive. And what is it that we're about to receive? Evidently, Mtsar knows what we're about to receive. Lets just throw some psychology and ancient mysteries into the mix to keep them plebeians confused. Order out of Chaos...works every time.
Now that's something a Christian would say. ( :
I wondered what they were trying to do to us. And how people like mtsar and others know what they are going to do to us. So I read up and anyone can find this out for themselves it's all laid out in books, however elusive or unclear, so that is how the researcher's know. The creation stories are all very similar and other beliefs and myths. Plus history always seems to repeat itself so you can go figure.
The mass manipulators have everything down to the T and is all planned out.
No, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying if there is an ulterior motive, it will eventually come out.
Ulterior motives may come out but ignorance is bliss to a lot of folks so nothing is done about those motives.

As for us not having souls, people are vessels, so they can get hijacked, their soul gets misplaced. I read that some people are not born with souls or are not intact. Those people are really dead and can be harmful. And when one dies the soul can get lost for sure, and I definitely believe it can be harvested.
Overall, we need something to animate ourselves and keep our own energy so we can keep our awareness. How to animate the doll??

The feeding off of humanity's emotion and psychological behaviors.
For sure quicksilvercrescendo, I would keep that in mind next time the full moon or the horomones or just emotions start up rainyday. If you can find some form of meditation or something similar that disconnects you then it would be a great way to know yourself and at least stop the feeding. Oh and when the tests hit, you will be much more prepared.

I was having some full moon downloads about the stars last night and had an amazing dream (been having some major dreams lately too Flames), but didn't write it down and just have the imprint as you say kapis. Of course everything goes down the drain if I don't write it down. But I was just having a thought how one cell can replicate the entire body. So if you think of the cell as a human and the body as a god, imagine how much potential the human or cell has to become complete like the body or God. Same as with the stars.

Btw, what a great comment from Saaz, kapis.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Tue 30 Mar 2010, 21:39

I'm behind here, so I'll made it two posts.

I like the old saying which is in almost every religion and story. The Creator made one, this one became two and two produced three or mankind.

Quicksilvercrescendo, I'm glad you like CC, he did the job very well and certainly chosen very carefully, and am so thankful, unfortunately it' sad to see how he went downhill fast in his life, as a lot of folks do in this matrix.
I would recommend Merilyn Tunneshende, who does not have anything on the internet, except her books. And Victor Sanchez, Toltecas.com, who worked with the Natives in Mexico. parallelperception.com is also a nice community. Almost everything, including CC's websites seem to be tainted.

Rainyday, I posted earlier on Jimson weed. Check it out! It's very poisonous and grows wild where you live, is very hardy and usually on the side of streets growing out of the concrete. But if known how to use, it opens up the doors. Since people have lost all tools and DNA, plants are really one of the only things left, since most people can't do it through meditation either. Spirit plants will help.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 01 Apr 2010, 12:46

You had posted an Icke video lecture a while back rainy. Even Icke is presenting this very same perspective of a false reality matrix with some illustrations that an artist did for him.

Perhaps more of this will be elaborated upon in his new book.
The blue lion on the cover of the book is actually another representation of an extra-dimensional being or force...but one supposedly opposed to the reptilian, avian and insectile archons and parasites.

What he presents on the matter remains to be read.

Flames and blackbird...your elaborations are similar to my own in many ways. It is very much a wait and see as to what the next few years brings...or what we bring upon ourselves.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 9 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 01 Apr 2010, 19:55

I am not entirely comfortable with any researcher completely. And that is the way it should be.

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