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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male Empty Re: Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

Post  tgII Mon 01 Jul 2013, 00:17

re: gender war and the coming confrontation

I'll be the first to admit, I don't have a clue on how to reconciliate between the
genders, I really don't. But I do know we would be best to start immediately at
finding some amicable reconciliation.

This is a good topic Blackbird, and I come completely genuine on this topic for
very specific personal reasons.

Here is good material to read as adjunct for a better background perhaps so
people can become more familiar with this really sensitive subject. I have had
women belittle me without knowing me, without having any idea of who I am
as a person and how I have treated women prior to them ridiculing me just
because I am a male.

I also know after hours and hours of research and reading all the ancillary
evidence, that a extremely dangerous militant féministes radicales cadre have
penetrated corporate and government institutions to violently overthrow the
current male patriarchy of society.

One thing I would like to point out which hasn't been carefully analyzed correctly,
is to what extent if any does commerce play in all this, in other words, when the
male has become financially independent and powerful how is feminism used to
destroy that financial power of the male?

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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male Empty Re: Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 01 Jul 2013, 02:03

Yes really topical thread , some good points on the bvid and the t link
Its a definite noticeable in the uk, the increasing amount of females in top corp positions and eager to climb high, and the real hard core ones seem to have adapted the classic uk male 70s mindset, of women are there to please men on the occassions the men would require their company , hard drinking women trying to outdo each other in corporate promotion climb, drinking, sexing etc and they talk about guys in the same cheap ass way that many guys talk about fems

power corrupts

but i predict within 30 years , there will be male and female androids available custom designed which will actually solve the male fem problem which always had at its roots, a sexual dominance / seduction equation

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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male Empty Re: Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 07 Jul 2013, 08:47

Thanks for sharing that blackbird.

The reason your brother's ex can do this is because when you get married it is a bond between three things.
Husband, wife...and The State.
It is the presence of The State that allows your brother's ex to receive what she gets and act the way she is acting.
There is no reason for a man to marry in this regard unless he enjoys willingly placing himself in a disadvantageous legal and financial position.
Many women demand marriage only because they want the future legal advantages and continued financial security that comes with it.
Some women desire to have children for this same insurance policy.
The only way he could have avoided this was by not marrying.
But how many gold-digging women will still give up the pootie without...the contract?


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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male Empty Re: Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 23 Nov 2013, 22:49

...all you need to do is to allow these guides to _______ ...
...and that is all she wrote.

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Feminine/woman + Masculine/male Empty Re: Feminine/woman + Masculine/male

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 24 Nov 2013, 02:04

The realization that I'm not even sure what it is to be a woman really bothers me
Who cares,  just be thyself and everything should turn out just better than where you are now,  its amazing how some profound honesty can alter ones destiny and break out of the apparent confinements, there is definetly a powerful energy that can be repressed in people until you meet the appropriate person that it can be communicated with in an enlightening creative manner, ya and discover that life can be stunningly imminent when this is unleashed or activated in relating

footnote - by who cares i mean that who can say with any authority what being a woman really is,  that always comes after the fact and is outdated by the incident , hehe , hope that makes sense,  you are partly responsible for what a woman is defined as,  so take your place in making history, avoid dictated dogmas about shoulds and should nots

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