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Thoughts on Karma

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Thoughts on Karma Empty Thoughts on Karma

Post  highnoon Wed 14 Aug 2013, 20:23

I have a new restaurant job now.

I was mopping the floor and a waiter came into the kitchen, a very witty impertinent kindof dude. Hes telling me how much the drivers owe the register. As he is saying this, I slip and fall.

he laughs and says. "Why does everything with you have to be a struggle?"

I finish the floor and go to him and cash out. But I'm short. As I had slipped earlier, he had said one more thing that the money I owed was less than what was written down, but I didn't catch that part. So we got into an argument over listening skills and that sort of thing.

I tried to say that it was because of karma that I slipped and  didn't fully hear him. And he said to me. Do you even know what karma is? I tried to explain how I thought karma played a role in how I slipped.

And he cut me short saying. "nonono, you're making it too complicated". "Karma is simple". "Karma IS your actions."

...but what I was trying to tell him was. That his karma in the workplace influenced when I slipped on the wet floor.

Every time this guy enters our area, everybody tenses up because they have to hear a cutting remark from him. Verbal or physical is irrelevant. With me, my muscles tense, and on a wet floor, the sudden adjustment and misallocation of weight distribution probably was the main factor why as to why I slipped.

He probably knew this and thought that by cutting me short and interjecting his own to-the-point explanation on what karma was, was preventing himself from having hear me come up with a rationalization that included him into being blamed partially.

This next thing has nothing to do with the story. But I've always wanted to know if my sub conscious mind could pick up on him entering a room, versus, someone else entering a room I was in. Like if my back is turned, do my muscles tense up even though I don't have any cue that it's actually a particular person that has entered my space?

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Thoughts on Karma Empty Re: Thoughts on Karma

Post  highnoon Sat 17 Aug 2013, 08:49

Thats pretty interesting that you mentioned past life dna. It could be that some of our dreams are past life dna memories. or just like...small bits of data that get extrapolated with lots of fantasy filler.

like your great great grandma had a mission to take a horse carriage from A to B. and you have this recurring dream about carriages. you cannot fulfill her idea in your current time period, but the dream persists because thats the only way her idea can express itself anymore. it could be like an unnecessary haunting of your own descendants, which is a karmic concept.

or wow..that great great grandma of yours has a carriage thing that didnt transpire, but your great great great great grandpa on another ancestry tree had like a purpose to something related to cooking for a king. and that didn't work out the way he wanted. but both forces of will are in your dna, and they mix together to make a mishmash of carriages and cooking for kings.

and then you 200 and 350 years later from both points in time have these dreams about both, and you can't understand it and can only hold it in your mind for a few moments after waking anyways.

I am just speculating from out of my ass.

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Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 39

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Thoughts on Karma Empty Re: Thoughts on Karma

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 17 Aug 2013, 14:07

flames wrote:The problem right now in society, is that there is no philosophical conversation what so ever
This is a major problem as it nourishes the creation of hypnotic tranced plebian footsoldiers that will kill as they told to kill for the good of whatever their told its good for = without question

My past , current and ongoing reflections on this karma jive is that there is a phenomena identified in human psyche called conscience which in effect can be loosely defined as in conversation with ones hidden higher inner guide
But this conscience connection can be broken, manipulated , imitated , infested by the introduction of chemicals, religious beliefs , philosophys, excessive violent aversion therapy, entity possesion etc into the human subjects psyche , after which these humans are slaves / victims to malevolent influences which will not favour their life experience nor others they encounter
but this does not directly explain my thoughts on karma which is i believe some form of cosmic balancing force that acts its gameplan out in a completly and utterly unpredictable manner of manifestation , it may even succumb to a mathematical formula in the future
Its very probable that it transcends existing life cycle as this would explain how some people appear better off than others in certain judgemental concepts of inherent qualities of being both external and psyche-wise which requires the belief of reincarnation

Its also probable that humans are connected through invisible energy regarding their nervous systems and its a ceertainty that one can feel certain things going on when in the presence of different beings which then stimulate judgements

My own observations on my behaviour in existence is that certain actions taken by me in present tense . do for sure stimulate other actions that will then visit me in the future , but if i were to dare taking an action in present tense with the conscious idea of expecting a return in future tense, then i can be sure that my expectation will never be met in the manner i had thought definite , the proportional probability of that defititiveness affecting the expected outcome inversely, however, if this conscious expectation can be defused into subconscious maybe expectation, then the odds appear to increase of the present investment paying off in the cosmic investment sense of understandings

To fully describe the interpretation of karma, i think people have to have almost lived their full life and look back for patterns , then one might have something much more emphatic to say on the matter that will be more articulatable for others

But specualton is very important in reaching that state of understanding the self in order to transmit to others

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Join date : 2009-11-16


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