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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 02 Feb 2013, 02:16

Just be wary in a downturned economy that hanging out with other people's kids invites money predators who would not hesitate to file and settle on a lawsuit naming you a diddler of toddler.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 03 Feb 2013, 02:50

Noted advice high noon, sometimes the pupil (child) can teach the master (adult) vital lessons about its self, the teacher is being taught in the teachings , a surely jesusish mystery in the understanding of how wisdom is drip fed from the most unexpected sources

And as qsc says, we exist in a very paranoid time of relationship between adult and child imposing these communications with societal tension for any that suffer the seed of paranoia which in itself amplified by pharma

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Sun 03 Feb 2013, 22:48

This is not a casual observation.

The system of commerce now trades and sells children. It is human trafficking.

    Just be wary in a downturned economy that hanging out with other people's kids invites money predators who would not hesitate to file and settle on a lawsuit naming you a diddler of toddler.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Wed 13 Feb 2013, 01:24

re: watch this shit on religion and religious views on the Seven Mountains

WTF!!! Look how religions are being cleverly used to beat people into a world
strategy for "taking back government" which is just utter hogwash.

From a fellow researcher who is very capable and articulate.

    I just talked to a friend who grew up very religious - catholic. He quit the church and joined the evangelical movement. He's a very bright guy - didn't take him long to see through it. He knows a lot about the beginnings of the movement and a lot of the inside scoop. He said it wasn't really about religion. It was about building the population of evangelicals. When you combine the pursuit of money behind the mask of religiosity so that stone-cold business people can carry a bible and preach love of money as being equivalent to godliness, you can see how it could become very popular. Combine that with the agenda to "take back government" with technocrats need to tear down government in order to rebuild it fully wired for the 21st century and you see one really fricken brilliant strategy to manipulate people into destroying their country and building a new one that imprisons them... doing God's work.

What is the "Seven Mountains Christian Movement?" Another movement, just
what we all needed. Does it ever end?

From the seven hills of Rome?

It is a profoundly fucked up world.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Mon 18 Feb 2013, 03:08

re: this is how the homeless are fed

Watch this. Really cool.


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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Wed 20 Feb 2013, 07:10

re my extremely malevolent attitude towards humanity

This is why. There are some incredibly malevolent nasty fucking people in this
world who are psychopathic beyond all doubt.

    Marina Abramović is best known for her performance pieces, in which she tries to explore what is possible for an artist to do in the name of art. Her best known piece was the recent “The Artist Is Present,” in which she sat motionless for 736.5 hours over the course of three months, inviting visitors to sit opposite her and make eye contact for as long as they wanted. So many people began spontaneously crying across from her that blogs and Facebook groups were set up for those people.

    Freestyling - Page 28 557981_543221975709034_1149567122_n
    The Artist Is Present

Her bravest piece, however, is a favorite for a number of reasons with some people,
like myself. This piece depicted in the image, was primarily a trust exercise, in which
she told viewers she would not move for six hours no matter what they did to her.

She placed 72 objects on a table in front of her any viewer could use in pleasing or
in destructive ways, ranging from flowers and a feather boa, to a knife and a loaded
, and then invited viewers to use the objects/s on her however they wanted.

    Initially, Abramović said, viewers were peaceful and timid, but it escalated to violence quickly. “The experience I learned was that … if you leave decision to the public, you can be killed… I felt really violated: they cut my clothes, stuck rose thorns in my stomach, one person aimed the gun at my head, and another took it away. It created an aggressive atmosphere. After exactly 6 hours, as planned, I stood up and started walking toward the public. Everyone ran away, escaping an actual confrontation.”

This pose as art revealed something really terrible about humanity, similar to what
Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment or Stanley Milgram’s Obedience
Experiment, both of which also proved how readily people will harm one another
under unusual circumstances.

What is it about humans that triggers that destructive desire to harm and even kill
other people they don't even know?

    This performance showed just how easy it is to dehumanize a person who doesn’t fight back, and is particularly powerful because it defies what we think we know about ourselves. I’m certain the no one reading this believes the people around him/her capable of doing such things to another human being, but this performance proves otherwise.

Marina Abramović is a very beautiful woman. There is no doubt in my mind that if
Marina had stood there longer and if there were certain numbers of people observing,
someone would have pulled the loaded pistol off the table a shot her.

The aspect to consider, is that did she do this with an altruistic attitude which would
have tempted people to abuse her?

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  Sputnik Sat 09 Mar 2013, 16:43

Dear TG,

passive or altruistic behaviour is mostly perceived as a weakness.

This is taught to people via the media an then acted upon subconciously by the majority.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Sat 09 Mar 2013, 20:37

re: altruism and passivity

Thanks, Sputnik, which is why I asked the question; because it always seemed to me
that yes, altruism and passivity are part of the social conditioning/engineering.

There is no better example of that than this "saint" who has been clobbered by us
several times on this board. This was one sick freak of a human:


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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  Sputnik Sun 10 Mar 2013, 23:12

The point is that she believed in her version of sainthood.

And modern hospitals believe in their total authority to be right [and above God] only to prolong important client life by all means necessary.

That's just another form of practiced sadism. You will find examples were ever you like to find them. Shit seems to spread evenly.

You asked "what is it about humans that triggers that destructive desire to harm and even kill
other people they don't even know?"

I guess the dead always know the truth.


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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty 6 Harsh truths that will make you a better person

Post  highnoon Thu 11 Apr 2013, 10:42


Basically says that what you are worth to others is the sum of your abilities to society.


#6. The World Only Cares About What It Can Get from You

Let's say that the person you love the most has just been shot. He or she is lying in the street, bleeding and screaming. A guy rushes up and says, "Step aside." He looks over your loved one's bullet wound and pulls out a pocket knife -- he's going to operate right there in the street.

"OK, which one is the injured one?"

You ask, "Are you a doctor?"

The guy says, "No."

You say, "But you know what you're doing, right? You're an old Army medic, or ..."

At this point the guy becomes annoyed. He tells you that he is a nice guy, he is honest, he is always on time. He tells you that he is a great son to his mother and has a rich life full of fulfilling hobbies, and he boasts that he never uses foul language.

Confused, you say, "How does any of that fucking matter when my (wife/husband/best friend/parent) is lying here bleeding! I need somebody who knows how to operate on bullet wounds! Can you do that or not?!?"

Now the man becomes agitated -- why are you being shallow and selfish? Do you not care about any of his other good qualities? Didn't you just hear him say that he always remembers his girlfriend's birthday? In light of all of the good things he does, does it really matter if he knows how to perform surgery?

In that panicked moment, you will take your bloody hands and shake him by the shoulders, screaming, "Yes, I'm saying that none of that other shit matters, because in this specific situation, I just need somebody who can stop the bleeding, you crazy fucking asshole."

"I don't get it. Would it help if I put on a lab jacket? Here, one sec, let me just ..."

So here is my terrible truth about the adult world: You are in that very situation every single day. Only you are the confused guy with the pocket knife. All of society is the bleeding gunshot victim.

If you want to know why society seems to shun you, or why you seem to get no respect, it's because society is full of people who need things. They need houses built, they need food to eat, they need entertainment, they need fulfilling sexual relationships. You arrived at the scene of that emergency, holding your pocket knife, by virtue of your birth -- the moment you came into the world, you became part of a system designed purely to see to people's needs.

"Here's that shit you needed. Now fuck off."

Either you will go about the task of seeing to those needs by learning a unique set of skills, or the world will reject you, no matter how kind, giving and polite you are. You will be poor, you will be alone, you will be left out in the cold.


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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  Sputnik Sun 28 Apr 2013, 18:10

you seem to have a disturbed relationship with nature.

This is what you spray:

51% Stoddard solvent [turpentine]
25% liquefied petroleum gas
15+% mineral oil

Not the healthiest ingedients for birds, trees and anything else that is alive [that includes you].

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 29 Apr 2013, 18:37

Those chemicals are bad news, I recommend the Daisy Model 840 in Mossy Oak with included scope for about sixty bucks and loaded with some Beeman Ram Point Pellets.
My grandmother used to put their meat in spaghetti sauce...mangia!...mangia!

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  highnoon Mon 13 May 2013, 04:03

My father is a very kind person, but as little as half a mickey and all of his kindness disappears. He will answer questions with questions. Repeat things he said a few minutes ago. If you remind or tell him to stop repeating himself he will say things like
"just listen"
" i dont give a shit, listen or im done talking"

Bring up failures and make fun of a person for them. His excuse is "im just saying the truth". If you respond with "Maybe it is, but why does it need to be said and repeated, can you even see what kind of asshole you are being". He will say "you just don't like to hear the truth, but its time you heard it."

In the morning he will be sober and will be nice and remind you where the new groceries he bought yesterday are located. and give recommendations on what can be made for breakfast with some of them.

Its difficult to know which versian is the real versian, or if they are both in fact real.


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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 13 May 2013, 17:59

Intoxication...means your brain has been exposed to a toxin.
And that is what alcohol is...a toxin.
So if the organ for which you think with is under assault and aggravated then it would seem the thinking derived from that very organ would be...assaulting and aggravating.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 14 May 2013, 02:00

bottom line is - do i need to associate with this person for nourishment or security , if so, then comprimises will be made to a certain extent of limitations
if no, then life is too short to hang out with aggravating cul de sacs , if the comments are not stimulating any form of progress

if i recall previous posts high noon , its a stepfather isnt it ? not the original hungarian bloodline

nice slant of interpretation on intoxic qsc

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  highnoon Thu 16 May 2013, 07:38

yeah unfortanately i do.

hes not a bad person when hes sober. hes pretty generous. its just he's a coward himself. he never stands up for whats right he doesn't argue with people when hes sober, he doesnt make a stand and stick his neck out when somebody is out of line. i hate those kind of people. he'd rather just play the politically correct "well everyone is entitled to their opinion". but its not really his stance, he has a stance but he wont ever take it. but when he drinks he starts putting his foot down like the bottle gives him the courage to do so, but its during times and against people who don't deserve it. but when hes sober and somebody does deserve it, he will just say and do nothing.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Thu 06 Jun 2013, 14:57

Yeah, Flames, that other guy in your dream was me you walked through that door of
the temple with.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  highnoon Wed 12 Jun 2013, 09:13

So canada did away with pennies a few months ago.

Everybody is so happy, but really it is just the elite not letting the average people have even copper anymore.

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 12 Jun 2013, 09:57

Everybody is so happy, but really it is just the elite not letting the average people have even copper anymore.

Precious Metals are Power , they dont want human masses anywhere near that anymore , when you see the old silver coins etc that used to be currency it puts a completly different perspective on value , holding these in your hand , but expecially how your decision is taken to ever spend it , its much easier to spend digital money and most especially that is how they get people in DEBT

Debt is created mainly by digital or virtual money, you never see them handing out real precious metal money for loans

what a revelation that is above Shocked

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Freestyling - Page 28 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 12 Jun 2013, 20:56

In this manner, Malkuth is again associated with the anus

This is important, particularly if one is opening the Typhonian channels in black magic.
Some consider the dark tree not to be located below the tree of life but a backside mirror image of the tree of life.
This is where the evil entities of each sephirot may dwell.

I have been considering a thread on the true power of the anus specifically.  It goes deep...very deep.   Exclamation  Shocked

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