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Michael Tsarion Revisited

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:20

yoda .. no shit, there was me thinking that was a snapshot of the entity that directs her consciousness this way then that way and round again
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Skeleton-17-june

And DRama, you got blavatsky, you got maxwell posts , scraping the barrel there, , but where your proof on tsarion being disinfo ?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:37

The Jewish Character of the Early Masonic Lodge

October 20, 2009
(From "Wise as a Serpent, Gentle as a Dove")

Because there has been such a powerful cover up of the role Jews have played in Freemasonry, this subject must be dealt with. The Reformed Rabbi Gotthold Saloman wrote that Freemasonry was more a Jewish movement in origin than Christian. However, as is so often the case today, Jews can say things about themselves which if Gentiles, the Goy, say the same thing, then the non-Jews are in serious trouble.

The initial formation by four Masonic lodges in 1717 of the first public Grand Lodge, included several Jewish Masons as participants. These were Marranos Jews (Jews converted to Christianity) and included Mendez, de Medina, Alvarez, and Baruch.29 In other words, Jews were there from the start. A look at the seals of the various Masonic groups in England in the 18th century reveals a Jewish or magical influence.

Many books, including Morey's recent one, portray the American lodges as anti-Jewish. This is a smokescreen. The only Grand Lodge that was really anti-Jewish was the Prussian Grand Lodge which eventually transformed itself into the Thule Society and then into the Nazi Party. The reason that the Prussian Lodges became concerned in the early 19th century about Jewish control of Freemasonry could be a book in itself, but was based on several items, 1. being close to the several radical Jewish movements in Poland and the German States, the Germans were more aware of what was taking place, 2. in Germany warnings were given by ex-Masons and Masons, 3. German authors like Johann Christian Ehrmann in 1816, Eduard Emil Eckert (Der Freimaurer-Orden in seiner wahren Bedeutung, c. 1850), and Georg Michael Pachtler to name a few wrote books warning the Germans about Freemasonry and the power of Jews within the lodges.

A close examination by reliable Masonic, Jewish, and other sources reveals that the Jews have indeed played an important part in the Masonic lodges since their beginning. A person today will witness for instance such things as the Feast of Tishri observed by for instance the Arkansas Lodge of Perfection.30


The first early lodges in the various European nations of Scotland, England, German states, and France built upon a number of existing organizations. Various secret societies were built upon.

Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter to explain Masonry's early history, it will be found in the Knight's Templar groups, in the secret societies of Europe and the Middle East
(including the Order called Roshaniya, the Assassins, & Sufism), the Rosicrucians, the Prieure de Sion, the Mystery Religions (including the evolution of the Mazdains to Mithraism to
Manicheanism to Freemasonry), witchcraft, and Platonic humanists and philosophers.

Not only were the Masonic Rites formed from the early secret societies, but the secrecy of the Lodges encouraged and provided a forum for men of all types of anti-Christian persuasions, including - but not limited - to the Jews. John Robison, a Mason and a leading intellect of his day, exposed the conspiracy of Illuminized Masonry to take over the world and destroy Christianity in 1789.

After decades of working closely with these men and listening to them in the Lodges he writes about the activities of these men, "...although in direct opposition to a standing rule, and a
declaration made to every newly received Brother, 'that nothing touching the religion or government shall ever be spoken of in the Lodge.' But the Lodges in other countries quickly followed the example of France, and have frequently become the rendezvous of
innovators in religion and politics, and other disturbers of the public peace. In short, I have found that the covert of a Mason Lodge had been employed in every country for venting and
propagating sentiments in religion and politics, that could not have been circulated in public without exposing the author to great danger. I found, that this impunity [freedom due to Masonry's secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality..."31 "...under the protection of Masonic secrecy, they planned schemes... they formed associations in opposition to the... superstitions of the church....The church dreaded the consequences, and endeavored to suppress the Lodges. But in vain.... the rigors of the church only served to knit the Brethren [Masonic Brethren] more firmly together...The Lodges became schools of skepticism and infidelity, and the spirit of conversion or proselytism [to spread Masonic Dogma] grew every day stronger. "32

Robison found in his attendance of Masonic meetings that even some of the Church officials like the Prince Bishop Loge de la Parfaite Intelligence mocked and attacked the church in
his talks given at the Masonic Lodge and this while many of the other Lodge members were dignitaries in the church.33 This type of thing is still continuing. Today some of the most important "Christian" ministers who are Masons have only contempt for Christianity once they have the Lodge's secrecy to talk.

Benjamin Franklin- Freemason and Jew

by Fritz Springmeier
(Fritz Springmeier is an American hero who is serving a prison term for getting too close to the truth. This excerpt is from the self-published "Be Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves.")

A very famous Jewish Mason, born in Boston to descendants of the Puritan tradition is Benjamin Franklin. His father and mother were
Josiah and Abiah Franklin. Benjamin Franklin contributed to the Mikveh Israel Jewish congregation in Philadelphia. But Franklin
did not practice Judaism. He did practice the occult, and things that would be weird to Christians. He became the head of the very
occultic Grand Orient Freemasons when he was in France. Franklin's life was surrounded by Freemasons. Franklin's role in the establishment and promotion of Freemasonry is overwhelming. His role in the destruction of Christianity is quite unknown.

Franklin's career as a Freemason is shrouded in mystery. This Author has in his library the somewhat rare book Benjamin Franklin as a Freemason by Julius Sachse (J.F. Sachse is the last of a line of Sachses in the World Order.) This leading Masonic scholar writes, "To write the history of Franklin as a Freemason is virtually to chronicle the early Masonic history of America....A great difficulty, however, here confronts us, notwithstanding the
prominence of FRANKLIN in Pennsylvania Freemasonry; strange as it appears, he does not mention a word of his Masonic connections or career in his Autobiography, or in any of his correspondence, with but two exceptions, so far as known. This omission is the more
remarkable when we look at his Masonic career while in France during the later years of his life. There, his activity and intimacy with the Brethren was intimate and close, both personal
and official, FRANKLIN taking an active part in their proceedings, even advancing to the so-called higher degrees."56 In spite of all his many duties, Benjamin Franklin was "never
absent from a [Masonic] meeting."57

The Masonic Lodge played such a big role in Franklin's life, and yet Franklin never even hints about Freemasonry in his autobiography. The editor of his autobiography points out that
Franklin tried to portray an unreal persona in his autobiography, but one that Franklin felt people would want to emulate.58 If Masonry is so virtuous, one wonders why it plays no role in his autobiography which was written on purpose to create an image worthy of emulation.
Benjamin Franklin was the founder of the American Philosophical Society.59 He was also a Rosicrucian.60 In Feb. 1730, it appears he was initiated into St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia.61 And in 1727, he started the secret revolutionary political society called
the Leather Apron Club which changed its name in 1731 to Junto, and took on the appearance of being a literary society.62 The same year that this "literary" society changed its name, the St. John's Masonic Lodge that Franklin belonged to got in touch with the Grand
Lodge of London whose Grand Master the Duke of Norfolk appointed Daniel Coxe. Daniel Coxe advised the Masons when he arrived of a plan for the federation of the colonies.63 In 1754, while deputy Grand Master, Franklin unveiled at Albany, NY to his brother Masons
his plan to unite all the colonies under one government.64 Albany was the site of one the earliest Scottish Rite's Lodge of Perfection.

Between Jan 21, 1769 and Jan. 21, 1772 a series of inflammatory letters called The Letters of Junius, which were written in England, were circulated through out the American colonies. The
letters advanced those causes that the colonists would declare to be the causes of their revolution, human rights, freedom of the press, and taxation without representation. The letters were read by Franklin and many of the Masons who initiated the American
Revolution. The man who wrote these letters according to his niece, was the Reverend James Wilmot (1726-1808) a Mason and rector of Barton-on-the-Heath, in Warwickshire in 1785. He also was the first person to publicly name Bacon as the author of Shakespeare's
works.65 He also apparently was in contact with the Lodge of Nine Sisters in France that Franklin would join in 1777.66

"Historians have never ceased to wonder at the enormous psychological influence which Franklin exercised in colonial politics. But up to the present day, few indeed are those who have realized that the source of his power lay in the secret societies to which he belonged and which he was the appointed spokesman."67

Independence Hall which became the famous center of the Revolution was built by the Masons. It is believed by some that the Mason Benjamin Franklin laid its cornerstone, others say it was another Freemason instead.


Some of Franklin's Masonic brothers in France were impressed by the rituals, etc. that he thought up for a new religion. Turning our attention to a different aspect of Franklin's, in a
statement of beliefs Franklin states, "I conceive then, that the INFINITE has created many beings or Gods... It may be that these created Gods are immortal; or it may be that after many Ages, they are changed, and others Supply their Places."68 Not only were Franklin's beliefs not Christian, but in the later years of his life all the Christian standards were violated, so
that it is really a travesty of honest reporting, that Franklin is held up by so many as a role model for Protestants. The distortions in the popular history books about Franklin are but a microcosm of the distortions that history books in general suffer from.

His mother was very concerned that he had joined the Freemasons, and strongly objected. In diplomatic double-talk he advised her not to worry about what she didn't know about. "As to the Freemasons, unless she will believe me when I assure her that they are in
general a very harmless sort of People; and have no principles or Practices that are inconsistent with Religion or good Manners, I know no Way of giving my Mother a better Opinion of them than she seems to have at present (since it is not allow'd that Women should
be admitted into that secret Society)... I must entreat her to suspend Judgment till she is better inform'd,..."69 To paraphrase-- So Mom I can't tell you anything more, but don't judge until you're well informed about us.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:43

Jewish History

Newport, Rhode Island is the historic home to one of the oldest and certainly most influential Jewish communities in early American history. These men and women arrived in Newport as early as 1658 and by the time of the American Revolution they grew to a population of over thirty families. Their rich and varied lives greatly contributed to the ideals of religious freedom and open commerce that would become the hallmarks of the emerging nation. With the family names of Lopez, Levy, Rivera, Seixas, deToro (Touro), Gomez and Hays, these men and women represented the merging of old and new worlds through the tradition and culture of colonial Sephardic Jewry. The following are brief accounts of a few of the extraordinary Jewish men, women, and institutions of colonial-era Newport.

Aaron Lopez and his family arrived in Newport around 1750 from New York via Lisbon, Portugal. Lopez arrived in the new world as a member of a "Marrano" family with the Christian name of "Don Duarte Lopez." Lopez immediately dropped his Christian name and took the Hebrew name of Aaron and submitted to ritual circumcision. Within twenty years, Lopez owned or had interests in over 80 sailing vessels. Lopez was also one of the original founders and contributors of Touro Synagogue and by the end of his life was recognized as one of the "Merchant Princes" of early America. His merchant trading interests included rum, molasses, dry goods and African slaves.

(Check Google Search for the damning evidences of the Jewish Merchants and African Slavery)

Jacob Rodriguez Rivera (uncle and father-in-law of Aaron Lopez) hailed from a "Marrano" family from Seville, Spain. He arrived in Newport via Curacao in 1748 where he introduced the manufacture of spermaceti candle-making. Next to Aaron Lopez, Rivera occupied the highest position in the commercial, religious and social life of Newport’s Jewish community. His daughter Sarah, married Aaron Lopez and his son Jacob owned a grand mansion on the Parade that is today located at 8 Washington Square. History also remembers the Rivera Home then the residence of Deputy Governor John Gardiner who with the Reverend James Manning in July, 1763 met with interested citizens and first made the design known to establish a college in the English colony of Rhode Island, which eventually became Brown University.

Moses Levy and the Moses Seixas families both lived in one of Newport's large colonial mansions at 29 Touro Street. Seixas was a founding member of the nation's oldest Jewish Masonic Lodge (King David in Newport) and Grand Master of the Masonic Order of Rhode Island. Seixas was well known as the Cashier of the Bank of Rhode Island. President (Parnas) of Touro Synagogue at the time of the George Washington visit and letter to the congregation, Seixas also performed the Covenant of Circumcision (B’rith Milah). Prominent merchant and trader Moses Levy of New York and Newport was one of several Ashkenazi Jewish families in Newport at that time. Levy owned the Touro Street Mansion and willed the property to Moses Seixas in 1792. Levy was also one of the original benefactors of Touro Synagogue.

Rev. Isaac Touro was the First Spiritual leader of Congregation Yeshuat Israel. His family came to America from Amsterdam via the West Indies, though originally from Spain where family name was "de Toro." Rev. Touro arrived in Newport in 1759 when only twenty years old, having been trained in Holland for the Jewish ministry. He provided from memory the design of the Touro Synagogue from the great Sephardic Synagogues of Amsterdam. Sons Abraham and Judah would become great 19th century philanthropists.

Moses Michael Hays was not only brother-in-law of Rev. Isaac Touro, but a prosperous merchant. Hays introduced the Order of the Scottish Rite Masonic Order to America. He was the Grand Master of Massachusetts Masonic Lodge with Paul Revere and friend of Patriot Thomas Paine and he helped organized the King David Lodge in 1769. Hays moved from Newport to Boston in 1780. He is credited as being one of the founders of the Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Co., which grew to become the Bank of Boston. At the Old Colony House, one of the oldest existing government buildings in America, in June, 1776 (one month before the Declaration of Independence) Hays delivered a now famous letter to Rhode Island General Assembly protesting the requirement that Jews sign loyalty test before the fledging government.

Ezra Stiles was a Congregationalist minister in Newport and close friend of Isaac Touro and Aaron Lopez. His diaries contain the most extensive descriptions of 18th century Jewish life in Newport. Later he would become first President of Yale University and add Hebrew to the university seal.

Judah Touro was the youngest son of Isaac Touro and he moved to New Orleans in his early twenties where he made his fortune as a merchant/trader. At the time of his death, his estate totaled nearly one million dollars, most of which was given to charitable organizations, orphanages, religious institutions, and towards good works in various cities including his birthplace, Newport. Land was purchased with his generous gift in 1855 for the purpose of providing a public park and preserving the historic Old Stone Mill.

Touro Synagogue is the oldest existing Synagogue in North America (completed for Chanukah in 1763) located on what was originally called Griffin Street. The founding Newport congregation organized as "Yeshuat Israel" or Salvation of Israel never named the synagogue Touro. Those recognizing Abraham Touro’s generous gifts to restore the building, street, and boundary walls loosely called the synagogue "Touro’s Synagogue" in the mid-19th century. Under the Bimah lies a trap door that was used to house runaway slaves as part of the Underground Railroad. The trap door also represents the Marrano tradition of remembering the perils of Jews living in Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition and having to flee from soldiers of the Holy Office at a moments notice.

The Hebrew Cemetery on Bellevue Avenue has origins dating back to 1677, making it the oldest (existing) Jewish Cemetery in America. The final resting place of many of the first Jewish families of Newport and America, including Touro, Hays, Myers, Lopez, Hart, Seixas and Rivera. The 1712 map of the Town of Newport identifies the cemetery on "Jew Street."

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Palpatine_rotj
Uri...you must defend our peoples from the facts of history...even if that means destroying yourself and any rationality whatsoever...throw yourself under the bus yet again for the dark sssssssssssiiiiiiiide...
...Blavatsky...throw them more Blavatsky quotes...some mirror images of cat's...something...anything...before the evidences of the Judaic Masonic edifice become much too much for the bandwidth of this forum to support...

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:52

Yeah, Jordan Maxwell (real name Russell Pine) is a very shady character.

The real truth about Jordan Maxwell or his real name Russell Pine, he's a con man: The FTC filed complaints in federal district court against the following defendants:

Jordan Maxwell, a.k.a. Russell Pine, individually and doing business as BBCOA, a.k.a. BBC of America, a.k.a. Better Book and Cassette of America, and Vic Varjabedian, a.k.a. Victor Varjabedian, a.k.a. Varouj Varjabedian, individually.


WHAT A CONMAN!! Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2j5j1xg

Mr. Pine is a crypto-jew atheist Freemason, who tries to pretend he's not one.

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 30jjkie
but where your proof on tsarion being disinfo ?
Play dumber than dumb..let's play butthead-dumb, it's what I do best..

"He has been affiliated with the Paul Solomon Foundation of Virginia and Rosicrucian Order, the Naqsbaandi Sufi Order"


Tsarion is a FREEMASONIC ROSECRUCIAN Disinfo agent who gets dig-slapped by his Theosophical Masters,

Like I said, one of those CAPTAIN OBVIOUSES!
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2j5j1xg

You have to do better than that DRAMA-FREEMASON-DUDE!
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2v1xhxw

Last edited by Irony on Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:58; edited 1 time in total

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:57

So you take something Tsarion has publicly posted in his bio as truth.

Key term..."affiliated"

Yet you discount something that Tsarion has also publicly stated...the he is has never been, is not, nor ever will be a member of a masonic or secret society.

Or did you miss that interview long ago?

Hmmm...still on the Maxwell/Tsarion thingy?

And how many aliens have you had fistfights with similar to Bill Cooper?

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 07 Jan 2010, 23:59

I dont beleive my eyes, your pulling out a failed maxwell dis charge from , was it 3 years ago ? but still no tsarion disinfo, the purpose of this very thread .. hey ho whistling in the dark
Drama , yous is getting kicked up the ass ... lass
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Skeleton-21-june

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 00:04

quicksilvercrescendo wrote:So you take something Tsarion has publicly posted in his bio as truth.

Key term..."affiliated"

Yet you discount something that Tsarion has also publicly stated...the he is has never been, is not, nor ever will be a member of a masonic or secret society.

Or did you miss that interview long ago?

Hmmm...still on the Maxwell/Tsarion thingy?

And how many aliens have you had fistfights with similar to Bill Cooper?

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Fnb5ug

For some things there are just no excuses!

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2j5j1xg

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 08 Jan 2010, 00:08

Aliens, Cooper...you citing him as a direct attack in disinfo agents?
Feeling parched?
Dry as a desert...dessicated.

Judaic Masonry...cough...cough...no refutations or sanity left...

...Minch?...nada...zero...almost got away with that one...

...here is some crack...thank you for indulging me for today forum whore...

...the farce is strong with this one...

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 00:19

You're getting pathetically desperate now aren't you Freemason-Drama-Dude... affraid

And trust me...everybody even with a pea sized brain KNOWS with whom Michael Tsarion is "affiliated"! Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2v1xhxw

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 V5iwi8

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Ou4c4n

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 08 Jan 2010, 00:40

Welcome to my Uri-non-revealing show, ama gonna make a serious accusation , then im gonna duck an dive an just spin round an round an round until i orgasm cause thats how i get laid HOOOHAAAAHOOOOHAAA dictated her strange looking yikka master entity , yo spin there pous pous
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Embot

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Fri 08 Jan 2010, 05:29

The people you list, Maxwell and Bailey, talk about the rulers and what they have done, particularly the bad
things, but do they say that they support them. No they don't. If people like those two weren't talking you or I would never know what's really going on.
You're getting pathetically desperate now aren't you Freemason-Drama-Dude
Desperate? You've been showing your cleavage haven't you.

You can lie and foam at the mouth for eternity, if that's what you want to do then you will never wake up. And those rulers you defend will all own your ass. They already know what's going to happen so it seems and put it on the media for us to watch. No one is asking you to believe in anything. It's been made so bad people can't trust each other, but you blow things out of proportion and are grand delusional and have severe issues with trust all because you don't have any in or for yourself, you practically can't stand yourself.

You are talking about a group that people name the Illuminati, the same group that tsarion voices against. If anyone even talks of going against this group you label them evil! Like us here. Unbelievable, that's how much Evil has control of you!
And because of being a mind control victim and being a pawn you label all people who want freedom that as well. Don't you know that groups that start out such as the Freemasons, split up because they disagree and the one's that want to do good form there own groups. But you label them all Freemasons, and you have to realize not everyone is bad, even though Evil tries to infiltrate everything. It's the ever flowing energies of good and bad at work in all things.

So how are going to free yourself from your rulers? It's a serious question, because so far they got you in the palm of their hands. Btw, what group do you find is truthful out there, what forum would you go on if it rang true or you.

Amazing so they are going to have people pray at a certain frequency so they can have a mass channeling done to open the gates. It's too bad they got almost everyone dissing the metaphysical or saying it's the devil's work and so stay ignorant of the magnitute and potential for channneling and such. No wonder they kept the esoteric unknown.

Well whoever is battling for control both channel and have there roots in the Gods/aka aliens or entities (sorry all you bible thumping folks, your God is really a very bad alien) and may communicate with them. It seems that whoever isn't talking to these Beings will have no knowledge, thus no power to do as they will. Funny, maybe they have everyone fearing aliens, because they know some can really help a human!

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Fri 08 Jan 2010, 05:37

Blackbird singing in the dead of night....take these broken wings and learn to fly...all your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise..... Very Happy
Empowerment of the self, not over others Wink

p.s.Socrates........the scientists give zero proof for the theory of evolution nor most of their biased work. If speciation ever existed it would be happening now, but it never has and never will due to Nature. Tsarion's answer for evolution? Go to the thread the origins of mankind/womankind over here. You will get your mind expanded and lightbulbs will turn on.

The inferior human mind at work: "I've never met you or know you, but you are a weasel and an illuminati barf barf. I hate you barf barf barf." And before they know it they are dead, their most productive thing in life was to barf and what they will be known for. Welcome to the world of the barfing dead.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 05:40

Michael Tsarion giving the Triad Claw

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2yv8npf

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2z3wck2

His Boss!

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2db2kxd

And his idol!

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2vc7psi

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 06:01

seraphim wrote:The people you list, Maxwell and Bailey, talk about the rulers and what they have done,
particularly the bad things, but do they say that they support them. No they don't.

They talk, wow.... but mostly they tell fucking lies and have an agenda they call the NWO.

seraphim wrote: And those rulers you defend will all own your ass.

scratch No that would be you while talking about the aliens. They will own your ass (I guess)

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2rfdbo3

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 06:13

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2rd7orc

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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Fri 08 Jan 2010, 06:31

Thanks for the linky Blackbird Smile
No matter how hard one tries to wake a person up, they would rather harm themselves and stay in their misery.
Instead of gaining empowerment or helping oneself, folks would rather kill themselves as it turns out, mentally and physically, and do that to others so they stay down too! It's mindboggling how much folks love destruction.

It's kind of like if a real Master (or the researchers we talk of here) came here now, they would crucify them like they did to Jesus (their own Christ!) supposedly.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Red Ice Creations

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 07:11

....Blackbird Iceman Kapis TGII Quicky Dude and his corpse bride sharing a subscription to Red Ice radio, how cute. What else? Disney World?

LOL Red Ice radio is a scam, just another couple of Freemasons making $$$$$$ with candy mountain alien talks.

1. As a commercial venture.

2. To maintain a community or culture of "alternative" New Age thinking.

Banner on their website:

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 2agrzv7

Featuring the symbol of the "GERMAN BLACK SUN" notable for its usage in Nazi mysticism.

Fire: “the Promethean faith,” a Gnostic doctrine whose origin was solidified in occult Freemasonry.

This was the banner of their first Forum, depicting the masonic "BLAZING STAR" :

Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Jpugrs

I asked one of the Palmgren brothers if they're involved in the masonic CULT and he said: he wished he weren't. LOL

They totally sold out to programmed lightworker shite.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 08 Jan 2010, 10:44

Ok DRama, lets keep your eyes on the ball
Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Bulls-eye

So far let me inspect the actual evidence , your first direct evidence presented a picture that tsarion himself presented of him making a sign outside a certain building, i thought i informed you of the "intention" (DArk humour) behind that picture , but seems you never accepted my own explanation and keep posting that same picture .

Your second "evidence" you presented another image , this time of tsarion holding a book, and u say hes making a triad claw sign , do you give any possibility that that gesture could have been by sheer chance ?
My question , Whom took that photo .... how many snapshots did they take of that particular pose ......just the one .....or very many as they usually do, and just selected that contentious one , have you checked that out ? Did u even think of that ?

As yet , no concise essay in your own words to present your case , so one image that you misunderstood, another image that may be sheer chance , i mean lets face it, has your hand ever taken suggestive gesticular positions you yourself were not aware of ? in a pocture ? welll ive got news for you, they have, and i have the evidence right here in front of me, but you know which pic im talking off ... Right ?
I mean you have plenty other images of him doing this claw on purpose on public photo shots to give weight to your angle here ?

So DRama . a lot of candy floss from candy mountain , but err no actual proof or even enough proof to suggest suspicion that tsarion is as you say disinfo .

Hang your head in shame, the humility lesson will do you real good

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 11:04

Kapis wrote:

So far let me inspect the actual evidence , your first direct evidence presented a picture that tsarion himself presented of him making a sign outside a certain building, i thought i informed you of the "intention" (DArk humour) behind that picture , but seems you never accepted my own explanation and keep posting that same picture .

Problem: he doesn't claim to be a "Rockdude" without a clue. It is dark humor, it's called" taking the piss and thanks for the money idiots".

Your second "evidence" you presented another image , this time of tsarion holding a book, and u say hes making a triad claw sign , do you give any possibility that that gesture could have been by sheer chance ?
My question , Whom took that photo .... how many snapshots did they take of that particular pose ......just the one .....or very many as they usually do, and just selected that contentious one , have you checked that out ? Did u even think of that ?

Problem: it's very difficult to place the finger in this position, you actually have to consciously do it. "One that got around" by somebody who knows what it means.

As yet , no concise essay in your own words to present your case , so one image that you misunderstood, another image that may be sheer chance , i mean lets face it, has your hand ever taken suggestive gesticular positions you yourself were not aware of ? in a pocture ? welll ive got news for you, they have, and i have the evidence right here in front of me, but you know which pic im talking off ... Right ?
I mean you have plenty other images of him doing this claw on purpose on public photo shots to give weight to your angle here ?

Wishful thinking on your behalf. You see every "crimescene" has it's trails, in this case I presented the writings of the culprits, the best evidence ever. Tsarion follows the doctrine and promotes their agenda.

So DRama . a lot of candy floss from candy mountain , but err no actual proof or even enough proof to suggest suspicion that tsarion is as you say disinfo .

Yes, Drama-Freemason-Dude, you have failed epically with your candy floss rethoric, but what can one expect from your ilk. Well, a few wars and some mass-murder from time to time. Feel yourself as much as you like...whoah..I can see all the girls drop their pants for you and scream "wank wank" right?

Hang your head in shame, the humility lesson will do you real good

Oh, I leave that to you, you got more reasons for that.

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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 08 Jan 2010, 15:10

Problem: it's very difficult to place the finger in this position, you actually have to consciously do it. "One that got around" by somebody who knows what it means.

I find its quite a simple gesture to carry out consciously or unconsciously in the process of various grip/release dynamics , but then again im quite flexible

Wishful thinking on your behalf. You see every "crimescene" has it's trails, in this case I presented the writings of the culprits, the best evidence ever. Tsarion follows the doctrine and promotes their agenda.

As yet you have provided zelch convincing or "appropriate" evidence to directly support your "premature ejaculated " claim that tsarion is disinfo agent
i repeat......
"So DRama . a lot of candy floss from candy mountain , but err no actual proof or even enough proof to suggest suspicion that tsarion is as you say disinfo "

Yes, Drama-Freemason-Dude, you have failed epically with your candy floss rethoric, but what can one expect from your ilk. Well, a few wars and some mass-murder from time to time. Feel yourself as much as you like...whoah..I can see all the girls drop their pants for you and scream "wank wank" right?

If i see an hear one that pleases the senses , i shall accept the invite, hey , u gotta accept your pleasures when offered or else i might turn into a .... grump lika you sweetie
I repeat once more ...........
Hang your head in shame, the humility lesson will do you real good, it will hurt your ego at first, but in time , you will thank all the wisdomlike posters here that are re-engineering your societal conditioning, and then you will go through a slow transformative process, might become a little luvyduvy for a spell, and want to express your gratitude carnally Razz which will then put paid to that other little problem, bet you cant wait for that payday .......kersty dramaqueen

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 16:59

Freemason-Drama-Dude, the whole point is that what you say means very little because yooz a FREEEMAAASOON affraid
Freemasons almost never tell the truth and If they can't win the argument, they start attacking the person, that's the
beauty about you girls, know one know all, you think because you just deny the obvious you can give each other a
cover, but those days are over and yooz are to be ridiculed for that.

You made a lot of people AWARE, maybe just not the way yooz intended it? haha

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There is properbly tons more in the interwebz... albino

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  seraphim Fri 08 Jan 2010, 20:05

A person reading your posts would think you have lost your mind Uri/Irony. And if you went to a doctor you would be diagnosed as a schizophrenic.

No one is going to believe what you are posting because it's very childish and based on lies from your own
personal vendetta.

Plus there is absolutely no evidence that you give either. You always want proofs but can't give any yourself.

As you said focus on the research and not your personal stuff with others that bother only you.
People like you can't be helped as I said in my previous post they would rather destroy themselves first and anyone who gets in the way of their demons. Go ahead, sacrafice your life and sanity to your them.

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 08 Jan 2010, 20:07

Dramasqueen - for example, that new age rage link above was written by a narrow minded imbecile
how do i KNow ? because ive read tsarions essay on crowley, ive read some of crowley myself, and ive read what ignorant joutnalists write in the past, and ive read what that imbecile above wrote about tsarion and crowley

and conclusion = its written by a moron, Dont post spam by amateur dickheads here ok , i have not read or watched the other items but i guess they will be the same crap

you runnin out of ideas ? from scrapin the barrel to baring your fingertips to the bone , too stubborn to admit you got nought

This thread was created to let high noon and you prove your accusations and suspicions

Stick to the purpose of the thread, provide serious information preferable in your own words with any direct appropriate links to prove that tsarions work is disinfo, not blavatsky , not maxwell, not freemasons, but tsarion .

You got to wonder what it is in you that spawned your crusade , cause to judge without evidence , from a conditioned emotional reaction is one of the most dangerous states in the human psyche that exists today and yesterday, many are 6ft under because of that mob mentality

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Michael Tsarion Revisited - Page 5 Empty Re: Michael Tsarion Revisited

Post  Sputnik Fri 08 Jan 2010, 20:14

seraphim wrote:A person reading your posts would think you have lost your mind Uri/Irony. And if you went to a doctor you would be diagnosed as a schizophrenic.

No one is going to believe what you are posting because it's very childish and based on lies from your own
personal vendetta.

Plus there is absolutely no evidence that you give either. You always want proofs but can't give any yourself.

As you said focus on the research and not your personal stuff with others that bother only you.
People like you can't be helped as I said in my previous post they would rather destroy themselves first and anyone who gets in the way of their demons. Go ahead, sacrafice your life and sanity to your them.

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