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UFO = Unidentified Flying object

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 17 Nov 2009, 21:52

UFO = nutcase or space aliens in the average joes conditioned psyche, but it actually means unidentified flying object, nothing sinister there, just an observation of seeing something that one cannot identify from what has been seen before

On NOvember 1st 2008, in Scotland, at 18.30hrs approx, i observed 4 of orange glowing flying craft moving over me quite slowly in a perfect formation , no sound at all, as i struggled to get my video camera out of my bag, i looked up and these craft suddenly veered upwards and accelerated at a phenomenal rate up into the night sky .

Later that year and in 2009 similar flying objects have been seen by many others over scotland and the uk .

No official explanation and no one is trying to officially find out what they were / are .

But certain official commentators made comments that they were chinese lanterns which were commonly mistaken as "orange glow alien spaceships "

So one of my aquaintances ordered up some chinese lanterns from china, and we set one off in the night sky.

Guess what, it was a nice sight as it soared up and eventually burnt itself out and fell down again, but it was absolutely nothing like the objects i witnessed .

So strike out chinese lanterns from the list of explanations Very Happy

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Wed 18 Nov 2009, 07:40

An amazing encounter, I think I'll just wonder at that. But really, doesn't it make your mind a little bit more expansive.
I wouldn't wait for any official explanation, what counts is what you believe it was.

Don't know about aliens, who knows when they will really show up, I'm waiting for an angel to appear.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 19 Nov 2009, 03:01

Good idea Seraphim to add the symbol section had forgotten that area Idea

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 19 Dec 2009, 00:25

An egyptian Lantern over mOscow or Something else ?


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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Wed 20 Jan 2010, 20:42

Haudenosaunee, was Geneisis spelled that way in his book, you wrote it two different ways? Because then it would make sense. Isis may have been that female that I've been reading about, not just in the Hopi creation (the Spider Woman, may have been androgynous if they were a whole Being?) myth but a female was the geneticist or genetic manipulator that started humankind! So Isis the female and genes together, Geneisis, is definitely revealing.
Genesis 2:21 ? normally, atoms are neutral and have no charge. However in order to gain stability they will sacrifice their neutrality by either losing one or more of its outermost electrons thus becoming a positive ion=Adam , or they will gain one or more electrons ,thus becoming a negative ion = Eve . Once this has happened then the resulting charged Atoms will attract eachother. That electrical attraction between two oppositely charged ions is referred to as an ionic - bond !!!
Wow that kind of explains the split between males and females. Atom equals Adam. By Adam or Eve losing something from themselves that makes them whole or another atom, then it will make them attracted to each other because that is what they are missing in each other. And then to top all that off one has to account for the the soul and spirit after gaining the whole body (male/female?) back!
Martin Gasheseoma said recently that Hopi "elders told us that when the plants blossom in the middle of winter, we would need to go to Santa Fe to warn everyone of suffering and destruction to come unless they change their ways. Last year, in the middle of winter the plants began to blossom."
I noticed this too. Unusually mild weather in those parts, not getting too cold in the winter (in the 70's in some areas and 60's where I am at, when it can get well below zero) nor are there drastic changes like the rest of the country where people are freezing. And usually hotter in the summer but not anymore at least in certain parts.

Flames I got a straitjacket for you, don't think you want to mess with those Beings!

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 21 Jan 2010, 11:34

Interesting SEraphim , Gene iSis

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Sun 24 Jan 2010, 08:25

Wow, I'm going to see The Fourth Kind for sure! Folks get ready!

I'd like to hear what you have to say in the musing thread. Have you heard of the Spider Woman in the Hopi Stories, she was the first female, way before Eve?

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Tue 26 Jan 2010, 22:55

Haudenosaunee thanks! No rush, I still have to watch your videos.
I'll write more about the Spider woman.

What is life without sound and movement? Life is not in the physical because it dies. You think what is around you....is so alive, but it's what is inside of it making it live. Or rather if life is not in physical things it will die so the physical by itself is not alive.
So if the physical doesn't produce life, is it consciousness or some kind of energy, or the lifeforce in other things such as blood and good bacteria, that is life giving.

Just some silly thoughts......

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Tue 26 Jan 2010, 23:32

I'm behind, the Norway Spiral has come and gone and don't know where, so I have to put this here. Don't mean to change the subject a little. I didn't even link the video because it was worthless. But I can find it.
The purpose of EISCAT
The Heater is used for ionospheric modification experiments applying high-power transmissions of high-frequency electro-magnetic waves to study plasma parameters in the ionosphere. The name Heating stems from the fact that these high power electromagnetic waves, which are transmitted into the ionosphre with high-gain atennas, heat the electrons and thus modify the plasma state. To create plasma turbulence, the transmitted frequencies have to be close to the plasma resonances, which are 4 to 8 MHz.
Oh okay and for what? To study the Northern lights, I don't think so, what they are trying to say is that they are tinkering with the electromagnetics. So what's the real reason. Oh so a stargate will open???Or to prevent the fourth dimension from benefiting anyone??Is that a purpose of the EISCAT?

I saw the David Wilcock Norway spiral video. To me he sounds brainwashed, speaking for someone deviant. Him and others are telling us right to our faces what is going to happen and to us, and throw it out
in the media. It's getting funny, but devastating at the same time.
Alright, whoever the Law of One is, you are going to do this and that to us. Why? And why at this time?

Wilcock said, that our DNA is changing at a fast rate, pretty soon you will be a different species. Oh it will just affect humans as it did with Darwins theory of evolution. Oh and it's all done by Nature, the fantastic miraculous Nature!

And it's going to happen right in front of our faces as a matter of fact and right now, because the Law of One said so and that the Earth will become a fourth level density planet by next year, 2011. (Yeah whatever the rulers want they try and make happen. Too bad sheeple have no choice. Something is going to happen, and they want to make sure that no matter what folks stay slaves. If people get wiped out they will create new beings to be their slaves.)

Also, "The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Our time/space continuum, as spiraled our solar system into this vibration. This will cause the planet to electromagnetically realign it's vortices of the instreaming of
cosmic forces." (Wow, the Law of One know everything!)

He said we need to disclose now! Oh wow, disclosure time is decided for us. Everything is. Oh, the great free energy that has been kept from us was going to be given to us by a scientist and then they took him away and then decided okay we will soon let him and other scientists give us free energy. (The guy is an idiot, I'll stop there, these people make me want to say some really dirty and dark things!!!)

He said, "There's a higher, postive presence, that he calls management, the ET's that basically make sure the planet doesn't fall apart. Dr. Beeter? said there was a battle of harvest and moon? and the battle of the underwater missiles? They keep getting thrown off. We don't have an apocolyspe although the insiders try to keep making one happen." "All you people get involved in this and disclose and do what you can."
(The never ending battle between good an evil)
Oh yes, I'll be right on there bandwagon and disclose, yipee! He means make sure we stay dumbed down and can't escape. I'll be disclosing them alright!

By the way, UFO's have never been a secret. How can they be disclosed, what??? They have to be A REALITY and made a reality and for the media tell you they are real or else a person won't believe it! I swear the media is the headmaster for the people! They have to be disclosed by the media first or you are not allowed to believe!!!
But FOLKS HEAR IT from the many people who have seen them!!! THEY NEVER HAVE BEEN A SECRET. Not only have they been around for tens of thousands of years but anyone can see one if they really tried, but you might have to stay camped outside alot.
They are all over here where I live, easier here to see one. People get used to seeing them in certain parts and in other parts. UFO's never were a secret. They never could hide good enough.

The big secret is who is controlling them or making them. Why are they making a big hype about revealing everything.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 27 Jan 2010, 04:53

I have never been comfortable with Wilcox.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Wed 27 Jan 2010, 05:17

I heard about him from others but not firsthand. What a huge difference it makes listening for yourself.
Folks out there, please don't always believe what others tell you, look into it for yourself. I'm not saying believe what I say, but you might pick up some things that don't sound right like I did if you really hear him. LOL
Something about him.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 27 Jan 2010, 14:46

When nothing of any notice or mention happens during year 2012, Wilcox and several others will have to be held accountable for all of their words and their marketing strategies.

My suggestion for them...mass graves.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Thu 28 Jan 2010, 07:13

Someone wants something to happen and you can bet that destruction will be involved, as it always is in this realm. And of course wars still will go on because of that.
They already created a daily reality for us, with there own set of rules. And whatever they plan is what is going to happen. Or so they wish, and if not they will throw a hissy fit.

Regardless, they want to make something happen badly. The changes they made suddenly are already destroying the U.S., and that's just the economy. What's going to happen next. Like I said I'm not pessimistic and will try not to get affected by what they do, but I get swept up in it.

I think they are going to introduce something to us. But will it be before or after they try and get rid of or hurt people. Really that's what they are doing by screwing up the economy. Without there jobs that pay money people will starve.

2012 is compeletly something else I believe and yeah they sure the heck are twisting it up!! Like we are all going to die, yeah that's what they want!
I hope something auspicious happens. But not the poles flipping.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:08

Again, re-reading Tsarion's Irish Origins books, I find the introduction in Vol. 2 discussing 2012 and what it means to be the most plausible and well-explained.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  seraphim Mon 01 Feb 2010, 03:44

That and other books should be on everyone's priority list. Haven't got to that one in particular, but how wonderful to be able to read works like that.

It's not everyday that a slave gets the privilege to read anything of value.

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UFO  = Unidentified Flying object Empty Re: UFO = Unidentified Flying object

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 01 Feb 2010, 20:18

It's not everyday that a slave gets the privilege to read anything of value.

ok slave doll... permission granted but be quick or u be for the lash Evil or Very Mad

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