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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 29 Jan 2010, 01:19

Great observation...you are on the right track my friend.
Even such self-observation and reflection is what 90% of humanity is incapable of doing.
Nevermind the benefits of getting in touch with the state of "no input" but just..."being" in the moment with internal silence and peace.

Before attempting meditation, particularly in a Taoist context, just try a regular practice of relaxation.
Meditative states usually happen naturally over time.

Try lying down for twenty minutes in a quiet room with no interruptions everyday.
Over time, twenty to thirty minutes of "Constructive Rest" can energize the system the same as four hours of sleep.

Try the Constructive Rest Position...its benefits are quite profound...both physically and mentally...concentrate on slow relaxed breathing...

To consider the breathing...
The Complete Breath...

From there Daoist Meditations will focus on visualizing chi flow and exercises that begin from beginner to advanced...but relaxation of the mind is still beneficial...so focus must not create stress of effort...detachment from an outcome helps to naturally practice with calm self-acceptance and assurance...nor the competition for attainment. But do what you can do for the day, the benefit is there naturally... practice today with what time you can make, plan for tomorrow...the rest will develop in time.

I recommend the first three books by Mantak Chia and corresponding DVD courses. One has to become quite familiar with these basic techniques and realistically experience their manifestation before moving onto anything further. It can take a year or two just to cover the basic ground. But the basics are really the core foundation and the bulk of the study.

But I find Hatha Yoga and deep massage and bodywork with sound chiropractic to influence the chi flow and make changes quite dramatically as well. There are external and internal methods. All of them work to create a change that cannot be intellectualized but experienced. Many get caught up in the pursuit of advancement rather than realize that the potency of practice is in the moment. The most basic chi-gong exercise practiced with genuine focus and quality of the effort will do more benefit for you than twenty advanced exercises without quality within the actual effort.

Achievement is a daily affair. Recognize your only potential enemy in life is the person you see in the mirror every morning at the start of the day. That way your efforts are focused on where the should be and not wasted on distracting tangents of focus and energy.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  tgII Mon 01 Mar 2010, 13:41

  • Just a simple rant:

    Fuck you February!! Fuck you and your cold ass! Welcome March!

    *rant over*

The quintessential message, short, to the point and deeply profound.

Very good, Flames.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Wed 10 Mar 2010, 03:30

Here is Anubis! Ain't she something!
Freestyling - Page 2 2afnbdt

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 13 Mar 2010, 18:14

That is a classic tale of grade A U.S. prime banker bullshit...

Here is one on my end as far as dealing with bullshit...

My 86 year old grandmother had gotten a ticket from a cop almost two years ago.
She has never gotten a ticket for anything all her life and she has been driving since she was twenty.
It was for parking in a handicapped space.

The reason why she parked their is because the space did not have a sign indicating it was for handicapped drivers.
But it had the blue painted wheelchair symbol on the ground of the parking space.
But the blue symbol was about 90% worn off and faded from years in the hot Florida sun, so my grandmother didn't see it on the ground when she pulled into the spot.

She needed about five minutes in the store to get her prescription medication as she had just survived a colon cancer operation a few weeks prior and had to up some meds she needed in the short term.

So my grandmother paid this ticket by check and through the mail in time.
Over a year later...

Recently she just tried to renew her vehicle registration and car tags and they denied her the renewal. But they sent back her payment and denied her.
She called to ask why the won't renew her and they said she had an outstanding payment on a ticket she had gotten in the past.

So now my grandmother calls the city in which she got the ticket to find out if they have proof of payment.
They can't find her proof of payment, nor proof that she ever even had a ticket.

She tells them that the bureau for registration won't renew her because the ticket is considered unpaid.
So she says that she wrote a check from her bank and she can get a copy of her written checks from the bank to prove that she paid it, what date, the amount and check number.

She is told that this statement and photocopied proof of the actual check from the bank will not be considered as official proof and she cannot use it.

Come to find out through more phone calls, time wasting and bullshit that the fine for her offense went up TWO DOLLARS before her check payment had been processed after she sent it in. So even though she sent in the right amount and on time, a change in fine of two bucks while her payment was in processing caused her to be listed as non-payment.

She then had to go, in person, to the driver's license bureau and wait for an hour to pay....two...fucking...dollars.
Then resend back in her registration paperwork and another payment.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Sat 20 Mar 2010, 03:37

My gosh flames, Anubis has had a rough life.....please!!! GEEZ!!!

Rainyday, don't you just love the system.
Did you mention quicksilvercrescendo that opening a credit card, using it, then paying it off right away before the interest kicks in will increase your credit score, anyway that's what I hear from others. Don't know about credit nowadays though, hidden fees and then the credit card is still active even when closed??

Anyway, if they did that with my mother, they would get it all back. She verbally curses the whole town where she lives, they are scared of her. She always tells them to go get f$%*# and all that to their faces and out loud, the crooked doctors.... and the like. She will tell anyone off.
Those Geminis! She's is just fed up too rainyday.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Sun 21 Mar 2010, 07:30

I was just bored........I'm going to stop being bored though..... confused

What a rebel........you are so wicked @
Is that Bob!! His voice is hypnotic!!

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Sun 21 Mar 2010, 07:37

That is not Bob in that video.....LOL!!
You are kidding me right!!LOL

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 27 Mar 2010, 09:52

Id like to have seen the spoon actually bending Blackbird , on another note, always wondered how geller came upon the idea , was he trained , ir by chance

What about the nutritional value of tree leaves in spring Qsc ? any nous on that

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 27 Mar 2010, 09:57

I suggest to anyone who decides to start eating wild plants, wildcrafted herbs, leaves and planet medicinals to get a very comprehensive book on it first and then ask someone locally expert in the local fauna to show you what is good. You want to know why you should NOT eat certain things, otherwise you can fuck your shit up.

In Norway, you can boil some of the fir trees needles and make a drink that supplies vitamin C. Very good if lost in the wild.
Nettles also are common. Many make a soup from them.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Sat 27 Mar 2010, 22:59

Contraire mes amis.....about the plants. The very poisonous ones are the most medicinal. Of course they are deadly if not prepared right. Yes, always get pro advice. All of Nature's plants come in handy in some way, it's just that much has been lost on them.

I would love to go on a nature walk. Get to know your local herbs.

Kapis, I read some of Geller's biography and he definitely was taught!
Thanks for the Emoto Blackbird!

Last edited by seraphim on Sun 28 Mar 2010, 05:26; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad french)

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 28 Mar 2010, 12:09

yeah "poison" is a very relative term , many "potions" may be required in various doses , physical and psychological to elevate a human back into a harmonious state of being , sometimes you might need to sample a "a very high class poison" like a tony blair speech to get youirself a kickstart about inauthentic expression and its evolution in masquerading under the guise of authentic , he fooled millions , so yeah, "poison " is a very relative term , some people live on smoke and alcohol, others die on them

Did i mention somewhere else that geller had recently purchsed a tiny little island of the east coast of scotland because he beleives there is egyptian treasure buried there from maybe scotas day, he is to begin excavations soon , will watch with interest to see how his psychic powers are maturing or fading

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  seraphim Mon 29 Mar 2010, 04:23

That was a very good analogy!

And someone can use them both, anything that comes from the Earth : ). But a lot of folks really need to have control of the mind first if they want to play with alcohol. Because it is a certain essence from Spirit plants that can destroy a person. Meaning that they have to have it everyday in order to function and so forth.

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Freestyling - Page 2 Empty Re: Freestyling

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 29 Mar 2010, 11:34

thx blackbird , will watch that one soon

Yeah right on the mind development versus type of poison engaged with seraphim , this is a crucial area where many people are undone , often through engagement the psychological archetype of "machisma" among many many others , a very complex subject indeed .

On another note , cant remember the post it was on, microsoft updates being compromised .

After i had cleaned my system of the previous trojan infection which came in via internet explorer on a microsoft update , i recently carried out another microsoft update, it took in 78 updates , all seemed well initially, i switched off my computer , then next time i started it up again and opened internet explorer , i get the following rogue fished out by my professional anti virus........

"exploit rogue scanner (type 1054)" which was lurking in the internet explorer = Iexplore.exe
on further investigations, 10 of the 78 files that were updated from the microsoft website , had "broken digital signatures" which means they could be/ were compromised .

My avirus has removed them, but i am concerned with these microsoft updates now and in recent times, i might just forget them foe a while like i did before and had no problems

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