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Post  bedido Mon 20 Jan 2014, 00:49


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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 20:52

re: to the Russian thread

    Putin vowed publically to destroy Al CIA~duh, which means the House of Saud must be removed one way or another...I am pretty sure 2014 will be a crazy rollercoaster ride...

Please read the let post on this page I posted to the Political News Thread
on Russia and Saudi Arabia here...


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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 21:02

re: more than 650,000 Ukrainian people have left Ukraine for Russia since January

Russia deploys hundreds of military troops to Ukraine to Sevastopol where Russia
has its Black Sea Fleet.


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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 21:07

re: CNN kicks in with psychological warfare against Russia calling Russia's
provocation a "declaration of war"

See how the Anglo-Americnas are deliberately gunning for potential war? The old
British-Russian historical confrontation rears its ugly head.

Russia is faced with over 650,000 refugees pouring into Russia from Ukraine and
sends troops to secure Crimea like any nation would do and the Anglo-American
vilifies Russia and accuses them of "declaring war."

Americans have absolutely no reason to hate Russia. The British are behind this.

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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 21:15

re: defections and allegiances being drawn

A Ukrainian Navy flag ship defects and apparently has "sided" (for lack of a better
word) with the Russian Navy.

Out of a population of 45 million people in Ukraine, 7.6 million are ethnic Russians.

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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 21:33

re: Britain's Foreign Minister William Hague on Ukraine

Listen very carefully to what this Venetian Janiced-face liar accuses Russia of in
the Ukraine. Then, after listening to this lethal pit viper, think what happened to
Libya and now in Syria concerning the "independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Ukraine" of these two nations.

The British, always the vipers slithering in the grass, have absolutely no concern
whatsoever about Ukraine's "independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity."

The British have been smashing through these barriers for centuries.

The British-Russian The Russian-British rivalry was of course the central antagonism
of European history. The British despise the Russians.

Pit vipers (British)...you will not see it slithering in the grass until it is too late...

    The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 12 Bright-green-pit-viper

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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 22:03

re: historical rivalry between Britain and Russia

This is a good review of this historical rivalry between Russia and the British
which is being revealed again and may get directed towards war.

And the always incapable and naive Americans will answer the British call to
war - again.

British brains; American muscle.


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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 22:48

re: agitating Chechen terrorists against Russia

In this article, it appears that Chechen terrorists are being called to fight against
Russia in the Ukraine. So, while the Anglo-Americans (NATO-Isreal) have allegedly
been fighting against the fictitious terrorist organization known as "Al Qaeda", the
Anglo-Americans (NATO-Isreal) through their proxies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are
financing and supplying weapons and munitions to terrorist Jihadis rampaging
through Syria.

Follow the links because it makes for interesting reading.

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Post  tgII Sun 02 Mar 2014, 23:18

re: post above correlates to this image.

    The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 12 Hypocrisy_its_the_american_way

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Post  Sputnik Mon 03 Mar 2014, 15:38

Hey TG glad to see you're back and thanks for the updates.

Gaaawd, this german, polish, lithuanian bitchez are really too much. Merkel was quoted in the NY Times that after her call she had the impression Putin "lives in another world" and she isn't sure if he is still "connected to reality". WTF about takin a good look in the mirror BITCH. SS Secretary Kerry kicked Russia out of the VIP G8, now they call themselves G7 again, is having a severe cognitive dissonance episode of his own ... Putin keeps calm and tells them bitchez there could be Oil/Gas delivery problems due to all the bullshit on-goings in Ukraine. Gawd I am indeed ashamed of this document that declares me a human right exempt slave to allied Occupation forces. Has shithole Germany not learned anything from their history? Obviously not.

Poland now is the new Turkey for NATO logistics to the "European Spring" carneval season.

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 03 Mar 2014, 17:59

Good commentary from Tarpley in his last three broadcasts...


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Post  tgII Mon 03 Mar 2014, 22:15

Sputnik?! Greetings and thanks.

Germany is really something hey? Don't quite know what to make of
their behavior and noticed that Merkel headed quite a large German
government delegation to Israel for "consultations?"

Consultations? What the hell about?

And Vladimir Putin? It is astounding to watch how calm and decisive he
is? I sure would like to know what animates him compared to three
absolutely droned worthless cutouts: Kerry; Obama; McCain.

I know that the Eastern Orthodox Church is behind Vladimir Putin and
that is a very significant aspect about him.

As if Russia is really concerned about being kicked out of the G8, which
is an IMF conglomeration anyway. It only means the BRICS nations will
be that much more focused on setting up their own banking/financial

And I don't want to pretend I know what's going on either here, I know
hardly anything at all but at least I can see and try to make sense of this
confrontation that is reckless on the part of the Anglo-American
(NATO/Israel) war and destroy machine.

John Kerry: wherever he gets his marching orders he is on auto drone.
As a part of the species he is worthless. And as far as he is concerned and
his counterpart in the UK William Hague, to put their statements in
context concerning Ukraine, no better quote will suffice than the observation
made by Michael Hoffman in his book Secret Societies and Psychological

    "It also represents the masonic tradition of a secrets-keeping hierarchy who have the cunning to condemn the elitism of enemy hierarchies, while practicing an even more vicious version of their own under a masque of benevolence and brotherly love."

This is a confrontation between NATO and Russia.

Listen to NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen speak on
the Ukraine, sounds just like Hitler would speak in English with the heavy
almost German-sounding accent.


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Post  tgII Tue 04 Mar 2014, 00:22

re: stop NATO opposition to global militarism

The psychopath oligarch Zbigniew Brzezinski wants NATO to prepare NATO troops
for war.

NATO needs to be dismantled...

Important quote...constant provocation and harassment of Russia which very few
people are aware is going on...

    Now, what we are talking about here in Crimea is of the upmost importance. The US has for several years now been waging in conjunction with its NATO allies, annual fairly large scale naval war games called Sea Breeze, and they are conducted in the Crimea dangerously close to where the Russian Black Sea fleet is stationed at Sevastopol. And even though a public outcry led to, or resulted in,a Sea Breeze exercise I think three years ago, perhaps four, being called off, they had been resumed and what has happened over the last two or three years,this is very significant, and I hope your listeners pick up on this – the US as a matter of course has been sending missile cruisers into the Black Sea to go to Crimea, to dock there.

    These are what are called the Ticonderoga-class guided - missile cruisers, of the sort that are part of the US international missile, so called missile shield, that is they are to be equipped with Standard Missile-3 interceptor missiles, and these ships are visiting Ukraine on a regular basis.

    As the US continues its military takeover of the Black Sea, they've already done this with Bulgaria and Rumania, where they've acquired 8 major military basses in those two countries. Turkey of course is a NATO ally and Ukraine then becomes a very significant factor in the US military takeover of the Black Sea largely through NATO expansion. But what is even I think of more concern – a WikiLeaks document of in the last couple of years, revealed that in 2006 the then Head of the US Missile Defense Agency, he’s now retired, General Henry (or “Trey”) Obering met with Ukrainian officials, this was during the Yushchenko agreement, to recruit Ukraine into the European missile shield.

This is probably the worst thing that has happened in our lifetimes...this period in
history is just fucking critical.

We have psychopathic elite gangsters pushing us towards annihilation and Russia
is their biggest foe.

Stop the gangsters running NATO. They are nothing more than hit men for the IMF,
World Bank and BIS.

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Post  tgII Tue 04 Mar 2014, 02:13

re: largest oil refinery in Russia is alleged to be on fire

This is sabotage. NATO asymmetric war on Russia.

“Neftekamskneftehim” is the largest oil refinery in that region and
is located in Tatarstan, Russia.

“Neftekamskneftehim” oil refinery in Tatarstan, Russia on fire

Tatarstan, Russia...

    The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 12 800px-Tatarstan_in_Russia.svg

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Post  tgII Tue 04 Mar 2014, 02:54


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 05 Mar 2014, 02:23

European EISCAT is currently being upgraded.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 05 Mar 2014, 02:41

"It also represents the masonic tradition of a secrets-keeping hierarchy who have the cunning to condemn the elitism of enemy hierarchies, while practicing an even more vicious version of their own under a masque of benevolence and brotherly love."

Truly a quote of seismic significance

On John Kerry and Wiliam Hague , you can't switch on the tv news in the uk without seeing one or other of those "perfect punchbag Heads" squawking their drip fed hypocritical completely contradictory , lying cheating , double dealing lies lies lies and more lies of black propaganda

After they spit their bile….hello, some fresh air comes through , a quote from putin, just one line but it had irony in its wisdom, in response to the psycho-babbler Mk'd kerry, "The uprising that led to change of government in ukraine was unconstitutional and therefore illegal"


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 12 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Thu 06 Mar 2014, 00:53

re: Vladimir Putin's bio on his PhD in Leningrad

Russia as announced several months ago, conducted a nuclear
missile drill. It's going to get very nasty. Britain's Catherine Ashton's
phone call to Estonia was breached confirming she orchestrated
events in Ukraine related to the mercenary snipers arrested firing at
protestors on the streets in Kiev just as Victoria Nuland is from the
American end.

If you examine Vladimir Putin's bio while he attended the Law Department
of the Leningrad State University with his PhD completed in 1975 entitled
"The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of
Market Relations
" and then consider Russia's strategy, it becomes pretty

Read the lay of the land circa Dec., 2013 re: Ukraine before Kiev erupted...
and would like to emphasize "lowers" in the title of this article...

Then this: Ukraine circa March, 2014...emphasizing again the word
"cancels" in the title...

Now, refer again to Putin's PhD above.

The degenerate politicians in the dysfunctional and terribly dangerous
Anglo-American sphere picked the wrong Russia to start a fight with.

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Post  tgII Thu 06 Mar 2014, 02:09

re: Serb military members are in Crimea to assist Russia

This is an interesting development. Appears that a Serbian military group is in
Crimea helping Russia to secure checkpoints and infrastructure.

There were reports there were military groups in Crimea without markings on
their uniforms and this may be the Serbs.

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Post  tgII Thu 06 Mar 2014, 02:21

re: post above and the developments with Putin's alleged Phd origin

Apparently, the KGB pilfered American geological studies of Russia
and Putin is using this same startegy on the U.S. and the UK.

Absolutely f*ucking brilliant.

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Post  tgII Fri 07 Mar 2014, 03:55

re: in reevaluation mode on Russia after learning of that RT newscaster's resignation

In the context of the geo-political game board getting seriously reshuffled with the
media being used in a propaganda war in leu of an actual shooting war, I am going
back and scrutinizing Russia again.

Russia is imitating American precisely what America was as a country up until 1945.

My impression is the intelligence agencies are waring on each other setting up the
media to conduct their war on each other for them.

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Post  Sputnik Fri 07 Mar 2014, 09:41

It's not imitating shit, the answer is easy. America's Military leaders told Obama PUBLICALLY that military action against Russia is simply impossible as it is not just equal in strengh, but properbly even better, any kind of action in the direction would lead into total mutual destruction, which would lead to extinction of the human race, yet western media is promoting just that...


Obama and his new Fascist hordes in Kiev do not accept Russia's democratic proposals for a united Ukraine. It now becomes crystal clear as to why.

US wants to be able to shoot down possible Russian missiles before the warheads separate from the launch vehicle (MIRV), hence the need to be on Russia's doorstep (and between Russia and Europe).

The US has always wanted a decapitation first strike capability against the USSR, now Russia..

This is what this is all about, not a defensive shield , thats for the stragglers in a counter strike.

Which is why if pushed, the nukes will be unleashed by Russia.

Common sense from Russia. Bullshit and lies from the west. Nothing else to say!

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Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 07 Mar 2014, 17:50

at the opening of the para-games today in sochi, there was a huge cheer as the russian team came in last to a musical piece called "Goodbye America" ahahaha , da ruskies have a healthy dark sense of humour

But in my abstract opinion, russia , america, uk, europe union etc, are all just administrative and political tools being used for inter-national corporation non-nationalist groups agreeing cutting of resource pies , ie crimea to russia other bits of ukraine yet to be "publically" assigned to an owner

Any war between big guns means mutual anilhiation, so wont happen , the peoiple in charge of these armaments will be 100% complacent puppets by said international corporate interests run by 12th century european aristocratic royalty bloodlines with key financial control figures from americas asias etc in tow


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 07 Mar 2014, 18:33

I could not agree more with this interpretation.

There is someone standing off to the side wringing their hands waiting for the chaos to ensue and then emerge to bring forth the order from the chaos.
And that will be the real New World Order plan.

The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 12 Litwin10

"US thesis...Russia antithesis...Dosvedanya...cough...cough..."

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 07 Mar 2014, 18:36



"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

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