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Timothy Grass

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Timothy Grass Empty Timothy Grass

Post  Sputnik Thu 25 Apr 2013, 13:24

Hey TG where have you gone? Sad

Hope you are doing alright....

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 26 Apr 2013, 12:45

i need a break from the grind myself soon, but woo i keep in touch with my iphone 5 in da titanium sheath, its true love with this technological work of beauty function / optimisation wise , ya they can keep their androids , been there , came back

How goes it TG , maybe you are enjoying some sunshine somewhere , thats what i need a burst off , was looking for your thoughts on the boston incidents Shocked

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 29 Apr 2013, 18:39

I had recently taken a six week break for the internet entirely.
Nobody here even noticed...sniffle...sniffle.

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 30 Apr 2013, 13:12

there can only ever be 1 quicksilvercrescendo = nuff said

TG mk 11 = upgraded service level of visitation and posting from the previously known TimothyGrass , maybe Tg taking a time out too

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  tgII Wed 01 May 2013, 12:36

I noticed Qsc, really, I did.

Haven't forgotten you guys. This Syrian thing has hit my Obama version of a "red line";
this shit has to stop and Syria is the line.

Have been doing some heavy duty reading of research and policy papers being put
out by Israeli-firsters and Talmudic syanims embedded in these think tanks re: RAND
Corp and the Brookings Institute.

Hope you guys are all well...updates coming.


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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 02 May 2013, 01:15

good stuff Tg, and the qsc time out absence is always noticed

On the subject of health excersise etc qsc, i remember you talking about feet alignment when walking etc
have you seen those new electronic sports exercise / analysis units , like treadmills that have heat reading built in too them so that when someone is on one and running, they give a computer readout of what part of the foot is impacting on the tread at any given step through a heat imprint

Ive got a bluetooth 'light reading" pulse monitor which i can strap on the forearm during exercise to monitor my heartrate - im just indulging myself there as im a technoholic

pretty soon, people will be able to see whts going on in their bodies at every moment of every day through a smartphone app, blood oxygen levels being suppplied to which limbs etc , id love to see a lingham printout under fuull load Very Happy

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  Sputnik Thu 02 May 2013, 09:20


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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  highnoon Thu 02 May 2013, 19:36

if they can monitor every body function one day, there will also be an app that pools all known data of all bodily ratios and information that can create an APROX lifespan countdown based on your current reading

"You have aproximately 8 thousand, 8 hundred and twenty-two days to live. Click this tab to find out where you perform the worst in relation to your peers"


"You are aproximately 1 thousand, 2 hundred and forty one days expired over the mean data for people of your lousy body statistics. You are in the group that is considered "Miracle to still be alive".

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 02 May 2013, 23:40

if it just acted on present data like these darn petrol gauge how many miles till you empty things , if a plebian or even a maverick takes a night out on a drug or drink binge , in the morning , they get a , youve got 6 hours to live message (:

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Timothy Grass Empty All the Best

Post  bedido Tue 13 Aug 2013, 19:14

Timothy Grass Fukushima-Japan-Nuclear-Radiation-Disaster

Fukushima now in state of emergency,
leaking 300 tons of radioactive water
into the ocean daily


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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 15 Aug 2013, 16:55

Where is the environmental groups or the international community on this one?

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 17 Aug 2013, 13:44

All mainstream western news is designed to supply a deepcore belief script into western plebian mindset that will affect all future judgements they make on such issues in a most beneficial prejudiced manner for empire control, all great functioning empires need to keep the family in line

Fukushima has absolutely no further value in western plebian ongoing mindset formations other than its initial ghourish value , however if japan were not a valued and sublimated allie of western empire control, all can be sure that 24/7 coverage of this saga including vast exageration licence agreements would be on our screens without rest Smile 

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  Sputnik Sat 17 Aug 2013, 21:14

I think the problem in Fukushima is real and Japan is helpless to deal with the magnitude.

The big fukken mystery is this. How was the NUCLEAR REACTION at Fukushima triggered? Surely not due to the tsunami-flood or the earthquake..even the meltdown of a reactor would not cause a



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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  tgII Mon 19 Aug 2013, 12:36

re: Peter Sellers

Flames, you did see my posts on who Peter Sellers was I presume?

His movies in the Pink Panther were hysterical. He was a genius in that
regard. This is hilarious:


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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 20 Aug 2013, 02:21

yeah have to agree , sellers is a truly superb portrayer of characters , that scene reminds me of the one where he asks for a message, but dude thinks hes saying massage and points him to a hooker down the street , this type of mis-interpreted french pronounciation was then the mainstay of a highly successful tv series in the uk in the 80s completly inspired by the sellers character
Doctor strangelove is one of the greatest intellectual films of all time
Being there is also so understated in its brilliance , it will take years to get the recognition it deserves just like strangelove

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Timothy Grass Empty Re: Timothy Grass

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