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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Fri 21 Jun 2013, 08:47

Very nice Kapitan!

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Fri 21 Jun 2013, 08:50

re: riots in Brazil and Turkey

Suspicions are growing as to what set these riots off in Turkey and Brazil.

Some have suggested there are behind the scenes Anglo-American-NATO-
Isreal operatives in Turkey and Brazil to set these countries against Russia.


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Post  tgII Fri 21 Jun 2013, 11:39

re: this probably dropped a few jaws?

These comments made by Vladimir Putin are worth thinking over.

He was speaking at Moscow’s Jewish Museum, Vladimir Putin said politicians
"were guided by false ideological considerations"

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Post  Sputnik Fri 21 Jun 2013, 14:16

It is true -- it was the Rothschilds that helped the english Monarch to kill his cousin - the richest men in the world - the Tzar of Russia!

Putin knows all about this and how Britain's bitch colony USA financed the Bolshevics...and he seems not to care any longer to play by their "rules".

What he basically signals the cabal is = try us and see if we will nuke the shit out of you!

Truth and Dare

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Post  tgII Fri 21 Jun 2013, 15:12

re: Russia Thread started December, 2009

Its been four years!!!

Sputnik, like the War on Syrian Thread, I wanted to archive for historical
reasons the huge transition Russia is going through.

If you go back and move slowly through all the thread there is a chronology
here. I want to eventually move this to a blog or some other location. I has great
historical value.

The Anglo-Americans are diseased moral degenerates. That is certain.

Judeo-Christianity is doomed. It is an aberration on the species.

When Russia was destroyed and gutted the ONLY thing they kept in tact was
their nuclear arsenal, say again, their nuclear arsenal. I hope the fuck western
Europe is paying attention because if they aren't the last thing they will see will  
be missiles arching in over the eastern horizon.

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  Sputnik Fri 21 Jun 2013, 16:25

Yes indeed those two threads are really awesome in retrospect. I can't thank you enough for all the energy you put into them. I actually often look them up for older posts as they contain so much content that sometimes reveal even greater insight after a while when another aspect appears that fits into a patern. It's a good thing to record the mainstream news religion and the different sides of the conflict. Also thanks for posting Sheikh Imran Hosein on Russia and China influencing/changing the world order Speech..very insightful!

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 22 Jun 2013, 00:24

TG,  i made a  double post of that image,  ive deleted the one here (:

Re Brazil, they were getting a little uppity with 2 many close an personal relationships forming with china and russia , prince charles is just showing them that they are about as stable or unstable as he likes his personal investmentin south america  to be ,  they didnt land those world cup and olympics without years of heavy donations to come into empire corporate funds Very Happy

Theres only one country thats ever used a nuke on another , lets hope never again,  russia showed incredible self-discipline back in 63  im thinking ,  they are a country with an old wise conscience ,  i think that assad  will win this battle with the rebels  and some kind of agreement for him to go will be brokered by russia and  hague cameron etc will have to eat it,  because  the media and general opinion will be heavily on the russian solution

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 23 Jun 2013, 10:36

Snow den en route to Moscow oh dear (:

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Post  Sputnik Sun 23 Jun 2013, 17:06

Hahahaha! This is so funny because I asked myself who could give him the best protection, and I kind of hoped he would consider Russia. RT says he plans to keep going on to Latin America.

Also I am sure he didn't arrive 'empty handed' .... let's remember he is a specialist CIA spy turned whistleblower. He certainly knows his worth...and then he's got all those hard drives LMAO! Right now he seems to be touring the free world [non US controlled countries] and for Hong Kong totally ignoring the USA is epic, means many parts of the world do not comply with US crimes.

There was a time when russians were defecting to the west. Western nations were proud to offer so called sanctuary to defectors. How everything has changed around a 180°. Who would have thought that one day americans would be running away to Russia in fear of oppressors and dictators.

The USA snakes already threatens Russia with "consequences"...like Putin gives a fuck!

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 23 Jun 2013, 21:49

There was a time when russians were defecting to the west. Western nations were proud to offer so called sanctuary to defectors. How everything has changed around a 180°. Who would have thought that one day americans would be running away to Russia in fear of oppressors and dictators.

Good Point Sput ,  how times have changed , whod have thought Shocked  the mirror would flip hands,  but we know who the true masters of psychological warfare are .. yeah Cool  they studied it deeper and are better at it than the rest

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 23 Jun 2013, 23:06

Was listening to a talk on snowden in uk here,  when they bring on a russian commentator who really puts a different angle on affairs,  i think he called alexander nekalov or something ,   he says russia and china werent interested in snowden because "he knows nothing of value to them "   calling this affair a "play"

He says governments have been spying on their own citizens for as long ago as they could ,  he says they are listening in for anything of interest at all , including science , finance etc,  but certainly nothing to do with trying to find terrorists as he says any serious terrorist would not communicate through these channels

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Post  Sputnik Mon 24 Jun 2013, 07:54

I would neither trust german or british media on anything though.. Putin himself made this statement initially, but then he agreed to let Snowden pass through Russia? That could have just saved his butt. Now I don't think that Snowden came "empty handed"...he's got a neat suitcase with him, a few hard drives, many memory sticks and surely hasn't revealed all and everything yet, so while he is in Russia he will most likely have some very valuable talks with the Russian Army intelligence community. What most average people haven't caught onto yet is that Snowden has revealed so much, that those who are trying to hunt him down now are much likely facing national and international trials concerning [economic] espionage..and could very likely put them behind bars. Especially the Banker Mafia is shitting their pants right now as the banking cartell is involved in this too as Snowdens relevation has prooven this. The relevations on the british GCHQ spying on the rest of the EU is so big and shoking that the repercussions for Great Britain...will surely not be discussed on british TV.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 25 Jun 2013, 00:16

Basically i would imagine that all the leading techno nations are spying on each other 

 Now I don't think that Snowden came "empty handed".

Could he be a double agent plant,  i wonder how far the deceipt level  has been developed in covert spy interogation and planting over the decades ,  maybe they can create a double agent now that does not even know they are one ,  so can pass all the interogation tests  then at some stage their subconscious programming is activated and they report home again oblivious to how they are being used as a tool

The other thing that the russian advisor says is what everyone knows,  the internet was actually developed and put out there as the ultimate spy agent Very Happy

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  Sputnik Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:15

well Snowden seems to have vanished playing hide and leak games while Russia rebukes the US for it's pathetic rethorics saying they don't even know who they are talking about LOL

Here another thought...why are those US representatives pushing the "he is a traitor" such lame idiots anyways....matter of fact, originally Snowden said that he did not aid the enemy, but after they were publically calling for his death sentence -- what kind of impression does this give to the world, and then to a fugitive who initially had ethical reasons to reveal the Pentagon and City of London crimes...well that was what pushed Snowden to make a choice...and so he most likely chose to share intel with the China and now russia's FSB in exchange for a safe passage. This could have been avoided if he had been granted amnesty by the smarter fractions of US gov. They must be either retarded or panicked as hell because damage control just looks different.

For us citizens it makes no difference what kind of spy or employee Snowden really is -- what will stick is that he told the world what kind of despicable creed the anglo american elite undeniably and unrefutably is. They will now have even less chances of keeping their hoped for "status quo".

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Fri 28 Jun 2013, 04:29

re: Snowden

Ignore it all; he's a decoy.

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Fri 28 Jun 2013, 12:01

re: Russia's Vladimir Putin is a huge threat to the Anglo-Americans

    Putin's sacrifice for Russia

    By Xavier Lerma

    Last week President Putin and his wife formally announced their divorce. Soon thereafter, the obtuse western media reared its ugly head in tabloid form again forgetting even their own heroes of the D-Day Normandy invasion.  These perennial adolescents give their opinions as fact and disregard history or anything from the past as most drug addicts do. Again they feel free to belittle Russia as in the days of the Bolshevik revolution. With their Communist Victory Amerika it is only natural to see them ridicule, misunderstand or even hate Russia.

    The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 50294

    Russia does not scornfully look at the western media but pities them. They have Obama's Soviet Mistake to deal with. Russia has already overcome their Red Dragon and is united once again much to their chagrin.


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  Sputnik Sat 29 Jun 2013, 16:24

tgII wrote:re: Snowden

Ignore it all; he's a decoy.

...a Trojan Horse..


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Post  Sputnik Sat 29 Jun 2013, 16:31

Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish

Exposes publicly and for the first time in history the original constitution of the first Soviet government as 80-85% Jewish

When: 13.6.13

“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,”  Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

According to the official transcription he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government “were guided by false ideological considerations and supported the arrest and repression of Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims and members of other faiths. They grouped everyone into the same category.”

Putin was referencing the library of Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The books, which the Chabad representatives in the United State want to have "back"...?!

Source: http://www.jta.org/2013/06/19/news-opinion/world/putin-first-soviet-government-was-mostly-jewish#ixzz2Xauxd4ER

I reckon this is a veiled thread against them. Putin could also just open the Soviet/KGB records and the whole world would be freaking out about it, but right now we have to be happy with Snowden's toned down angle and version...and I bet the Schneerson Library contains some very informative & gruesome historic nuggets them Lubavitscher wanted to keep hidden from public viewing...ups, but Putin simply doesn't agree...

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Post  tgII Sun 30 Jun 2013, 11:05

re: Edward Snowden; a "trojan horse?" A "decoy?"

He's a decoy.


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 30 Jun 2013, 11:49

Some observations on snowden from various media

If snowden was iranian and ran to america or britain proclaiming that iran had been listening/bugging to all western internet comms, he would be treated as a hero for revealing "secret horrors" of "the evil regime" haha

Essentially , so far, snowdens motives are not hating his country , selling to highest bidder etc, but that of idealism

A dutch secret agency points out that according to its research from google youtube, facebooks etc etc , Prism can only access the part of the iceberg above water , that is its absolute limitation
this agency also points out that the boston bombers were known to the fbi and had been using the internet chatrooms to communicate etc so why did the usa not catch them in time ????

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Post  Sputnik Sun 30 Jun 2013, 22:35

good points!

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 30 Jun 2013, 22:59

Thx Sput, whats with the location choice Question 

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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  tgII Sun 30 Jun 2013, 23:41

    A dutch secret agency points out that according to its research from google youtube, facebooks etc etc , Prism can only access the part of the iceberg above water , that is its absolute limitation
    this agency also points out that the boston bombers were known to the fbi and had been using the internet chatrooms to communicate etc so why did the usa not catch them in time ????

The British are monopolizing the internet and data storage. Most of the news pieces
coming out on award Snowden are being released from British sources. Nothing is
being discusses too much about GCHQ in all this.

Most of it is being driven by fear to illicit a response and a reaction.

The FBI didn't catch them in time because this is how the FBI is working...

    The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Fbivsfbi

To illustrate this again, the child in this short clip is the "FBI", the pin setter is the
FBI's operatives, and the bowling pins are the "terrorists."


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The Russian Thread - All Things Russian - Page 10 Empty Re: The Russian Thread - All Things Russian

Post  Sputnik Mon 01 Jul 2013, 14:56

Yeah it's kind of strange that the EU doesn't fuss around a lot about the fact that GCHQ actually spies on them ten fold, wtf! But maybe this ties in with what Wayne Madson has said...he should know...

That many countries in the EU are totally complcit in this NSA/GCHQ shit...

Alex speaks with NSA insider and whistleblower Wayne Madsen who recently revealed the United States' collaboration with the entire European Union to censor European newspapers reporting on the illegal NSA spying in an unprecedented manipulation of the press. This direct attack on free speech even includes documents released years prior on subjects that governments have already admitted to doing. We will also look at the Zimmermann trial and how an acquittal could lead to racial conflicts across the country. In other news, police are now using any available crisis to confiscate firearms, recently showcased by the RCMP as they stole guns from homes evacuated during a flood in Alberta.  

The german mainstream newspaper "Die Welt" also ran this article...it was still in the cache and was saved by internet activists...I got a screenshot...it's insane, somebody can order all media to pull a story...means this is the REAL news I guess...the EU and the US are in on it together..., yet their spindoctors have a problem telling the story to their advantage .. I bet they want to make this all sound acceptable to the public, but now shit starts to get boiling...as NSA has bugges EU offices and EU politicians...I guess they're all terrorist suspects LOL Razz

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