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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Sat 11 Jun 2011, 08:18

Non-existence Flames....I like that, a place where manipulations don't exist. I might have been there one time.
Anyway thanks for the inspiration.

Kapis, durnit that video is no longer showing.

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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 21 Jul 2011, 13:24

Norway has mild and short summers with long winters. I could always do with another couple of months of mild summer weather.
To contrast that with Florida and the long, hot summers, I looked forward to a cooling summer afternoon thundershower or the first sign of cool October breezes.

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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  Sputnik Thu 21 Jul 2011, 13:53

Interesting news on the 'man-made climate change' dogma unraveling itself once again after the director of CERN tells his scientists to shut up about their results:


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  highnoon Thu 21 Jul 2011, 18:49

i didnt even realize that was prison planet

saddens me cause i dont share info from there to people. call me politcally correct

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Post  Sputnik Fri 22 Jul 2011, 11:19


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 05 Aug 2011, 07:20

I have learned to recognize there is a difference with my regarding a woman as either "beautiful" or "attractive".

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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty DMT

Post  Sputnik Fri 05 Aug 2011, 09:12

“The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Jesus Christ, Book of Luke 17:20-21

Freestyling - Page 15 Pineal

The world we live in today is but a shadow of what it is meant to be because humanity has been deceived into forgetting how critically vital it is to have our two minds working in concert so that the world here below is in a harmonious relationship with the world above.

Fluoride & the Pineal Gland:


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 05 Aug 2011, 14:54

Lada, have you read the Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby?

Overview of the book and interviews...

The Cosmic Serpent book...

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Post  Sputnik Fri 05 Aug 2011, 15:38

I haven't yet, thanks for the book link Q. Smile

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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 05 Aug 2011, 23:14

I just happen to be reading the book last night for the first time and was going to post it on the forum as a recommendation.
Then saw Lada's post on DMT and that was the opening me to recommend it.
Not the first time that kind of synchronicity has occurred on the forum with Lada.

This book has made some interesting points.
Crucial for me to have this confirmation. Fills in some blanks.


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 06 Aug 2011, 07:52

I am not so enamored with Joe Rogan, cannot stand the guy actually, but will give the podcast a listen. Something about Italians from New Jersey irk me.

I had first heard of the Peruvian drink years ago through David Icke's work. It is also through Icke that I stumbled upon Tsarion.
In the early to mid-nineties one could see that the shaman drink was becoming popular and even trendy. People were beginning to release books and one could see a popularization of the Peruvian experience. As with anything, this turns me off considerably. Having a celebrity the likes of Joe Rogan promoting something of a sacred nature is equally...repulsive....or at least subject to some discriminating discernment.
In the book, The Cosmic Serpent, you have an anthropologist out in the bush doing philanthropic work and deep study trying and explaining its context under the guidance of someone. To me, this is the only way it should be attempted. The author describes the use of the drug as risky and dangerous.

I am not so much focused on DMT, nicotine, or the other plant substances that are used, but on the revelations of what DNA actually is and the pre-monotheistic interpretations by these native belief systems.

Most importantly is HOW the use and journey regarding this drug lead to transformation, evolution and achieving God-hood and if there is any detriment to its use.

The Taoists also had their cults and practitioners that used plants and such to gain knowledge.
Later, a branch adopted the practice to achieve this without the use of externals. As plants may not be available all the time, doses could not be measured accurately each time, and certain side-effects to brain and body chemistry due to long-term use were considerations.
So they began to work on techniques to access this state and acquire knowledge without the limits of external substances.
Now this does not cause me to discount the value of the shamans and their plants.
It is a valid science.

I also found it interesting in the Cosmic Serpent the mentioning of Joseph Campbell's work in defining the Judeo-Christian god Yahweh...and how this was a reversal of the symbolism and wisdom of the ancients. The truth was inverted and the lie perpetuates itself.


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 06 Aug 2011, 23:05

Not the first time that kind of synchronicity has occurred

Many people dont consciously recognise these type personal perceived interactions never mind air it to others , thx for that one qsc , there is something very important about this synchronistic phenomena for myself and i believe for others (when they are aware of it ) that i perceive beyond "chance" as in it seems to have a subconscious directive and revelatory intention in its psychic character


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Freestyling - Page 15 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 06 Aug 2011, 23:49

According to the alchemists a living being is made up of 3 components , body , soul and spirit
In al-speak known as Salt , Sulphur and Mercury
The Salt , corpus is the last in the art
The sulphur is the soul without which the body can create nothing
Mercury is the spirit of power that brings both body and soul together

A non living being requires a slightly different class
Gold is such a thing and according to Aristotle, Gold contains both Matter and Form
The matter of Gold is its weight and mass
The Form of Gold is its Goldness

The Form is quite real otherwise the bankers would not pay you more for your Gold than your silver and it has consistency

Plato perceived the Forms as an ultimate psychic quality allowing transcendental levels of perception through present matter proportional to the perceivers developed appreciation

When a person dreams , spirits of power move the soul seemingly detached from its conscious day body but the soul is still attached to another form of body in which it can see , hear and sense to various levels of development

When a human ingests food or liquid , science declares that it operates on the body of the human under the term dietary influences and they do , but they also must operate to differing degrees on the soul and spirit of the human through not just digestion but also taste and aroma and more

Therefore when a human ingests psychodelic plants , they must contain a much higher potency of content that acts on the human soul and spirit as well as the body

In fact as the plants are living things, they must in themselves also contain body soul and spirit , so by ingesting one, a human is taking in a very high form of power which will interact an eventful experience in the psyche

By looking at the history of how people are influenced by these plants , it seems like their spirit is actually “adjusted” which results in their soul being moved in a manner it has not experienced before , this in turn can feed out through body expressions but most importantly feeds in through psychic impressions onto a whole new layer of experience which must have relationship to the dream state but not quite a tangible relationship as of yet in human understandings

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