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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  seraphim Sat 05 Dec 2009, 07:56

On the individual level faith and hope don't seem to do much for one, unless they can apply intent and all that to make their dreams come true. But if the faith and hope is for an easier thing to accomplish like healing then yes that is done everyday.

I realized in the lenon honor video prayer and worship were actual forces that give away ones energy. I always wondered why I got a high (classical music makes me feel good, sound sure does affect)when I went to church and all those people were praying madly and that's obviously the reason. If it could effect me just by doing that you would think that of others and why not long distance. I hear of all those miracle distant healings, but alot of that has to do with the person themselves believing they will be healed, they are the catalyst. And the person thinks it was the thoughts and prayers of others doing it. I think the power is in the person, although their is much more power outside and other things that can influence them.

Were you talking about telekinesis when you say thoughts can effect others?

I wasn't baptized so guess where I get to go! Well I'm already in a dense realm, so how to deal with it, the chaos? Pretend I live in la la land, just kidding!

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 14 Dec 2009, 00:44


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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 14 Dec 2009, 12:42

He made a great thoughtful intro on chakra with regard to modern psychology
Some really insightful examples
In part 3 when he talks of the relationship of emotion to education , hes right on .
its easy to see how by compromising the chakras 1 2 or 3, u can then put a person in education all their life and they probably wont learn a "useful" thing , useful in the "ontological understanding"

Also , it can be seen that up until recent times, a woman had to find a man to satisfy her 3rd chakra and so to give the "illusion" of aquiring her 4th , entre the potential relationship hell Very Happy


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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  highnoon Thu 17 Dec 2009, 16:50

I had a very sore 1st 2nd and probably 4th chakra for most of my life. I never really thought about it in terms of my chakras are sore just, just kindof well these things in my life are not good and i seem to feel bad or sick in these certain areas. usually in that lower heart area over the stomach that heartache feeling, but it wouldnt be over love usually but just where id feel all my stress and keep all my negative feelings about myself when somebody made an attack or underhanded compliment. i realized that due to my pseudo orphan background, that i was easy prey for people to attack me on my self worth because i didnt know who i was or if the person i was really worth breathing the same air as everybody else. but i soon realized that my infant life wasnt just the problem i actually had the bad luck of growing up with several corporate, hedonistinic tony blair level sociopaths in my immediate family, 2 siblings and a wife of my other sibling. i didnt really need that, and for some reason too in my school setting there seemed to be a high ratio of talented people, a lot of really funny, athletic, and smart people. thats just bad luck too i couldve benefited from a more average docile demographic in school too. but people in general and especially talented people, can really fuck you with if youre not careful. on top of this my mom and dad were just the opposite and probably the best quintessintial parents you could ask for. my mom was especially ignorant and fairytale so i didnt really have anywhere to get any experience or knowledge or insight on what the world might actually be like. i had to actually live it, die in it, and then grow out of it to realize the rest of the world is pretty simple and not at all as dangerous as my placement area growing up and that i really didnt have to feel the way i did in the past anymore, i was able to decontruct about 80% of the negative memes just by rationalizing, and then the rest i was like well these are real drawbacks, nobody is perfect. and ive just decided i will fix them in time and i dont feel bad because the standard that i have to apply to make these things a problem is a ridiculous standard.

that said the world is a very evil place on the macro, but my micro world was just way out of the norm, and what i mean by i grew up to see the world wasnt so bad was that all the other micro worlds arent so bad. i can also choose my micro world and tailor it to exactly what i want it to be because i can choose exactly who i talk to and how often, so the micro world is always where you should have salvation once youre old enough to leave a toxic micro world

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 17 Dec 2009, 21:04

High Noon - I always like to read your little analytical insights of your own being, they are very revealing of certain aspects of your private psyche interfacing with society and flashback from earlier times and your own advancing understanding of your own self

I see this form of self analysis as extremely important , appreciate these revealings and reveal at will because these little insights , concepts and correlations are a sort of magic medicine of the spirit that will transfer to others who might recognise similar parts in the psychological equation

ITs never a case of just confessing for confessions sake, its a matter of laying out some patterns of behaviour or conditioning , where the self meets society or other selfs , with the recognition of certain trends or effects , then once the personal equation is identified, pointing out that it is recognised and then looking to solve it or add the solution in stages while it is under conscious observation thus removing or diminishing its negative potency on the self

I do similar , but often my ego might stop me from publicising it or other reasons to do with the future to come Smile

Note - when i said aquiring above chakra post i meant satiating

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  highnoon Fri 18 Dec 2009, 03:13


Im happy i could save myself a lot of people cant. in one of my classes theres this girl who has kindof a victim mentality, a lot of her stories are based around why this or that sucks. and nobody really shares her enthusiasm for why all these things suck, but shes convinced herself of it all and likes to tell everyone. she also is one of those people who loves to share her answers with the class, or to clarify a point that didnt need clarification like any normal person would be like that question you just asked is 99% the same as what the teacher just said but you just had to ask anyway just to be sure and to show everybody that you can catch little things that MAY actually be a big deal and be wrong, but you knew that it probably wouldnt matter and even if it did matter why not just use the answer that the teacher is giving why have your own unique answer and then ask for approval if you can use it especially when its 99% the same and is redundant?

so anyways, she tells this story of how an old man ran over her boyfriend in a cart and her boyfriend pushed the man half off his cart when they were both trying to get into the apartment where they both lived. shes like, the cops came and said the push was consensual so they just left and nothing was done about it. and i tried to explain that its not consensual but the cops did everyone a favor and just said that as an excuse not to charge your husband. but she thought that i meant i was thinking her husband was wrong for what he did, i actually agreed with his actions mostly and was like yeah the old man crashed into him, and he got angry. but what im saying is technically its not consensual or whatever cause it wasnt self defense, her husbands a bouncer for one and old men in carts as much as that mightve hurt, are not a threat so you dont have to get aggressive. but nope, she had to get bi polar and get self righteous because probably i dunno i wasnt just going to take her side. she also couldnt understand that when i said the cops did her husband a favor by labelling his actions as consensual that that HAD to mean her husband was actually deserving of some kindof punishment but he got off easy. its not even about that you have to look at things from a cops perspective, they dont know what happened or didnt happen, or who did what first, who is leaving things out, or who is making things up. so its consensual the cops cant take a side or even do anybody a favor if they cant determine who is actually right or wrong or how much.

when i see this happen i just wish i had said nothing to her on the break because the only way i got her happy was by telling her of a story where i got off the hook easy, was handcuffed and couldve been charged but wasnt. i had to tell her a story that made me look like a real criminal as to make her and her husband seem better and more civilized compared to me. and it was such a bad story where i was obviously wrong, she ended up liking to have heard it so much, made her feel so much better that i am in no position to talk down to her and am actually similiar to her husband and can lose my cool too and have been there done that, that she bought me french fries at the cafeteria (even though i was never talking down to her but had to give the story about myself to stop her from believing i was in a position to be criticizing her husband)

the truth seems to be a weapon, but shouldnt it be... shouldnt people have the strength to just sit there like you do when you goto the dentist and they fix some cavities? just be able to lay somewhere and go under the knife of the truth and let it do its work? i go through above types of scenarios on a weekly basis with people and my strategy is always to concede and make sure the mood is preserved because when I try but see that i am failing and the truth isnt going to achieve any place of importance, than i need to stop sticking my neck out for the truth, and let it get the chopping block and preserve myself instead.

its a bit hypocritical because i am forcing my opinion onto her like she is doing to the class, but i am not doing it for exactly the same reasons or even the same reasons at all. shes doing it for validation, am i? maybe. but i dont NEED it. im also doing it cause its a favor, but maybe people dont need to see it from my view. maybe if they just believe the actions were consensual and leave it at that, that that is enough. even if she did take my view or understand it without getting defensive, she would have to see how i arrived at that conclusion otherwise i havnt really done her a favor if she cant come to similiar conclusions in similiar situations on her own.

whats the point of teaching a dog to say "I am in new york" if it cant understand what its saying. just so the dog teacher can say that he can teach dogs? i dont need to be a teacher just to say that ive taught.

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 19 Dec 2009, 00:44

I see exactly your point on the consensual, but there are people who dont , the way i see it, is that consensual should be spelt Consentual, but the english language is mince

An opinion has more chance of being understood when there is empathy between the 2 people which is a term that covers much more ground than its given credence for

But if someone misinterprets what one means, then again, its normal to try and make them understand in a civilised manner, although you can never account for how another person perceives , is it your opinion they are perceiving or the you thats giving your opinion they perceive and miss the actual opinions contents (layers and layers going on in conditioned emotional and intellectual perceivings ) , sometimes just by explaining your opinion again can be seen as hostile, the content of the opinion does not matter, they have already judged your intention from conditoned prejudice

Yeah the truth and its revealing is an interesting conundrum, it surely has to be relative ive always thought especially where self-preservation comes in to play but some would disagree and take the dentists chair Very Happy

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  highnoon Sun 27 Dec 2009, 07:14

Hey thanks for the video

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  seraphim Fri 28 May 2010, 05:42


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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 28 May 2010, 08:09

Flames wrote:

I remember years after being baptized .....

On the subject of baptism, definetly an interesting ritual, something ties in to activating the subject occultly with the waters of consciousness in the physical realm , so now it has its psyche subliminally directed , like you give a dog a smell to go and chase after to the detriment of other phenomena in its vicinity

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 01 Jun 2010, 13:14

Giving the psychic larval insectile parasite embedded on each human aura a drink of light to start its growth until confirmation.

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 16 Aug 2010, 00:49

Steiner asks an interesting question: "Does faith mean anything for humankind?" In other words, does it make any difference in one's life on Earth if one has no faith? And if it does make a difference, exactly what difference? Steiner throws the question on its ear by asking another question in its place: "Does health mean anything for humankind?" In other words, does it make any difference in one's life on Earth if one ignores one's health — if one looks upon health as if it were in endless supply — as so many young people are wont to do, as they drink, smoke, eat, and party to excess? The two processes are parallel, Steiner tells us, and the consequences to either behavior are predictably sad. The forces of health are necessary to the body and the forces of faith are necessary to the soul.

It is not for man to decide whether to lay aside faith or not; faith is a question of life-giving forces in his soul. The important point is not whether we believe or not, but that the forces expressed in the word 'faith ' are necessary to the soul. For the soul incapable of faith becomes withered, dried-up as the desert.

"Oh, come on," I can hear some of you saying as you read this, "what difference will it make in my life if I have faith or not?" Let me ask those of you who might say that, "Do you not see a world about you in which people's lives are undermined by fear, care, and anxiety?"

If we do not possess forces such as are expressed in the word 'faith', something in us goes to waste; we wither as do the leaves in autumn. For a while this may not seem to matter — then things begin to go wrong. Were men in reality to lose all faith, they would soon see what it means for evolution. By losing the forces of faith they would be incapacitated for finding their way about in life; their very existence would be undermined by fear, care, and anxiety. To put it briefly, it is through the forces of faith alone that we can receive the life which should well up to invigorate the soul.

Now we reach the point of the first word of the title of these lectures, "Faith" — we find that the most important forces of the astral body (soul) are those of faith, so we can call the astral body the "faith-body" equally as well.

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Faith/Hope Empty Re: Faith/Hope

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 28 Aug 2010, 00:34

A Dream Within A Dream - by Edgar Allen Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

The poem in the first stanza is as he is speaking to a loved one. Who he is leaving or maybe she passed. He is confessing that she was right about his life being like a dream. He is speaking of whether we have hope or lost it at some point in life; night or day, does this mean that it is really gone; Is it there less gone? Or is this life really just a dream with in a dream. Something we have created in our own minds.

The second stanza he is realating life to the roar of surf tormented shore. The grains of golden sand, may be the memories of life; How few! yet how they crep through my fingers to the deep, while I weep- while I weep. They memories slip away as we age so fast and we can do nothing to stop them from slipping away in to the deepest parts of our mind. O God! can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp? Can I not save one from the pitiless wave? No matter how hard we try to remember those moments in our life, or dream, they seem to slip away from us like as if dust in the wind. Is everything what it seems or is it just our own minds creation of what we wish it to be? A dream within a dream?

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