The Source of Maladies
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The Source of Maladies
Finally a Doctor who acknowledges that it's not just toxins or truamas that cause diseases, but thoughts as well. Imbalanced one's just as I suspected.
Dr. Bruce Lipton........
The new mechanism of evolution suggested by the new biology you describe in your book is one that consists of repeating patterns of self-similarity; it is a pattern based upon fractal geometry*. The significance of fractals is that they represent basic patterns that are iterated (repeated) over and over again. If you can recognize a pattern at one level of the structure you can apply that awareness to understand the patterns throughout the whole structure.
Cell biologist Bruce Lipton says our lives are not ruled by our genes but by our cell membranes – which respond to our thoughts. Has he found the key to mind-body healing?
Lipton, author of Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles, contends that our thoughts can activate changes in the activity of the cell membrane, and thus alter our health and life.
The first is trauma.
The second is toxicity. Toxins and poisons in our system represent inappropriate chemistry that can distort the signal’s information on its path between the nervous system and the targeted cells and tissues. Altered signals, derived from either of these causes, can inhibit or modify normal behaviors and lead to the expression of dis-ease.
The third and most important influence of signals on the dis-ease process is thought, the action of the mind. Mind-related illnesses do not require that there be anything physically wrong with the body at the outset of the dis-ease. Health is predicated upon the nervous system’s ability to accurately perceive environmental information and selectively engage appropriate, life-sustaining behaviors. If a mind misinterprets environmental signals and generates an inappropriate response, survival is threatened because the body’s behaviors become out of synch with the environment. We may not think that a thought could be enough to undermine an entire system, but, in fact, misperceptions can be lethal.
Cells, tissues, and organs do not question information sent by the nervous system. Rather, they respond with equal fervor to accurate life-affirming perceptions and to self-destructive misperceptions. Consequently, the nature of our perceptions greatly influences the fate of our lives.
While most of us are aware of the healing influences of the placebo effect, few are aware of its evil twin, the nocebo effect. Just as surely as positive thoughts can heal, negative ones-including the belief we are susceptible to an illness or have been exposed to a toxic condition-can actually manifest the undesired realities of those thoughts
Perceptions have a tremendous influence in shaping the character and experiences of our lives. They’re the reason why those faith-filled folks can swig poison, joyously play with deadly snakes and lift a car to free a loved one. Perceptions shape the placebo and nocebo effects. They are more influential than positive thinking because they are more than mere thoughts in your mind. Perceptions are beliefs that permeate every cell. Simply, the expression of the body is a complement to the mind’s perceptions, or, in simpler terms, believing is seeing!
Accurate perceptions encourage success; misperceptions threaten survival.
Almost all of us have unknowingly acquired limiting, self-sabotaging misperceptions that undermine our strength, health, and desires.
As we will show in the next chapter, our most influential perceptual programs have mainly been acquired from others and do not necessarily support our own personal goals and aspirations. In fact, many of our strengths and weaknesses, the parts of ourselves we own as who we are, are directly attributable to familial and cultural perceptions downloaded into our minds before we were six years old. Programmed perceptions acquired in these developmental years are primarily responsible for health and behavioral issues experienced in our adult lives. Consider how many children never realize their full potential or dreams because of limiting programming.
Not surprisingly, these self-sabotaging programs also thwart us as we try to change conditions in the world. This insight tells us that before we go out to change the world, we must first look inward to change ourselves. Then, by changing our beliefs, we do change the world.
Dr. Bruce Lipton........
The new mechanism of evolution suggested by the new biology you describe in your book is one that consists of repeating patterns of self-similarity; it is a pattern based upon fractal geometry*. The significance of fractals is that they represent basic patterns that are iterated (repeated) over and over again. If you can recognize a pattern at one level of the structure you can apply that awareness to understand the patterns throughout the whole structure.
Cell biologist Bruce Lipton says our lives are not ruled by our genes but by our cell membranes – which respond to our thoughts. Has he found the key to mind-body healing?
Lipton, author of Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles, contends that our thoughts can activate changes in the activity of the cell membrane, and thus alter our health and life.
The first is trauma.
The second is toxicity. Toxins and poisons in our system represent inappropriate chemistry that can distort the signal’s information on its path between the nervous system and the targeted cells and tissues. Altered signals, derived from either of these causes, can inhibit or modify normal behaviors and lead to the expression of dis-ease.
The third and most important influence of signals on the dis-ease process is thought, the action of the mind. Mind-related illnesses do not require that there be anything physically wrong with the body at the outset of the dis-ease. Health is predicated upon the nervous system’s ability to accurately perceive environmental information and selectively engage appropriate, life-sustaining behaviors. If a mind misinterprets environmental signals and generates an inappropriate response, survival is threatened because the body’s behaviors become out of synch with the environment. We may not think that a thought could be enough to undermine an entire system, but, in fact, misperceptions can be lethal.
Cells, tissues, and organs do not question information sent by the nervous system. Rather, they respond with equal fervor to accurate life-affirming perceptions and to self-destructive misperceptions. Consequently, the nature of our perceptions greatly influences the fate of our lives.
While most of us are aware of the healing influences of the placebo effect, few are aware of its evil twin, the nocebo effect. Just as surely as positive thoughts can heal, negative ones-including the belief we are susceptible to an illness or have been exposed to a toxic condition-can actually manifest the undesired realities of those thoughts
Perceptions have a tremendous influence in shaping the character and experiences of our lives. They’re the reason why those faith-filled folks can swig poison, joyously play with deadly snakes and lift a car to free a loved one. Perceptions shape the placebo and nocebo effects. They are more influential than positive thinking because they are more than mere thoughts in your mind. Perceptions are beliefs that permeate every cell. Simply, the expression of the body is a complement to the mind’s perceptions, or, in simpler terms, believing is seeing!
Accurate perceptions encourage success; misperceptions threaten survival.
Almost all of us have unknowingly acquired limiting, self-sabotaging misperceptions that undermine our strength, health, and desires.
As we will show in the next chapter, our most influential perceptual programs have mainly been acquired from others and do not necessarily support our own personal goals and aspirations. In fact, many of our strengths and weaknesses, the parts of ourselves we own as who we are, are directly attributable to familial and cultural perceptions downloaded into our minds before we were six years old. Programmed perceptions acquired in these developmental years are primarily responsible for health and behavioral issues experienced in our adult lives. Consider how many children never realize their full potential or dreams because of limiting programming.
Not surprisingly, these self-sabotaging programs also thwart us as we try to change conditions in the world. This insight tells us that before we go out to change the world, we must first look inward to change ourselves. Then, by changing our beliefs, we do change the world.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The Source of Maladies
It's great being able to finally learn.
Will look into the videos for sure and is it Mark Nasseim who also talks of math and the golden ratio?
Will look into the videos for sure and is it Mark Nasseim who also talks of math and the golden ratio?
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The Source of Maladies
The board is expanding at an exponential rate and can barely
keep up anymore?!
And now, for something really special, and this takes time to get through,
but I've finally been able to delineate the difference between religion and
spirituality, not that I couldn't before, it just seems that books become
available the more one studies, something Peter Lavenda has become
acutely aware of, with this free online ebook. I am about a quarter of the
way through it, and it is incredibly inspiring.
Here is the Forward and notice the self-styled 'reformed' (the profit motive is
the great distorter) new ager, there's hope for them yet:
If anyone went to the SOTT link I posted about warning people not to
attempt contacting spirits unless you know exactly what you are doing,
well, this is good follow up, I think.
keep up anymore?!
And now, for something really special, and this takes time to get through,
but I've finally been able to delineate the difference between religion and
spirituality, not that I couldn't before, it just seems that books become
available the more one studies, something Peter Lavenda has become
acutely aware of, with this free online ebook. I am about a quarter of the
way through it, and it is incredibly inspiring.
by Kyle Griffith
Copyright 1988, 2006 by the author
This virtual copy of WiH is based on the Second Printing, issued in the fall of 1990 by Spiritual Revolution Press. It was prepared from a digital scan of the original, which was photocopied on 8-1/2 by 11 sheets and spiral bound, and is intended for free downloading by anyone who is interested in the ideas it contains.
A complete virtual copy of War in Heaven is available for free download at:
Here is the Forward and notice the self-styled 'reformed' (the profit motive is
the great distorter) new ager, there's hope for them yet:
War in Heaven introduces a completely new and revolutionary conception of the nature of spiritual reality. The material in it was dictated to me by automatic writing, but WiH contains more explicit, detailed spiritual information than most modern channeled books and it is much more militant and controversial in tone. Some readers of the pre-publication edition of War in Heaven were disturbed or frightened by it, and a few attacked the book as evil and satanic. However, a larger number of readers hailed it as a major breakthrough in cosmological theory.
War in Heaven is not a typical New Age channeled book, and I am not a typical New Ager, though I helped to found that movement in the Sixties and Seventies. I was raised as a traditional occultist, and my primary goal in life has always been to develop my skills as a psychic and magician. However, I also possess past-life memories that have caused me to develop into a very different kind of occultist from my relatives who were Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Spiritualists, or Theosophists.
I have been aware since 1946, when I was four years old, that my soul was deliberately sent to this planet by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization to assist Earth people in dealing with a major crisis in their spiritual evolution. For this reason, I've studied UFOs and related subjects as seriously as I've studied psychic and spiritual phenomena, and the relationship between the two has always been obvious to me.
The same applies to conspiracy theories - I have known all my life that unseen forces really do manipulate the course of human history, and my response has not been fear or anger, but rather a desire to help any of these agencies whose ethical and political goals seem similar to mine. I've been a left-wing anarchist and a member of the counterculture since the late Fifties, and I've grown more politically and socially radical with age. In the late Sixties, my spirit guides suggested that I call myself a Spiritual Revolutionary, and I've been doing so ever since.
However, I didn't become fully conscious of what the term meant until 1983, when I made a breakthrough in personal awareness about spiritual reality. In July of that year, after several years of intensive magical and intellectual preparation, I asked my spirit guides: "Tell me the Great Secret, the theory that explains the true nature of gods and human beings and the relationship between them." The reply that I received by automatic writing didn't surprise me, but I was absolutely astonished by it just the same. The spirits seemed to be trying to dictate a completely new and revolutionary cosmology: a view of spiritual reality with moral, social, and political implications that most people would consider literally unthinkable.
I eventually became able to record the messages in clear and explicit English. It took me over five years, and thousands of hours of grueling labor, to receive all the spirit-dictated information for War in Heaven and write it into a book. The review on the next page will give you an idea of what WiH is about and why I am advertising it as "The most controversial channeled book of the century."
If anyone went to the SOTT link I posted about warning people not to
attempt contacting spirits unless you know exactly what you are doing,
well, this is good follow up, I think.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Source of Maladies
Thanks, Flames, yes, seemed to have been a bad link.
Did you happen to notice the resources at this site/link you
put up? Incredible, I noticed Ponerology - The Science of
Evil is linked in as well as the Council of Nine which is what
Peter Lavenda researched in Sinister Forces?!
Did you happen to notice the resources at this site/link you
put up? Incredible, I noticed Ponerology - The Science of
Evil is linked in as well as the Council of Nine which is what
Peter Lavenda researched in Sinister Forces?!
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Source of Maladies
On a related note because the author of War in Heaven went through
that 'revolutionary' reaction (chapter on the sixties) to fascist power
in the United States during the sixties...
You guys want to watch a mind blowing video I watched yesterday
afternoon, just incredible the correlations and insight into the soul of
America during the late sixties and early seventies, this made by the
fact a lot of these 'revolutionaries' brought in their own metaphysical
baggage and interpretation by direct personal experiences of their
respective spirituality/religion, i.e, Jews, Catholics, Lutherans,
Of all those, why is it Jews are the most revolutionary? The leaders of
the SDS were Jews.
What a cauldron of the first few minutes anyway...
Geezuz, I need another life to figure this shit all out.
that 'revolutionary' reaction (chapter on the sixties) to fascist power
in the United States during the sixties...
You guys want to watch a mind blowing video I watched yesterday
afternoon, just incredible the correlations and insight into the soul of
America during the late sixties and early seventies, this made by the
fact a lot of these 'revolutionaries' brought in their own metaphysical
baggage and interpretation by direct personal experiences of their
respective spirituality/religion, i.e, Jews, Catholics, Lutherans,
Of all those, why is it Jews are the most revolutionary? The leaders of
the SDS were Jews.
What a cauldron of the first few minutes anyway...
Geezuz, I need another life to figure this shit all out.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Source of Maladies
Hereditary factors and miasms: the seat of all chronic diseases. By Luc De Schepper/Dr. of acupuncture and homeopathy
What happens when superficial symptoms are only treated? They come back and build up toxicities, which comes down to intestinal toxemia. Explanation of physical maladies is as follows:
Cure comes, through elimination, from the inside out.
It has been discovered that single cell organisms can be kept alive in a nutritional fluid if their waste products were removed through regular washing and replacement of the solution.
The process of elimination of toxic products is of life saving, prime importance. In the disease state they accumulate more than normal.
So what homeopathy does is access the body’s own system for flushing out toxins by stimulating the excretory organs to accomplish what they normally do when the body is well. By suppressing the symptoms as Western medicine does, the disease is driven inwards towards the more internal organs.
So the suppression of a fever in a child by taking tylenol will only increase the length of the disease.
Luc came up with a name called the miasm theory, when trying to identify a common cause for chronic diseases. And classified disease into four divisions.
The first was that all disease conditions might spring from mechanical or exterior sources and that might be rectified by regulating habits and environment . And largely self curative when the environment and habits were properly regulated.
The next three fell under the heading of miasms. Hahnemann the father of homeopathy, believed that every chronic disease begins with the introduction into the organism of one of the contaminating agents-miasms-through the skin.
So when the contaminating agent is driven inward by Western medicine it becomes established throughout the organism and becomes a chronic condition. For example, the aggressive treatment of eczema often leads to asthma attacks, then the asthma is treated and then the skin symptoms or eczema comes back.
There are three miasms or stigmata responsible for all diseases
Psora, scabies or fungal bacterial, accountable for 7/8 of chronic dieseases. The next, sycosis or warts and the third, syphilis. Nowadays it’s not infections as the cause but cancer and tuberculosis.
To clarify the term psora and it’s link to modern bacteriology. The chinese believe that the skin is related to the lung organ. The lung together with the large intestine form the Yin/Yang unity, the Yang being the exterior or superficial part and related to the skin and the Yin being related to the deeper organ, or large intestine.
So the skin eruption can be seen as an external manifestation of an internal organ imbalance. In the case of psora, it could be a manifestation of the internal disorder in the large intestine. Who’s connection and unity with the skin are well known in Eastern medicine.
Linking psora to modern bacteriology. Will get to the hereditary part later.
What happens when superficial symptoms are only treated? They come back and build up toxicities, which comes down to intestinal toxemia. Explanation of physical maladies is as follows:
Cure comes, through elimination, from the inside out.
It has been discovered that single cell organisms can be kept alive in a nutritional fluid if their waste products were removed through regular washing and replacement of the solution.
The process of elimination of toxic products is of life saving, prime importance. In the disease state they accumulate more than normal.
So what homeopathy does is access the body’s own system for flushing out toxins by stimulating the excretory organs to accomplish what they normally do when the body is well. By suppressing the symptoms as Western medicine does, the disease is driven inwards towards the more internal organs.
So the suppression of a fever in a child by taking tylenol will only increase the length of the disease.
Luc came up with a name called the miasm theory, when trying to identify a common cause for chronic diseases. And classified disease into four divisions.
The first was that all disease conditions might spring from mechanical or exterior sources and that might be rectified by regulating habits and environment . And largely self curative when the environment and habits were properly regulated.
The next three fell under the heading of miasms. Hahnemann the father of homeopathy, believed that every chronic disease begins with the introduction into the organism of one of the contaminating agents-miasms-through the skin.
So when the contaminating agent is driven inward by Western medicine it becomes established throughout the organism and becomes a chronic condition. For example, the aggressive treatment of eczema often leads to asthma attacks, then the asthma is treated and then the skin symptoms or eczema comes back.
There are three miasms or stigmata responsible for all diseases
Psora, scabies or fungal bacterial, accountable for 7/8 of chronic dieseases. The next, sycosis or warts and the third, syphilis. Nowadays it’s not infections as the cause but cancer and tuberculosis.
To clarify the term psora and it’s link to modern bacteriology. The chinese believe that the skin is related to the lung organ. The lung together with the large intestine form the Yin/Yang unity, the Yang being the exterior or superficial part and related to the skin and the Yin being related to the deeper organ, or large intestine.
So the skin eruption can be seen as an external manifestation of an internal organ imbalance. In the case of psora, it could be a manifestation of the internal disorder in the large intestine. Who’s connection and unity with the skin are well known in Eastern medicine.
Linking psora to modern bacteriology. Will get to the hereditary part later.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The Source of Maladies
How could I forget the real murderers and source of maladies folks have today! The manipulators themselves! Oh and aspartame causes tumors. Why not just wipe the folks out in one clean slate instead of poisoning them and slowly killing them in this way. Really if they were all killed at once, they wouldn't know what hit them! And no one could complain.
What kind of sick torture is this. Oh their dwindling energy must still be needed!
What kind of sick torture is this. Oh their dwindling energy must still be needed!
The Society of Neuroscience has established that "Unquestionably, Glutamates, at doses encountered in products, cause severe injury to hypothalamus, the essential part of the brain for both memory and learning".
Recently, Bita Moghaddam and Barbara W. Adams, of the Department of Psychiatry in Yale University School of Medicine, reported irrefutable evidence on the involvement of Glutamates in schizophrenia.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The Source of Maladies
"Source of maladies", oh boy, here goes...
A new disease had been diagnosed, it's called TMD, or Terminal Moronic Decline.
Symptoms include the following:
A new disease had been diagnosed, it's called TMD, or Terminal Moronic Decline.
Symptoms include the following:
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The Source of Maladies
an on the subject of moronic decline , remember that danish dude that made the cartoon joke about mohammed
Well, a nutcase made his way to denmark to kill him "in the name of mohammed"
and more sources of potential ma-ladies from that combat link above, the feminisation of the male species or POOFS GALORE IN THE UK
Well, a nutcase made his way to denmark to kill him "in the name of mohammed"
and more sources of potential ma-ladies from that combat link above, the feminisation of the male species or POOFS GALORE IN THE UK
The feminisation of species has scientists worried. A recent report shows that fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are giving birth to mostly female offspring, with males fading out from the scene almost completely.
According to a report recently released by the UK-based organisation CHEM Trust, which aims to protect humans and wildlife from the harmful effects of the chemical industry, frequently used chemicals lead to a widespread feminisation of vertebrate wildlife. These findings add to mounting worries about the role of hormone-disrupting chemicals in the environment and the implications for human health.
The report, which includes more than 250 scientific studies from around the world lists phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powder, among other applications and PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and in the environment and many pesticides among its list of harmful chemicals.
Ecologists discovered over 100 thousand new chemicals, the majority of which might be identified as “endocrine disrupters” as they interfere with hormones and might cause gender change.
“Urgent action is needed to control gender bending chemicals and more resources are needed for monitoring wildlife. Man-made chemicals are clearly damaging the basic male tool-kit,” said Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals and author of the report.
Because of the dramatic polluting of seas and rivers, the majority of gender changes were detected among male fish, making them leaders in hermaphrodite reproduction. Half of male fish in British rivers have been found to be developing eggs in their testes. Feminising effects have now been discovered in a host of freshwater fish species in Japan and Benin, in Africa, and in sea fish in the North Sea, the Mediterranean, the Osaka Bay in Japan and Puget Sound on the US west coast.
“Feminisation of the males of numerous vertebrate species is now a widespread occurrence. All vertebrates have similar sex hormone receptors, which have been conserved in evolution,” continues Lyons." Therefore, observations in one species may serve to highlight pollution issues of concern for other vertebrates, including humans. If we are seeing problems in wildlife, we can be concerned that something similar is happening to a proportion of human males.”
Shift in sex rations worldwide is a concern for scientists. Chemical pollution that causes gender changes might be a clue to solving this problem. Normally 106 boys are born for 100 girls but the situation is changing rapidly. Moreover, in communities heavily polluted with “endocrine-disputers” in Canada, Russia and Italy twice as many girls have been born than boys.
Re: The Source of Maladies
Kapis, as luck would have it, I was looking for insights on how to be
more of a man, now we've got a cure to counter militant psychopathic
more of a man, now we've got a cure to counter militant psychopathic
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
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