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The CON thread - CONstitution - An Address to the Dead

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Post  tgII Mon 30 Nov 2009, 02:27

Good morning, everyone!!

When MTSAR first came out with this essay it pretty much confirmed
what I had been trying to understand for the longest time, I mean,
absolutely nothing changes for the better in the united states of CON,
nothing, it just keeps rolling forward regardless of any laws or the
Constitution, that sacred document so many have died protecting?!

"Died protecting?!" How's that for the paradigm of power we live in?! Shocked

How long will the CON go on before Americans finally begin to understand
the dilemma they are in? The only thing Americans understand is, democracy,
voting out incumbents, cult-like worship of politicians, honoring their dead,
military parades, patriotism and a red, white and blue flag? Oh, almost
forgot, don't forget sports and some diatribe about having a constitution to
protect them.

If you have not yet read this essay it would be highly suggested:

In this essay can I draw your attention to about a quarter of the way down
where there is a picture of The Articles of Confederation, at least I
think that's what that picture is, below this picture is the following caption:

    The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was America's true Constitution before it was cunningly derided and overruled by self-serving traitors known, in today's parlance, as Globalists or Internationalists.

So, let me get this straight, the Articles of Confederation was America's true
, if this is in fact true, then can it be said, "All revolutions are
betrayed from within?"
Why would I bring this up? Simple, if you think George
Washington was America's first president and you were asked this question in a bar
quizzling, you would probably lose the bet.

George Washington was not the first president, a little known and obscured
fact of American history reveals that John Hanson was the first president of
the united states. Read the linked essay.

If you read this essay you probably would have noticed this important

  • The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land). Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the Revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.

Alright, so my questions are, why was John Hanson forced out as America's
first president? Was Hanson a Freemason? If he wasn't this would certainly
explain a lot. One thing is for certain, John Hanson was not a globalist.

Hanson ordered all foreign troops out of the united states and all flags
removed, but more importantly, The Articles of Confederation only
allowed a President to serve a one-year term during any three-year
Does Franklin Delano Roosevelt come to mind? Shocked

About this creature George Washington, I am really beginning to have my
doubts now concerning his motives and capacity as president. An article
appeared making fact George Washington was a traitor I found quite
revealing and confirms much of this distorted history.

    Interview: Robert Cooper - Breaking the code Premium Article!

    Published Date: 07 August 2009
    By Kath Gourlay

    'I CANNOT tell a lie." The famous quote from America's first president, George Washington, is about to be called into question, according to leaked information on the plot of Dan Brown's new book.

    The CON thread - CONstitution - An Address to the Dead TH1_68200924george

    The Lost Symbol looks set to create a huge uproar across the USA, with its allegations that far from being the country's 'founding father,' Washington was actually a traitor who had been secretly negotiating with the British during the American War of Independence.

Note: This was written by Dan Brown so I would be a little skeptical,
however, it certainly fits "the pattern of the crimes."

Well, George, what do you have to say for yourself now, and don't give us
any crap about some cherry tree out back either.

History is such shit isn't it?

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Post  seraphim Mon 30 Nov 2009, 21:12

Too much corruption never could stand politics.

On another note.....on the internet I was surprised to notice how folks create enemies of others and let their demons keep them in their delusion. Would they rather be in the dark ages. Have the church's demons got a hold of them? Would they rather have no freedom and remain slaves? Well that's how they act.

There are interesting people out there and mtsar (I'm telling you folks his theory on the origin of humans is one of the best out there, take that from a college grad who studied anthropology, all the schools do is lie to you, I will debate anyone on all their false theories they brainwash people with) as well who give us so much valuable research. I couldn't believe anyone would relentlessly criticize Rudolph Steiner and all he has done to help humanity's children. But it's always guilty by association just like in the Salem witch trials. The demon's in one have got the person inside so bad that they would rather kill off anything that tries to free them or take their blinders off.

Most people have it brainwashed in their mind to believe in one God that will kill or punish them for not obeying it's laws. And that anything different that can free a person is going to send one to hell or is the devil's work.
Who in their right mind would want to go along with this, but most do!!

It's really bad out there and people are going to destroy themselves thinking like this for not being open (or not allowed to) to what's really going on.

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Post  seraphim Wed 02 Dec 2009, 06:49

I”ll have to read that tgII, it’s actually something worthwhile. I know I should keep pace with what the world of politics are up to Flames, because if not I”ll look out one day and everyone will be a robot or something else and I’ll wonder how they got that way. I mean I know how, but I would have missed the progession of it.
Anyway, what happens out there eventually happens to the people, so it’s best not to go completely along with the flow. I know it’s hard.

You are not going to believe this! Yeah that positive thinking jive they got going on is now going to turn into enlightenment. If people are not enlightened in the year 2012 they will be punished!

I want a clean slate too!

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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 28 May 2010, 23:29

New and out from the Alex Jones and Infowars Corp. video production machine...

...commentary welcomed...

This documentary is interesting when I consider what I have been saying for years about the NWO agenda and America...
"The left will be used to drive the populace into right wing fascism, race war, then the justification for martial law and a clamped down police state."

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