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Quotes worth Quoting

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 27 Aug 2010, 22:26


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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 04 Sep 2010, 15:45

The German poet and philospher Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) observed how disembodied thought forms (spiritual beings) created ourselves and nature by a process of inner reflection and how we break back through this original reflection in an act of ego birth:

"To go back into oneself means for us to withdraw from the external world. Analogously, for the spirits earthly life means inward contemplation-going into oneself-immanent action. Thus earthly life springs from an original reflection-a primitive going inward, inner composure-which is as free as our reflection. Conversely spiritual life in this world springs from a breaking through of that primitive reflection. The spirit unfolds itself once more-the spirit goes out to itself again-it cancels that reflection in part--and at this moment it says for the first time--the word "I". One can see here how relative is the going in and out. What we call going in is actually going out--taking on the original form once again."

Novalis on the Birth of the Ego

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Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 06 Sep 2010, 02:40

From Novalis "Fairytale"

Little Fable descended for quite some time. Finally she emerged into an open courtyard enclosed by a majestic colonnade and shut off by a huge gate. Everything was dark here. The air was like a monstrous shadow: Black rays beamed from a body in the sky. All the forms were clearly distinguishable, since each object presented a different shade of black and cast a faint radiance behind. It seemed that light and shade had reversed their roles here. Fable was delighted to be in this novel world. She examined everything with childlike curiosity. At last she came to the gate before which, on a massy pedestal, there lay a beautiful Sphinx.

"What is it you seek?" said the Sphinx.

"My own inheritance," replied Fable.

"Where do you come from?"

"From ancient times."

"You are still a child."

"And shall stay a child forever."

"Who will stand by you?"

"I stand alone. Where are the Sisters?" asked Fable.

"Everywhere and nowhere," answered the Sphinx.

"Do you know me?"

"Not yet."

"Where is Love?"

"In the imagination."

"And Sophia?"

The Sphinx muttered inaudibly to herself and rustled her wings.

"Sophia and Love!" cried Fable triumphantly, and passed through the gate.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 11 Sep 2010, 13:02

"When I was young, I encountered a dangerous divinity, and I do not wish to give an account to anyone of what, at that time, ran across my soul -- of good things as well as bad things. Thus, I learned at times to keep silent, and also that one has to learn to speak, in order to be silent the right way; that a man with backgrounds has to have foregrounds -- be it for others, be it for himself -- for the foregrounds are necessary, in order to recover from oneself, and to make it possible for others to live with us."

Friedrich Nietzsche 1885


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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 11 Sep 2010, 16:30

The Lover is already dead to the world
Love has slain them

It is fitting to dig a grave for one in love.
When they have achieved union with the beloved, that is their resurrection.”

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Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 14 Oct 2010, 01:56

it is called occult science not because it is sectarian and murky, but the kind of property is not obvious, not yet elucidated, the human soul.


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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 15 Oct 2010, 01:16

The soul answers never by words, but by the thing itself that is inquired after.
Revelation is the disclosure of the soul

Emerson - The Oversoul

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 18 Oct 2010, 00:46

Reason only satisfies mans rational requirements, Desire on the other hand encompasses everything , Desire is Life
James Caan from The Gambler Reciting dosto


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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 21 Oct 2010, 10:44

Honor is venerable to us because it is no ephemeris. It is always ancient virtue. We worship it to-day because it is not of to-day. We love it and pay it homage, because it is not a trap for our love and homage, but is self-dependent, self-derived, and therefore of an old immaculate pedigree, even if shown in a young person.

Emerson - from the magnificent "Self-Reliance"

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Post  seraphim Thu 21 Oct 2010, 20:43

Trust thyself
I'll have to read more on Emerson Kapis. He hits close to home. I've learned some things about that throughout my life. Honor is a very important value and it takes a non polluted mine to have the discrimination to know what to honor. For me I learned in life that you have to be true to yourself so that you can honor your Self. And there are some people in my life that can't do that. They don't know who they are so how can they even trust their own self. So many have been fragmented and life turns into a lie.
Just recently someone wanted me to lie for them. And I told them I couldn't do it, besides it wasn't a matter of life and death, it was a pitiful, useless lie. If they were just honest in the first place, they wouldn't make all these messes for there self and that's how their life is sadly.
I know that if I am dishonest with myself, I end up paying for it in the future.

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 21 Oct 2010, 22:51

As emerson states, and so beautifully articulated, there are certain ancient virtues that transcend time and the ethically compromised fallen man / woman
Virtuous personas know they carry a treasure greater than any ambition or bank account , because they carry on the immaculate tradition which arouses and forms the very soul that allows the conscious heightened imminence
A treasure that can be sensed only in an awakened souls direct experience of it from which the wisdom of the ages communicates through

Yeah , there are certain writers at certain times of reading that simply re-inforce like thunder , that there is something so precious in being that takes a lot of faith and effort to expose, but when it comes, it can raise the soul , there is no greater act from one being to others for me , well maybe no greater act Razz
Others do so in everday actions a little here a little there but of equal value , for what price is on spiritual inspiration

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Post  seraphim Sun 24 Oct 2010, 07:43

yeah like a breath of life........I'll have to read up more on him.

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 15 Nov 2010, 13:46

“Buddhism (modern) is an extremely sick religion inhabited by atheists, agnostics, and at best pantheists. They congregate together at ‘dharma-centers’, which are little more than outpatient mental wards for depressed materialists, and engage in idle chatter about attainment of oblivion and the denial of all things spiritual.

The only difference between the typical ‘Buddhist’ and the Islamo-Fascist suicide bomber who straps explosives to himself and enters a crowd of infidels, is that the ‘Buddhist’ has set out to annihilate himself only, thru spiritual euthanasia practices. Both of these types are the worst lot of demons which roam samsara and plague others with their bestial ignorances.”

Dr. Rama T. Guptar

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Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 17 Nov 2010, 00:12

americans today are for the most part conservatives ....................
Conservatives are people that will feed you to the aligator hoping it will eat them less

Jordan Maxwell

Classic Jord Very Happy

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 23 Nov 2010, 23:56

As long as an idea is being examined, you are free from it.
There is no harm with a man experimenting with opium, smoking or feeding on nuts.
But the moment he ceases to examine, to act from habit , without reflection, he is in trouble

Every man must do magick each time that he acts or even thinks, since a thought is an internal act whose influence ultimately affects action, though it may not do so at the exact time............example..........The Least gesture causes a change in a mans own body and in the air around him, it disturbs the balance in the entire universe and its effects continue eternally throughout all space.
Every thought, however swiftly suppressed, has its efect on the mind. It stands as one of the causes of every subsequent thought and tends to influence every subsequent action .
A golfer may lose a few yards on his drive , a few more with his second and third shot, he may lie on the green 6 bare inches too far from the hole , but the net result of these trifling mishaps is the difference of a whole stroke , and so probably between having and losing the hole

The Notorious Mr C

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Post  Sputnik Wed 24 Nov 2010, 15:05

Live with your century; but do not be its creature

No emperor has the power to dictate to the heart

Keep true to the dreams of your youth

Friedrich Schiller

....not Shakespeare but Schiller wrote down the most tragic moment of Englands history.

Friedrich Schiller's Mary Stuart:

I wonder why....oh wait, that's because William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon
were "Elizabethians".

Shakespeare wrote on the topic in Othello (Henry VIII).....

And last but not least, it was Oliver Cromwell who was finally able to install the
VENETIAN DOG corporate scheme...

History is really interesting....once you string all the pearls together.

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  seraphim Tue 07 Dec 2010, 05:40

"Dear God would you please stop bothering me."

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Quotes worth Quoting - Page 4 Empty Re: Quotes worth Quoting

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 07 Dec 2010, 17:53

"Dear God would you please stop bothering me."
Whos that quote from Seraphim.......satan ? Twisted Evil

Bobdog, interesting quote, personally i see freud as a massively important figure, but he was just a further public cog in an everdeveloping wheel of rediscovery. THere are so many people in history and in the present thast have done so much vital work, and my heart always goes to those lesser known or unknown geniuses

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