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Famous Esoteric Personas

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  seraphim Fri 16 Apr 2010, 08:33

Of course Madame Blavatsky was shunned and not popular in her days, but at least known today although still made misunderstood by those predators.

From the Secret Doctrine...the pineal gland or third eye called back then and evolution..

the “third eye” is indissolubly connected with Karma. The tenet is so mysterious that very few have heard of it.

The “eye of Siva” did not become entirely atrophied before the close of the Fourth Race. When spirituality and all the divine powers and attributes of the deva-man of the Third had been made the hand-maidens of the newly-awakened physiological and psychic passions of the physical man, instead of the reverse, the eye lost its powers. But such was the law of Evolution, and it was, in strict accuracy, no fall. The sin was not in using those newly-developed powers, but in misusing them; in making of the tabernacle, designed to contain a god, the fane of every spiritual iniquity. And if we say “sin” it is merely that everyone should understand our meaning; as the term Karma* would be the right one to use in this case; while the reader who would feel perplexed at the use of the term “spiritual” instead of “physical” iniquity, is reminded of the fact that there can be no physical iniquity. The body is simply the irresponsible organ, the tool of the psychic, if not of the “Spiritual man.” While in the case of the Atlanteans, it was precisely the Spiritual being which sinned, the Spirit element being still the “Master” principle in man, in those days. Thus it is in those days that the heaviest Karma of the Fifth Race was generated by our Monads.
on Karma..........
Karma is a word of many meanings, and has a special term for almost every one of its aspects. It means, as a synonym of sin, the performance of some action for the attainment of an object of worldly, hence selfish, desire, which cannot fail to be hurtful to somebody else. Karman is action, the Cause; and Karma again is “the law of ethical causation”; the effect of an act produced egotistically, when the great law of harmony depends on altruism.

That a new soul is created by God for every newly-born infant, are among the most perplexed. They ask whether in such case the number of incarnating Monads on earth is limited; to which they are answered in the affirmative. For, however countless, in our conceptions, the number of the incarnating monads — even if we take into account the fact that ever since the Second Race, when their respective seven groups were furnished with bodies, several births and deaths may be allowed for every second of time in the aeons already passed — still, there must be a limit. It was stated that Karma-Nemesis, whose bond-maid is Nature, adjusted everything in the most harmonious manner; and that, therefore, the fresh pouring-in, or arrival of new Monads, had ceased as soon as Humanity had reached its full physical development. No fresh Monads have incarnated since the middle-point of the Atlanteans. Hence, remembering that, save in the case of young children, and of individuals whose lives were violently cut off by some accident, no Spiritual Entity can re-incarnate before a period of many centuries has elapsed, such gaps alone must show that the number of Monads is necessarily finite and limited. Moreover, a reasonable time must be given to other animals for their evolutionary progress.

Hence the assertion that many of us are now working off the effects of the evil Karmic causes produced by us in Atlantean bodies. The Law of Karma is inextricably interwoven with that of Re-incarnation.

It is only the knowledge of the constant re-births of one and the same individuality throughout the life-cycle; the assurance that the same Monads — among whom are many Dhyan-Chohans, or the “Gods” themselves — have to pass through the “Circle of Necessity,” rewarded or punished by such rebirth for the suffering endured or crimes committed in the former life; that those very Monads, which entered the empty, senseless shells, or astral figures of the First Race emanated by the Pitris, are the same who are now amongst us — nay, ourselves, perchance; it is only this doctrine, we say, that can explain to us the mysterious problem of Good and Evil, and reconcile man to the terrible and apparent injustice of life. Nothing but such certainty can quiet our revolted sense of justice. For, when one unacquainted with the noble doctrine looks around him, and observes the inequalities of birth and fortune, of intellect and capacities; when one sees honour paid fools and profligates, on whom fortune has heaped her favours by mere privilege of birth, and their nearest neighbour, with all his intellect and noble virtues — far more deserving in every way — perishing of want and for lack of sympathy; when one sees all this and has to turn away, helpless to relieve the undeserved suffering, one’s ears ringing and heart aching with the cries of pain around him — that blessed knowledge of Karma alone prevents him from cursing life and men, as well as their supposed Creator.*

Of all the terrible blasphemies and accusations virtually thrown on their God by the Monotheists, none is greater or more unpardonable than that (almost always) false humility which makes the presumably “pious” Christian assert, in connection with every evil and undeserved blow, that “such is the will of God.”

Dolts and hypocrites! Blasphemers and impious Pharisees, who speak in the same breath of the endless merciful love and care of their God and creator for helpless man, and of that God scourging the good, the very best of his creatures, bleeding them to death like an insatiable Moloch! Shall we be answered to this, in Congreve’s words: —

“But who shall dare to tax Eternal Justice?” Logic and simple common sense, we answer: if we are made to believe in the “original Sin,” in one life, on this Earth only, for every Soul, and in an anthropomorphic Deity, who seems to have created some men only for the pleasure of condemning them to eternal hell-fire (and this whether they are good or bad, says the Predestinarian),† why should not every man endowed with reasoning powers condemn in his turn such a villainous Deity? Life would become unbearable, if one had to believe in the God created by man’s unclean fancy. Luckily he exists only in human dogmas, and in the unhealthy imagination of some poets, who believe they have solved the problem by addressing him as —

“Thou great Mysterious Power, who hast involved
The pride of human wisdom, to confound
The daring scrutiny and prove the faith
Of thy presuming creatures! . . . .”

Truly a robust “faith” is required to believe that it is “presumption” to question the justice of one, who creates helpless little man but to “perplex” him, and to test a “faith” with which that “Power,” moreover, may have forgotten, if not neglected, to endow him, as happens sometimes.

Compare this blind faith with the philosophical belief, based on every reasonable evidence and life-experience, in Karma-Nemesis, or the Law of Retribution. This Law — whether Conscious or Uncon- scious — predestines nothing and no one. It exists from and in Eternity, truly, for it is Eternity itself; and as such, since no act can be co-equal with eternity, it cannot be said to act, for it is action itself. It is not the Wave which drowns a man, but the personal action of the wretch, who goes deliberately and places himself under the impersonal action of the laws that govern the Ocean’s motion. Karma creates nothing, nor does it design. It is man who plans and creates causes, and Karmic law adjusts the effects; which adjustment is not an act, but universal harmony, tending ever to resume its original position, like a bough, which, bent down too forcibly, rebounds with corresponding vigour.

If it happen to dislocate the arm that tried to bend it out of its natural position, shall we say that it is the bough which broke our arm, or that our own folly has brought us to grief? Karma has never sought to destroy intellectual and individual liberty, like the God invented by the Monotheists. It has not involved its decrees in darkness purposely to perplex man; nor shall it punish him who dares to scrutinise its mysteries. On the contrary, he who unveils through study and meditation its intricate paths, and throws light on those dark ways, in the windings of which so many men perish owing to their ignorance of the labyrinth of life, is working for the good of his fellow-men. Karma is an Absolute and Eternal law in the World of manifestation; and as there can only be one Absolute, as One eternal ever present Cause, believers in Karma cannot be regarded as Atheists or materialists — still less as fatalists:*

for Karma is one with the Unknowable, of which it is an aspect in its effects in the phenomenal world.

Intimately, or rather indissolubly, connected with Karma, then, is the law of re-birth, or of the re-incarnation of the same spiritual individuality in a long, almost interminable, series of personalities. The latter are like the various costumes and characters played by the same actor, with each of which that actor identifies himself and is identified by the public, for the space of a few hours. The inner, or real man, who personates those characters, knows the whole time that he is Hamlet for the brief space of a few acts, which represent, however, on the plane of human illusion the whole life of Hamlet. And he knows that he was, the night before, King Lear, the transformation in his turn of the Othello of a still earlier preceding night; but the outer, visible character is supposed to be ignorant of the fact. In actual life that ignorance is, unfortunately, but too real. Nevertheless, the permanent individuality is fully aware of the fact, though, through the atrophy of the “spiritual” eye in the physical body, that knowledge is unable to impress itself on the consciousness of the false personality.

The possession of a physical third eye, we are told, was enjoyed by the men of the Third Root-Race down to nearly the middle period of Third Sub-race of the Fourth Root-Race, when the consolidation and perfection of the human frame made it disappear from the outward anatomy of man. Psychically and spiritually, however, its mental and visual perceptions lasted till nearly the end of the Fourth Race, when its functions, owing to the materiality and depraved condition of mankind, died out altogether before the submersion of the bulk of the Atlantean continent. And now we may return to the Deluges and their many “Noahs.”

The student has to bear in mind that there were many such deluges as that mentioned in Genesis, and three far more important ones, which will be mentioned and described in the Section devoted to the subject of pre-historic continents. To avoid erroneous conjectures, however, with regard to the claim that the esoteric doctrine has much in it of the legends contained in the Hindu Scriptures; that, again, the chronology of the latter is almost that of the former — only explained and made clear; and that finally the belief that “Vaivasvata Manu” — a generic name indeed! — was the Noah of the Aryans and his prototype, all this, which is also the belief of the Occultists, necessitates at this juncture a new explanation. (Vide Part III. “Submerged Continents.”)


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 16 Apr 2010, 12:37

On Blavatsky Seraphim, remember the "Drama queen" had her pages of errr critique on tsarion and blavatsky ,(im being kind because she completly misunderstood tsarions perspective and projected her own delusion onto him ) now that tsarion has recently given his own understanding on blavatsky,

Where is the Drama Queen now ? burnt her trail and scarpered

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 16 Apr 2010, 18:13

Even Blavatsky may not have comprehended and understood all that was channeled through her.
From what I understand, much of it was not supposed to be revealed for public consumption for it could only be misinterpreted.

And outside of the immediate circle of associates who directly took interpretation from Blavatsky, Theosophy soon degraded after her death.
Bailey was one of that circle, but I believe she also began to corrupt it and control of the Theosophical Society became a political thing for her. Tsarion commented on Bailey and was not flattering in his appraisal of her following the death of Blavatsky.

I remember first reading C.W. Leadbeater when I was fourteen. Some of his books just kind of "fell of the shelf" and into my hands one day.
He too was someone in that inner circle close to Blavatsky. But some of his material on Indian Yoga and metaphysics, although impressive, I am not totally in agreement with. But this guy is one to read on esoteric subjects...considering what he was writing during his time.
He is a controversial character regarding his personal life, but it is the content of the research in his books that I concern myself with...

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:51

His interest in occultism was stimulated by A.P. Sinnett's Occult World, and he joined the Theosophical Society in 1883. The next year he met Helena Petrovna Blavatsky when she came to London. "When she accepted him [as a pupil], he gave up the church, became a vegetarian, severed all ties with England, and followed her to India.

Thats one life changing effect she had on him

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 05 May 2010, 00:14

The basis of the philosophical ideas of Giuliano Kremmerz is "sacred materialism", which should not be confused with the depreciatory meaning given to the word “materialism” as much by economic doctrines as by a particular vision of the philosophy of science. Kremmerz’s “sacred materialism” is based on the idea of the unity of all that exists, which means there can be no separation between spirit and matter. On the contrary, it is precisely towards the full integration of the two apparently opposite poles (in other words, intelligent origin and material manifestation) that the evolutionary path of man is directed. This integration is conscious and, especially, concrete in terms of the effects it can have on the living matter of the human being. It is the ultimate goal of hermetic philosophy and of the practices it aims to accomplish. It is also the goal of the Schola founded by Kremmerz. The achievement of this goal is symbolised as “matriarchy”, in which the term is not used in its more usual, social meaning. "Matriarchy", comes from the union of two words “meter”, or “mother”, “matrix”, which has the same root as “matter” – and “arché”, or “commencement”, “origin”, “substance”. Within the vision of the unity of existence, as proposed by Kremmerz, the dualism of spirit and matter has no reason to exist. Kremmerz states that “hermetic reality” is to be found in the balance between free intelligence and the sensitivity of the organism, and that the predominance of one or the other always leads to a state of imbalance that leads away from fundamental unity. In the equilibrium of the hermetic vision, the idea that creates (in other words, the intelligent spirit) cannot do without the substance (matter) through which the idea itself takes form.

4th - Sowing, by Mission, the Wise seeds of SOLAR Psychopomp Mercury which our Old Master guarded in his Hermetic Casket of Osiris, Essential Pure Gold produced by the Old Master, as he himself writes, in his work "I Grandi Arcani" (Grand Arcana) which will be inserted in this site, without Mercurial Water as Raw Matter because it is of Isis, rather by sublimating GOLD on a High Flame in the highest degrees of the GRAND SOLAR ARCANA, the Essence finally, amalgamated in cold working with Psychopompous Mercurial lunarity, produces the ESSENTIAL GOLD of GOLD with Seed of Pure Solar Mercury.

The Old Master reveals this further transmutative process in his Arcana, finalised for the only Disciple or Master and above all - he adds in his writings - for leaving trace of Solar Tradition in Solar Cyclical times. The Old Master points out that these are Arcana never revealed before by Alchemical Masters, who deemed GOLD to be transmutation's ultimate Purpose, whereas they are GRAND ARCANA of the Purposes of the Grand Solar Work of Egyptian Hierophants and Pontiffs and of the most Ancient Traditions in Eternity's Solar Cycles. Future descendants of the Heroes arrived at the peak of the Conquest of the Golden Fleece will be able to Understand the further processes for the complete shaping of the Inner Masters of the Grand Egyptian Order of Osiris and the unsuspected, never before revealed in more than 5,000 years, use of GOLD as RAW MATTER for the SECOND GRAND WORK of the ETERNAL PERFECT NUMINA, held back by the Grand Master of the Art due to the haziness of Times and Men, of the ultimate State of Divinisation, Numification and Solarisation of the UNITARIAN PRIME DIVINE SHINING ENTITY in the ETERNAL MAN-GOD, in his ultimate STATE as ANDROGYNOUS LIVING BEING, Tailed Flaming Star, and Redeemed PHOENIX Incarnated in the LAW of the Unique Matter in its conquered apparent CONSCIOUSNESSES, in its Simple Elemental Purposes and in the creative, volitional, active SOLAR STATE, UNITARIAN with the ETERNAL UNIVERSAL UNITY.


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  seraphim Sun 09 May 2010, 08:31


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  seraphim Thu 20 May 2010, 06:40

The notes of Mr. Crowley? The Fountain of Hyacinth. The Beast also had encounters with dirty drugs, those kind appear when a person is either wanted dead or barely alive or mind controlled it seems.
The Beast had a fo fo........ahhhhhhh......

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 11 Jun 2010, 00:14

Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Cocteau

JEAN COCTEAU - Imaginary Genius
Secret Grand master of the Order of Sion , a secret society that only came out in the 1950s but is said to predate the templars

Honours should be regarded as a sort of transcendental punishment

Well here we are the humble servants, of a force that lives in us , We are taken by a force that is not external to us , It is inside us , We are taken by this night , Which is our true self

Allow me to salute you lord...its been a long time since ive never seen you

And his masterpiece Blood of a poet
mirrors act like an event horizon, a watery substance, that propel those who attempt to penetrate through that veil to a strange realm, a world of deities, the dead, imaginal beings… the real home, it seems, of the poet. The poet was neither living nor dead; he was spoken of by few, understood by even fewer, if only because he spoke a language that was both of this and of another world.

But the whole movie must be watched to get its reflection or .......irony

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 27 Jun 2010, 11:41

This is where the "great leap" has to be taken. Meaning, I have been posting on the Committee of 300 and the people and organizations at the top. It can be clearly seen, to me, that the royal bloodlines have the authority, even over the Vatican. Of course, the researcher Phelps believes it to be the Vatican over the Royalty. I am beginning to think it is the bloodlines that have the superior rule.

But now to say that a certain bloodline is superior according to the Divine Right of Kings. One must find out what that term really means.

But the great leap is when the theory is proposed that the bloodlines are beyond a symbolic representation of the serpent or dragon and then suggest that it is "alien" genetics.

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  tgII Mon 28 Jun 2010, 23:26

We're in Dr. Seuss Disneyland territory here!

Conquered through commerce and contracts. The City of London
run by those families control the Vatican. Don't forget, the Queen
owns something like 1/6th of the planet's land if not more through
treaties and contracts.

Don't ever doubt for a moment the sun ever sets on the British
Empire. That's why the crown never used huge numbers of military
to accomplish its goals of empire. It has used subterfuge, deception,
the occult and contracts to bind commerce to it's laws.

Through Oxford (the oldest university in the world) is where rhetorical
control is applied using Jesuit techniques of causitry; sophism to rule
and watch how it is being done through their creation of 'global warming.'

Yes, rhetorical traps: an Oxford specialty. "Where ever you go you will
find at the top of any organization an Oxford man."

"We will lead every revolution against us."

Want an example: The Marxists are cultivated as a false opposition
and were spawned in London. They're designed to discredit genuine
populism, and get people to throw their hands up and say, "Grassroots
activism doesn't work: we need the elites to take care of us after all!"

The people's money/people's laws needs to be highlighted more, so
as to avoid dialectical traps: along with building support for them. The
solutions won't come from the elitists. We can't let these sophists
dictate the terms of the "debate". We need to slice through those
screens and shred them: much more importantly, though, we need
to know what we want (our fair share of the pie, plus personal
responsibility and decision-making over our lives, along with healthy
accountable communities – not imperial offshore enclaves) and stand
for that.

Remember the Charles Forte quote, something to the effect we're
all owned
? Individually we have no self-determination. Ever wonder
what that must be like to have self-determination; what would that

It would mean you have complete autonomy and would be immune
and in a state of peace with these families. I'm afraid people do not
know what they want. Most folks do not have the capacity for taking
ABSOLUTE responsibility for their existence.

I am afraid our future doesn't look too bright. Imagine if you yourself
took this to heart and became an independent sovereign having total
control and responsibility for your own existence, you have diplomatic
immunity because you want a real peace between yourself and these
elitist rulers, but yet, everyone else around you is running a muck?

How can you even possibly begin to work with people in the general
population them let alone contract with them? This is why we must
form our own peaceful communities with those around us.

People don't know what they want, or what to ask for. They seem to
want Constitutional RULE: this means oligarchy. This applies essentially
for Americans.

This is why people have let their egos control their circumstances and
by the looks of things around us, egos are firmly in control. This is a
very dangerous situation. Egos are in control because people have NO
individual power; they are over compensating for this void and people
are becoming very dangerous when they go off.

Am I (the non-egotistical 'I') making sense here or just blowing my horn?

It takes ten-thousand hours of mind numbing study to master any subject.
Look around you, do you observe any masters?


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 29 Jun 2010, 04:14

Nicely put Timothy. And yet, unsettling to realize the present situation and where it may lead.

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  tgII Mon 12 Jul 2010, 23:27

Sobering?! Holy shit, man, it is beyond me; but I've always
wondered about a few things, like for example:

In this current atmosphere absolutely nothing is as it appears.
The City of London is not Britain. It is an enclave of private
organizations; a dictatorial hierarchy which has dominated and
dictated major episodes in our history.

In the movie Matrix, the character, Morpheus (who in Greek
mythology is one of the sons of Hypnos the God of sleep),
says in the movie: 'try not to think in terms of right and wrong.'
Francis Bacon expressed a similar idea when he said: 'there is no
such thing as good or bad; but it is thinking that makes it so.'

Look at the British Coat of Arms: Honi soit qui mal y pense ('Evil
to he who evil thinks'):

  • Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:W2V7kcKKqjxJQM::&t=1&usg=__L4ld3bT3ReVmHErq3j6z5PXcILw=

The consequences of all this are of course, the City of London
through it's intricate machinations can bring down three buildings
in NYC, take out Wedge One of the Pentagon and incinerate a flight
in mid-air because it is not 'right or wrong.'

The British secret agent, Aleister Crowley and his famous quote
lives up to this City of London faux pas in his book The Book of the
Law/Liber Vel Legis, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

We are living in a permanent state of hypnos.

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 24 Jul 2010, 12:44

Speak to anyone whom has been given morphine and if they are open about their experiences , they will reveal some very surreal dream states , but most of these people are given this morphine in a completly "helpless" locked state of consciousness
Its obviously a supremely powerful "adjustor" , they also keep people on it whom are about to die as a means of a comfortable "interdimensional departure lounge"

Ive got to say that Hubbard is spot on here about a few things ................

I Missed this cutting truth TG

Remember the Charles Forte quote, something to the effect we're
all owned? Individually we have no self-determination. Ever wonder
what that must be like to have self-determination; what would that

It would mean you have complete autonomy and would be immune
and in a state of peace with these families. I'm afraid people do not
know what they want. Most folks do not have the capacity for taking
ABSOLUTE responsibility for their existence.

I am afraid our future doesn't look too bright. Imagine if you yourself
took this to heart and became an independent sovereign having total
control and responsibility for your own existence, you have diplomatic
immunity because you want a real peace between yourself and these
elitist rulers, but yet, everyone else around you is running a muck?

How can you even possibly begin to work with people in the general
population them let alone contract with them? This is why we must
form our own peaceful communities with those around us.

People don't know what they want, or what to ask for. They seem to
want Constitutional RULE: this means oligarchy. This applies essentially
for Americans.

This is why people have let their egos control their circumstances and
by the looks of things around us, egos are firmly in control. This is a
very dangerous situation. Egos are in control because people have NO
individual power; they are over compensating for this void and people
are becoming very dangerous when they go off.

Am I (the non-egotistical 'I') making sense here or just blowing my horn?

It takes ten-thousand hours of mind numbing study to master any subject.
Look around you, do you observe any masters?

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  highnoon Sat 24 Jul 2010, 18:01

We're in Dr. Seuss Disneyland territory here!

Conquered through commerce and contracts. The City of London
run by those families control the Vatican. Don't forget, the Queen
owns something like 1/6th of the planet's land if not more through
treaties and contracts.

Don't ever doubt for a moment the sun ever sets on the British
Empire. That's why the crown never used huge numbers of military
to accomplish its goals of empire. It has used subterfuge, deception,
the occult and contracts to bind commerce to it's laws.

Through Oxford (the oldest university in the world) is where rhetorical
control is applied using Jesuit techniques of causitry; sophism to rule
and watch how it is being done through their creation of 'global warming.'

Yes, rhetorical traps: an Oxford specialty. "Where ever you go you will
find at the top of any organization an Oxford man."

"We will lead every revolution against us."

Want an example: The Marxists are cultivated as a false opposition
and were spawned in London. They're designed to discredit genuine
populism, and get people to throw their hands up and say, "Grassroots
activism doesn't work: we need the elites to take care of us after all!"

The people's money/people's laws needs to be highlighted more, so
as to avoid dialectical traps: along with building support for them. The
solutions won't come from the elitists. We can't let these sophists
dictate the terms of the "debate". We need to slice through those
screens and shred them: much more importantly, though, we need
to know what we want (our fair share of the pie, plus personal
responsibility and decision-making over our lives, along with healthy
accountable communities – not imperial offshore enclaves) and stand
for that.

Remember the Charles Forte quote, something to the effect we're
all owned? Individually we have no self-determination. Ever wonder
what that must be like to have self-determination; what would that

It would mean you have complete autonomy and would be immune
and in a state of peace with these families. I'm afraid people do not
know what they want. Most folks do not have the capacity for taking
ABSOLUTE responsibility for their existence.

I am afraid our future doesn't look too bright. Imagine if you yourself
took this to heart and became an independent sovereign having total
control and responsibility for your own existence, you have diplomatic
immunity because you want a real peace between yourself and these
elitist rulers, but yet, everyone else around you is running a muck?

How can you even possibly begin to work with people in the general
population them let alone contract with them? This is why we must
form our own peaceful communities with those around us.

People don't know what they want, or what to ask for. They seem to
want Constitutional RULE: this means oligarchy. This applies essentially
for Americans.

This is why people have let their egos control their circumstances and
by the looks of things around us, egos are firmly in control. This is a
very dangerous situation. Egos are in control because people have NO
individual power; they are over compensating for this void and people
are becoming very dangerous when they go off.

Am I (the non-egotistical 'I') making sense here or just blowing my horn?

It takes ten-thousand hours of mind numbing study to master any subject.
Look around you, do you observe any masters?

have to say props

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Age : 39

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 20 Dec 2011, 22:18

This is the most sober documentary on Crowley that i have seen


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  tgII Wed 21 Dec 2011, 11:00

Sobering indeed, Kapis; there are so many different ways to interpret
Crowley where does one begin?

I began here being interested in the connections, if any, between Adolf Hitler
and Aleister Crowley and came across this interesting perspective:

The question is: Was Hitler really Crowley's guinea pig?

    Hitler: "And are you an angel of darkness?"

    Crowley: "You’ll find out in good time all about me. For the present, I’ll say this: if I were an angel of light, you wouldn’t want to know me."

    Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Crowle2


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 22 Dec 2011, 00:32

Yeah an intriguing commentary on that link TG, the psychotic hitler episodes, the possible doppelgänger, the possible crowley death mystery , Finally, i don't know what to believe .

But outside of these speculations, i do rate highly some of the crowley writings like magick without tears, the green goddess , and a couple others

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:51

Even though Tsarion was a defender of Crowley and stated that his works are misunderstood, there is nothing that has convinced me otherwise that Crowley was not illuminati, a satanist and promoted sodomy and homosexual sodomy as part of his magick rituals.

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  tgII Sun 25 Dec 2011, 22:45

Qsc, I've really struggled with that: the idea that there was anything
even remotely possible to incorporate into one's own existence from
anything Crowley taught, or more importantly, did by example.

I suppose there were a number of ideas he taught (is it really teaching
how to become a more compassionate caring human being who has
taken full responsibility for his own life though?) but I certainly wouldn't
want to entertain in my life anything Crowley left in his wake.

It is also worth mentioning that Crowley was an MI6 agent and had a
huge influence on the direction of the British empire. It can be summed
up with this statement: The goal of the City of London is to exert
suffocating control over economic activities of other nations.

Crowley in my humble opinion was a deviant involved in child sex;
homosexuality; bestiality; drugs; conjuring spirits for his own selfish
purposes (a terribly egregious behavior); his nefarious deceptive
attitude towards women. But the worst of all is that ultimately his
impact has been immense on British socialist/fascist thinking of an
already elitist self-serving oligarchy (Tony Blair; self-serving compromised
and extorted pedophile) of Britain who practice pederasty which its impact
can still be felt today: political, corporate and military leaders are extorted
for concessions through pedophilia, snuff-films and sexual compromises.

Pederasty or paederasty is a sexual relationship between an adult and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys", a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover".

Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history; at times it has been considered an ideal, and at other times a crime.

In European history, its most structured cultural manifestation was Athenian pederasty, which became most prominent in the 6th century BCE. Greek pederasty's various forms were the subject of philosophic debates in which the carnal type was unfavorably compared with erotic yet spiritual and moderate forms.

Look at Eton in Britain where every Friday night is 'paddling night',
where boys would be beaten with a wooden paddle until they bled.
Ultimately, this bonds these boys to the fraternity and reinforces
their already psychopathic behavior.

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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Re: Famous Esoteric Personas

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 21 Feb 2012, 01:17

Satanism and Jim Morrison


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Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Empty Peculiar Michael Jackson Observation

Post  highnoon Wed 22 Feb 2012, 11:55

For whatever reason i was browsing jacksons wiki. first line in i read . refered to as the king of pop or MJ.

and i went..wait a second. MJ.

doesnt that look a bit like Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 Virgo-1-sign

also jackson would go around with the glove on his right hand and hold it up.

his wiki shows a picture of this Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 215px-Michael_Jackson_1984

the virgin here is also showing her right hand.

Famous Esoteric Personas - Page 2 240px-Virgo2

small observations

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