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Re: Philosophers
European Decadence by Julius Evola -1928
Present Western “civilization” awaits a substantial upheaval (rivolgimento), without which it is destined, sooner or later, to smash its own head. It has carried out the most complete perversion of the rational order of things. Reign of matter, gold, machines, numbers; in this civilization there is no longer breath or liberty or light. The West has lost its ability to command and to obey. It has lost its feeling for contemplation and action. It has lost its feeling for values, spiritual power, godlike men (uomini-idii). It no longer knows nature. No longer a living body made of symbols, gods, and ritual act, no longer a harmony, a cosmos in which man moves freely like “a kingdom within a kingdom”, nature has assumed for the Westerner a dull and fatal exteriority whose mystery the secular sciences seek to bury in trifling laws and hypotheses. It no longer knows Wisdom. It ignores the majestic silence of those who have mastered themselves: the enlightened calm of seers, the exalted reality of those in whom the idea becomes blood, life, and power. Instead it is drowning in the rhetoric of “philosophy” and “culture”, the speciality of professors, journalists, and sportsmen who issue plans, programs, and proclamations. Its wisdom has been polluted by a sentimental, religious, humanitarian contagion and by a race of frenzied men who run around noisily celebrating becoming (divenire) and “practice”, because silence and contemplation alarm them.
It no longer knows the state, the state as value (stato-valore) crystallized in the Empire. Synthesis of the sort of spirituality and majesty that shone brightly in China, Egypt, Persia, and Rome, the imperial ideal has been overwhelmed by the bourgeois misery of a monopoly of slaves and traders.
Europe’s formidable “activists” no longer know what war is, war desired in and of itself as a virtue higher than winning or losing, as that heroic and sacred path to spiritual fulfilment exalted by the god Krishna in the Baghavad Gita. They know not warriors, only soldiers. And a crummy little war (guerricciola) was enough to terrorize them and drive them to rehashing the rhetoric of humanitarianism, and pathos or, worse still, of windbag nationalism and Dannunzianism.
Europe has lost its simplicity, its central position, its life. A democratic plague is eating away at its roots, whether in law, science, or speculation. Gone are the leaders, beings who stand out not for their violence, their gold, or for their skills as slave traders but rather for their irreducible qualities of life. Europe is a great irrelevant body, sweating and restless because of an anxiety that no one dares to express. Gold flows in its veins; its flesh is made up of machines, factories, and laborers; its brains are of newsprint. A great irrelevant body tossing and turning, driven by dark and unpredictable forces that mercilessly crush whoever wants to oppose or merely escape the cogwheels.
Such are the achievements of Western “civilization”. This is the much ballyhooed result of the superstitious faith in “progress”, progress beyond Roman imperiousness, beyond radiant Hellas, beyond the ancient Orient – the great ocean.
And the few who are still capable of great loathing and great rebellion find themselves ever more tightly encircled.
Present Western “civilization” awaits a substantial upheaval (rivolgimento), without which it is destined, sooner or later, to smash its own head. It has carried out the most complete perversion of the rational order of things. Reign of matter, gold, machines, numbers; in this civilization there is no longer breath or liberty or light. The West has lost its ability to command and to obey. It has lost its feeling for contemplation and action. It has lost its feeling for values, spiritual power, godlike men (uomini-idii). It no longer knows nature. No longer a living body made of symbols, gods, and ritual act, no longer a harmony, a cosmos in which man moves freely like “a kingdom within a kingdom”, nature has assumed for the Westerner a dull and fatal exteriority whose mystery the secular sciences seek to bury in trifling laws and hypotheses. It no longer knows Wisdom. It ignores the majestic silence of those who have mastered themselves: the enlightened calm of seers, the exalted reality of those in whom the idea becomes blood, life, and power. Instead it is drowning in the rhetoric of “philosophy” and “culture”, the speciality of professors, journalists, and sportsmen who issue plans, programs, and proclamations. Its wisdom has been polluted by a sentimental, religious, humanitarian contagion and by a race of frenzied men who run around noisily celebrating becoming (divenire) and “practice”, because silence and contemplation alarm them.
It no longer knows the state, the state as value (stato-valore) crystallized in the Empire. Synthesis of the sort of spirituality and majesty that shone brightly in China, Egypt, Persia, and Rome, the imperial ideal has been overwhelmed by the bourgeois misery of a monopoly of slaves and traders.
Europe’s formidable “activists” no longer know what war is, war desired in and of itself as a virtue higher than winning or losing, as that heroic and sacred path to spiritual fulfilment exalted by the god Krishna in the Baghavad Gita. They know not warriors, only soldiers. And a crummy little war (guerricciola) was enough to terrorize them and drive them to rehashing the rhetoric of humanitarianism, and pathos or, worse still, of windbag nationalism and Dannunzianism.
Europe has lost its simplicity, its central position, its life. A democratic plague is eating away at its roots, whether in law, science, or speculation. Gone are the leaders, beings who stand out not for their violence, their gold, or for their skills as slave traders but rather for their irreducible qualities of life. Europe is a great irrelevant body, sweating and restless because of an anxiety that no one dares to express. Gold flows in its veins; its flesh is made up of machines, factories, and laborers; its brains are of newsprint. A great irrelevant body tossing and turning, driven by dark and unpredictable forces that mercilessly crush whoever wants to oppose or merely escape the cogwheels.
Such are the achievements of Western “civilization”. This is the much ballyhooed result of the superstitious faith in “progress”, progress beyond Roman imperiousness, beyond radiant Hellas, beyond the ancient Orient – the great ocean.
And the few who are still capable of great loathing and great rebellion find themselves ever more tightly encircled.
Re: Philosophers
The Concept of Initiation - Julius Evola & Aquaintances
It is not easy, today, to give an exact idea of what is meant by Initiation and to define the figure of the 'Initiate'. The main difficulty lies in the necessity of referring to a vision of the world and man, and to structures, which belong essentially to traditional civilisations, distant from the present one, not only from the modern mentality and culture, but also, to a large extent, from the religion which has come to predominate in the West.
In addition, there is the disgraceful circumstance that, if, today, one still hears of Initiation, outside of the empty ritualistic remains of modern Freemasonry and such amateurish literary exercises as, for example, the well-known book 'The Great Initiates', by E. Schuré (1), it is on the sidelines of the various theosophical, anthroposophical, or generally occult sects. The discredit which has rightly become attached to these frivolous 'neo-spiritualistic' forms, which are sometimes outright hoaxes, could not but create a prejudice which impedes the understanding of what Initiation really is.
This state of affairs has provided those who claim to represent 'modern critical thought' and contemporary 'culture' with a pretext to assimilate the world of Initiation to that of the 'magicians', 'clairvoyants', and so on, of the lower classes, and to disregard the fact that, historically, Initiation was an integral and frequently essential part of the great traditions and civilisations of the past to which, in other regards, respect and gratitude are paid.
Nevertheless there is a group of modern disciplines - among them, the history of religions, ethnology, and the scientific study of the Orient and of Antiquity - in which certain momentous confusions are almost inevitable if the concept of Initiation is not defined in a precise manner. It can be noted that, in the face of the rich material which is now available, scholars who are highly thought of, such as Frazer and Van der Leew, do not know how to orientate themselves adequately ; thus they may be seen making the Initiate, the medicine man, the mystic, the Yogi and even the wizard, into one and the same thing, whereas, between these general types, very precise distinctions must be made. Let us not even speak of what has happened with the psychoanalytical manipulations of this material ; what we have already indicated about the views of C. G. Jung, who is one of the main persons responsible for such manipulations, will suffice.
On the positive side, today, almost the only thing we can mention is the contribution made by the Traditionalist current claiming to follow René Guénon ; in this field, he is the most serious researcher and he bases himself on much accurate and authentic knowledge. Certainly, his horizons have some limits; however, he has proceeded with a certain rigour and he has maintained a well-calculated distance from the 'neo-spiritualist' by-products indicated above, as well as from the so-called 'scientific' researches of specialists of an external and profane nature.
Having described the broad situation in these terms, in what follows we propose to clarify synthetically what should be understood by the term 'Initiation', and according to what spiritual frame of reference it should be regarded. We should warn our readers that our purpose is to define the concept of Initiation in itself and for itself, so to speak in a pure state, as a 'spiritual category'. Readers who are familiar with other works of ours are likely to know already what they will find here summarised ; readers who are not so familiar will experience a broadening of horizons because the vision of the higher ideals which humanity has managed to conceive would be rendered incomplete if the initiatory ideal were excluded or ignored. To the first group of readers, the extent to which we follow the views of the aforementioned Traditionalist current, and that to which we have found it necessary to grow away from them, will be self-evident.
I. Etymologically, 'to initiate' means to provide a new commencement. In this respect, one could also speak of a 'rebirth' ; but then it would be necessary to give this term a strictly ontological signification. As a matter of fact, the fundamental premise of Initiation is that the human condition, with the limits which define the common individuality, can be surpassed. It is a change of state, a passage from a way of being to another way of being, in the most objective sense. This is why in some testimonies Initiation is described almost as a physical fact, to underline its real, ontological character. The opposition between 'Superman' and 'Initiate' can be helpful to explain the concept of Initiation. The term 'Superman' refers to the extreme and problematic strengthening of the species 'Man'. However, in principle, the Initiate no longer belongs to this species at all. If one has in mind High Initiation, it can be said that the 'Superman' belongs to a Promethean plane (Man remains as he is but seeks, illegitimately, to gain a superior dignity and power), while the Initiate in the proper sense belongs to an Olympian plane (he has acquired an innate, distinct, and justified dignity).
The theory according to which the being possesses multiple states, of which the human is only one, is therefore the premise of the concept of Initiation. These states must however be considered as not only superior, but also inferior to the one characteristic of the common and normal human personality. Thus we can conceive of a double possibility of opening of this personality, upwards and downwards ; consequently, an 'ascending' overcoming (true to the strict etymological sense of the word 'to transcend', i.e., 'to go beyond by rising') must be well distinguished from a 'descending' overcoming (2).
This is why we have just spoken specifically of 'High Initiation', and the distinction indicated then also refers to what we have said elsewhere about primitive peoples constituting a special domain. The tribal initiations of the primitives and their so-called 'age cohort' initiations in general operate in the descending direction. The individual opens himself to the mystical-vital force of his stock, is integrated in it, and makes it his own. Or the integration may concern the deep powers which work formatively in the organism in the various periods of existence. What may result from this for the individual, the new faculties which he can thus acquire, contain however almost always something collective and sub-personal. The results of this show themselves to us in typical forms, for example, in totemism and in some varieties of primitive religions of the dead. To this subject we shall not return in this essay.
We should however distinguish here something which also appears in the area of the higher civilisations. It pertains to the division of Initiation into the Lesser Mysteries, which can be called generically Demetrian-Chthonic, and the Greater Mysteries, which can be called Ouranic or Olympian. Sometimes the Lesser Mysteries have been presented as a preliminary phase and the Greater Mysteries as a culmination. However, at other times, the Lesser and Greater Mysteries, along with many other forms of Initiation which are named differently but which can be referred respectively to the former and the latter, have not shown this character of phases but have been distinct and even opposed to each other. As a matter of fact, the terms can refer to different orientations, vocations and meanings. To simplify, it can be said that the essence of the Lesser Mysteries has a 'cosmic' and, in a certain sense, pantheistic character. Their limit is the hyle, in the broadest and most original sense of the word, i.e. nature, Mater Natura, Mater Magna, the manifested world. The Greater Mysteries are, contrarily, under the sign of Transcendence, of what is not 'life', even in the cosmic sense, but supra-life or Being. One could therefore speak, in the former case, of a rebirth into Life, and, in the latter, of a rebirth into Being, as ends of the corresponding Initiations. Yet, the concept of Initiation gains the fullness of its higher significance essentially with respect to the second direction.
The initiations which aimed at establishing or renewing a contact with special powers of nature should be considered on their own, as a variety of the Lesser Mysteries. In the traditional world, various initiations corresponding to specific crafts are of this type.
It is not easy, today, to give an exact idea of what is meant by Initiation and to define the figure of the 'Initiate'. The main difficulty lies in the necessity of referring to a vision of the world and man, and to structures, which belong essentially to traditional civilisations, distant from the present one, not only from the modern mentality and culture, but also, to a large extent, from the religion which has come to predominate in the West.
In addition, there is the disgraceful circumstance that, if, today, one still hears of Initiation, outside of the empty ritualistic remains of modern Freemasonry and such amateurish literary exercises as, for example, the well-known book 'The Great Initiates', by E. Schuré (1), it is on the sidelines of the various theosophical, anthroposophical, or generally occult sects. The discredit which has rightly become attached to these frivolous 'neo-spiritualistic' forms, which are sometimes outright hoaxes, could not but create a prejudice which impedes the understanding of what Initiation really is.
This state of affairs has provided those who claim to represent 'modern critical thought' and contemporary 'culture' with a pretext to assimilate the world of Initiation to that of the 'magicians', 'clairvoyants', and so on, of the lower classes, and to disregard the fact that, historically, Initiation was an integral and frequently essential part of the great traditions and civilisations of the past to which, in other regards, respect and gratitude are paid.
Nevertheless there is a group of modern disciplines - among them, the history of religions, ethnology, and the scientific study of the Orient and of Antiquity - in which certain momentous confusions are almost inevitable if the concept of Initiation is not defined in a precise manner. It can be noted that, in the face of the rich material which is now available, scholars who are highly thought of, such as Frazer and Van der Leew, do not know how to orientate themselves adequately ; thus they may be seen making the Initiate, the medicine man, the mystic, the Yogi and even the wizard, into one and the same thing, whereas, between these general types, very precise distinctions must be made. Let us not even speak of what has happened with the psychoanalytical manipulations of this material ; what we have already indicated about the views of C. G. Jung, who is one of the main persons responsible for such manipulations, will suffice.
On the positive side, today, almost the only thing we can mention is the contribution made by the Traditionalist current claiming to follow René Guénon ; in this field, he is the most serious researcher and he bases himself on much accurate and authentic knowledge. Certainly, his horizons have some limits; however, he has proceeded with a certain rigour and he has maintained a well-calculated distance from the 'neo-spiritualist' by-products indicated above, as well as from the so-called 'scientific' researches of specialists of an external and profane nature.
Having described the broad situation in these terms, in what follows we propose to clarify synthetically what should be understood by the term 'Initiation', and according to what spiritual frame of reference it should be regarded. We should warn our readers that our purpose is to define the concept of Initiation in itself and for itself, so to speak in a pure state, as a 'spiritual category'. Readers who are familiar with other works of ours are likely to know already what they will find here summarised ; readers who are not so familiar will experience a broadening of horizons because the vision of the higher ideals which humanity has managed to conceive would be rendered incomplete if the initiatory ideal were excluded or ignored. To the first group of readers, the extent to which we follow the views of the aforementioned Traditionalist current, and that to which we have found it necessary to grow away from them, will be self-evident.
I. Etymologically, 'to initiate' means to provide a new commencement. In this respect, one could also speak of a 'rebirth' ; but then it would be necessary to give this term a strictly ontological signification. As a matter of fact, the fundamental premise of Initiation is that the human condition, with the limits which define the common individuality, can be surpassed. It is a change of state, a passage from a way of being to another way of being, in the most objective sense. This is why in some testimonies Initiation is described almost as a physical fact, to underline its real, ontological character. The opposition between 'Superman' and 'Initiate' can be helpful to explain the concept of Initiation. The term 'Superman' refers to the extreme and problematic strengthening of the species 'Man'. However, in principle, the Initiate no longer belongs to this species at all. If one has in mind High Initiation, it can be said that the 'Superman' belongs to a Promethean plane (Man remains as he is but seeks, illegitimately, to gain a superior dignity and power), while the Initiate in the proper sense belongs to an Olympian plane (he has acquired an innate, distinct, and justified dignity).
The theory according to which the being possesses multiple states, of which the human is only one, is therefore the premise of the concept of Initiation. These states must however be considered as not only superior, but also inferior to the one characteristic of the common and normal human personality. Thus we can conceive of a double possibility of opening of this personality, upwards and downwards ; consequently, an 'ascending' overcoming (true to the strict etymological sense of the word 'to transcend', i.e., 'to go beyond by rising') must be well distinguished from a 'descending' overcoming (2).
This is why we have just spoken specifically of 'High Initiation', and the distinction indicated then also refers to what we have said elsewhere about primitive peoples constituting a special domain. The tribal initiations of the primitives and their so-called 'age cohort' initiations in general operate in the descending direction. The individual opens himself to the mystical-vital force of his stock, is integrated in it, and makes it his own. Or the integration may concern the deep powers which work formatively in the organism in the various periods of existence. What may result from this for the individual, the new faculties which he can thus acquire, contain however almost always something collective and sub-personal. The results of this show themselves to us in typical forms, for example, in totemism and in some varieties of primitive religions of the dead. To this subject we shall not return in this essay.
We should however distinguish here something which also appears in the area of the higher civilisations. It pertains to the division of Initiation into the Lesser Mysteries, which can be called generically Demetrian-Chthonic, and the Greater Mysteries, which can be called Ouranic or Olympian. Sometimes the Lesser Mysteries have been presented as a preliminary phase and the Greater Mysteries as a culmination. However, at other times, the Lesser and Greater Mysteries, along with many other forms of Initiation which are named differently but which can be referred respectively to the former and the latter, have not shown this character of phases but have been distinct and even opposed to each other. As a matter of fact, the terms can refer to different orientations, vocations and meanings. To simplify, it can be said that the essence of the Lesser Mysteries has a 'cosmic' and, in a certain sense, pantheistic character. Their limit is the hyle, in the broadest and most original sense of the word, i.e. nature, Mater Natura, Mater Magna, the manifested world. The Greater Mysteries are, contrarily, under the sign of Transcendence, of what is not 'life', even in the cosmic sense, but supra-life or Being. One could therefore speak, in the former case, of a rebirth into Life, and, in the latter, of a rebirth into Being, as ends of the corresponding Initiations. Yet, the concept of Initiation gains the fullness of its higher significance essentially with respect to the second direction.
The initiations which aimed at establishing or renewing a contact with special powers of nature should be considered on their own, as a variety of the Lesser Mysteries. In the traditional world, various initiations corresponding to specific crafts are of this type.
Re: Philosophers
" Plato On Civilizational Decline: Miscegenation
"Such was the vast power which the god settled in the lost island of Atlantis; and this he afterwards directed against our land for the following reasons, as tradition tells: For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws, and well-affectioned towards the god, whose seed they were; for they possessed true and in every way great spirits, uniting gentleness with wisdom in the various chances of life, and in their intercourse with one another. They despised everything but virtue, caring little for their present state of life, and thinking lightly of the possession of gold and other property, which seemed only a burden to them; neither were they intoxicated by luxury; nor did wealth deprive them of their self-control; but they were sober, and saw clearly that all these goods are increased by virtue and friendship with one another, whereas by too great regard and respect for them, they are lost and friendship with them. By such reflections and by the continuance in them of a divine nature, the qualities which we have described grew and increased among them; but when the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved unseemly, and to him who had an eye to see grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power."
"Such was the vast power which the god settled in the lost island of Atlantis; and this he afterwards directed against our land for the following reasons, as tradition tells: For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws, and well-affectioned towards the god, whose seed they were; for they possessed true and in every way great spirits, uniting gentleness with wisdom in the various chances of life, and in their intercourse with one another. They despised everything but virtue, caring little for their present state of life, and thinking lightly of the possession of gold and other property, which seemed only a burden to them; neither were they intoxicated by luxury; nor did wealth deprive them of their self-control; but they were sober, and saw clearly that all these goods are increased by virtue and friendship with one another, whereas by too great regard and respect for them, they are lost and friendship with them. By such reflections and by the continuance in them of a divine nature, the qualities which we have described grew and increased among them; but when the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved unseemly, and to him who had an eye to see grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power."
Re: Philosophers
Philosophical terms used to shine light into the relationships between ….
Being and Thinking
Matter and Consciousness
Existence and Essence
Phenomenon – An occurrence , circumstance or fact that is perceptible by the senses
Noumenon – An object or event , a thing in itself, independent of any conceptualization or perception by the human mind; a thing-in-itself, postulated by practical reason but existing in a condition “which is in principle” unknowable and unexperienceable
Idealism – The doctrine that the external world must be understood through consciousness
Subjectivism – The doctrine that reality is created or shaped by the mind; The doctrine that knowledge is based in feelings or intuition; The doctrine that values and moral principles come from attitudes, convention, whim, or preference
Objectivism - Objectivity is both a central and elusive concept in philosophy. While there is no universally accepted articulation of objectivity, a proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are "mind-independent"—that is, not the result of any judgments made by a conscious entity.
Psychologism – The view that logic is based upon the laws of thought , where these are descriptions of the actual processes whereby human beings think .
Solipsism – The belief that only oneself and ones experience exists . Solipsism is the extreme consequence of believing that knowledge must be founded on inner personal states of experience and then failing to find a bridge whereby they can inform us of anything beyond themselves .
Solipsism of the present moment extends its scepticism even to ones own past states so that all that is left is “me” now .
Phenomenology - is used to refer to subjective experiences or their study. The experiencing subject can be considered to be the person or self, for purposes of convenience., the study of ones experience and Being in the world .
Existentialism - emphasizing the uniqueness of each human existence in freely making its self-defining choices
Being and Thinking
Matter and Consciousness
Existence and Essence
Phenomenon – An occurrence , circumstance or fact that is perceptible by the senses
Noumenon – An object or event , a thing in itself, independent of any conceptualization or perception by the human mind; a thing-in-itself, postulated by practical reason but existing in a condition “which is in principle” unknowable and unexperienceable
Idealism – The doctrine that the external world must be understood through consciousness
Subjectivism – The doctrine that reality is created or shaped by the mind; The doctrine that knowledge is based in feelings or intuition; The doctrine that values and moral principles come from attitudes, convention, whim, or preference
Objectivism - Objectivity is both a central and elusive concept in philosophy. While there is no universally accepted articulation of objectivity, a proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are "mind-independent"—that is, not the result of any judgments made by a conscious entity.
Psychologism – The view that logic is based upon the laws of thought , where these are descriptions of the actual processes whereby human beings think .
Solipsism – The belief that only oneself and ones experience exists . Solipsism is the extreme consequence of believing that knowledge must be founded on inner personal states of experience and then failing to find a bridge whereby they can inform us of anything beyond themselves .
Solipsism of the present moment extends its scepticism even to ones own past states so that all that is left is “me” now .
Phenomenology - is used to refer to subjective experiences or their study. The experiencing subject can be considered to be the person or self, for purposes of convenience., the study of ones experience and Being in the world .
Existentialism - emphasizing the uniqueness of each human existence in freely making its self-defining choices
Re: Philosophers
Tao Te King by Lao Tse
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one sees the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one sees the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.
wo... thx for the link
Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees.
He lets go of that and chooses this.
Re: Philosophers
The third bottom line for moi is does one believe there are active coherent energetic influences beyond the realm of material manifestation that influence the human psyche / soul and even material manifestation, for the better or for the worse , and if one believes in that possibility then
The second bottom line is what is the purpose of the malevolent ones and the benelovent ones
Which takes me to the bottom line , proving to yourself first that such influences exist , then seeking a means by which one can utilise the benevolent energetic influences to gain wisdom for yourself and uplift your existence in a harmonious fashion around other beings ...if possible and seeking a means of rejecting and neutralising the malevolent influences
That then leaves the thing identified as the conscious i being a living vessel that can express from its own aquired living experience, but also able to express from something beyond its current i-ness, but what will become its i-ness once expressed through it , that of the malevolent or benevolent force that can channel through it via a psychic interface.
Even if a person identifies for sure as can be identified that there are indeed malevolent and benevolent active influences , then they have to begin to form some kind of relationship to that influence ...their god connection .... and the surprise they might find, is that everything might go very sweetly for a spell, but then completely inexplicably , somethinmg may not go as they wanted it too, which could then create a conflict between the conscious i and the so called "god connection" because the conscious i must now think that its will and desires are not completly compatable with this god connection , so does that then mean that it has a limited scope for development or even pre-planned development that it is not completly conscious off yet ?
But certain people have developed systems that are supposed to assist one in uplifting ones existence like Napoleon Hills
The idea that if you really want something, then you can get it, is not new , but i think its a very misunderstood one. Let me be misunderstood...
I beleive now that if somebody wants something, then first they have to demonstrate a consistency for that want, and make moves as much as they can to put themselves in the vicinity of that want .
Then dependent on the audacity of their particular want in regards to how simple or incredible it would seem to achieve it from the starting point , i like to consider the incredible one, maybe even a once in a lifetime one
Strange things begin to happen , almost as if the manifest physical and even mental world begins to challenge their "intention" for that want
Now that is when it gets interesting because the first place that is challenged is in their i consciousness, which breaks many a self-deluded soul, but if that does not break their want , the next place is in the place where they cannot fake it, it is a direct challenge to their heart consciousness , because this place is tied to their emotional body and it is here that the measure of want intention is truly measured and if that is found to be true, then things may begin to hot up for one if one continues to commit to that very incredible want all the way
The second bottom line is what is the purpose of the malevolent ones and the benelovent ones
Which takes me to the bottom line , proving to yourself first that such influences exist , then seeking a means by which one can utilise the benevolent energetic influences to gain wisdom for yourself and uplift your existence in a harmonious fashion around other beings ...if possible and seeking a means of rejecting and neutralising the malevolent influences
That then leaves the thing identified as the conscious i being a living vessel that can express from its own aquired living experience, but also able to express from something beyond its current i-ness, but what will become its i-ness once expressed through it , that of the malevolent or benevolent force that can channel through it via a psychic interface.
Even if a person identifies for sure as can be identified that there are indeed malevolent and benevolent active influences , then they have to begin to form some kind of relationship to that influence ...their god connection .... and the surprise they might find, is that everything might go very sweetly for a spell, but then completely inexplicably , somethinmg may not go as they wanted it too, which could then create a conflict between the conscious i and the so called "god connection" because the conscious i must now think that its will and desires are not completly compatable with this god connection , so does that then mean that it has a limited scope for development or even pre-planned development that it is not completly conscious off yet ?
But certain people have developed systems that are supposed to assist one in uplifting ones existence like Napoleon Hills
The idea that if you really want something, then you can get it, is not new , but i think its a very misunderstood one. Let me be misunderstood...
I beleive now that if somebody wants something, then first they have to demonstrate a consistency for that want, and make moves as much as they can to put themselves in the vicinity of that want .
Then dependent on the audacity of their particular want in regards to how simple or incredible it would seem to achieve it from the starting point , i like to consider the incredible one, maybe even a once in a lifetime one
Strange things begin to happen , almost as if the manifest physical and even mental world begins to challenge their "intention" for that want
Now that is when it gets interesting because the first place that is challenged is in their i consciousness, which breaks many a self-deluded soul, but if that does not break their want , the next place is in the place where they cannot fake it, it is a direct challenge to their heart consciousness , because this place is tied to their emotional body and it is here that the measure of want intention is truly measured and if that is found to be true, then things may begin to hot up for one if one continues to commit to that very incredible want all the way
Re: Philosophers
Napolean Hill's work is like dreaming while awake. Giving us instruction on how to control our awake dream reality. Isn't that something! That's just a little something I was thinking while listening to the neat Mr. Hill. A person might as well never should have been born if they can't take back their mind or control it, there are grave consequences for not doing that.
How to get past 'influences' Kapis?
A short summary of the video above......
[quote]The nature of the great master key, discovered if you are ready. Psychologists have found out a natural law that is the foundation of all personal success....... Whatever the mind can conceive and believe.....the mind can achieve.
There are spiritual forces that we are blessed with.
Carnegie said.........There is a great power greater than all of your fears, poverty, lack of education etc.......the power to take the station of your own mind and direct it to any ends you may desire. The gift of the Creator to man.
What your mind feeds upon attracts to you. So have a clear picture of what you want from life.
Hill said everyone brings in at birth two sealed envelopes, one that is labeled the riches you may enjoy if you take possession of your mind and direct it to the ends of your own choice, and the other the penalties you must pay if you neglect to take possession of your mind and direct it.
The contents of the riches envelope are these blessings......sound health, peace of mind, a labor of love of your own choice, freedom of fear and worry, a positive mental attitude, and material riches of your own choice and quantity.
The others are the prices....ill health , fear and worry, indecisions and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and want, and a whole flock of evils, anger, jealousy, anger, hatred.
Open up and use the envelope riches. Procur a neat notebook and on page one, as the first statement write down the one major desire in life to accept as your idea of success, remember your own limitation are in your own mind or that others set up for you.
Then for the second statement, write down what you intend to give in return for that which you desire from life. Then begin giving.
Memorize both of your statements and repeat a dozen times daily and always end for your expression for the blessing your were given at birth....
"I ask not what of divine providence or more riches but more wisdom which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends that I desire.
If accepted in humble sincerity, a better world will be revealed to you, and reflecting back what you created.
How to get past 'influences' Kapis?
A short summary of the video above......
[quote]The nature of the great master key, discovered if you are ready. Psychologists have found out a natural law that is the foundation of all personal success....... Whatever the mind can conceive and believe.....the mind can achieve.
There are spiritual forces that we are blessed with.
Carnegie said.........There is a great power greater than all of your fears, poverty, lack of education etc.......the power to take the station of your own mind and direct it to any ends you may desire. The gift of the Creator to man.
What your mind feeds upon attracts to you. So have a clear picture of what you want from life.
Hill said everyone brings in at birth two sealed envelopes, one that is labeled the riches you may enjoy if you take possession of your mind and direct it to the ends of your own choice, and the other the penalties you must pay if you neglect to take possession of your mind and direct it.
The contents of the riches envelope are these blessings......sound health, peace of mind, a labor of love of your own choice, freedom of fear and worry, a positive mental attitude, and material riches of your own choice and quantity.
The others are the prices....ill health , fear and worry, indecisions and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and want, and a whole flock of evils, anger, jealousy, anger, hatred.
Open up and use the envelope riches. Procur a neat notebook and on page one, as the first statement write down the one major desire in life to accept as your idea of success, remember your own limitation are in your own mind or that others set up for you.
Then for the second statement, write down what you intend to give in return for that which you desire from life. Then begin giving.
Memorize both of your statements and repeat a dozen times daily and always end for your expression for the blessing your were given at birth....
"I ask not what of divine providence or more riches but more wisdom which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends that I desire.
If accepted in humble sincerity, a better world will be revealed to you, and reflecting back what you created.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
A nice short Summary Seraphim, but the whole process is dependent on ones belief that there is / are benevolent influences in the psychic world
May then these forces present rich winds to the sails of those that seek them
May then these forces present rich winds to the sails of those that seek them
Re: Philosophers
For me I like to create that myself and call benevolent forces the heart energy or at least the two are alike for me. I said that before.
I think the God force is neutral though and one of it's manifestations is the heart energy.
I think the God force is neutral though and one of it's manifestations is the heart energy.
As for seeking those energies, what if they are already in you.May then these forces present rich winds to the sails of those that seek them
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
Alright thanks. No worries mind melt, professor paraphrase this one.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
The classic greeks had no singular word for religion and they treated ritual as a daily concern
They invented the drama called "Greek Tragedy" which was performed in daylight
A sort of early style of collective shadow work for the human psyche
At the 1.12.45 mark on this video , they discover in a tomb,in a funeral pyre , the remains of the oldest surviving book in europe and after years of decrypting it using modern spectral scanning, the contents of the writing is highly inteligent
They invented the drama called "Greek Tragedy" which was performed in daylight
A sort of early style of collective shadow work for the human psyche
At the 1.12.45 mark on this video , they discover in a tomb,in a funeral pyre , the remains of the oldest surviving book in europe and after years of decrypting it using modern spectral scanning, the contents of the writing is highly inteligent
Re: Philosophers
I cant recommend this presentation enough as well for those interested in the absolute value of evolving your conscious thought and experience, this guys done so many great presentations on plato , this one from the republic on the myth of er and its floodlighting of the contents of the republic itself, and its consequenses for developing the quality of your being in the eternal realm
Re: Philosophers
What is great about philosophy is that all things worth consideration are just as worthy of dismissal.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: Philosophers
Like that last ike / max ..converlecture
And in that converlecture, ike talked about "the source" in as vague a way as most do
Plotinus is apparently credited as being the first NeoPlatonist, and he appears in Rome 3AD at the age of 40 with his philosophical interpretations and extensions of platonic dialogue
Found a video here on Pierre Grimes own website, where grimes presents a lecture based on PLotinus writings , using reason to try and understand the source , and grimes points out beautifully the value of this reasonable effort to understand the source, the one, the it , some interesting points on Fantasy and beauty and other areas of evolving consciousness
These philosophers werent using "source" or "nature" as a get out clause from engaging the mind to try and explain that source , i like their style
And in that converlecture, ike talked about "the source" in as vague a way as most do
Plotinus is apparently credited as being the first NeoPlatonist, and he appears in Rome 3AD at the age of 40 with his philosophical interpretations and extensions of platonic dialogue
Found a video here on Pierre Grimes own website, where grimes presents a lecture based on PLotinus writings , using reason to try and understand the source , and grimes points out beautifully the value of this reasonable effort to understand the source, the one, the it , some interesting points on Fantasy and beauty and other areas of evolving consciousness
These philosophers werent using "source" or "nature" as a get out clause from engaging the mind to try and explain that source , i like their style
Re: Philosophers
Edited out for not making sense, my mind will never be able to explain! LOL
7 circuits of the brain
She recently came back to giving speeches and talks about the different races and potential of the mind and so forth.
7 circuits of the brain
She recently came back to giving speeches and talks about the different races and potential of the mind and so forth.
Last edited by seraphim on Fri 25 Jun 2010, 21:18; edited 1 time in total
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
Pierre Grimes:
The mind is of a whole mind which we do not contemplate or accept
Some bits talking about astrophysicist Barbara Brown who wrote The Supermind
The mind is of a whole mind which we do not contemplate or accept
Some bits talking about astrophysicist Barbara Brown who wrote The Supermind
A) Our potential brain power may be vastly beyond our current imagination.
(B) What most of us call "raising children" and "schooling" could, in reality, be mental mutilation.
(C) Most of us have been brainwashed into becoming depending on forms outside ourselves (which includes projected "external authority").
(D) We have the creative intelligence to place ourselves in environments that will support our growth towards self-actualization.
(E) In terms of our potential, we are babies.
(F) Unrealized potential hides itself—like ignorance, unconsciousness, deception, stupidity, and weakness.
(G) The possible importance of Barbara Brown's book, "Supermind."
(H) Maybe the human eye can be used to activate and improve certain mental functions.
(I) The idea of the meta-information network as a "planetary brain."
Actually all human beings are already free—and they don't know it. Freedom has to do with the control of human energy:
Each living person is a source of this energy. There is no other source. Only an individual human being can generate human energy.
All energy operates under control. Whether it be the energy of an electron, a hurricane, or a man, energy is controlled.
This fact makes scientific knowledge possible. Not-living energy—electricity, for example—always operates in the same way in the same conditions. No one knows what controls it, but because it is controlled, men who have observed how it acts can predict, with sufficient accuracy, how it always will act.
Living energy is different; it is creative and variable. It changes, and it changes the conditions in which it acts. It is unpredictable because it never acts twice in precisely the same way. Not even two blades of grass in a lawn are identical. No two children of the same parents are alike; not eve two quintuplets.
Yet, living energy is controlled. Everyone knows what controls human energy. Your desire to turn a page generates the energy that turns the page; you control that energy. No one else, and nothing else, can control it.
Many forces can kill you. Many, perhaps, can frighten you; but no force outside yourself can compel you to turn that page. Nothing but your desire, your will, can generate and control your energy. You alone are responsible for your every act; no one else can be.
This is the nature of human energy; individuals generate it and control it. Each person is self-controlling and therefore responsible for his acts. Every human being, by his nature, is free.
Very few men have ever known that men are free among this Earth's population now, few know that fact.
For six thousand years at least, a majority has generally believed in pagan gods. A pagan god, whatever it is called, is an "authority" which (men believe) controls the energy, the acts, and therefore the fate of all individuals.
The pagan view of the universe is that it is static, motionless, and controlled by an authority. The pagan view of man is that all individuals are, and by their nature should and must be, controlled by some "authority" outside themselves. - Rose Wilder Lane ("The Discovery of Freedom")
I don't know what it takes to discover that you are free. If you can somehow clear your mind, then decide to lift your hand, and watch it rise, and recognize that you did it? If you could recognize the amazing miracle of such an event? Part of the difficulty is that you have to experience your freedom. You can't "know" it in the way we have been talking about "knowing by metaphor," because there is nothing to compare it to. Is it perhaps the kind of "knowing" that John Fowles wrote about in "The Magus" (Section 12)? Some day, somewhere, you suddenly experience it, and then you know it. And you may forget it again.
Because there are billions of people out there bombarding you with "we-are-not-and-cannot-be-free" misinformation. Whenever any "libertarian" uses a slogan like "freedom in our time," or says, "We-must-get-them-to-change-the-law-so-we-can-be-free," he or she is really promoting the "pagan view of the universe." This may be one reason why those who have recognized their inherent freedom tend to become disgusted with "libertarians" and "libertarian organizations."
(While I sometimes write scathingly about "libertarians," I must also emphasize that all my libertarians friends are wonderful people, and it is extremely pleasant to be with them. You only have to attend a libertarian convention to experience what wonderful people libertarians are. At the same time, their ignorance on the subject of liberty or freedom—including that of the "foremost libertarian spokespeople"—is almost beyond imagination! I wonder how many of them have actually experienced that they are free beings?)
Belief in "external authority" is the "pagan view of the universe." That includes belief in supposed "law" and make-believe "government." It is idolatry (Section 7).
What does it take for human beings to discover that they are free? It is so simple and so obvious, once you see it. Maybe the above passage by Rose Wilder Lane has to be read a few hundred times? Maybe you have to sit in a cave for five years, lifting and lowering your hand, until you realize that you control your energy.
Maybe you should meditate every day, repeating Crowley's principle over and over and over:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
It might take you five seconds or fifty years before you see the power, beauty, quality, and love embodied in Crowley's principle
If the external freedom that enhances individuality is trampled to death by a society run amok politically or bogged in the swamp of philosophical inertia, it is because the internal freedom on which individuality rests was mutilated first in the minds of men. That is the basic premise of this study. Its specific purpose is to identify ethnic and race consciousness as an expression of mutilated internal freedom on the one hand and a revolt against external freedom on the other.
The single most important entity on which a rational social system and harmonious social relations depend: The free and sovereign individual
I am for the individual, and what I have to say is always in defense of a particular kind of individual: The self-created person of authentic self-esteem, integrity, and honesty, whose individuality is endowed with a free spirit and an active commitment to reason as his only tool of knowledge. - Anne Wortham ("The Other Side of Racism")
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: Philosophers
And whatever happened to Raw Willpower.
Well here's some more from.......
Personal Power, Responsibility, and Freedom (what I truly wish for others.)
Well here's some more from.......
Personal Power, Responsibility, and Freedom (what I truly wish for others.)
The fact is (for practically all of us) that since birth, our individuality, our freedom, our power, has been trampled to death; our spiritual freedom has been mangled, maimed, and mutilated. And out of that context, we have created impoverished models of reality in which we ourselves feature as helpless victims. This is why we need to turn to the people in the human potential movement, like Stewart Emery, for guidance. Does Ed Clark, like so many libertarians, wallow in a self-created hole of helplessness, regarding some aspects of his life?
The basic tool whose use is taught throughout this book is the art of self-observation. Philosophers and mystics—people such as Socrates, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, the Buddhists, and Lao Tsu—have all stressed the necessity for self-observation or awareness as the first require-ment for becoming enlightened. Self-observation is also the principal road to personal freedom from the various self-torture trips that we humans are so adept at taking. - Janette Rainwater ("You're In Charge!")
* What is happening right now? And this includes:
o What am I doing?
o What am I feeling?
o What am I thinking?
o How am I breathing?
* What do I want for myself in this new moment? That is, do I want to continue the same doing/thinking/feeling/breathing? Or, do I want to make some changes? - Janette Rainwater ("You're In Charge!")
he single most important principle underlying the methods of change that we describe is that the connection between your inner self and the world around you is a two-way street. Not only does your mood influence the people and events around you, but the opposite is also true: What happens in your immediate environment can make a profound effect on your emotions.
The second most important principle of this book is that we consider most of our habits, thoughts, and actions to be learned, not instinctive; we're not born with fear. Anxiety is not an innate drive. This means that the potential for change is always present: Anything that has been learned can be unlearned. No pattern of thought or action is so basic to human life that it cannot be altered, eliminated, created, or enhanced as desired. - Donald Tasto and Eric Skjei ("Spare the Couch")
A) Most of the information to solve our problems is probably already available, but that it is difficult to identify.
(B) The first step suggested here is to actualize our tremendous potential brain power.
(C) The sources and conduits of information are the first target of those who seek to control others against their will.
(D) The suppression and perversion of information happens mainly through coercive interference with the media of communication and with "education."
(E) An important issue is "thought control," and once this has been accomplished, people will suppress themselves and each other.
(F) "Schooling"—in some parts of the world (or is it all?)—is a process of mental crippling.
(G) The areas of life where there is coercive interference with the flow of information: Media of communication, censorship, "libel laws," "currency laws," "price control," "education," "patents," and "copyright."
(H) Human beings, by their nature, are free because they control their own energy, and no person can control another person's energy.
(I) It seems very difficult for humans to discover that they are free.
(J) Most libertarians are extremely ignorant on the subject of freedom or liberty (though probably far less so than others).
(K) Stewart Emery's "The Owner's Manual For You Life."
(L) Many libertarians suffer from "impoverished models of reality" and helpless-ness—and most other people probably even more so.
(M) Two further books on self-actualization: "You're in Charge!" and "Spare the Couch."
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
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