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The Power of the Anus

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The Power of the Anus Empty The Power of the Anus

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 01 Aug 2013, 14:12

It is now time to elaborate on the power of the anus.

The Power of the Anus C0012410

The All-Seeing Eye?

The Power of the Anus Illumi10

The All-Seeing Eye?

The Power of the Anus U2hn3s10

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 01 Aug 2013, 14:26

The 3 and 1/2 turns...

The Power of the Anus Anorec10

The 3 and 1/2 turns...


There seems to be two distinct methods of kundalini activation.
One is for spiritual evolution and takes time and practice as in Tantra and certain Taoist internal alchemy practices.
Another is a shortcut method involving anal sex and impacting the pudendal nerve.  There are dangers associated with this such as physical, emotional impacts, and reverse kundalini phenomena. This is the Satanic Path. The practice with two males works with the male Baphomet energies.


It is said that the striking of this nerve by a penis will create bursts of light in the mind of the recipient. Hence, in this downward path, illumination is also described.

This is the illumination and practice of the elites and those described in mind control and child sexual abuse.
It has been said that a child must be penetrated before the age of 3 to be developed later as a true illuminati in this regard.

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 01 Aug 2013, 22:57

Very serious subject which by its elitist  historic subscribers over the centuries , must contain more depth of meaning than just a quick sexual  power  act of perversion

i certainly consider that there are definetly occult techniques and methodology  of pursuing this perversion which would also align with malevolent entity influence and possessions

Good info Qsc  and excellent subject for a thread

There was a quite superb expose on bbc scotland earlier this weekl by a reporter called Mark Daly ,  hes one of the few journalists today that will go into  the underground of high society and institutions to expose the dirt
He exposed years and years of child assault , abuse, sexual anal forced penetration by lots of senior benedictine monks in the Fort Augustus Abbey in scotland ,  this is seen as the catholic  jewel in the crown centre  in the british isles   and its been riddled and populated with the worst kind of young male child preying creatures from hell posing as religious monks

Mark daly traced one of these filth down,  he was an australian living back in australia ,  what an arrogant so and so,  he would not take any responsibility for his crimes , would not address daly at all, ran away in his luxury car ,  this piece of shit allowed to roanm free in luxury protected by the catholic church which has an even greater fist opn the law down under than it does in the uk

The top cardinal in scotland was recently found to be guilty of these acts but he given a luxury safe house in an island abroad somewhere by the holy see
These filth have been above the law  for too long ,  always being given cover ups when exposed and moved to other countries

There must be some form of high level satanic strain of management in the catholic seniority  for this to be continuing for centuries ,  they must have to satisfy malevolent entities with these horrific acts on young males
There were plenty of 70 plus year old guys breaking down on the program as they told how these monks cuddled up to them  then wham ,  their penis was slammed into the ass over a desk etc

the main strain of communication that came from the victims was how they were paralysed with fear , made completly incommunicado as  these monsters pumped their semen into the young guys asses ,  if the young guy reports the monk,  they are made out to be crazy and get punished because how could a benedictime monk of god ever stoop so low ?

these monks only report direct to herr pope so they have the same level of seniority as  the cardinals virtually

And it certainly seems to be young virginal boys although the age seemed more to be young teens , but maybe becuse that was as young as they could get them there


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 02 Aug 2013, 00:48

The anus...Holy t-I-H-S

The Power of the Anus Ihs_lo10

The penis entering the all seeing eye triangle of the anus...Royal Arch...

The Power of the Anus Triple11


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  tgII Fri 09 Aug 2013, 11:10

re: the anal analysis by Qsc is brilliant

That's what I was referring to in that one thread: re: GCHQ building
from the air looks like a "rectum."

The entire UK government is based on occult magic. Dee was in Prague
and it was there that he was mentored by Rabbi Judah Lowe, who met
with Loew in the 1580s. This is when Dee learned what was taught to
him by Loew called "twighlight language", the idea you can bring
something into existence through language.

    "John Dee was the architect of the British empire itself, conceived as a magical act; 'magical' in the sense that this empire would be powered mainly by illusion, deceit, the double-cross and profound secrecy, [GCHQ] as embodied in the science and art of espionage and religion of esoteric Judaism." --Michael Hoffman, 1989

Creepy shit but debilitating on the enemy if you don't know how to
separate yourself from it.

Michael Hoffman again...

    "It also represents the masonic [infiltrated by occult Judaism] tradition of a secrets-keeping hierarchy who have the cunning to condemn the elitism of enemy [currently Syria] hierarchies, while practicing an even more vicious version of their own, under a masque of benevolence and brotherly love." -- Michael Hoffman, 1989

Want a demonstration of that quote in black and white?

Then watch these two clips and you will see - observe please - precisely
what that quote is suggesting. Just listen to this degenerate velvet-tongued
viper on Syria...

Notice very carefully how Hague and Blair place themselves in a morally
superior position and condemn "enemy hierarchies" (Syria) of the
very same thing they themselves are guilty of...

Here the other one we are all too familiar with on Syria...


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 10 Aug 2013, 09:10

Both the ass-trained hague and the demon blair consistently use the statement "it is Right"  always assuming the moral high ground and audience acknowledgement of their authority of such ,  This is Madness but whos complaining ?  the mases of people havent even reached that stage of self wisdom yet to observe that simple proveable inconsistency of the lowest order .  Blair shouldnt ever be allowed to pump out his bile to pubic consumption unless from the confession chamber of a prison cell in the HAGUE .......Very Happy 

Anyone listening to that programmed nonsensical metronome muppet called David Cameron will often notice that his scripts also include the term  "IT IS RIGHT AND PROPER"   its the sort of morality arresting crap these ass-trained private schooled dummys have drummed into them 24/7  as  they are schooled in the true dynamic brilliance of empire control

Great Quote

Michael Hoffman, 1989 wrote:
"It also represents the masonic [infiltrated by occult Judaism] tradition of a secrets-keeping hierarchy who have the cunning to condemn the elitism of enemy [currently Syria] hierarchies, while practicing an even more vicious version of their own, under a masque of benevolence and brotherly love." --

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 09 Nov 2013, 14:17

I highly recommend reading the article entitled Cain's Paternity and the second link to the many entries on the Open Scroll Blog to get a detailed anal-ysis of the Sodomite Gateway theory...



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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 11 Nov 2013, 23:37

I had this page open this morning about to click on the link when someone arrived at my door, dropping something off for me , the dude came in for a couple seconds at which point i re-realised i could see on my screen , "the power of the anus ' in 26 inch HD, keeping cool, i had to keep this guys head away from facing my screen while i made my excuses for any form of continued comms and ejected him out the door as quick as he entered using subterfuge and plenty BS in such an emergency maneuovre , hehe, would b difficult to explain that one away to a standard conditioned citizen

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 12 Nov 2013, 02:00

its an interesting read ,  this rationalised sexual  interpretation of the adam and eve and serpent seed biblical story ,  and this author has presented a serious case study that sexual energy is central to the mysteries of human behaviour  and destiny , a dark sense of humour too,  a sure sign of active evolved  individualised  intelligence

I'm looking forward to checking out the blogspot posts

excellent thread of revelation and  inquiry developing here on the forbidden fruits qsc  Shocked Very Happy

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 01 Jul 2015, 00:07


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  tgII Wed 01 Jul 2015, 00:24

What's up, Kapitan? Good one. Was in a discussion about this
pedo-anal assault on children the other day and concluded they
have been able to tap into the astral realm.

They obviously have to be involved in something to be so
incredibly cohesive in their attitude and behavior towards

That cohesiveness comes from the astral realm.

    Celtic Rebel, "Use Darker Sheets": "It's anal vampirism – that's exactly what's going on here, okay? And this cult that runs the world, they think they've found the philosopher's stone. They think the philosopher's stone is a young boy's anus, 'cause this is how they can extend their life. Like I said, it sounds crazy to some people, but my work supports it, okay? And what is the method? The method that unravels everything, it's the key. What is the key to immortality? They're telling you that a young boy's anus is the key to extending their life indefinitely. And you know what? This anal vampirism actually works. Proof? You look at somebody like Henry Kissinger; uh… [certain] people that don't age very much.

    So yes, if you want to extend your life, the answer is sticking your penis in the rectum of little boys. And that's why they do it. That's why the Catholic Church has always been about that: basically, extending their miserable lives on this planet. But I learned early on that this is not the way, okay? They think that's the way, but it's not the way, folks, okay? And in case any of you hear this and are morally ambiguous, if you want to advance your life, there's a way – and it's part of the way that Jesus was talking about, you know, to you Christians out there. You can do it; you can accomplish immortality, but that is not the way – that's anal vampirism. When you involve yourself in vampirism, you're stealing from others. When you steal something from others, when you shorten their lives, you are darkening your soul. It will have detrimental effects on your life.

    This sword that you wield to give you such great power over others will destroy your loved ones, will destroy your friends, and it will ultimately destroy you. So it's not the answer. Do you want to extend your miserable life on this planet at a cost to others by draining them of their life energy? "It's the key to extending your miserable existence." How much longer do you want to extend that miserable existence? There is another way.

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 01 Jul 2015, 01:49

"there is another way"    TG  that reply was very inspiring ,  continue if there more , if you get an oppurtune moment

A new term that describes a male that prefers the back door of other males,  courtesy of my older brother =  A BUCK  Very Happy

The Power of the Anus Aleqm5ip4_q6bnd_-cdz-6hmwly350ejvq

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  tgII Wed 01 Jul 2015, 02:26

"...cuz I'm a back door man."


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  tgII Wed 01 Jul 2015, 02:29

    "there is another way"

Well, it's so obvious that it escapes everyone...

    "One day after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity" — after all the scientific and technological achievements — "we shall harness for God the energies of love. And then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." - the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  tgII Wed 01 Jul 2015, 02:35


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The Power of the Anus Empty Re: The Power of the Anus

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 18 Jul 2015, 14:40

Thats quite a link of resource infos there TG, mental health, orphanage, trauma, poverty, warzones, all places for these creatures to prey on the innocent

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