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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Wed 08 Aug 2012, 07:24

Sputnik, what do these Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) have to do with EMP weaponry? These are
for computer circuits and transistors which the Iranians are also working on.

MOS means Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor; circuitry for transistors.

And M. Rashtian has been given academic attention through Microsoft, not likely in Iran
designing EMP weaponry.


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Post  Sputnik Wed 08 Aug 2012, 19:11

tgII wrote:Sputnik, what do these Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) have to do with EMP weaponry?

EPFCG weapons require a starting current pulse to operate (supplied by capacitors) and Iran has become one of the *developing nations* capable of "delivery!"..

EM Wave absorption

One of the more recently researched properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) is their wave absorption characteristics, specifically microwave absorption. Interest in this research is due to the current military push for radar absorbing materials (RAM) to better the stealth characteristics of aircraft and other military vehicles. There has been some research [bla bla endless technical bla bla]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_nanotube#EM_Wave_absorption


The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Captured-drone-rq-170.n


~Iran isn't KIDDING~ and that's why Israhell is "busy" mass-assassinating Iranian scientists,

and the US Gov won't be flying their drones over --->Teheran again any time soon.

That incident was a demonstration and a *warning* at the same time.


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Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 10 Sep 2012, 09:23

His views on sponsored terrorism and this bit below about the "strategic balance" caught my attentions , It seems that putin can actually speak for himself and waggle his tail without the strings attached which is a very unpopular trait in todays world of puppet politicians

Russia, US reliable partners and allies for each other
RT: Let's turn now to the United States, the upcoming election there, which we are all looking forward to very much. Of course now the re-set button with Russia was firmly pushed by Barack Obama over the last 4 years, but its saw its ups and downs, and there's still that missile defense shield that's a headache for Russia in the East of Europe. If Obama does win a second term, what's going to define the next chapter of Russia and America's relations and is it chapter you can do business with?
Putin: I believe that over the last four years Presidents Obama and Medvedev have made a lot of progress in strengthening Russia-US relations. We have signed the new START treaty. Backed by the US, Russia has become a full-fledged member of the World Trade Organization. There have been more reasons to be optimistic about our bilateral relations: our strengthened cooperation in combating terrorism and organized crime, in the non-proliferation of weapons of mass-destruction and others. In other words, we have accumulated quite a lot of positive experience.
But the issue you mentioned – the US missile defense system – is surely one of the key issues on today’s agenda because it involves Russia’s vital interests. Scholars and experts understand that a unilateral solution will not enhance global stability. In essence, the intention is to upset the strategic balance, which is a very dangerous thing to do, as any involved party will always strive to maintain its defensive capabilities, and the entire thing could simply trigger off an arms race. Is it possible to find a solution to the problem, if president Obama is re-elected for a second term? In principle, yes, it is. But this isn’t just about president Obama. For all I know, his desire to work out a solution is quite sincere.
I met him recently on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico where we had a chance to talk. And though we talked mostly about Syria, I had the chance to feel the mood of my counterpart. My feeling is that he is a sincere man and that he sincerely wants to implement positive change. But can he do it, will they let him do it? I mean that there is also the military lobby, and the Department of State, which is quite conservative. By the way it is fairly similar to Russia’s Foreign Ministry. They are run by a number of professional clans who have been working there for decades. The thing is that in order to solve the missile defense issue, we both need to accept as an axiom that ‘yes, we are reliable partners and allies for each other’. Let’s imagine for a second we have the solution – that means that from now on we jointly assess missile threats and control this defense system together. This is a highly sensitive area of national defense. I am not sure that our partners are ready for this kind of cooperation.
RT: Is there anything that Russia can do to try and meet in the middle, to give a better ground?
Putin: We did what we could. We said, let’s do it together. Our partners are so far refusing to go along. What else can we do? We can maintain dialogue. That’s exactly what we will be doing, but naturally, as our American partners proceed with developing their own missile defense we shall have to think of how we can defend ourselves and preserve the strategic balance. By the way, America’s European allies (who also happen to be Russia’s partners) have nothing to do with it. I believe that as a European national, you should understand it. This is a purely American missile defense system, and a strategic one at that, with its European elements pushed to the periphery. You see, Europe, just like Russia, is not allowed to take part in either assessing missile threats or controlling the system. Our original proposal was to develop it as a three-party solution, but our partners have not agreed to it.
Romney effectively aiming US missile shield at Russia already

RT: Ok. So, we think you can work with Barack Obama if he gets in. What about if Mitt Romney gets in? Look, I've got some quotes here from just a month or two ago. This is the man that if he makes it to the White House said, "Russia is without question our number one geopolitical foe. They fight every cause for the world's worst" and he went on to say "Russia is not a friendly character on the world stage." Could you work with him, sir?
Putin: Yes, we can. We'll work with whichever president is elected by the American people. But our effort will only be as efficient as our partners will want it to be.
As for Mr. Romney’s position, we understand that this is to a certain extent motivated by election campaign rhetoric, but I also think that he was obviously wrong, because such behavior on the international arena is the same as using nationalism and segregation as tools of US domestic policy. Its effect on the international arena is the same, when a politician, a person who aspires to lead a nation, especially a great country like the U.S., declares someone to be an enemy a priori. And by the way, this brings something else to mind.
When we talk about the missile defense system, our American partners keep telling us, “This is not directed against you.” But what happens if Mr. Romney, who believes us to be America’s number one foe, is elected as president of the United States? In that case, the missile defence system will definitely be directed against Russia as it is technologically configured exactly for this purpose.
And you also have to think about its strategic character, it’s built not for a year or even a decade, and the chances that a man with Romney’s views could come to power are quite high. So what are we supposed to do to ensure our security?

Fight against corruption complicated, but we carry on
RT:Domestically again I’d like to talk about corruption. It’s a word that comes up time and time again here in Russia. You have talked about it before but most notably the previous president was really putting it at the top of his list of thing to sort out. However when Dmitry Medvedev left office as president he reported modest success at tackling it. How serious a problem do you think corruption is here in Russia in 2012 and what are you going to do about it?
Putin: Corruption is a problem for any country. And by the way you will find it in any country, be it in Europe or in the United States. They have legalized many things. Let’s take the private corporate lobby – what is it, is it corruption or not? It’s legalized and so formally is okay, within the law. But that depends on how you look at it. Therefore I will repeat that this problem is an issue for many countries.
More important is the level and scope of corruption. In our case, they are quite high. But this is typical of transition economies. The reason is that while new economic models are evolving many things are not yet adjusted or aligned, and the state is not always in control. There are also value issues, especially when we move from a socialist mindset and planned economy values to eternal values. This is a complicated process, especially if the new market facilitates rapid wealth acquisition for some particular circles or groups of people. This is something that is perceived painfully and with reprehension. The average person then starts thinking: if it is okay for those people to earn billions in a couple of years, why is it not okay for me to do this or that even if it isn’t exactly in sync with the law and moral values?
All this undermines the very foundation of the campaign against corruption. This is a very difficult process. But undoubtedly this is an essential part of our agenda, and we shall continue our efforts in this area.
RT: There are a big list of causes you have cited where do you begin to go about tackling it, and when is there going to be some sort of sea change, when will it get better if you like?
Putin: What we need to start with is to make our entire society detest the very notion of corruption. Corruption is a two-way process, with two sides to it, the bribe-giver and the bribe-taker, and it often happens that bribe-givers are even more active than the bribe-takers. Therefore it is a matter of supporting moral values; it is also a matter of making our law enforcement agencies more efficient and developing a legal framework that minimizes opportunities for corruption. This is a multi-dimensional task, very sensitive and difficult. And we shall work on every aspect of it.
RT: One of the practical ways you are going about it is the new draft law that prevents government officials from opening bank accounts and holding property abroad. I don’t know what you think about that law, but isn’t it possible for someone to use someone else’s account. How are you going to enforce it?
Putin: Of course you could. This bill has not been passed yet, it’s being reviewed by the State Duma. This naturally implies certain limitations for officials, because current legislation allows any Russian citizen to have a foreign bank account or property. Yet, limitations may be introduced for some officials, especially at a high-level. I don’t see anything extraordinary about this, especially in view of today’s realities. But the State Duma will have to present the rationale for their proposal and develop it into a detailed draft law. Overall, I believe this law has value and would assist the fight against corruption to a certain extent. Of course it will, because those people who are willing to commit themselves to serving their country and their people should be willing to agree to such terms – that if they want to have a bank account, it’ll have to be a Russian bank account, or a Russian branch of a bank. Why not? Many overseas banks have branches in Russia. One can keep their accounts here. Why go to Austria or the United States to open an account? If you connect your fate to this country be so kind as to make public your interests here, including financial interests, do not hide your money anywhere.

We are constantly lectured on how independent Britain’s judiciary is. It makes its own decisions, and no one can influence that. What about Julian Assange? They have ruled to have him extradited. What is it if not an evident example of a double standard? I won’t make a definitive statement, but as far as I know, Ecuador has requested guarantees from the Swedish government that Sweden wouldn’t hand over Assange to the United States. No guarantees have so far been provided. At the very least, this suggests that we are looking at a politically motivated trial.

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Post  tgII Wed 28 Nov 2012, 09:59


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Post  tgII Wed 05 Dec 2012, 04:08

This is intriguing...

Russia is being isolated and surrounded by the west.


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 06 Dec 2012, 16:41

Jews and Zionists hate Putin...which means I like him.

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Post  tgII Fri 07 Dec 2012, 03:28

A high level diplomat from Iran just visited Bashar Assad and declared Syria winning
over western hegemony.

Meanwhile, the US Army Military Academy at West Point, a senior cadet quit blowing
the whistle on officers being "criminal" for indoctrinating cadets with Christianity.

Can anyone see what's coming?

The final showdown: Christianity verses Islam

We are being masterfully manipulated into place.

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Post  tgII Tue 18 Dec 2012, 01:00

Here is an interesting development from Russia:

It seems like Russia under Vladimir Putin know that in America the entire edifice and
structure of is institutions is run by pedophile networks and that family courts have been
created to separate children from their fathers.

The profitability of pedophilia: All of the government departments are pedophile networks
and fatherlessness creates 95 percent of all crime, so courts funded the family courts into
existence and then the family courts provide the district courts with criminals who are 95
percent fatherless. The attribute that pedophiles seek is a child without their biological father.
Those profiting most from the judiciary are those who are involved in pedophilia.


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Tue 18 Dec 2012, 01:12

The Russians reject meat produced in America. Apparently, American produced meat is
laced with a drug to reduce fat content and increase muscular content called ractopamine.

    On December 7, 2012 Russia's Federal Agency for Agricultural Control, Rosselhohznadzor, banned the imports of meat containing ractopamine. This is a food additive that allows to reduce the content of fat in beef and pork. The drug is added to food so that animals grow the muscle mass instead of fat. According to researchers, ractopamine affects the human cardiovascular system, and in some cases can cause food poisoning. This drug is banned for use in 160 countries, including China and Russia. It is allowed in 24 countries, including Canada and the United States. Codex Alimentarius of the World Health Organization, adopted in July 2012 in Rome by representatives of 186 countries, allows the contents of ractopamine in meat.

So what does the drug ractomine do to humans in the long term who consume pork and
beef the drug is given to?

This is one of those wtf questions. So, Americans can consume ractopamine but people
don't eat the drug in 160 countries?

    Ractopamine, a dangerous livestock drug banned in 160 nations has been approved by the FDA. In the United States the drug is given to 45% of the pigs, 30% of the ration-fed cattle and to an unknown number of turkeys.


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Post  tgII Tue 18 Dec 2012, 01:20

Russian natural resources pillaged by the UK and the United States. This two part
series is instructive because it demonstrates how Vladimir Putin neutralized oligarchs
and stopped the pillaging of resources from Russia.


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Post  tgII Tue 18 Dec 2012, 01:39

And just in case the U.S. and NATO need a reminder, Russia under Vladimir Putin are
redesigning and engineering their missile fleet to be armed with some serious conventional

This is for you NATO: From Russia with love. The Supersonic P-800 Yakhont Cruise Missile:


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Post  seraphim Tue 18 Dec 2012, 06:44

He's a good....man. Very Happy

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 18 Dec 2012, 09:18

I am usually aware of all this shit, but never heard of this stuff.
Just can't keep track of how many ways we keep fucking ourselves to death.

Genotoxicity and mutagenicity
Mutation studies in prokaryotes and eukaryotes show that ractopamine is non-mutagenic. However, the results of several in vitro studies, including chromosome aberration tests in human lymphocytes, are positive. The positive genotoxic results are explained with limited evidence to be due to a secondary auto-oxidative mechanism from ractopamine-catechol producing reactive intermediates.

Ractopamine is considered not to be a direct carcinogen. It is not listed by IARC, NTP, ACGIH, or OSHA. The induction of benign leiomyomas (tumors of smooth muscle) in mice and rats can possibly be due to a general feature of beta-adrenergic activity of ractopamine.

Cardiovascular effects
Dose-dependent changes of heart rate and cardiac output are observed within the first hour after administration of ractopamine and gradually return to baseline values. The systolic blood pressure will also increase in a dose-dependent manner, while the diastolic pressure remains unchanged.

Musculo-skeletal effects
Skeletal muscle tremor is the most common adverse effect of beta-agonists, and is more likely to be seen after oral administration than after inhalation. Tremor results from an imbalance between fast- and slow-twitch muscle groups of the extremities, and its severity varies greatly between individuals. No such effects were recorded at the NOEL determined in the toxicological studies conducted in laboratory animals given ractopamine or in the study in humans on cardiovascular effects of ractopamine.

Behavioral changes
Feelings of restlessness, apprehension, and anxiety were reported side-effects after the use of various beta-agonists, particularly after oral or parenteral treatment. In pilot clinical trials with ractopamine, four patients showed little evidence for central nervous system stimulation. It is unclear whether long-term treatment with these drugs results in the development of tolerance to these adverse effects.

Similar to ractopamine, clenbuterol is a growth promoting compound belonging to the beta-agonist family. It is known to have the effect of enhancing weight gain and proportion of muscle to fat. However, clenbuterol is known to have a much longer half-life in blood than ractopamine and thus has a greater potential for bioaccumulation.

Clenbuterol is reported to induce unintended side effects on humans, such as increased heart rate, muscular tremors, headache, nausea, fever, and chills. The US FDA has concluded these side effects to be unacceptable. The use of clenbuterol in food animals has been prohibited in almost all countries, including the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong. In contrast, ractopamine is allowed to be used at the recommended concentrations in food animals for growth promotion in some countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia.

Basically the opposite of beta blockers...

Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Wed 19 Dec 2012, 00:16

So, QSC, that chemical meat additive ractopamine is far worse than even my cursory
observation of seeing that news from Russia preventing American produced beef and
pork into Russia?

More news from Russia. A couple of scenarios at work here: either the fleet is swapping
out and the fleet in the Mediterranean is rotating, the fleet is heading to Syria to evacuate
Russians, or the Russian fleet is bringing in weaponry for the Syrian Army. I think it is
likely a combination of these activities.

Regardless, it is encouraging to see the Russians challenging NATO

Also, notice the news that American warships have left the waters off the coast of Syria.

Last edited by tgII on Wed 19 Dec 2012, 22:44; edited 2 times in total

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Wed 19 Dec 2012, 00:27

Russian workers abducted in Syria:

The FSA terrorist mercenaries who have been radicalized outside of Syria and then funneled
into Syria to destroy that country just upped the ante with Russia. If these two Russians
abducted by these "ala akabar" chanting Jihadi terrorists harm these Russian technicians
there will likely be retaliation from Russia.

The question becomes: were the foreign terrorists missioned with capturing Russians?

Several Russian journalists embedded with Syrian forces did a documentary last week put up
on LiveLeak filming the carnage and death left in the wake of these foreign Jihadi terrorists
mercenaries. The film was factual, I mean, the dead terrorists were filmed. What the Russians
discovered is that the foreign paid mercenaries pour petroleum on the faces of dead terrorists
then ignite the dead mercenary to destroy the face so that the dead mercenaries cannot be
identified as foreigners. Unbelievably, they filmed what appeared to be a dead Australian and
the Russians were examining foreign currencies the dead terrorists had with them.

The fight in Syria is to the death of every last combatant involved. The Syrian Army knows
there is no way out unless they fight to the last man killing every foreign mercenary pitted
against them.

I just viewed a LiveLeak video yesterday that took place a few days ago. Syrian Army regulars
captured two foreign mercenaries, questioned them, then put them in a stairwell and shot
them dead. The brutality going on in Syria is the worst imaginable.


The incredible hypocrisy of the United States and the UK for killing possibly millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, destroying billions of dollars in infrastructure including homes in these countries in this U.S. and UK declared "war on terrorism" fighting this same demented ideology of radical fundamentalist Islamic Jihadis, and now these same forces are being armed, equipped, indoctrinated and financed indirectly through Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the U.S. and UK's proxies in the region unleashed on Syria.

Why is it hypocrisy you might ask?

Because it is commerce, that's why. It is just commerce, so it doesn't matter what forces,
religious freaks or ideological perverts, are displayed in Syria, it's just commerce.


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 19 Dec 2012, 02:23

Why is it hypocrisy you might ask?

Because it is commerce, that's why. It is just commerce, so it doesn't matter what forces,
religious freaks or ideological perverts, are displayed in Syria, it's just commerce.


TG, It will be interesting to observe how putins politics progress with the ongoing threat of that anti-putin movement still being nourished and bubbling away under the radar in russia

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Post  tgII Wed 19 Dec 2012, 09:59

Kapis, thanks for the reminder re:

    "It will be interesting to observe how putins politics progress with the ongoing threat of that anti-putin movement still being nourished and bubbling away under the radar in Russia."

I hope no one is thinking I'm becoming a bit of an ass on this Russian thread, but my
ancestry goes very deep into Russia. Ever since I can remember I've had this fascination
with Russia.

This is my opportunity to record it in this thread.

The ongoing internal threat to Vladimir Putin (and there have been five documented
attempts on his life that weren't exaggerations for his public image) is being neutralized,
I think gradually. Here is why:

The NGO's and especially USAID is an extension of the U.S.'s CIA, and these organizations
are saturated with spooks and operatives collecting intelligence, putting out propaganda
for news and influencing and manipulating internal Russian politics.

Russia as far as my knowledge goes, has something like 277,000 NGO's. Hard to believe
I know, but it is just nuts for Russia to manage and control them because they are slithery
creatures: not private organizations; not governments; UN sanctioned. How this many
NGO's were allowed into Russia is anyone's guess but I suspect that fat fucking alcoholic
sell out Yeltsin allowed them in when Russia was pillaged in the nineties as the two part
documentary above fully documented.

See: The Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige, and Corruption of the International Aid Business by Graham Hancock

The previously linked book by Graham Hancock certainly straightened out my thinking
on U.S. "foreign aid." Foreign aid is the fucking kiss of death.

The key to understand NGO's is that they claim they are working on "human rights." That
is utter bullshit. This is why the UN sanctions them. NGO's break down resistance to
globalization. In Russia, the country was economically raped and pillaged of natural

Vladimir Putin kicked USAID out of Russia that financially sponsors NGO's. A Russian has
been appointed to take over USAID in Russia. This is recent news dated December 18,
, so it is all congruent to events transpiring in Syria. Vladimir Putin fully comprehends
the absolute treachery and cunning of the UK and the U.S.

USAID and the World Bank and the IMF to other countries: "Take this loan or we will
fucking destroy your country."

The World Bank is also behind NGO's so there you go.


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Post  tgII Wed 19 Dec 2012, 11:58

Go over to the Health Thread because I picked up on the chemical ractopamine being
fed to American beef and pork. I think it is worth developing over on the Health Thread
for obvious reasons and I put a video up worth taking a look at on automated meat factories.


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Post  tgII Wed 19 Dec 2012, 23:12

The U.S. provoking Russia by parking their guided missile cruiser USS Lake
Champlain off Russia's coastline.

Constantly agitating, provoking and testing Russia's response and actions.

After reading this article the following paragraph is an important insight as the U.S.
positions Aegis missiles onboard US war ships positioned in the Black Sea. The U.S.
claims it is to protect Eastern Europe from "rogue states." Alright, I can accept that,
but what makes these states "rogue."

These rogue states especially North Korea are kept as "rogue" states like a pet
rottweiller guard dog.

Iran is a "rogue state." According to who? Isn't the U.S. a "rogue state?"

    Washington says the missile defense system, which is capable of intercepting short to intermediate-range ballistic missiles, is vital for protecting Eastern Europe from “rogue states,” like Iran and North Korea. At the same time, however, the western military alliance ignores Moscow’s concern the strategic balance may be upset. In fact, NATO even refuses to provide Moscow with written, legal guarantees that the system will not in the future target Russian territory.

Last week, North Korea successfully launched and controlled the flight of a large
missile with rocket engines powerful enough it was claimed, to reach the shores of

So how do you keep your rottweiller guard dog loyal and happy? By making sure you
feed it correctly.

The corporation that made the inflight navigational hardware used in the North Korean
missile is a large Canadian technology firm that also manufacturers satellites and other
defense related high tech equipment for the U.S. Military.

So, how did the North Koreans get access to this high technology despite trade
restrictions being in place for just such reasons?

Scratch your head time: scratch

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Post  tgII Thu 20 Dec 2012, 10:53

Syria’s National Opposition Coalition just declared war on Russians who are in Syria.

In a recent article by Webster Tarpley published at PressTV.com called "Scenarios for
Obamagate in the second term
" published on December 17, 2012, Webster Tarpley
describes how one of the reasons for the Obama administration being forced on the
defensive regarding the killing of American Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens
being killed in Benghazi, Libya, is that "a main task of the Benghazi consulate/CIA
post has been to maintain relations with al-Qaeda death squads, especially for the
purpose of moving them through Turkey into Syria to wage war against the Assad
government." Any serious inquiry into the death of Christopher Stevens assassination,
according to Webster Trapley, "risks exposing his role as an ambassador to al-Qaeda."

Russians in Syria are ‘legitimate targets’ - key opposition group member

    Russians are legitimate targets for military attacks in Syria, a member of the Syria’s National Opposition Coalition said. The Coalition is recognized by the US and a number of its allies as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people. [not even elected and this front organization is legitimate? The vast majority of the Syrian people have probably never even heard of this front organization?]

What is the National Opposition Coalition? Newly founded? By who? By the Syrian
people themselves comprising of different sects and religions who have been at peace?

The National Opposition Coalition according to Webster Tarpley, are nothing more than
front men for al Qeada and Al Nusra, terrorists and death squads.

Externally appointed by corporations and the UK as to who will take over in Syria once
the government of Bashar Assad is either killed or leaves Syria. Founded in Qatar, a
British proxy in the region, and who are funding the foreign Jihadi mercenaries who are
radicalized by Islamic Muftis before they are funneled into Syria.

    The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Arabic: الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية‎), commonly named the Syrian National Coalition (Arabic: الائتلاف الوطني السوري‎) is a coalition of opposition groups in the Syrian civil war that was founded in Doha, Qatar in November 2012. Former imam of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Moaz al-Khatib, [this dude is a terrorist] considered a moderate, was elected the president of the coalition. Riad Seif and Suheir Atassi, both prominent democracy activists and the latter a secular feminist, were elected vice presidents. The post of a third vice president will remain vacant for a Kurdish figure to be elected. Mustafa Sabbagh was elected as the coalition's secretary-general.The coalition has a council with about 63 seats, of which 22 are Syrian National Council members. [sell outs who probably have nicely padded bank accounts in Switzerland]

If the foreign Jihadi mercenaries start targeting intentionally and killing Russians in Syria
look for a Russian response to be harsh. The Russian FSB does not like radical Islamic
Jihadi extremists in the least.


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Post  tgII Fri 21 Dec 2012, 00:57

Russia under Vlidimir Putin forges ahead with their alliances. Notice the UK and the
U.S. call Russia attempting peaceful meaningful dialogue with its neighbors "an
attempt to re-Soviatise the region." America's neighbors fucking hate America.

If Russia's neighbors aren't economically raped, militarized and its resources plundered,
I'm all for Russia "re-Sovietizing." I doubt Vladimir Putin will anytime soon be heading
over to the UN in New York to be addressing that dysfunctional sad state of affairs
incompetent and worthless organization.

Wouldn't everyone like to see a judo match on world-wide television between Zbigniew
Kazimierz Brzezinski (he despises Russia) and Vladimir Putin?

The match would be over in seconds.


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Post  tgII Fri 21 Dec 2012, 03:58

Two books that should be in everyone's hands who are reading through my
scribblings on Russia and Vladimir Putin.

I have The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism and Orthodoxy sent to me from a friend,
the other book was just ordered.

Vladimir Putin increasing world-wide attention on U.S. hypocrisy:

Vladimir Putin telling the U.S. (and to a lesser extent the UK; read between the lines)
that Russia will not be intimidated:


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Post  tgII Fri 21 Dec 2012, 04:08

Look at obedient Japan re: Russia

The political landscape in Japan is deplorable, so after screaming through microphones
and mega speakers at the Japanese population for the last month, Japan has a new
prime minister. The "new" Japanese Prime Minister is Shinzo Abe. He was also the
prime minister of Japan several years ago.

So the first thing Shinzo Abe does after being installed as the new prime minister and
according to U.S. and UK policy directed through Japan, Shinzo Abe apparently in a
"very bold statement" about the Russian-Japan contention over the South Kuril Islands,
said that he could solve the long-standing territorial dispute between Russia and Japan.

Just like clockwork to assert pressure on Russia through Japan. And the lackey Japanese
bend over and stick their fucking heads up the U.S.'s dirty foreign policy asshole again.

Those islands are claimed by Russia and they will not accept the conditions of Tokyo.

The reason why these islands claimed and rightfully so by Russia: the area is one of
the most fertile areas in the Pacific for fish.

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Post  tgII Fri 21 Dec 2012, 08:53

Here's where the "re-Sovietizing" of Russia came from in my comments above: Hillary

Another ad hominem, not factual, unsubstantiated and non sequester statement
designed to garner more anger and dislike of Russia.

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